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Computers and homeschool rooms and offices

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I'm seeing a lot of nice homeschool rooms but I don't see a lot of computers in those set-ups. I'm assuming that you all use Ipads or laptops?


We have 3 desktop computers. I had spent $1500 on an hp laptop only for it to burn up after a year, so I went back to a regular desktop computer. My DH has his desktop computer, my dd has hers as of Christmas and I have mine. Frankly I'm tired of figuring out a set up for all these. Do you all share? Do you all not print? I can't imagine sharing, because DH bookmarks and puts everything on the desktop screen. Nothing is filed in any sensible order and it drives me nuts. His area is a mess and his computer is a mess. He is in a Armoire. ;)


I have my computer neat in area and on screen ;) in bookmarked files, unless I need them often so my desktop isn't busy and full of junk.


DD has a tendancy to randomly click out of lack of patience, plays minecraft, writes a lot of stories and we don't want her on a computer in her room alone, and I have no desire for her to be on my computer where I house all my files and banking information. So we have 3!


So how do you then use all yours for school, and if you have more than one where are they? It seems that everyone shares? I'm trying to organize my area for school this year and see all these great ideas, but I'm not seeing a lot of computers.


If I have to sit in my same homeschool room for another year in the same set up, I'm going to go crazy! I need a change! I have one spare bedroom that isn't a bedroom but an office. I'm in there, but it's not condusive to school at all having to look things up and print. But my desk is huge, because it's a working desk.


Any helps?

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First of all, I can't imagine anyone spending $1500 on a PC.   ?!??!?!


In our homeschool room, there are three desks, one being mine.  Only mine has a computer.  It's an Apple and it's a desktopcomputer.  I use it mostly for work  (homeschool room is also my office, and I work from home).   I rarely use it for schooling purposes.


We have a family laptop.  That sits in the family room area, on a end table.   This one is often used for school work, as I'll have my boys sit around it to watch videos on Brainpop or Discovery Streaming, or the MUS DVD.  It stays on the end table, and we have a little bench they sit on to watch.  If we have any software for school, like we used to to Reading Eggs and Dreambox Math...they'd use this laptop, again on the end table.  We typically do not have alot of schoolwork that requires the computer as we tend to go more classically, and I'm a big believer that pencil needs to hit paper....so perhaps old-fashioned, so not alot of schooling requires a computer at this elementary stage  (don't worry, my boys get plenty of exposure to computers....they use them all the time for gaming....:). 


Only my iPad is really used for schooling, and that is simply audio books.  So we usually use that to listen to audio books as we all sit in the living room.  DS10 and DS15 have iPads, but it's more gaming stuff.


DS15 has a laptop but he keeps that in his room 90% of the time.   When he was homeschooling, in middle school, he did have more computer needs, typing papers, etc, and his laptop was on his desk, and back and forth to his room. 


All of these computers and iPads can be printed from.  We have a wireless printer so we can print from anywhere in the house from one of these electronics.  

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So how do you then use all yours for school, and if you have more than one where are they

My boys computer are on their study desks. The CPU sits on the floor so only the LCD monitor, wireless keyboard and mouse is on the desk.

They do their math at the dining room table though because there is no space on their desk for both the textbook and writing pad. My boys love personalizing their desks.

Their desk is the Ikea Micke ones with the add-on hutch.



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It was probably about 5 years ago when we bought that laptop and it was really expensive. The capability had to house everything we had including our business accounts, home pictures and work reasonably quick, plus we're on a network. It also had the larger keyboard. We had bought it from Costco I believe and I remember trying to get one similar and it just wasn't affordable, especially knowing that one burned up! I also know they've come down a lot since we bought that one.


Our dd had an old laptop (different one) that she'd use to play with, but it wasn't connected to the internet. She'd pay games on a cd with it. But I'd find that all over the place where it didn't belong, like on the floor and such, so we took it away and it ended up not working. It was vintage. LOL. She was also younger then.


I didn't know Ipads could print. LOL. We have a wireless printer as well.


So basically, you keep your office computer for work and that's it? I have a little desktop ACER, but it doesn't take CD's to play anything and it's really slow. So really, I need to talk my dh into sharing mine. Or really talk me into sharing mine. LOL!

