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How was your homeschool day today?


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 "I'm tired."

"My eyes can't see."

"I need a nap."

"What do you mean we covered this in December?"

"When do I get that nap?"

"A whole paragraph? I have to write a whole paragraph?!?!"


All from DS13. DS10 was much craftier - he kept sneaking off to his room to continue his Eragon book, leaving math, language arts, and history half done.

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Pretty good actually. Ds10 got all his work done, then all his chores, then enjoyed some free time on his computer before karate. Our only down today was on the ride home when ds10 couldn't figure out what ds1 was fussing about and was not listening to me about how to handle it and got mad instead. But he managed to pull himself together and not have a meltdown, and we still had a pleasant dinner when we got home. :hurray:

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If you can call what we do these days homeschooling, then it went pretty well.


It was the first day of the new semester at the community college where my son is dual enrolled. He arranged his schedule so that his classes start later in the morning than they did last semester, which allows him to sleep a bit later and still have a couple of good hours to do his FLVS classes and CLEP stuff and college admission/audition tasks before we leave for the campus. So, we're excited to see how this works out.


Today, he got through the necessary FLVS lessons, watched a bunch of CLEP prep videos and worked on the draft of his admission essay for the one school he's applying to that does not take the Common App. He went to the first meeting for his composition class and seems enthusiastic about the teacher and the syllabus.


His choir had a holiday party in place of regular rehearsal today, at which the directors announced an exciting collaboration the kids will be working on this semester with a musician from Egypt.


The one downer was that he felt a little let down by his dance classes this evening. The teachers apparently decided to ease back into things following the break, but my guy was really looking forward to hitting the ground running.


All in all, a pretty good day, though.

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Pretty awful. The kids were very sick over the past few weeks, and dd has used the opportunity to forget everything she's ever learned. And some stuff that I had previously thought was ingrained in all human beings. And to develop a bad attitude. The little ones are still sick enough that they Want me All the Time, which would be great if I had one kid and could just cater to his every whim and maybe catch Judge Judy. Alas, that is not the situation.

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Eh.  Indy wasn't feeling well, so he only did math, studied his Greek flash cards and watched a documentary on Rome.  He also took 2 naps (proof he wasn't feeling well!).  Han Solo wasn't feeling all that great either, and was a bit grumpy and needy, so it's a good thing we didn't do too much.


Here's hoping tomorrow everyone is better!

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We slept very late .. yes, I said "we."   ;)


I only homeschool one child now.  She seemed surprised this afternoon when I noticed her drifting towards her bedroom.  Lol!  Child, you are the only other person in the house.  Do you think I wouldn't notice that you are trying to sneak off and get out of doing school?  This kid kills me sometimes. 


Maybe I need to start learning how to use a lasso.   ;)

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We're we supposed to do school work today? Really?


DH was home from work - that always throws things off.

DS the oldest doesn't start class until next week so he was home today. It's always more fun to play games with him rather than do school work.

DD the older is home visiting until classes next week but she got sick with some as yet unidentified but really nasty something or other that required a doctor's visit only to be told..."I have absolutely NO idea!" So, she's taken over the sofa in the family room so there isn't really space to spread out the books even if someone wanted to do so.

DD the younger has an older friend still home from college and she "NEEDED' to spend time together before she goes back.

DS the younger was not about to crack a book if no one else was studying.


So, yeah, no school work here. (And, I don't think tomorrow will be much better. :closedeyes: )

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Boys did most of the work assigned (wasn't much really, just some reading, math, science)

Spent about 3 hours looking for my son's book, organized some in the process, made a bigger mess in some places

Made a crockpot meal that didn't turn out as the instructions said they would but ate it anyway



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Mine was great, but I also sent 2 today to school so I only had one child.  We made things for our Epiphany party.  It was wonderful.  But the day ended up with a blow up from my adult bipolar son so I feel exhausted today.


:grouphug:  Hope your son gives you a break today.

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Great!!! One million percent better than yesterday. I hired a mothers helper to come twice a week for two hours. She entertains dd3 for two hours, and actually dd5 goes and plays for an hour as well since her seat work is only about an hour. My dd3 us very clingy to me and has NEVER just taken to someone. She inevitably shies away and won't interact with them. But miracle of miracles, she LIKED her, and WENT UPSTAIRS with her for two hours! They painted, played Memory, and sitter dressed her. I'm pretty sure the sitter won the girls over when she told them she owns a horse. :)

*As an aside, many of you read and responded with great advice to my sleep thread about this dd. I've taken many of your suggestions, and the child is SLEEPING! It's like she's a different person. So thank you!!!


