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Great Books and Their Movie Adaptations - Need help, please...


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As part of each of my kids' gifts this year, I'd like to get them a new book and corresponding movie, but I want them both to be excellent - is there such a thing??


Older ds is 16.5 and doesn't like to read, but he may get into a book if he likes the movie.  I was thinking of a Stephen King book and movie - he's at the age where he likes to be scared and won't be kept awake at night by it.  Misery, maybe?


Dd is 14.5 and, in the past, has read a lot, and a wide variety.  She seems to be stuck on re-reading 'younger' books - probably because she's not interested in most of what our library has - teen angst/vampires, etc.  She loved the Hunger Games movies and books, but I think she'd enjoy a classic too - any great movies to go along with those?  She also loves Lord of the Rings and has read all the books multiple times (older ds tried, but didn't even make it through The Hobbit!)


Younger ds is 12.5 and is in the middle - likes to read, but doesn't do it too often.  He reads a lot of fluff, IMO - Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Origami Yoda, etc, but is capable of reading much more (and he'd enjoy it)




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Peter Pan and this Peter Pan movie. Not sure if this would appeal to any of your kids or not. My dd 8 adores Peter Pan in all forms. ;) Some other ideas:

The Secret Garden and the 1993 Secret Garden movie.

Anne of Green Gables and the 1985 Mini series.

Little House on the Prairie and the Disney Movie.

Indian in the Cupboard. The movie was ok not great, but ok.



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I'm not sure how faithful to the books you want the movies to be. Here are some other ideas that might work. Some I have not read the books.

I am David

War Horse

Hunger Games

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

Little Women(I like the 1994 movie.)

The Borrowers(I like the Secret World of Arrietty for a movie adaptation or the old TV mini series.)



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For either of your older two... Cyrano de Bergerac & the modern (well, from the 1980s I think) adaptation Roxanne.



If your oldest wants scary, maybe The Shining? (Of course, I remember that movie being quite scary.)


Maybe (ymmv) for your eldest... Heart of Darkness & the modern adaptation Apocalypse Now (which is set during the Vietnam War).


Your middle might enjoy Robin Hood; my teen dd loves both the book & the movie from a few years ago w/ Russell Crowe (though the movie is more of a prequel to the story of Robin Hood than a retelling of the commonly-known story).



The Golden Compass for your middle?


Harry Potter for your youngest?


What about some of the Robert Downey Jr. versions of Sherlock Holmes for your two oldest kids, along w/ a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories?


ETA: Alice in Wonderland? That's another one dd loves (the Johnny Depp version, of course). ;)

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Where the Red Fern Grows for your youngest? I've only seen the 1974 version of the movie, but I gues they made another one in 2003. Not exactly a happily ever after story, but it's a great book.


Pride and Prejudice with the Colin Firth version for your daughter? I also love Bride and Prejudice which is a Bollywod version.

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As part of each of my kids' gifts this year, I'd like to get them a new book and corresponding movie, but I want them both to be excellent - is there such a thing??


Older ds is 16.5 and doesn't like to read, but he may get into a book if he likes the movie.  I was thinking of a Stephen King book and movie - he's at the age where he likes to be scared and won't be kept awake at night by it.  Misery, maybe?


Dd is 14.5 and, in the past, has read a lot, and a wide variety.  She seems to be stuck on re-reading 'younger' books - probably because she's not interested in most of what our library has - teen angst/vampires, etc.  She loved the Hunger Games movies and books, but I think she'd enjoy a classic too - any great movies to go along with those?  She also loves Lord of the Rings and has read all the books multiple times (older ds tried, but didn't even make it through The Hobbit!)


Younger ds is 12.5 and is in the middle - likes to read, but doesn't do it too often.  He reads a lot of fluff, IMO - Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Origami Yoda, etc, but is capable of reading much more (and he'd enjoy it)




What about Fire Starter?


You can't beat the original "Dracula" for suspense, but most movie adaptations have been pretty pathetic. I guess the classic would be the one with Bela Lugosi, which would be sort of campy now, lol.


Has your dd read "The Secret Garden"? There are multiple movie adaptations.


"The Yearling"--both movie and book are pretty good. Or "To Kill a Mockingbird."


"Lassie Come-Home"--good book, good movie.

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How about some non-fiction?


For your oldest... Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer (one of my fave non-fiction books), plus the Imax movie Everest (which was filmed during the same season & storm as covered in Into Thin Air, but was centered around a different group of climbers).


For your oldest or middle... Maybe a season of Man vs. Wild, plus a copy of Bear Grylls' book? (I haven't read his book -- yet -- but we really enjoy the show.)


Your middle one might enjoy Mireya Mayor's book Pink Boots and a Machete, plus maybe you could find some Nat'l Geo. episodes with her in them.


Your youngest might like a season of MythBusters episodes, plus a copy of one of their books like Don't Try This At Home.

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a little princess and THIS  version of the movie with nigel havers.

if she likes younger girlie stuff, she might also like anne of green gables with megan fellows.  



eta: I second a princess bride. the book is hysterical.  the boys like it and quote from it.

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Thanks everyone.


The Princess Bride is one of our family's favorite movies.  I think dd would enjoy the book, so that may be an extra in her stocking!


DD loved The Secret Garden and A Little Princess - we've seen both movies too, but she would probably enjoy owning them.  Little Women may be the right choice of a movie/book combo for her!