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My boys computer are on their study desks. The CPU sits on the floor so only the LCD monitor, wireless keyboard and mouse is on the desk.

They do their math at the dining room table though because there is no space on their desk for both the textbook and writing pad. My boys love personalizing their desks.

Their desk is the Ikea Micke ones with the add-on hutch.



Yes, DD's is as well. It's a basic study desk and has zero room for anything except that computer. Looks to be the same size.


So I'm pondering this family computer thing........

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I have 2 computers in our homeschool space (one for each kid).  I have never posted pictures though.

We use them quite a bit.


I have a computer and DH too (but in a computer room separate).


Everything is networked so we can print from anywhere.  We all have Kindles (not iPads) that are also linked/connected to the network.  I have a printer/copier machine in my computer room that everyone prints to. 


We also have a TV with DVD player in our school room.  That is a new addition.


So thinking outloud, that I could make dd's computer the school computer, which would make sense and put DH back by me. (ewww...his messes...)

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Yes, DD's is as well. It's a basic study desk and has zero room for anything except that computer. Looks to be the same size.


So I'm pondering this family computer thing........

Don't know how old your daughter is.

If you have any intention to "upgrade" her study desk, a family friend has the Ikea Expedit workstation for working from home and the desk is big enough for both computer and writing work. You can buy a keyboard drawer to screw on underneath the tabletop if you want to have even more desk space. The eight cubbies holes that came with the workstation is nice for splitting by subjects.



Example of under desk keyboard drawer


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Don't know how old your daughter is.

If you have any intention to "upgrade" her study desk, a family friend has the Ikea Expedit workstation for working from home and the desk is big enough for both computer and writing work. You can buy a keyboard drawer to screw on underneath the tabletop if you want to have even more desk space. The eight cubbies holes that came with the workstation is nice for splitting by subjects.



Example of under desk keyboard drawer


I'm so out of space. LOL...I'm trying to get rid of stuff. We're pretty open to the kitchen and to other areas so, so far she's not complaining about the lack of space. Mom is only complaining about the lack of space and so many computer armoires, desks, hutches. ;)

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My husband and I each have a computer. They are in the same room as the kitchen which doubles as our school room.


When DH needs his office to look offical (He does some stuff via video camera) he has a curtain he can put up around his corner. We have tiny hooks along the ceiling. 


Other than sometimes watching youtube videos my boys don't use the computer.

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We also have 3 computers as well as 3 tablets. What we use is a wireless printer and a wireless router. My computer (in the living room) is the "server" for shared files that everyone can access. DC have their computers in their rooms while mine is in the living room. DD's laptop is older so she has to use mine for school stuff (and playing Sims). DS just got his computer so we'll see what work I'll get out of him.

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In our classroom there are two desktop computers.  One is mine.  The other the children share for a specific subject or two.  Each child in the house has their own desktop in locations other than the classroom.  Some of their school is done on those.  The classroom is mainly for teaching/lectures, discussions, and read-aloud time.  My son has most of his instruction in the classroom, but he only uses the computer for supplemental programs.

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I'm rearranging.... ask me again in a week??? :p


Our "project table" is about 60"x60". It is 2 desktops on top of 2 2x4 expedits with tall stools for written work. Currently no computers on it unless it is my iPad. The kids have a Mac Mini with a 20" LCD on a table off to the side of that. My computer (another Mini) has been in my room while I was going to school, the oldest has her (mine) laptop in her room most of the time.


My computer will move for awhile out to the kids area for planning and some stuff I need to do - and then to the office/craft room. We will add a laptop i think for the youngest in the next month... I don't know where that will live yet.


I figure i'm a week or so from pictures - I promise to have a computer in them :D I just painted table legs today and moved the new tables in there. Baby steps!

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We have 5 computers for 5 people in the house.

Dh, oldest DD and I have laptops. Dh brings his to work, dd usually has her's on her bed, and I sit in my comfy recliner with mine on my lap.

The little guys both have a desktop computer. They sit side-by-side on a long table in our living room (we don't have a school room). Right now they get very limited use for actual school, they are mostly for fun stuff.


Our printer sits in the dining room. I'm the only one who prints regularly and I bring my laptop in there to hook it up (I wish we had a wireless printer).

