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Help me stay in denial re:dairy consumption & IBS


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Give me all the reasons the following is not related to dairy so I can continue having it happily.

Background: I have had IBS symptoms for most of my life.  I underwent some testing as a teen(xray with barium swallow etc) but refused to have a barium enema or colonoscopy done, testing was being done to rule out crohn's/colitis as my nana had and a cousin has this.  Dr said they couldn't rule it out without the testing I was refusing, but given my symptoms he was more inclined to think it was IBS instead anyway. Also, we discovered that one of the main triggers for ds9s encopresis, and dd5s constipation was dairy, and dd13 had a bad allergy to it as a baby but can now have it as long as she doesn't over do it.

So the current situation.  I have been having a major major flare of IBS symptoms, it is not fun at all.  The biggest thing I have realized is that they have been the same day I have consumed dairy.  I had not consumed it in a while, with 2 kids off dairy, 1 who only can handle small amounts and just th general price of it I have not been buying cheese, yogurt, sour cream etc.  I was only buying 2L cartons of milk but ds14 was inhaling them, and dd having a bit before I ever had any.  The only dairy I have been having up until a few days ago was the splash of creamer in my coffee.  I usually had to run for the washroom about 20 minutes after my morning coffee, but I assumed it was the caffiene triggering the need (and it likely was, caffiene is horrible for IBS but great for waking up).  Anyway recently I have been craving milk and since it is just ds and I home I have been able to get a few glasses from each carton.

I noticed that the days I drank milk I spent several hours needing to run for the bathroom.  And tonight same issue when I had some ice cream, I very very rarely have any, I have never been a big fan.  But tonight I had an ice cream sandwich and within 20-30 minutes I had IBS symptoms.

I am starting to think the dairy consumption is tied to the symptoms but would rather remain in denial.  I am not eating/drinking huge amounts of it like I did when I was younger, but I do go through cravings for a cold glass of milk, or for a grilled cheese sandwich, or cheddar scalloped potatoes, or an ice cream etc.  I don't want to give up all dairy like my 2 youngest had to, but the level of symptoms I have been having are something I want to avoid going through again. 

So give me every explaination of what is triggering the IBS symptoms other than the dairy.  Help me stay in denial please.

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It sounds like Lactose Intolerance to me.


If I were you, I would test out organic yogurt and some of the aged cheeses (Cheddar, Parmesan, etc.). I have LI but I can eat those without any trouble. The reason being, the live cultures in yogurt eat the lactose, which is a sugar. Same goes for aged cheese. The more aged, the less lactose.

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Ugh! This is not helping me stay in denial...I have tried my kids almond milk, it is disgusting, not sure how they think it is great.  Although they like soy cheese and yogurt too and just the smell of those makes me want to yak.  I will have to try the aged cheese and see.  I don't eat yogurt, never liked it even as a baby so can't test with that.  I can't get a cow, town bylaw won't even allow backyard chickens, though I would love to see the look on the bylaw officers face when they see a backyard cow lol.  Man, no fair.  so the choices are accept the symptoms and plan for them if I must consume dairy, or stay away from it, bah humbug, I don't wanna.  Funny I have no problem making dietary changes to keep the kids healthy, but for myself it is way harder. 


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Dairy can be a big factor, but some people can tolerate cheese (the proteins are broken down by enzymes) and not fluid milk. I love almond milk, good for coffee, too. You may want to switch that to decaf as caffeine is a stimulant! Maybe just do a trial of no dairy, then add in just cheese occasionally if you really like it. I think I could live without most dairy if I could just have the cheese (pizza.....) Also, sugar is a huge aggravator of IBS. I thought I could never live without sweets, but I actually find that I don't desire them like I use to, and don't enjoy them as much when I have something. It's just the withdrawal that stinks.


Here is an article from a nutritionist that explains a lot, and what you can do about it. http://karenhurd.com/pages/healthtopics/specifichealthconcerns/ht-shc-inflammatoryboweldisease.html   She has a lot of good articles actually, if you have time to read them.


Alternative medicine has answers that conventional medicine does not (usually) have. I know a girl (12) that was in the hospital because her colitis was so bad and nobody knew what they could do for her. Her mother saw this lady and they follow her diet and she has been doing so well (it's been 6-7 years.) She can't tolerate any sweets (even honey) but she does eat some fruit. She eats cheese and has goat's milk instead of cow's. HTH!

