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Update on my husband with MRSA


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He is home from the hospital now. Yay! He finished two IV antibiotics in the hospital and is on his second round of oral antibiotics.


He's seeing a dedicated wound specialist because his wound is still quite deep. Luckily they don't believe it has settled into the joint, which is a great sign. If you've not got a weak stomach, you can see it in a video here:


As you can imagine, it's going to be quite a while until the wound is healed. Luckily he can still walk somewhat. He's obviously not deploying. We're hoping he will be healed by the beginning of September.

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Like Stacey, I didn't think I had a weak stomach.  I usually don't.  But that stick going THAT FAR into your husband's leg made me a bit queasy.  Ugh.


I'm so glad he's doing better.  My brother-in-law had a bout with MRSA several years ago on his face and nearly died.  Luckily he made it, but he has quite a visible scar and his lip doesn't work exactly as it should.  

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Thanks, ladies! I couldn't be more pleased with his care or his recovery.


If you think the probing video is rough, you should see them pack it! They pack in algidex that is a quarter inch wide. It usually about 4ft long once they get it all in there. So gross!

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