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I've been waiting for 4 hours and

Jean in Newcastle

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the Sears repairman still hasn't shown up or called.  I've called and they said any discounts would be up to the technician.  Does that seem right to you?  I really need this machine fixed and don't want to fight with him but it seems ridiculous to me to be held hostage for hours in order to get service that I'm paying an arm and a leg for.  

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I find Sears to be on the lowest end of the totem pole when it comes to customer service.   I would call back and say that the tech has 30 minutes ( your time limit depends on your patience) to be here or I am taking my business somewhere else.  I would find another appliance repair person if it were me. Sears here is known to hardly ever have a part on the truck (it is alway we just ran out of that part/I just used my last one).  


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I've never heard of a company that leaves discount policy up to its servicepeople. :confused1:  Sometimes technicians have the authority to make concessions to appease upset customers, but I've never heard of the policy being completely at the technician's discretion.


Did you have a set appointment time, or was it one of those four-hour window deals?

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I've never heard of a company that leaves discount policy up to its servicepeople. :confused1:  Sometimes technicians have the authority to make concessions to appease upset customers, but I've never heard of the policy being completely at the technician's discretion.


Did you have a set appointment time, or was it one of those four-hour window deals?


When DH first got out of school, he worked for a local residential HVAC company. They had different price books in their vans that they could quote from depending on how they felt about the customer. Exact same services/parts, listed at different prices in different books so that if the person complained about the price, you could show them right there in the book that they were getting charged what it said to charge them.

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DH did service work for years, and I know that sometimes things happen. But I don't think a phone call to let you know he's been delayed is unreasonable. Especially since he knows you called. An ETA would be nice, at least.


I think you would be within your rights to say, "I have been waiting here all afternoon, and you didn't even give me a call to let me know you were running behind. What can you do to make that up to me?"

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That would tick me off.  When I have had to arrange for service people I usually tell them that those windows are too big for me to sit around waiting, that I need to have kids to appts/lessons, animals locked up etc.  Usually the service person calls me and lets me know of basically a 30 minute window.  I would be peeved if I sat for hours and hours with no call and they were past the window I already spent waiting.  Do they honestly think people have nothing better to do than sit around waiting for them? 1/2 a day wasted waiting for someone who you are paying to do a job for crazy fees is so obnoxious as it is, it is plain disrespectful to not even call and apologize for a delay like that.

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The technician has been cancelled.  He called to tell me that he would not come for another 1 1/2 hours.  When I voiced my displeasure, he told me that it was "not his problem".  I am on hold right now with Sears to give them an earful.  


OMG we posted at the same time so I didn't see this before.  Yeah they would be getting an earful for sure, though I am not surprised.  Remember when the glass on my oven door suddenly shattered.  They tried to tell the first couple dozen people that happened to it wasn't their problem until lawyers got involved.  Sears customer service is non-existant, I have refused to shop with them ever since the oven door incident(I didn't buy the stove it came with the house), I refuse to shop for a company that treats its customers so badly.  I wouldn't just call the regular number you had, but I would take right to corporate (not that it seems to do much)

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The technician has been cancelled.  He called to tell me that he would not come for another 1 1/2 hours.  When I voiced my displeasure, he told me that it was "not his problem".  I am on hold right now with Sears to give them an earful.  


Whoa. Yeah, that's beyond unacceptable. If there were ANY alternative companies/options, I would be making a new appointment immediately.


That said, sometimes you just don't have a choice (depending on what you need fixed and how badly you need it). In that case (in any case!) I'd definitely let corporate know. But I'm a weenie, so I'd probably write a letter! Do you use Twitter? I don't, but I've heard of people getting good responses when they've tweeted bad service experiences and tagged the offending company.


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That's probably their first-line customer service department. They might be helpful (depending on what kind of rep you get) but if it's the same number you called before, maybe not.


There's some contact info on their Facebook page; that number is different from the one on their website: https://www.facebook.com/SearsRepair/info.


If all else fails, here's the Senior Management Team for Sears Holding: http://www.searsholdings.com/govern/execs.htm. There's a contact link at the bottom that will get you to an address.


Good luck!

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Sears is the absolute worst. They could be giving away appliances for free and I wouldn't take one.


I waited two weeks for an appointment and the guy never showed. Reschedule and again a no show. I call and they say he is running late. Many many phone calls and hours later, they tell me the guy never showed for work today. What ???!!!

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The technician has been cancelled.  He called to tell me that he would not come for another 1 1/2 hours.  When I voiced my displeasure, he told me that it was "not his problem".  I am on hold right now with Sears to give them an earful.  


I would too. Customer service seems to be a thing of the past. I am observing younger people with this "who cares" attitude and wonder who trained then for the job.

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I'm infuriated for you. That's horrid.


I guess we've been lucky with our Sears repair person. She's usually right on time. She was a little late last time, but she called to say her previous appointment had taken more time than she expected and was it ok with us if she took 20 minutes to eat her lunch before coming to our house. I hope she never retires, because it sounds as if I might not get so fortunate next time.

