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Alternative board self?

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I'm not sure about his one. I want to think I come across as a lot more flaky here (mostly due to my spelling and grammar). I also feel very unsure and questioning here. IRL I think I'm a little more opinionated. Usually with ideas and information I get here. :tongue_smilie:


I also have a hard time implementing things that I think will be good and fun for dc. It would not come across here as you really do not know what I actually get done!!!


So it is a mixed bag.

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Yes, I am the same. I love to laugh and have fun and I think that translates here. I am really this nutty IRL, too. So love me or hate me, this is me.:001_smile:


Yup, she is the same lovable, hysterically funny person irl as she is here! It's true! :D

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I think I'm the same. Although it's easier to be more outspoken here, but I try not to say anything here that I wouldn't say to someone's face. ;)


Oh my gosh!!!! :lol: I was scrolling down as I read this and at first I thought it said "but I try not to say anything here that I wouldn't say to someone's back." I was like :001_huh: so then I looked again and now I'm all :lol:!!!!

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I've only met Anj for a wee bit, but she seemed pretty much the same. I'll vouch for her. :D


Yeah, I'm all "blah blah blah" wherever I go!


I think when I met you you were the same as you are here. Well, I mean, I'm not sure that that I expected you to have tattoos going down both arms and all across your back kinda like this:



but otherwise, yeah you were the same! ;)

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I think so, but how you are and how you are perceived can be totally different things. I've always been very curious about how others might see me online, especially without the benefit of tone of voice or facial expressions. The same for others....would I like those online qualities if I were to meet them in real life? With Deb in TX, I was a teensy bit worried that she might be some crazy woman in the woods. Maybe I didn't know the real Deb, ya know? What a relief to get to know her though! She's even cooler than I had imagined she'd be.

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Yeah, I'm all "blah blah blah" wherever I go!


I think when I met you you were the same as you are here. Well, I mean, I'm not sure that that I expected you to have tattoos going down both arms and all across your back kinda like this:



but otherwise, yeah you were the same! ;)


You have a thing for tattooed ladies don't you.... ;)

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You have a thing for tattooed ladies don't you.... ;)


Ya know, I wondered if anyone would pick up on that theme! ;)


Maybe it's because I am trying to subtly tell you all that I have one on my...




ooops(!) gotta go now. Bye!


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It's hard to say. Sometimes I'm very serious and don't have much to say, (I can't think and talk at the same time!) but other times I like to be very immature and goofy.


So I guess so, although I don't get as much chance to be goofy IRL. So you guys get more of that side of me. :tongue_smilie:


I don't usually show my soapbox side here, but it occasionally comes out. Since I don't have to nag you guys to clean your room and do your homework, there are fewer opportunities for it here.


I think I've properly disguised my control-freak tendencies here, but maybe not. I'm a selective control-freak, though, so I appear to be very laid-back IRL. I'm just a control-freak with those closest to me. :)

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I'm more out-going IRL than I am here . . . I'm a bit more introverted on the boards, probably not as confident as I feel IRL.


Sometimes, I want to "pull a Doran" and poke sarcasm at some of the posts, but I don't have the confidence to say what I really think. Sometimes I do, though . . . most times, I LOL, roll my eyes and carry on.


As a group, I think the WTM participants are much more on their game than I am. I can talk the homeschooling talk, but I'm pretty relaxed with my kiddies.


Me in a nut-shell!





This made me chuckle. I'm not sure if it's good or bad that I have the reputation of being a sarcastic ninny around here. :D I guess, for better or worse, I'm pretty much the same in real life. I've tried, over the years, to stop making sacastic remarks that are really just veiled criticisms or put downs. I grew up surrounded by those, and they can really hurt. What that means is that when I'm being a smart mouth, there is no masked judgment in my remarks. I'm just being silly but hopefully not in a way that makes someone else feel bad, kwim? There's always that risk, though, I suppose. :001_unsure:


I think I come across pretty transparently here. I wear my heart on my sleeve, I'm open minded about most things, I can be an utter goof, and I'm not nearly as task oriented as some of you - at least not as regards homeschooling (which is why you never saw me posting about planning and such). Here, as in life, the only thing that doesn't show up as well (I've spent a lifetime figuring out how to hide that part of me), is that I often wrestle with self doubt. If you really "see" my posts, however, you'll note that I am often second guessing a decision. That's something I'm *really* working on for myself. Like, really, dude...I'm just full of issues.


Oh, and I doubt anyone suspects that I wear gold lamee bloomers like James Brown's to bed every night. :lol:

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I think I tend to keep my responses much shorter than you would get in a conversation with me. However, no one wants to read that many pages and I might crash the board. Far easier to keep my quiet by forcing me to type.


Now-if Jessica is about to come out of the closet with some sort of announcement about how she isn't really organized and has a house full of old grocery bags/newspapers, piles of laundry in the corners and books just thrown on the shelves any old way I might cry. I need the inspiration and push to keep going or my kids won't have clean, let alone matching, socks to wear, etc.:laugh:


{Please note that is me laughing at my proposition not at my need of inspiration!}

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Here, as in life, the only thing that doesn't show up as well (I've spent a lifetime figuring out how to hide that part of me), is that I often wrestle with self doubt. If you really "see" my posts, however, you'll note that I am often second guessing a decision. That's something I'm *really* working on for myself. Like, really, dude...I'm just full of issues.


Oh, and I doubt anyone suspects that I wear gold lamee bloomers like James Brown's to bed every night. :lol:


Now, see, I had figured out that about you, maybe because I see so many similarities between you and I. Except gold lame bloomers would make me itch.

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