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For Christmas next year . . .


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I am going to find or buy decent-sized boxes, one per kid, and I will wrap them, each differently (or buy five different colors), and then I will give one to each child, in which to put their little stocking stuffers and small things.


I made 9 kinds of cookies this year, which was just perfect. I started early and froze a lot of them, so I didn't have too much to do last week.


Taking off from regular schoolwork the full week before Christmas so that we could do special crafts and books was a great idea!


LOVE having a casual Christmas Day -- no big formal meal. I made a huge pot of chili and had sandwich stuff, cookies, crackers, veggies, fruits, and dips available. Little time in the kitchen for MIL and me, and no pressure on the kids -- they ate a bit and went back to playing.

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What we did that I think we'll do again next year is picking up Chinese take-out!  We were going to cook, but we were all so relaxed no one wanted to do the work involved.  Our favorite take-out was wonderful.

Next year I'm definitely not going to have a busy Christmas Eve though.  I was so tired by the time we made it to church.

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I will give my kids money and drop them off at a mall so they each can buy me a present.  I'm tired of not getting any surprises.  Not even a surprise in my stocking.  My husband has been sick and because he is a last minute shopper, he didn't get me anything either.  My dd wrote a poem for my dh, but me, nothing.  :crying:

I'm so sorry!  My man pulled something almost the equivalent, and he wasn't sick.  I'm taking back his last minute present and buying myself what I really wanted instead that if he could have known about if anyone had asked!!  I got NO presents under the tree, but I made up for it yesterday evening!   :lol:   Hope your day perked up or you can figure out how to rectify it.  And yes, I think taking them to the mall would be an AWESOME idea.   :D


PS.  I was just realizing that to make this work, we need to mark it on our calendars for next year NOW and send it as in invitation to them so it gets on theirs.  :)

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I really like the idea of Chili and sandwiches and finger food for Christmas dinner. I did a roast beef that was good. But I was so worried that I would over cook it, it was bloody rare in the middle! 

I am going to set aside more money this year so that Christmas does not go on the cards again...

I am going to give my dh a list of what I would like...(not 4 candles!)

I am going to buy throughout the year, so that I have some head start going, ( School is going to be a real time suck this year I have to be organized to make it through.) and stuff stashed to just pull out at the right time.

No Lava Cake for dessert!  (too rich)

 If I can save enough money we could go away to the beach for a couple of days.... that would be great...(big dream)

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I really like the idea of Chili and sandwiches and finger food for Christmas dinner. I did a roast beef that was good. But I was so worried that I would over cook it, it was bloody rare in the middle! 

Yum, my DH would have liked that!


The best part about the food is that it was such a big pot (I started with five pounds of ground beef!) of chili and had so much other food that was easy prep, that I won't have to cook much tonight (my mom is bringing dinner, so I just need to make some easy sides), and we will have food to eat all weekend without me needing to do much.  *That* is a Christmas present to myself. :)

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What we did that I think we'll do again next year is picking up Chinese take-out!  We were going to cook, but we were all so relaxed no one wanted to do the work involved.  Our favorite take-out was wonderful.

Next year I'm definitely not going to have a busy Christmas Eve though.  I was so tired by the time we made it to church.


We also do this. We get a ton of Chinese food on Christmas Eve, and then eat left overs on Christmas day. I love not cooking!


Next year I will continue the tradition of asking the kids to list 5 gifts they really want, and then making a real effort to get those things. That has gone over really well.


I will also continue our Advent readings, and I hope to hit more of them (since we will not be having a new baby. ;) )


And, I will remember how crafty my middle daughter is and how much she likes to do things with her hands. The other two kids basically spent the day in front of the TV with new video games, while she completed all of her crafts and lego sets. (In one day!)

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Oh, I will invite my nieces and nephews and my son's friends over for a cookie DECORATING party, not a cookie MAKING party. It's too big of a PITA to try and actually bake the shortbread and gingerbread with them there. I thought they would happily watch a movie while the dough rested and the cookies cooled but I thought wrong. Next year, I will have the dough all chilled and rested when they arrive and they can cut out some cookies and then just dive into decorating ones I prebaked while theirs bake and cool. The older kids can then make drop cookies like Chocolate Chip and PB if they want while some of the adults take the little kids to the playground. I will also stock up on sprinkles and such now when they are on sale.

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What I would love to do next year is to run away to a cabin in the mountains where there is snow and hide out with my DH and kids w/o all the family drama.  DH would be on board I think, but I don't think we would have the money for it.


Things I can change are skipping eating with people and just showing up to visit if I can get DH on board.

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Oh, the things we learned this year...



1. Next year, we travel. People always come to visit us, which, while lovely, is always so much work. Next year, we head to the Midwest. The boy are already excited!

2. I should probably send out Christmas letters/cards. I do enjoy sending them out, but this year was just sucky, I couldn't really figure out how to put the cheerful/hopeful spin that seems to be required for Christmas letters. 