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My doctor thought my IBS was dairy related, but in my case it turned out to be grains.


I've heard from others who said they thought they were lactose intolerant, but once they gave up grains then they found that they could tolerate dairy.


So, it might be worth an experiment?

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I will say though that I've recently discovered that my IBS is triggered by nightshades.  Then I discovered that they thicken skim milk with potato starch (a nightshade)!  


that is interesting to find out.  It is skim milk I have been drinking.  Something more to check out.  That would suck if it was that because I have been following your progress cutting those out and it seems hard.


I will not be switching to decaf coffee though, even though it is a stimulant and can make IBS worse I need it to function.  My adrenals are still healing and without the coffee I can't function properly(nothing like having trouble staying awake when you have to drive highways everyday, without the coffee I am a danger on the road and can't get through the day without extreme pain by the end from the sheer force of trying to get through.  The coffee is a must, and I hope I don't have to give up my favorite flavoured creamer, but I would rather give up dairy than the coffee itself.


Doing a trial of no dairy would be easy.  Other than my creamer I was off of dairy for almost 3 months.  Then these last few days had milk and ice cream and have had so much gas, and pain and enough bloat that buttoning my pants is painful not to mention the TMI nonsense of having to run for the bathroom.  The pain last night woke me up several times in the night (had a glass of milk and a sandwich for a bedtime snack)

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Ugh! This is not helping me stay in denial...I have tried my kids almond milk, it is disgusting, not sure how they think it is great. Although they like soy cheese and yogurt too and just the smell of those makes me want to yak. I will have to try the aged cheese and see. I don't eat yogurt, never liked it even as a baby so can't test with that. I can't get a cow, town bylaw won't even allow backyard chickens, though I would love to see the look on the bylaw officers face when they see a backyard cow lol. Man, no fair. so the choices are accept the symptoms and plan for them if I must consume dairy, or stay away from it, bah humbug, I don't wanna. Funny I have no problem making dietary changes to keep the kids healthy, but for myself it is way harder.

Hey, you can't have dairy, I can't have sugar. We can get aboard the whine bus together.

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Let's see, you don't like almond milk. No problem, there's also hemp milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, flax milk, almond + soy milk, coconut + almond milk, and probably a few others I've missed. Within each sort there is also a number of different brands and each one tastes slightly different so just because you don't like almond milk from one brand doesn't necessarily mean you'll dislike it from all brands. And yes, you can always make your own.


My kids like 8th Continent Light Chocolate Soymilk, but I prefer the Light Chocolate from Silk. I also really like Silk's Unsweetened Organic Soymilk which seems creamy. So Delicious also makes a wonderful unsweetened coconut milk, but my kids hated it and the chocolate one. I also disliked the flax milk, but again, YMMV.


I know you want to stay in denial, but count me among those that says it's probably the milk. You basically did a dairy trial and got a reaction when you added it back in. Yes, it could be another confounding issue, but you'll never find out if that's the case if you keep consuming the dairy. Could you possibly be able to add it back in some quantity somewhere down the road? It's certainly possible.


...but not if you keep drinking it. Back slowly away from the dairy. You can do it! ;)

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Ugh! This is not helping me stay in denial...I have tried my kids almond milk, it is disgusting, not sure how they think it is great.  Although they like soy cheese and yogurt too and just the smell of those makes me want to yak.  I will have to try the aged cheese and see.  I don't eat yogurt, never liked it even as a baby so can't test with that.  I can't get a cow, town bylaw won't even allow backyard chickens, though I would love to see the look on the bylaw officers face when they see a backyard cow lol.  Man, no fair.  so the choices are accept the symptoms and plan for them if I must consume dairy, or stay away from it, bah humbug, I don't wanna.  Funny I have no problem making dietary changes to keep the kids healthy, but for myself it is way harder. 


Can you buy a share in a cow or buy raw milk? I know a few people who couldn't have a cow either, but can get access to raw milk. It's so delicious. Maybe you can have a sample of it to make sure you don't get any symptoms from it.

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Why don't you try taking some Lactaid pills while eating dairy and see how you feel? I've had these issues before ( have now cut out dairy completely) and Lactaid pills saved the day for me, when I was younger and had a really hard time not eating pizza or sweets. I have lactose intolerance though, with IBS, so I'm not sure that the pills will help you but I guess it's worth a shot if you really want to have the occasional dairy.