Anyway, I got math done with dd8 with NO tears or frustrations, spelling, cursive, writing, and grammar. She also looked up her awana bible questions. Dd5 did math, handwriting, reading, and phonics. She too, liked the sitter a ton, and it was motivation for her to do a good, efficient job with school so she could go make her a rainbow loom bracelet. :)

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This might just qualify as the weirdest hsing day ever.


Littlest dd would not work at all. My mom has been working with her so I can deal with my 8th grader who needs me beside her to work efficiently. But my mom has been pulling her hair out this year with littlest dd's stalling complicated by a rather obvious attention problem. So today we decided my mom shouldn't come over for school anymore, which is very sad because she likes the company. But I need to deal with just littlest dd and not my mom AND littlest dd, IYKWIM.


Eighth grade dd went to bed at 10 last night but keeps falling asleep today. She fell asleep over her math book a few times. It's frustrating. She's had post-viral fatigue issues in the past that were very hard to deal with. Last week she was sick, so I hope this won't be another replay of last year when she was fatigued for months. In her favor, she did start and complete a high school application essay, and the math problems she's finished are correct. But I feel like I'm wading through molasses.


I'm going to have to come up with a new routine that doesn't depend on my mom to make sure they both get their work done. I've been using negative consequences for slacking but I think a good routine and reward system might be better. Right now, older dd has lost her Ipod and littlest is in her bedroom.


(Littlest did read for hours today as she avoided school work. If we were more relaxed schoolers, I'd probably be okay with that. But I'm ME. Oh well.)

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50/50.  Sagg got all his work done in record time. Aries is still grinding away. 

Gem and Taurus are doing what toddlers are meant to do, slowly drive me insane and then take a nap.

Seriously, it's been pretty good. Sagg pulled out his new microscope to study the crystals we grew. Bonus science! 

the garden pond froze for the first time ever. Sagg found an icicle-unheard of in southern Louisiana.

I FINALLY finished printing the last of Aries' Funnix workbook. He is quite excited to start using it. 

We have managed to keep ourselves, the little dog and our new betta fish from freezing with the use of 2space heaters. 

I'm calling it a victory.

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Horrible, thank you for asking.


DS10 - lost his outline beginning for Ancient Greece, blamed me for his losing it, instead of beginning again, he is sitting there playing with his Nerf gun. Still has history to finish and Latin to do.


DS9 - completely uncooperative, hasn't done math or Latin or finished history.


DD 7- refuses to cooperate, has finished her second melt down of the day. " but, I don't understand..." how to get a crayon and color the stinkin' Persian Gulf blue. I have lost my temper with her so much today, but for crying out loud, how many times do I have to say, "get a crayon and color the Persian Gulf blue"? "But I don't understand what to do?" "Get a blue crayon, find the Persian Gulf, it's labeled, color it blue!" It's an obedience thing. She's doesn't have learning disabilities, either.


DD4 - she's been very cooperative, actually.


DD3- throwing a tantrum because she doesn't want to take a nap.


I would just like to leave now! These people are driving me insane!

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hmmm.... terrible but it was entirely my fault.  I didn't start until about noon because I had a headache. Did math with ds last (he needs to do this first thing or else loses focus.)  Gave up on phonics with dd when I realized it was just too late in the day for her to do that kind of work.  We just finished our day at 5pm and didn't even do any reading to them.  The cold has gotten the best of me

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We had a great day actually. The kids did some seat work before breakfast. Singapore math for both. Ds did a phonics lesson in OPGTR. Dd practiced her spelling. They both did a page of HWOT. But then we went to the museum of science. It was so awesome today. We are currently studying the human body at home. At the museum they explored a real sheep's heart and lungs. The man even inflated them using an ambu bag. Dd assembled an ape skeleton with the help of an employee. We all worked together to build a 3d puzzle of the internal organs. We saw a chick hatch. We did several chemical reactions. We saw a 3d movie about the monarch migration ( which is so unbelievable that I can't stand it!). Science is my favorite thing ever, and I love sharing it with the kids. :)

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We had a great day actually. The kids did some seat work before breakfast. Singapore math for both. Ds did a phonics lesson in OPGTR. Dd practiced her spelling. They both did a page of HWOT. But then we went to the museum of science. It was so awesome today. We are currently studying the human body at home. At the museum they explored a real sheep's heart and lungs. The man even inflated them using an ambu bag. Dd assembled an ape skeleton with the help of an employee. We all worked together to build a 3d puzzle of the internal organs. We saw a chick hatch. We did several chemical reactions. We saw a 3d movie about the monarch migration ( which is so unbelievable that I can't stand it!). Science is my favorite thing ever, and I love sharing it with the kids. :)

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