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Is it bad form...


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To fall asleep in the library?


I'm an hour from home waiting for dd to finish dance workshop for the day. I decided to go tot he library to study. That is about impossible with the man in the same room as I am clicking away on the keyboard. So I moved to a comfy chair to do some reading. With the exception the the elderly gentleman across from me grunting periodically it is quiet.


I have two hours to wait before picking up dd. the longer I sit here the sleepier I get. I thought maybe I'd wake up if I checked in with the hive, but I can barely hold my eyes open.



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oh, I've got this one . . .

Set the phone to vibrate, set the alarm to the time you need to wake p.


Place the phone in your lap and place a book (open and right side up ) in your lap on top of the book.


Rest your elbow on the arm of the chair and the side of your head in your (same) hand, point your nose in the general direction of the book. . . And rest your sleepy eyes.


And THAT is proper library sleeping form.


Not that I would know.

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oh, I've got this one . . .

Set the phone to vibrate, set the alarm to the time you need to wake p.


Place the phone in your lap and place a book (open and right side up ) in your lap on top of the book.


Rest your elbow on the arm of the chair and the side of your head in your (same) hand, point your nose in the general direction of the book. . . And rest your sleepy eyes.


And THAT is proper library sleeping form.


Not that I would know.

What does AMDG mean? I've been wondering this.  I googled, but I want to make sure.


OP, I think it is just fine to lay your little head down on a table and take a nice nap.

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I got a 20 minute power nap. I'm glad someone dropped something. I would have kept on sleeping. I feel better for it. I won't worry about falling asleep driving home on the highway. I have to go get something to drink. Off to hunt for a coffee shop.

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I love naps at the library :)


Our children's area has big comfy chairs so I'm most often found there - my sleeptime snorts are masked by the kids' voices and play, and I sleep best with some white noise. It's pretty much win-win LOL.


Hope you had a good nap, Parrothead!

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I'm not ashamed to look like I'm taking a quick catnap at the library.  I find it much less disturbing to cross my arms and put my head down on an open book on a table top than to have my head bobbing or my mouth lolling open, or worst yet, snoring or snorting (!) like I've seen other ppl do, if their head is tilted back.


I would also set the alarm on my phone so I don't sleep through a child's pick up time.


There have been times in my life when I've been so exhausted that I might accidentally sleep through something important. 


If a library has a carrel, all the better.  : )

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Not at all.


When I worked at the library, we had regular patrons who came in EVERY day (when the library was open). They would chat with each other for a bit, read the newspaper, check their stocks, and sleep. They were generally older and retired, and reminded me of cats napping in patches of sun. They didn't want to spend the days at home alone, so they came to the library. Why not?


In an effort to be environmentally proactive, our library had a lot of windows and black pillars for "passive heat" collection, which made the air conditioners work double time. ;) It always was about 85 degrees in there. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Sleep away, just don't disturb anybody or eat around books. Better to sleep in the library than talk on your cell phone. Ahem.

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I find it much less disturbing to cross my arms and put my head down on an open book on a table top than to have my head bobbing or my mouth lolling open, or worst yet, snoring or snorting (!) like I've seen other ppl do, if their head is tilted back.


:leaving:  :lol: That'd be me you've seen.  And heard LOL. Sorry!!


Better to sleep in the library than talk on your cell phone. Ahem.


Okay, thank you for saying that.  I find this annoying.  A quick answer is one thing, but full lengthy converations are really annoying, especially when the person uses that amplified Cell Phone Voice as though the person on the other end is deaf or nearly so.  That'd be my best friend LOL.

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I wouldn't be able to fall asleep in the library. I would be concerned that when I woke up, all of my stuff would be gone. I mean, I'm sure the library isn't exactly a magnet for criminals and thieves, but I'm not trusting enough to just leave my stuff next to me and fall asleep.

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I wouldn't be able to fall asleep in the library. I would be concerned that when I woke up, all of my stuff would be gone. I mean, I'm sure the library isn't exactly a magnet for criminals and thieves, but I'm not trusting enough to just leave my stuff next to me and fall asleep.

I would never sleep in a public place.


Someone could take your things, like you said. Also, it seems...gauche?

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Well, I'm home now. I can only hope the noise that woke me wasn't coming from my own mouth.


I hear there is a public pool in that area. Maybe a quick dip instead of the library is in order tomorrow.


I strongly advise AGAINST napping in the pool.  :lol:

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I've done it. when my third baby was small I'd hang out in the childrens room,nursing and reading. occasionally we'd fall asleep.

but I'm not sure I would have in the main part of the library. for some reason the childrens room seems ok, maybe because its less formal and noisy and full of kids with their moms who can likely relate to sleep deprivation.

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When I was pregnant and in law school I was routinely sleeping in the library!!  They had these lovely bean bag chairs that were right by the window in the (rare) Oregon sun.  I think those were some of the best naps I ever had in my life...now you have gone and made me nostalgic!

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I've been kicked out of more than one library for falling asleep. In one they marched me out and made me leave my book. 


I'm sorry for laughing! I can't imagine kicking someone OUT for sleeping!  I would say something gently, and if you didn't wake up, I'd speak more loudly until you did.  Usually we only notice sleeping people if they are snoring loudly.


About your experience--yikes! You poor thing!

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The security folks regularly come around and wake up the sleepers.  Especially in the winter here, the library is full of homeless people.  Everyone is welcome to use the library, but not to sleep there.


So Sorry - your nap would have been interrupted here!

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I remember once being at a library and being sooooo very tired but I had time to kill while my daughter was in class and so I went there. But had a horrible several days and no sleep at all and I just wanted to lay my head down for just an hour. Sadly, it was the downtown library and strict no sleeping policy (also re:homeless) and the security guard was less than friendly about it. Oh I was so tired but it was summer and too hot to just sleep in my car.

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