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I have really terrible posture and I noticed ds is starting to slouch and his shoulders are starting to round in. My shoulders round in a lot and I have upper back pain due to bad posture. I hope I can help him avoid this fate!


Any advice on helping him improve his posture? I'd like to catch this early if possible!  Are there good sports / exercises that would help? Best positions for reading that don't include slouching? Other ideas?

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I imagine your ds is imitating you, too, perhaps unconsciously.  As you gain a more graceful posture, he probably will, too.


Lots of activities encourage having a more open, upright posture -- partially because it helps you breathe better.  Picture someone running a race hunched over, and then picture someone running a race while able to expand their ribcage to breathe.


Martial arts, dance (ballet and Irish Dance are 2 we've done that have a huge emphasis on posture), gymnastics, yoga ... lots of choices in classes offered that teach posture along with other skills.

Piano lessons! I have great posture because of piano lessons growing up. I can still hear my teacher's voice in my head. :-)


Wow, isn't that the truth?  No matter how slouchy I am and how tired, when I sit down at a piano I AM SITTING UP STRAIGHT BUT RELAXED!

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You know how when you were younger you were told to suck in the gut, tuck the rear, and put the shoulders back?  That puts an unnatural strain on your spine, causing pain. Even if you no longer keep your shoulders back, you may still unconsciously do the rest.  Your rear won't look much different, but when you untuck it you may find yourself released from upper back pain and with improved posture, both standing and sitting. This book may help:  http://www.amazon.com/Steps-Pain-Free-Back-Solutions-Shoulder/dp/0979303605/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1384614108&sr=8-1&keywords=eight+steps+to+a+pain+free+back   


ETA:  I just went to the author's website, and she has free online classes and free workshops in some states.  http://gokhalemethod.com/classes-services/free-classes  More in-depth classes are for a fee.

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This will not help your son, but it might help you and other women who have a problem with their Posture. . I have a web site (affiliate) to sell Shapewear (for Men and Women), Bras, Panties, Swimwear, etc. The quote below is from an Email I just received, from the Affiliate Manager. If you are interested in Posture Correcting Bras, Google that phrase and I'm sure you will come up with something.  GL to your Son with the Posture problem! If he is old enough Shapewear for Men is very popular and might help him with his Posture.


"Top Site Categories: Shapewear, Posture Corrector Bras
Top Performing Products: Shapewear for both men and women, Posture Corrector Bra"
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My posture improved, to the point that I was a bit taller, after I'd been belly dancing for several years. Now, I'm guessing you and your son won't pursue belly dancing to solve this problem, but is there another activity that works the core muscles that you guys would be up for? Pilates? Martial arts? I think the key is strengthening and learning to use those core muscles. If your abs are actively working to support your spine, it takes a lot of stress off your back, but it can take some time and effort before this becomes natural.


I've read that cultures where people sit on the floor more often have better posture because you are forced to develop different muscles to hold yourself upright, whereas a couch makes so few muscular demands to keep you up. I don't know how true that is, but it might be worth investigating.


Try touching your toes then using your ab muscles to bring yourself upright. How does that feel? Somewhat normal? Or completely foreign to the point you're not sure how to even engage those muscle groups? Can you expand your lungs in the back? Or does it only seem possible to take deep breaths by expanding your chest or stomach?

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I'm about an inch taller now - thanks to physical therapy.  I went in for a problem with my shoulder and the lead therapist decided to work on my posture as well in hopes that it would help the other problem.  Now my back is great and I stand and sit taller.  No improvement with the shoulder, but well....you cant have everything.


I find lifting weights helps with my slouching - I have to use good form ti keep form hurting myself.  But it took the PT for me to break out of my life-long pattern.

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I imagine your ds is imitating you, too, perhaps unconsciously.  As you gain a more graceful posture, he probably will, too.



I don't believe bad posture is caused by imitation.  I think some skeletal frames are just more prone to being in a slouched position, and you have to work harder to overcome it.  So, I think it's more a genetic tendency, not imitation.


I think I have that tendency.  I have to work harder to stand up straight.  Two of my daughters have that same tendency.  One of them is in ballet and that has helped.  The other has had a really, really tough time with it, even though I used to constantly reminding her to "stand up straight!"  She finally saw a sports physical therapist for a variety of issues, and he was a tremendous help to her.  He taught her exercises to work on strengthening her core, and she works hard at these exercises daily.  She continues to see a physical therapist twice/week, and it continues to help her slowly train her muscles to work to support standing up straight.  Actually, my son had those tendencies slightly too, and he said building up his core muscles mixed with the "Alexander Technique" has helped him tremendously.  They both have very good posture now.  For my daughter it's still a conscious effort, but not nearly as much as it used to be.

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Ballet! My boys are both ballet dancers and people stop them on the streets to compliment their posture. My posture has improved just from being around dancers so much of the time.


Ballet is truly amazing for strengthening the core. The adult beginner classes are full of people needing to strengthen their core muscles. Many tell me it has reversed their back problems.

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I don't believe bad posture is caused by imitation.  

Yes, I agree. My ds has terrible posture. I'm trying to get him to do more yoga-type stretches, etc. It's not easy. You can bring a horse to water, but you can't force him to drink. In the end, it really is up to him. 


Don't know if anyone's mentioned swimming, but that helps also.


I'm off to look at the Katy Says site. 

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  • 2 months later...
Guest bellasimon

I don't believe bad posture is caused by imitation.  I think some skeletal frames are just more prone to being in a slouched position, and you have to work harder to overcome it.  So, I think it's more a genetic tendency, not imitation.


I think I have that tendency.  I have to work harder to stand up straight.  Two of my daughters have that same tendency.  One of them is in ballet and that has helped.  The other has had a really, really tough time with it, even though I used to constantly reminding her to "stand up straight!"  She finally saw a sports physical therapist for a variety of issues, and he was a tremendous help to her.  He taught her exercises to work on strengthening her core, and she works hard at these exercises daily.  She continues to see a physical therapist twice/week, and it continues to help her slowly train her muscles to work to support standing up straight.  Actually, my son had those tendencies slightly too, and he said building up his core muscles mixed with the "Alexander Technique" has helped him tremendously.  They both have very good posture now.  For my daughter it's still a conscious effort, but not nearly as much as it used to be.


 Physical Therapist knows how to treat low back pain very well. Barclay Physical Therapy helps me to get rid of my back pain. They treated my back with heat massage and now I can sit and walk without having any pain.


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I am one of those people who have chronic postural issues.  I worked with a PT some years ago, which was really, really helpful, but not complete.  I just started yesterday with a new PT who is going to help me very specifically fix some bio-mechanical problems underlying my postural issues.  First, we're attacking the trigger points in my upper back so the stretching and strengthening will be effective.  My goal is to function without constant pain in my upper back.

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