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The last of the local kids go back to school today


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Take pictures and do something special. Even though we go somewhat year-round, we do get a new outfit (the last two years, it's been frog-themed PJs), make a banner/sign for the classroom door, take her picture and bring out the new books/school supplies. And yes, I post on FB :).

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Do you keep a binder or something of the work from the year? Start it with a picture.


Also,I don't know how old your child(ren) are, but how about doing something special like a reading tree? You put a tree trunk on the wall. Make it several sheets of paper big. For every book they read, write the title on a leaf and tape it to the tree. My kids loved doing that. It was something I saw in an elementary school classroom.

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For many years we did a not-back-to-school breakfast... we met with a few families for a big pancake breakfast at a local place, and we blew off school for the day. :) Everyone looked forward to it and we did it for many years.


This year we are reviving the tradition tomorrow at a park (even though our kids are old and can't really skip school and work entirely tomorrow); we're at least taking the morning off and having coffee and bagels with a bunch of great teens and their moms. Some of us have just sent kiddos off to college. (!)

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I was feeling that last week and the week before when all the kids started heading to school. I have a Kindergartener, so all my mommy friends are posting first day of school ever pictures. I was a little sad about it at first. Then after the first couple of days, the same mommy friends started posting complaints about school. K'ers with over 45 min of homework a night. Teachers using the stoplight system of discipline and brand new students coming home with red lights and a note from the teacher because they didn't understand about sitting quietly all day yet. K'ers with no outside recess and 20 min of PE a few days a week. IEPs for older kids being ignored. Bullying already. Then I started feeling better about not having cute "walking to the bus on the first day of school" pictures to post. :-)

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Our first day of school usually includes a new set of PJ's for all.  We play a song and have a dance party before we start school that first day.  Our first day is next week.


When the PS kids go back- we go the library and celebrate.  We avoid the library all summer because there are SO MANY people there, and so few books on the shelves.  PS started this morning, so we'll be hitting up the library this week and enjoying every minute.

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I'll share a "magical" story. I took my kids to an orchestra concert. We went with a very small group of homeschoolers (we basically formed the small group for a group discount on tickets, but had never otherwise met before). It was predominantly public school children at the concert. After we had planned to go together to a bakery that was across the street. So the concert let out and we headed over there. The mobs of children were lined up on the side walk in front of the bakery waiting for their bus back to school. Some had their faces pressed up on the bakery window oogling over the goodies on the display. Our little group walked past and went inside to eat some goodies. I felt kinda guilty. My kids thought it was pretty darn magical though (and they realized how darn good they have it).

My kids had finished up school and were helping their grandfather outside the church. The children from the PS next door had their faces pressed against the chain link fence, shouting questions to my kids. FIL said it was like talking to prisoners in the prison yard.

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Hmm. This morning, after viewing countless back to school  posts and pictures,  I posted on facebook, "I can't believe it is our 15th day of school!" ;)


Then: "Sorry no pictures."


Then: "My kids are still in the clothes they slept in."


Then: " We ate ice cream before lunch."


Then: "Don't worry, I made ____ do his biology before he could have ice cream."


I cracked myself up. No one else seemed to appreciate my posts. The crickets were chirping. Oh well.

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I don't even remember my very first day of school.  Either something is wrong with my memory (possible) or it wasn't all that magical (more likely).


I remember mine because I was shocked at some of the kids crying as their moms left. I had been in preschool and preK so going to school was no big deal for me at that time. The only other thing I remember from Kindergarten was riding the bus. The driver had the girls sit on one side and the boys on the other. If we got caught talking, we had to sit with the opposite gender. I was the crying child the day I got moved to the boys side. Yeah, no magic really.

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Just got back from the grocery store. I saw a mom and two school-aged kids apparently getting ready for school's opening tomorrow. They were listlessly tossing packages of Lunchables and squeezy yogurt into the cart. Nobody was smiling. The kids looked like they were preparing to go to the gallows. The mom was looking at a piece of paper and muttering, "You eat lunch at 10:45 in the morning? Quarter to eleven? Really?"


Some magic.

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Today was my kids' first full day of school (we started doing math/writing two weeks ago).  It was great!  They were done before lunch, and after lunch they looked up drawing tuts on youtube, read about how the government works, and did a made up science exp.  All of it on their own accord, no prompting from me.  Now to me, *that's* magical!  I love seeing how they learn all the time.  To them it's a life style and they DON'T hate it :).

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My magic first day of school? The teacher didn't understand a word I was saying and had not been informed by the school that I had a severe speech impairment. I was his first student ever and he thought he was out of his mind and had no business being there, seeing as he couldn't understand a perfectly nice looking 5 year old girl with pigtails. He was baffled until some of the other kids showed up. This was pretty confusing for me too and of course since the teaher didn't understand me, the other kids didn't either. Then I got put on the wrong bus route somehow and went all the way back to the school bus depot. I didn't get home until pretty late.


I like not back to school day. Sounds fun. And little risk of being put on the wrong bus.

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Thanks for the support.


We went to the library today and on the way past our elementary school (has been in session for a couple weeks- private schools started today) I saw a kooky looking man crouching behind the school sign. With a backpack and hoody on (90 degrees today)... He was very suspicious looking so I called the non-emergency police and they said they were going to report it and try to send an officer out. I hope it was nothing, but a good reminder that I'm doing this for a reason. To keep my kids safe, spend more time with them an give them an excellent education.


My kids LOVE homeschooling. They love being free to play at noon if they hurry up with their school work. They love being able to do their schoolwork standing up, running around the house, on the trampoline, in their treehouse, or at the park.


We'll do something special for our first day. We have to finish up last year first!

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Make a reading castle (sort of like a reading-tree, but instead of leaves, you write the books on index cards and post them up to look like a castle wall. Every 100th book warrants a tower or something), have a special picnic brunch in the middle of the day when everyone else is at school, have an impromptu dance party, take pictures of your kids holding up a print out of "My First Day of ___ Grade" all dressed up (or not!) Go and visit grandparents, go and visit an old peoples home or a veterans hospitale with oyur children where your children will be doted on and their very presence will bring joy and energy to others. Take them get an ice-cream, go to the library and read 5 books together.


I would spend the first week of "Back to School" doing non-traditional school stuff, maybe find some way to volunteer as a family, have a picnic-brunch at the nicest park around, take pictures, send the grandparents a video post-card, Go to a museum, etc...


Everyday is magical if we'd only take the time to see it for ourselves!

Big hugs to you this school year! You can do it mama!!!

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