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I'm infuriated for you. That's horrid.


I guess we've been lucky with our Sears repair person. She's usually right on time. She was a little late last time, but she called to say her previous appointment had taken more time than she expected and was it ok with us if she took 20 minutes to eat her lunch before coming to our house. I hope she never retires, because it sounds as if I might not get so fortunate next time.

I want your Sears repair person!  In the past, this is the kind of service we got from Sears and this is what I expected this time.  I was so disappointed - and mad!

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I would be SO MAD! I hope you can talk to someone at corporate. 


Customer service is alive and well here- I finally found a repair company to work on my 1 year old LG microwave and today was the day they were coming. Our power went out in town today- and he showed up and started working in the dark. Happily, the power is now back on, but the guy was SO NICE about it.  Wish every repair guy was this pleasant!


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I had the same problem years ago when my dryer conked out. They were going to charge $50 just to walk in the door and more to fix the problem. The guy never showed up and I had re-arranged my day to be at home.


My dh was furious and took the matter into his own hands. He was really busy with work but at that point made time to take a look. Turned out the igniter had gone bad. The part cost $10.00 and he fixed it himself.


We have never purchased anything from Sears since. No wonder they always seem to be on the brink of bankruptcy.

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Jean, we had that problem years ago when Sears took our window air conditioner to be repaired in August, and we didn't get it back until December.  Yes, DH and I called them practically every day, to no avail.  Finally, Roger called the president of Sears - he actually got to talk to the guy's administrative assistant.  The a/c was returned to us, repaired, the next day.  Of course, it was no longer hot outside since we lived in Boston!


So that's my advice.  Internet search the president of Sears and call him. 

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I was thinking of getting my lawyer on it.  So hop to it!  


Sorry, the case has not developed enough to put a lawyer on it!  Even a free one!


Now that I'm thinking about it though, I advise you to call the store manager and ask him who to call to get this straightened out.  You need the name of the Big Kahuna, not some supervisor.

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I feel your pain.  Last week, I rushed home like a madwoman to meet a plumber so dh could leave the house with the boys for bball practice.  The plumber had told dh THAT MORNING that he would be there at 3 pm.  At 6 pm, he had not come or called.  Dh called him, and he said he had gotten tied up and would not be there at all that day but would come the next morning.  A phone call would have been nice!

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Ugh.  I am sorry they treated you so poorly, Jean.  I've had my own issues with the Sears repairmen, although thankfully it's been a few years.  First was when my fridge stopped working.  It was only a year old and had the extended warranty, so I called for a repair.  I was told it would be six days before they could get someone out to look at it, and then it would be another week for the part to arrive.  They said that they could authorize a rental and would cover the cost of the rental -- but not until they had someone out to look at it.  I was newly pregnant with baby #3, and telling the hormonal woman that she would be fridge-less for a a week was a bad idea.  I asked to speak to a supervisor, and lo and behold, the supervisor managed to say, "We'll have someone out to your house tomorrow."  Yes, that's a good plan. 


When the guy arrived, it turned out to be a very simple repair; I had not realized that our particular fridge would shut itself down if there was some sort of short or something, as our old fridge hadn't done that.  (We hadn't had a big storm or anything, so I don't know what happened.)  All the guy had to do was unplug it, wait five or ten minutes, and plug it back in.  I'm quite surprised they didn't advise me to do that, over the phone.  However, I live in an old farmhouse on a country lot, and when the guy pulled into my yard to turn his truck around, it got STUCK in the early spring mud.  Yep, stuck in my yard.  He couldn't get it out and had to get a tow.  10 minutes for the repair job, an hour to wait for the tow.  I'm pretty sure that counts as a bad day at work.

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Feeling your pain here.  I will never buy another Sears appliance ever.  They charge an arm and a leg to come out and then they don't fix things properly.  And if you have two different appliances they are only trained on one so you have to pay another sixty dollars so the technician trained on the other can come and look.  I found a local guy who comes out the same day and has managed to fix what Sears technicians don't seem to be able too.  He is semi retired and I don't know what I am going to do when he completely gives up working.

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Jean, you need some of my mojo.  I never have a problem with Sears repairmen showing up and doing a good job. (Recall that Sears had our a/c, so that's not a show up and work problem).


What are you willing to pay for this extra special, called the Red Sox games right from September through the World Series, mojo?


I will give you a 15% discount, based on our long friendship!

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It is so sad that Sears has deteriorated to badly. In college my hubby worked for the local Sears repair center as tech and delivery driver. I can tell you they were good, fast and almost always had the part in stock. They worked on appliances, tractors and had a separate vacuum shop.


Sears has really gone down hill since K-mart bought them. They no longer have in house repair techs. They are all independent contractors with very little incentive to give good customer service.


I hope that you get your issue resolved Jean. 

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