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We have 2 laptops and the kids use them either at their desks in the school room, at the dining room table, or on the coffee table/couch in the living room.  The computers themselves "live" in the living room.  We do have a desktop in the basement, but DH is really the only one who ever uses it, and he mostly uses it when he works from home.

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We have one ancient desktop for our study (schoolroom).  I purposely have it set up so the screen can readily be viewed from the other room.  I have a macbook for myself to surf with and do banking and online ordering.  I am actually looking for a new desktop to replace the one we have.  I want ds to do teencoder as an elective but our computer doesn't have a dvd-rom drive.  I would also like a bigger screen.  Personally I could not stand working with a tablet or ipad, even my 13" macbook screen is too small.  We use HomeSchoolTracker and I want to add my 3rd ds to the schedule, but it is going to make their schedules hard to read on our small desktop screen.  


Laptops are nice, but mine almost makes it too easy for me to be anti-social with my family.

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I have my own laptop, no one touches it. Ds has a hand me down laptop and a desktop. The desktop is in his room, he usually does school stuff on the laptop if necessary. If we're doing stuff together and need to watch a video, we use my laptop. Ds basically unschooled an introduction to computer programming class last school year. There's no way he could have done that on a shared computer.

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We usually* have 3 computers. One is mine, another for DH, and the older one is hooked to the TV for anyone to use, or for watching movies. DH's and the TV computer are in the family room, mine was in the den/DD3's room. I have an Android tablet that comes in handy. Our printer is connected to our home network, so it was easy to setup on all computers. It should be fairly easy to hook a printer to one computer and then share it. That's what we used to do.


ETA: For schooling we use any available machine. If they need quiet I send them to my computer or let the use the tablet.


(*Usually because my monitor just died, so my computer is in the family room hooked to the TV. Which is driving me bonkers.)


So thinking outloud, that I could make dd's computer the school computer, which would make sense and put DH back by me. (ewww...his messes...)

Same here. Moved DH's computer away from mine for that reason.

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We currently have 1 working computer in the home.  A desktop.  It is set up in my "office" which was really a dressingroom of sorts off the masterbedroom.  It is positioned in the room so that the monitor faces out the door and into the kitchen so I can keep an eye on what they are doing even when teaching others.  It is sometimes tricky because all 3 older kids take occasional onine classes and trying to not have overlap can sometimes be hard.  ds14 does have his own computer technically but when our old pups chewed through most of the wires for mine I put the mouse, keyboard and monitor from his on mine since we had not yet networked his anyway. That is on the agenda for this fall is buy replacement pieces and then have his and mine networked so 2 kids can do online classes etc at the same time but there can be file sharing between them, shared printer etc.  As well gramma had a "kids" computer built for the younger kids without talking to me first and of course told them about it before talking to me.  We really don't have room for it, and I have no clue where it is going but everyone is now very excited about this computer that already has learning games etc on it for them.  I will probably add it some how to the livingroom and it will be used by dayhome kids too.

I wish I could have laptops for everyone instead.  But can't afford that, so shared desktop it is.

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Here in "the office" we have three (3) Desktop PCs, connected to the Internet (ADSL) via a Fast Ethernet (USD$15 or so) Switch and CAT5 cables. At times, there is also a Dell Inspiron Laptop connected. So, we have up to 4 computers sharing the ADSL connection.


An Epson Printer/Scanner is connected to DDs  PC. We can, if we want to, Share that Printer.


Last October, for her birthday, and also because she was beginning Distance Learning from TTUISD, we factory ordered a Dell Inspiron 660S PC, and a Dell Monitor, from Dell Latin America. It was a special order, because we needed everything in U.S. English. It came with a "Starter" version of MS Office (WORD and EXCEL) and as I recall, cost approximately USD$500 at that time, induding shipping from the USA to our house, Colombian Customs clearance, one year warranty, etc.


My wife wants to order 1 or 2 more of those PCs from Dell, ASAP....



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I'd like to throw out that if you look for 30" deep desktops, you will be happier with having computer on them in order to have workspace.

