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Frozen was pretty good


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One of the kids suggested we go see Frozen last night.  Notice that my kids (at home) are 13 and 16!


In case you are like me and didn't know, it's a new Disney Princess movie.  Very loosely base on Snow Queen, from what I've read in reviews now.


Kid Friendly.  Of course the parents die.  But for a new thing, it's not about the romance, it's about sister love.  Very nice twist for Disney.


Oh and short ahead of time is an old Mickey short that they took and changed.  I think.  Walt did Mickey's voice so it's not brand new.


And of course my college student is upset that we didn't call and offer to pick her up.   :glare:   Umm, you were supposed to be studying for your 8 o'clock exam.  So now she is threatening to go see Hobbit without us.  (Yay!  Two movies I don't have to pay for!)



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I took my 2 oldest girlies (6,4). So much fun! We loved the Mickey short. Too cute hearing all the giggling from the little ones in the audience.

The girls enjoyed the movie and the older one keeps telling her little siblings "Some people are worth melting for"...

Can't wait for it to come out on dvd so the whole family can watch it

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My family went to see it the day after Thanksgiving. There were twenty of us...that was interesting! But I absolutely loved it. I have had pretty low expectations lately with kids' movies, but this one was really good. The movie didn't lose my interest and I was really entertained throughout! We don't buy many movies these days, but I'm pretty certain we'll be buying Frozen. I will definitely watch it again.

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I find so many Disney movies inappropriate, meaning teasing, name calling, violence, disrespect, fighting. Please, are these things found in Frozen, or could I take my 6 and 5 yr. olds and not be cringing the whole time in regret?


I'm pretty sensitive to these types of things when I'm watching something with my kids, and there was nothing cringe-worthy in this movie IMO.


There was absolutely no mean teasing (just a little bit of light-hearted, fun teasing), no name calling, and no disrespect. There is some fighting.  The scariest part for little kids would be an abominable snowman type creature that shows up about halfway through the movie, and there's a fighting/chase scene involving that.  But nothing gory or violent, and it's over quickly.  


IMO this is the most family-friendly Disney movie I've seen in a long time. 


Just a note:  I'm not sure if previews are the same at every movie theater, but the scariest part for my kids was actually the preview of the movie Maleficent (a retelling of Sleeping Beauty starring Angelina Jolie - it comes out next year).  It was really creepy/scary.  I covered DD's eyes and ears for that, because it was really freaking her out.  It starts out harmless enough with a young girl running through fields, but it gets dark and ominous after that.  DD talked about how scary it was (the parts she did see) for the next several days. 

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I loved it!! My kids did, too.


I was worrying that we haven't done enough lit analysis this year - and then DD went into a long explanation of how the movie was nothing like Hans Christian Anderson's Snow Queen and all the issues surrounding it. Too funny! Fun movie and confirmation our homeschooling is working - yay!

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Just a note: I'm not sure if previews are the same at every movie theater, but the scariest part for my kids was actually the preview of the movie Maleficent (a retelling of Sleeping Beauty starring Angelina Jolie - it comes out next year). It was really creepy/scary. I covered DD's eyes and ears for that, because it was really freaking her out. It starts out harmless enough with a young girl running through fields, but it gets dark and ominous after that. DD talked about how scary it was (the parts she did see) for the next several days.

Yes, poor choice. Everyone around me was saying that was inappropriate

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My 5 and 7 yr old loved the movie.  I actually talked DH into taking them to see it so Mommy could see Catching Fire. :p

I'll have to catch it on Redbox when it comes on dvd...


My girls are older and had been really wanting to see both, so we did a double feature. I am so glad because we all really loved Frozen (we seriously loved Catching Fire as well)!


We even really enjoyed the singing in this one. Both dds, 11 and 13, have asked to buy it when it comes out on dvd.


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Hmm, well I didn't think this looked very good but perhaps I should rethink it.


I think the previews were kind of inaccurate. I went in thinking that the whole movie was about the snowman. LOL This may well be the most nuanced and surprising Disney film I have ever seen. There were plot twists that I didn't even see coming, which is rare. The last one I saw, but at the very last minute. Very sweet movie. Great for siblings, especially sisters.

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We saw it on Thanksgiving and both kids (3rd grade boy and almost 3 year old girl) loved it! Mom and Dad did too. Kittygirl was leaning over the seat in front of her with her eyes glued to the screen the whole time. I really enjoyed the music, but I love musicals. I loved that, while there was some romance, the thrust of the movie was about love between sisters. Plus, it's loosely set in Norway (I actually heard a few Norwegian words when Elsa was being crowned), and I love anything Scandinavian. We're definitely buying this one when it comes out. Kittygirl, who, of course, has no understanding of DVD release dates, asked for it for Christmas. Maybe we'll go see it again on Christmas.


I fully agree that the Maleficent preview was inappropriate. We walked in about halfway through and just the brief part I saw was pretty creepy.


And the re-worked animated short was amazing!

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Yes, poor choice. Everyone around me was saying that was inappropriate


I'm SO Glad to hear that.


I took DS (6) on Thanksgiving. It was his first movie and I was SO shocked at that preview


I loved the movie.


DS...loved the end.  There was too much tension throughout the ENTIRE movie for him. We walked out once and came back. And I don't think he really enjoyed it overall :( I wasn't expecting the constant tension. I hope he likes it better in the future (The ending DOES seem to have warded off the nightmares I was afraid would happen if we walked out and didn't come back)


Everything at the end happened very quickly and he didn't catch what happened so I had to explain it to him.

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It was the first movie we took our kids to see. The oldest loved every minute and the youngers were scared in parts, but still liked it. They kept singing some of the songs - incorrectly. So we bought the soundtrack. Good news? They sing the songs correctly now. The bad news? They're ALWAYS signing the songs. :)
I liked it, too. We don't do a lot of Disney, but I think Frozen will be making it into our DVD case.
I will say - for those wondering - there is a decently scary part (maybe ours get scared easily?). And we aren't big fans of the song the trolls sing. But I think this movie has more redeeming qualities than other princess movies.

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We're big time Disney fans and I have to say that Frozen is one of Disney's best! The story line, the graphics, the characters, the soundtrack....all fantastic. We saw it opening day and bought the soundtrack right after the movie. I can't attest to the scariness because my kids have never been afraid of movies/TV/rides. Didn't seem very scary though.


My kids are getting a puppy for Christmas and I'm totally leaning towards the name Sven. :)


And....SPOILER ahead........



























I LOVE that true loves kiss didn't cure Anna. I'm glad it was the love of a sister. I didn't see that coming...I thought for sure Kristoff would cure her. I'm glad it shows little girls they don't need the love of a boy to cure everything.

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Just a note:  I'm not sure if previews are the same at every movie theater, but the scariest part for my kids was actually the preview of the movie Maleficent (a retelling of Sleeping Beauty starring Angelina Jolie - it comes out next year).  It was really creepy/scary.  I covered DD's eyes and ears for that, because it was really freaking her out.  It starts out harmless enough with a young girl running through fields, but it gets dark and ominous after that.  DD talked about how scary it was (the parts she did see) for the next several days. 


We got that preview as well.  My comment to 16 yo was "yeah, little kids are going to want to see that."  Totally sarcastic.  That movie looks scary to me!

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We had lots of free movie tickets so took all three kids (3, 5, 7) to see Frozen.  Loved it.   I don't understand the problem with the Maleficient trailer.  The "scary part" was a single line spoken by the title character.  My older two thought it looked interesting.  If anything I figured people would more upset about the amount of violence in the Mickey Mouse bit.  

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