I read Dracula to my youngest a few years ago and he loved it - we watched the Bella Lugosi film and loved that too!  I think Robin Hood may be the way to go with him.  We watched the BBC series a few years ago and he loved it.  I think he will enjoy reading the short stories of Howard Pyle.  I'm not sure which movie version to get though - Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, or the original with Errol Flynn?   Probably the original and then we'll rent the others later.


Older ds would enjoy Apocalypse Now, but the book is probably too 'school-ish' for him :(  I think a lighter read will be a better choice.  I'm leaning towards Misery or Invictus.  Probably Invictus, given the fact that Nelson Mandela passed away. 



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For either of your older two... Cyrano de Bergerac & the modern (well, from the 1980s I think) adaptation Roxanne.




If your oldest wants scary, maybe The Shining? (Of course, I remember that movie being quite scary.)


Maybe (ymmv) for your eldest... Heart of Darkness & the modern adaptation Apocalypse Now (which is set during the Vietnam War).


Your middle might enjoy Robin Hood; my teen dd loves both the book & the movie from a few years ago w/ Russell Crowe (though the movie is more of a prequel to the story of Robin Hood than a retelling of the commonly-known story).




The Golden Compass for your middle?


Harry Potter for your youngest?


What about some of the Robert Downey Jr. versions of Sherlock Holmes for your two oldest kids, along w/ a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories?


ETA: Alice in Wonderland? That's another one dd loves (the Johnny Depp version, of course). ;)

The mention of Johnny Depp made me think of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow movie with Depp and Christina Ricci, because it's a good mystery. So maybe that and the original story for one of the kids.

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The mention of Johnny Depp made me think of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow movie with Depp and Christina Ricci, because it's a good mystery. So maybe that and the original story for one of the kids.


All the kids love Johnny Depp movies, but dd will not watch this.  Either of the boys would love it, I'm sure!  


Thank you.

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I just bought my 13 year old the Eagle of the Ninth trilogy (Rosemary Sutcliff) with The Eagle movie. I haven't seen the movie but its rated PG13. It's historical fiction about a company of Roman soldiers who disappeared after going north from Hadrian's wall. If Ender's Game was out on video, I'd suggest that for this age. The Adventures of Tintin (collected comics and movie). The Invention of Hugo Cabret. City of Ember. Holes


I love the Pride and Prejudice/1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice/Bride and Prejudice (Bollywood) idea for the 14.5 year old, but I'm unsure if all 14 year old girls are ready to be Austenphiles. Jurassic Park. True Grit (older movie if you want more PG, less R but I love the book's main character for a girl this age). Anne of Green Gables series and mini-series. The Hogfather (Terry Pratchett) and BBC 2-part series~very Christmasy too, in a magical way. Neverwhere and BBC series. 


The oldest depends a lot on what kind of movies you want to allow at 16.5 (more R? More PG-13 with more mature themes?). If you want to go the King route, I would recommend his Different Seasons collection. It contains 4 novellas (so each story is shorter than a book but slightly longer than a short story...easy to finish) and some of his best work. As a movie you could give him The Shawshank Redemption (or Stand By Me or Apt Pupil...but I think The Shawshank Redemption is the best). Another horror/thriller choice could be Silence of the Lambs. Apocalyptic: The Road (Cormac McCarthy). Classic: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Science Fiction: Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep?/Blade Runner. 



There's always some version of Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans (old or new or both) too. Kids might find the old movie version of Clash of the Titans pretty hilarious. Effects have come a long way. 



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Older ds is 16.5 and doesn't like to read, but he may get into a book if he likes the movie.  I was thinking of a Stephen King book and movie - he's at the age where he likes to be scared and won't be kept awake at night by it.  Misery, maybe?

I hated misery

How about Ender's Game?

The Stand was a great mini-series

Starship Troopers?

Dean Koontz, Watchers, older movie


Dd is 14.5 and, in the past, has read a lot, and a wide variety.  She seems to be stuck on re-reading 'younger' books - probably because she's not interested in most of what our library has - teen angst/vampires, etc.  She loved the Hunger Games movies and books, but I think she'd enjoy a classic too - any great movies to go along with those?  She also loves Lord of the Rings and has read all the books multiple times (older ds tried, but didn't even make it through The Hobbit!)

Inkheart series? (there is a DS game too)

Anne of Green Gables



Younger ds is 12.5 and is in the middle - likes to read, but doesn't do it too often.  He reads a lot of fluff, IMO - Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Origami Yoda, etc, but is capable of reading much more (and he'd enjoy it)

How about Spiderwick Chronicles?

Percy Jackson series (though the movies were fun, they were NOT true to the books)


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Grr.... earlier today I wrote a long response, thanking everyone and giving our opinions of any suggestions I received that we had already read/seen.


It disappeared, so to sum it up...


Thank you everyone!  I decided on


DS - Invictus, but the Stephen King short stories was a close second!


DD - Little Women, with the 1949 movie


DS - Robin Hood, with the original Errol Flynn movie (we've seen the others)


Many of the other suggestions I have added to the kids' wish lists on Amazon, to remember for birthdays/long trips/Christmas future.


Thanks again!  This is such a wonderful place to come for advice!  I really appreciate it.



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