The tables I have this computer sitting on are 30x48, I bought a Besta 8" deep bookshelf yesterday to set on the back of it (for now, it will get hung hopefully in the next few weeks). I pondered putting the monitor inside on one side of it, but for now just put books in it, and have the monitor and drives sitting out in front of it like they were before. Currently the keyboard is the Apple Bluetooth one that I use on my iPad. It is small enough that there is actually still room to do some work - but not ideal like it was before the bookshelf got put on there.


I'm going to move my computer over to the other side, and so you will be able to see the space difference.


I've had 30" deep desktops for so long that it is painful to consider using something shallower - even with todays LCD monitors.


OK, i'm going to go attempt to tackle the cord mess of my space and do the big move. Wish me luck! :p


ETA: as for space, we are in an "alcove" off our living room. So technically we could use that couch... except I don't have one at the moment! LOL!!

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I'd like to throw out that if you look for 30" deep desktops, you will be happier with having computer on them in order to have workspace.


The tables I have this computer sitting on are 30x48, I bought a Besta 8" deep bookshelf yesterday to set on the back of it (for now, it will get hung hopefully in the next few weeks). I pondered putting the monitor inside on one side of it, but for now just put books in it, and have the monitor and drives sitting out in front of it like they were before. Currently the keyboard is the Apple Bluetooth one that I use on my iPad. It is small enough that there is actually still room to do some work - but not ideal like it was before the bookshelf got put on there.


I'm going to move my computer over to the other side, and so you will be able to see the space difference.


I've had 30" deep desktops for so long that it is painful to consider using something shallower - even with todays LCD monitors.


OK, i'm going to go attempt to tackle the cord mess of my space and do the big move. Wish me luck! :p


ETA: as for space, we are in an "alcove" off our living room. So technically we could use that couch... except I don't have one at the moment! LOL!!

I have a 30x48 table and you're right that would be a good alternative to what she has now. It wouldn't take up that much more space. She has a cute little oak one probably 20-something x 42. It would make a nice little ipad spot. ;) It has a pull out work space but doesn't use it. It would be great for Mom's school desk (evil grin) to house basic school necessities and files. Mmmmm.

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I got my computer moved - so I figured i'd do a picture from my chair at the moment... I'll do the kids side tomorrow when I finish sorting out the crap they have piled on there.


This is a 30" deep desktop/table. My monitor base and scanner are about 9.5" from the back, then the coloring book and then the small Logitech bluetooth keyboard (that switches between 3 devices and is quite nifty with its backlit keys! It really does make for a decent workspace AND computing space!



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I used to use these same tables at work back in the olden days. With 13-17" CRTS we used stands to raise them up, and then slide the keyboards under when we needed more space for books. When I move back to my real work area, my plan is to get a monitor arm to not use up any table space. That desk is, hmmmm, 35" wide I think. BUT, it is my scrapbook/craft table and I like to sprawl that stuff. :D


I wasn't sure I was going to like these two tables on the side of our workspace - but now that they are here, I think it will be ok. The retro-laminate on them isn't even bugging me as much as I thought it would (I painted the legs black to blend-in with the IKEA black-brown stuff in the space).

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DD has a P.C., it's in our school/craft/play room. The docking station for my laptop is also there on an adjacent desk. We are wirelessly connected to the router for the household, I can connect to a printer hardwired to the printer, which is in DH's room. DD's computer can't because she doesn't have Windows 7.


Not including "smart" phones and the "smart" TVs/internet connected game systems, there are at least 5 computers in our house.

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I'm with you on having separate computers! Kids are not even allowed in my office without permission, nor in our bedroom (where my husband's computer lives) unless we're in there. Growing up, that was the rule for my Dad's study, we called it the "No-No Room." Ironically, that room is now where my kids sleep when we visit! :D


I have a mac (desktop) in my home office, which is used for both school and work. I tried putting it on a desk in our school/play room, but that made it impossible to work when I need to. It was more convenient there for school printing, watching videos, etc, but I can do a lot of that on my ipad. I have both remote printing & remote desktop software on my ipad, plus a nice keyboard holder/stand, to help in that area. My office is also the household dumping ground, so it's pretty cluttered at the moment. It goes through phases, but at least the mess is confined. My husband's desktop is in on a small desk in our bedroom so that he can have quiet when he needs it -- we both do a fair amount of business at home.