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I was going to suggested the Lactaid pills, too, because it may not be a true allergy, just lactose intolerance. I have to second, though, that caffeine is very bad for your adrenals. It would be wise to slowly (don't do it abruptly!!!) back down on the caffeine. My dh said he could never live without caffeine but he was drinking soooooo much. He got food poisoning and was unable to drink any caffeine because he was scared of it making him run to the bathroom (this was for 4 days!) and by the end of the 4 days he was weaned from caffeine and decided just to go without it to see how he'd feel. Now he hardly drinks it and says he hasn't felt this great in years.

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Yep, it happens to me too. I am not officially allergic to it according to testing, but it does affect me if I eat too much. Soy is a bigger issue for me, and I am allergic to that. It is in everything, so check that out if dairy does not totally explain the issue.

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It took me awhile to figure it out (and it was not fun!) but I finally figured out that I am Lactose Intolerant.    If that's your problem, you can always take a lactaid pill sometimes.   For me, they work.    Also, hard cheeses and yogurt I can tolerate okay.   What is absolutely the worst for me is skim milk!   I have been told, that for true lactose intolerance skim milk is the worst.  1% is a little easier to tolerate, and so on.   Also, having milk WITH something else helps too.   As in, a glass of skim milk alone will be a nightmare, but if you were to have just enough whole milk on cereal you might be able to tolerate it.  Good luck figuring it out, I know it took me a lot of trial and error.  

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Give me all the reasons the following is not related to dairy so I can continue having it happily.


Background: I have had IBS symptoms for most of my life.  I underwent some testing as a teen(xray with barium swallow etc) but refused to have a barium enema or colonoscopy done, testing was being done to rule out crohn's/colitis as my nana had and a cousin has this.  Dr said they couldn't rule it out without the testing I was refusing, but given my symptoms he was more inclined to think it was IBS instead anyway. Also, we discovered that one of the main triggers for ds9s encopresis, and dd5s constipation was dairy, and dd13 had a bad allergy to it as a baby but can now have it as long as she doesn't over do it.


So the current situation.  I have been having a major major flare of IBS symptoms, it is not fun at all.  The biggest thing I have realized is that they have been the same day I have consumed dairy.  I had not consumed it in a while, with 2 kids off dairy, 1 who only can handle small amounts and just th general price of it I have not been buying cheese, yogurt, sour cream etc.  I was only buying 2L cartons of milk but ds14 was inhaling them, and dd having a bit before I ever had any.  The only dairy I have been having up until a few days ago was the splash of creamer in my coffee.  I usually had to run for the washroom about 20 minutes after my morning coffee, but I assumed it was the caffiene triggering the need (and it likely was, caffiene is horrible for IBS but great for waking up).  Anyway recently I have been craving milk and since it is just ds and I home I have been able to get a few glasses from each carton.


I noticed that the days I drank milk I spent several hours needing to run for the bathroom.  And tonight same issue when I had some ice cream, I very very rarely have any, I have never been a big fan.  But tonight I had an ice cream sandwich and within 20-30 minutes I had IBS symptoms.


I am starting to think the dairy consumption is tied to the symptoms but would rather remain in denial.  I am not eating/drinking huge amounts of it like I did when I was younger, but I do go through cravings for a cold glass of milk, or for a grilled cheese sandwich, or cheddar scalloped potatoes, or an ice cream etc.  I don't want to give up all dairy like my 2 youngest had to, but the level of symptoms I have been having are something I want to avoid going through again. 


So give me every explaination of what is triggering the IBS symptoms other than the dairy.  Help me stay in denial please.


I'm sorry, but it seems like it would be worth giving up dairy not to have that major problem,  Try some dairy substitutes like almond milk.  You can even get substitutes for cheese, ice cream, almost everything at a health food store.

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My cow free kids eat a sliced goat cheese from TJs called "Dutch cheese" that is good for grilled cheese sandwiches. They also have a shredded soy blend that is good there. We recently found a goat Brie at WF that is very mild. The kids like soy yogurt. I love coconut yogurt and coconut ice cream. Amy's soy pizza is ok when you want pizza. There are options!

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