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Packers (movers) are coming tomorrow and I'm freaking out. Talk me down!

Mom in High Heels

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You would think after all the moves we've done over the course of James Bond's career (including 5-soon to be 6-TransAtlantic moves), I'd be calm and prepared, but I'm so not.  I look around at all our STUFF and it freaks me out.  We have to set aside all the stuff we don't want to go in our main shipment, as we will have a second, smaller shipment right before we actually leave country (the middle of next month), and it's making me crazy.  What do NEED to keep?  I actually have this down pretty well, but actually setting it aside is a PITA.  You wouldn't believe the stuff we've gotten rid of.  I've sold about half our furniture to other hs moms.  Seriously.  I sold our entertainment center (which is gorgeous, but JB hates it, so I'm willing to let it go), some of our Expedit bookshelves and the desk attachment (I know, sacrilege!), and our love seat, several end tables and have given away loads of books, maps, and school supplies that I just don't need.  Still, there's just so much left.  The thing is, I'm not even packing it, but it's just making me crazy.  TALK ME DOWN!!!!!  I hate moving.

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Ugh! I can't imagine. We moved 10 minutes away and that was stressful enough. Deep breath. As you said, you have done this before, you know what you are doing (heck, you are practically an expert!) and it won't be long until you are on the other side of it. Inhale, exhale:) 

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It is SOOO hard!


I feel for you as I am just moving back from Japan with 12 suitcases and assorted carryons. But a year ago, I did just what you are doing and I did freak out -- the movers took clothing that I needed, books I needed all because I didn't set them aside enough! get something to help calm you and soldier on, sister-in-moving.


Yael of the 13 moves (four times internationally) in 12 years

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You know what you need to do. Go have a glass of wine and enjoy one last night not living the crazy traveling nightmare.

I agree. And breathe...in, out, in, out....slowly and evenly.


At some point, make a list. Dump all your stress on paper. Sort through it there--then list what you want to keep with you and pull it all together.


You've GOT this!

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@Mom  You ARE an expert at moving.  Before I moved from Texas, I read somewhere that the stress level of an international move is like that of a house fire. Glad that I never had a house fire, but the one international move was very stressful. And, my things were shipped in a cargo jet, from Miami to Colombia, so everything was delivered quickly. I will always hate Graebel Van Lines in Dallas, Texas. Take it one day at a time and do the best you can and GL!

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After doing four international moves entirely on our own, we're getting ready for one where we'll have movers. In some ways it really is a lot less work, but in other ways it's just as much stress even with movers. There are so many decisions that have to be made and when someone else is paying for it, so many rules.


But still, it's so nice to not have to move all the stuff!

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:grouphug: I hate moving, too. It is hard being on someone else's schedule. I tell myself, "Whatever I have to put up with (with the last move, I spent two days at a house with 4 kids, one recliner, and cleaning supplies - everything else was packed up or loaded), this will be over on x date."

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I was a mess over this last move. I think we just get older and *tired*!!



Oh, this!  I *am* older and tired!  Plus, we have a whole lot more stuff than we did way back in the beginning!  When we did our first move, we *maybe* had 2 crates, but now we have 2 in storage in the US and shipped 9 over here.  Since then, we've added a child and loads more stuff.  I seriously want to chuck it all out and start over.  

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You have officially made me feel much, much better about how I've been feeling about our upcoming move. This is my first international move and if you could mix a "deer in the headlights" emoticon with "willy nilly" and "fainting" you'd probably have how I'm feeling...and I still have 6 weeks (or so) until we pack-out.


I have two more weeks to finish the basement (I have enough rooms that I can divide it up into store, take, leave/freecycle/sell). Currently, I'm trying to set up a barter arrangement to get rid of one of our vehicles (13 year old Mercury Cougar)...hoping to sign it over to someone for help with painting the trim & caulking (it's "worth" about $1500, but also needs about $1000 of maintenance...brakes, a good cleaning, shocks, that kind of thing). I am seriously dreading the amount of painting we need to do, and projects around the house to get it ready to rent (oh, how I wish we had time and $$$ to get it ready to simply sell outright!). The basement is my "I just want to chuck it all!" area (because it's mostly kids' stuff...and it never seems to get put away, however, I have eliminated more than 20 boxes of stuff, either by getting it where it's supposed to be or getting rid of it one way or another).


I hope it all goes well...that nothing is packed that shouldn't be...that you can remain calm. You can't completely lose it, because I have a feeling I'm going to be in your shoes in the not too distant future and a complete mess!


Now...I've got to go get more stuff up to the Living Room for freecycle and start getting the "weecycle" room (gently used kids stuff to sell) set up.

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