The kids each have a (PC/Windows) laptop, and we put small wheeled workstation-type desks in 3 corners of the living room for those. They're mostly for school, with a few games, and this way there is less distraction (they are facing the wall or corner). I will sometimes move the computer and have kids to seat work there if they have trouble focusing in the school room. The chairs can also be folded up and (if necessary) the desks rolled into our bedroom if we're having fancy company, but they're nice looking desks so that doesn't happen very often at all.


We also each have an ipad; the kids' have big rubber frames & stands, and live on the credenza under the school/play room TV when not in use.

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My work computer is mainly used by me, though occasionally the kids use it as well.  My office is actually in a closet just off our livingroom, right in the main traffic area.  That sounds bad, but it's actually a very nice space.  Here's pics.


The school computer is in our school room (I need to update our school pics!), and it's a laptop on a desk area by a window, between bookcases. My kids email me their reports and I can print them upstairs.


I don't know where we'd put 3 desktops--really don't have that kind of room and don't like computers in bedrooms. If we were to get something else, it would probably be an iPad instead of another full computer.

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We have one desktop computer in our schoolroom; it lives on my desk (which is a big old gigantic office desk), with the CPU underneath the desk, and the printer on a table next to the desk. When the kids need a computer, that's the one they use, and it's the one that DH uses as well when he is here. We do have a second desktop upstairs in the office/sewing room, but it's been broken for a while; when we do get it fixed, I would like to have the kids use it only for the Adventus MusIQ program, as right now, we do not have a good setup for that. (I need a storage space for the keyboard where it is both not in the way of the computer all the time nor where toddlers can pull up on its stand, and the schoolroom is my toddler-safe play space.) At this point, my kids are young enough that they don't do a lot on the computer -- typing and music, occasionally word processing for the oldest. (And limited games/internet on weekends.) We do have an iPad as well, and I use that 95% of the time for my computer needs; the kids do Mango language on it, and they use it for some PDF worksheets as well, but they don't, at this point, have their own tablets or computers. Sometimes it's a little tricky to juggle computer needs, but as of yet, it's not usually too difficult (and if DH needs the internet when he's home, he'll grab the iPad or his phone if someone else is using the desktop). I can see it being more difficult later, though, when the kids need heavier computer usage.

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Our only desktop is an old clunker attached to the only tv in the house so we can watch Netflix and Amazon Prime. I've got two students at home and we have two laptops and three kindles between us. We have a wireless inkjet printer and a wired laserjet that handles most of our printing, which is minimal. We don't have a dedicated school space, and we have an alarming tendency to throw everything into one bag and head out to 'do school' pretty much everywhere. All but a few of our books are in the form of pdf files. 

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My work computer is mainly used by me, though occasionally the kids use it as well.  My office is actually in a closet just off our livingroom, right in the main traffic area.  That sounds bad, but it's actually a very nice space.  Here's pics.


The school computer is in our school room (I need to update our school pics!), and it's a laptop on a desk area by a window, between bookcases. My kids email me their reports and I can print them upstairs.


I don't know where we'd put 3 desktops--really don't have that kind of room and don't like computers in bedrooms. If we were to get something else, it would probably be an iPad instead of another full computer.

Merry that is an adorable space! Um....how did you get that desk in there? I absolulely LOVE it!


Anyone else have pics of all their computers when they're in their main areas?

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OK, here are two more.... no pics with the project table behind this area that is a wreck - I *will* get that cleared off today! You can see fringes of the mess on the edge of the one pic :p


This is the kid side. The IKEA Besta against the wall will get hung up, and then the monitor will slide back against the wall. It would work to have the monitor IN the Besta, but since the online school stuff for that kid doesn't start until late August, this will work for now.


Again, tables are 30"x48", Besta is 7 7/8", the LCD is a 20", the drawers under it rock and were discontinued at IKEA before I could buy them - found these in "as is" for $7 one day!!! But sigh, I wish I had more.... I put the Dover coloring book on the kid side for reference. I know I always look for something like that to judge sizes.


The art supplies are awaiting a move to the newly emptied craft closet in the office. I think i'd rather have them in there and able to spread them out than to find a way for them to fit in the Expedit here (i'm trying, it isn't working for me). Basically... a work in progress.


I could now add a picture of my DD laying on the floor UNDER the desk because she is bored.... huh, not for long sweetie :D





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