3. I would like the boys to become more involved in *making* Christmas. For some reason, it is impossible for them to set out cookies for Santa, which is ridiculous. It sounds petty, right, but if they want presents, they should be willing to care for the myth that "delivers" them!  

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I will make a photo suitable for cards happen, if I have to browbeat DH into taking a day off work in October to do it.


I will send the two half-siblings who ignore me one of those cards (on time) and nothing else. And not feel bad about it.


I will have no school on Christmas Eve morning.

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Never stop buying and wrapping gifts for myself just because DH gets all defensive and huffy Christmas morning, "I didn't have time! All the things I have to do…." 


Hiding out in the spare room struggling to keep my kids quiet so they didn't disrupt the adult conversation in the living room was easier this year because I packed the iPad! God bless Sonic. I was able to read while they played and we only got shushed a couple times when they scored! Can't forget that one. :)) 





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I will give my kids money and drop them off at a mall so they each can buy me a present.  I'm tired of not getting any surprises.  Not even a surprise in my stocking.  My husband has been sick and because he is a last minute shopper, he didn't get me anything either.  My dd wrote a poem for my dh, but me, nothing.  :crying:



I really like your idea of arranging things so your children will give you a present next year.

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I thought of another one  after reading about gifts.


I'll start nagging my husband the day after Thanksgiving to take my kids shopping for me and to have them see him buy me something.  My son is a bit clueless about gift-giving and I think we are doing a poor job training him on this aspect of relationships.  I do get gifts every year from my husband, and my daughter is very good at getting into a store and avoiding me while she buys me a gift; this year she dragged her brother along and helped him.  But he needs to see DAD do it for HIS WIFE.  KWIM?


I talk to so many women who are hurt by their husband's gift-giving (or lack thereof) and I want to do what I can to keep that from happening to my as-yet-hypothetical DIL.  





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I thought of another one after reading about gifts.


I'll start nagging my husband the day after Thanksgiving to take my kids shopping for me and to have them see him buy me something. My son is a bit clueless about gift-giving and I think we are doing a poor job training him on this aspect of relationships. I do get gifts every year from my husband, and my daughter is very good at getting into a store and avoiding me while she buys me a gift; this year she dragged her brother along and helped him. But he needs to see DAD do it for HIS WIFE. KWIM?


I talk to so many women who are hurt by their husband's gift-giving (or lack thereof) and I want to do what I can to keep that from happening to my as-yet-hypothetical DIL.

I could not agree more! This is why I always advocate for having the kids buy gifts for the parents and each other, even if the parents do not want stuff. It is good practice for the kids and they can enjoy the thrill of nailing the right gift for someone special. Gift-buying is a skill like any other. My husband used to suck at it but has improved tremendously in 17 years of marriage. My kids are all better at it than he is because I started them early.

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Btdt.  Now I  am blunt.  I buy myself stocking stuffers and stick them in a bag.  I hand the bag to dh and say, "I'd really like to get something in my stocking I didn't purchase myself."  It is said nicely and with a smile.  It doesn't matter what is in there, just that it is not bought by me.  Then when I do get something I didn't buy I am over the top thankful.  It worked!  Now I get a little in my stocking and a little more under the tree.



I'm so sorry!  My man pulled something almost the equivalent, and he wasn't sick.  I'm taking back his last minute present and buying myself what I really wanted instead that if he could have known about if anyone had asked!!  I got NO presents under the tree, but I made up for it yesterday evening!   :lol:   Hope your day perked up or you can figure out how to rectify it.  And yes, I think taking them to the mall would be an AWESOME idea.   :D


PS.  I was just realizing that to make this work, we need to mark it on our calendars for next year NOW and send it as in invitation to them so it gets on theirs.   :)





I really like your idea of arranging things so your children will give you a present next year.


So glad to know I'm not alone on this "no surprises" for Christmas.  My dh usually has such a generous heart that I hate to have him do the shopping because he will always spend more than he should.  But with my kids, boy I feel like I did not train them well in the gift giving area.  One more thing to add to the list before they go out into the world.  I guess it would help if we gave them an allowance so they would have money to manage, so we will do that this year too.  As I said in my original message, my dh was sick.  Two days after Christmas I ended up taking him to Emergency.  Crying about no presents got replaced with crying thinking I was going to lose him.  The Lord sure put things into perspective for me.  My dh is still sick, but doing better now.  Here's to a Healthy New Year full of wonderful surprises!


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This year I bought a couple little things for dh to put in my stocking. All we were doing was stockings. I handed them to him and told him that those were to help get him going on filling the stocking and to remind him that he needed to take the kids out. He never did take the kids out. My oldest ds ran across to a different store while I was grocery shopping and bought me some chocolates all on his own (he's a sweet kid), but other than that, the only things I got this year were the chocolate orange and Dante's 'Divine Comedy'. I guess next year I need to buy more than that to hand to him.

I made sure I gushed over the chocolates from my ds a fair amount. I want to encourage that gift giving a little.

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