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Disneyland for the week of 4th of July? Would we be nuts?


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Be honest: How crazy would the crowds be? We would be able to go the parks for 3 days between the 1st and the 5th (wouldn't have to be consecutive days). I know the 4th would likely be the most crowded day of all, but would the other days be just as crazy?

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DH used to live in the area and said that the week of July 4th is busy, not just the particular day. In fact, he's heard the month of July is the busiest of the whole season. But he didn't go a lot so someone here will probably give a better answer.

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I've been to Disney World more than Disneyland, but I'm assuming they're about the same around the holidays and summer. I would avoid Disney during the summer months in general because they are definitely busier overall due to school being out and people taking vacation during that time. Add in a holiday week..... I think craziness would ensue! However, if you don't mind big crowds and long lines, it'll be fine. :) IIRC, we went to DW a couple of summers ago for a one day trip. It was horrible. Super hot, really long lines, super crowded even just walking around.

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We did it once and will never go to WDW again for the 4th. It was crazy packed. Around the 7th or so it started emptying out and wasn't bad. We did July 1-13 and enjoyed the week after the 4th, but not the week of. Blech. Oddly enough, we're actually going to Disneyland Paris from July 2-7, but as it's not a holiday here, it should be fine. We've done it once before over the 4th here and it was fine. WDW though, nope, never again for the 4th.

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I lived nearby for 15 years and I would go out of my way to avoid the whole disney area during that week. (I used to drive by regularly for shopping/dr appts etc).

Really just don't... I mean unless you enjoy waiting in long hot lines for HOURS :eek:

maybe if it was free, but probably not even then.... maybe if I was getting paid very well..... ;)

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DH used to live in the area and said that the week of July 4th is busy, not just the particular day. In fact, he's heard the month of July is the busiest of the whole season. But he didn't go a lot so someone here will probably give a better answer.


I've never been to Disneyland, but I wouldn't go to Disney World on the 4th and I think it's probably just as crazy at both parks. As for July being busy, that's very true. In Florida, most FL resident season passes (depending on what you're willing to pay) to all the theme parks have the whole month of July blacked out. They don't want or need us there, because there are plenty of people from outside the state during that month.


My vote would lean towards nuts. :D


OTOH, if you've never been and are not likely to have the chance again for years and years, I'd say go.

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It will be crazy crowded for sure.


If it was the only way my kids would ever go, I would probably do it, if you can wrap your mind around the idea of waiting in really long lines and not getting to do everything. I would definitely plan, plan, plan. I like The Unofficial Guide to Disney World, and I assume their Disney Land guide is good as well. It's worth buying a subscription to their web site as well, it's about ten bucks if you buy the book and maybe fifteen if you don't:



disboards.com has a ton of forums with helpful info, and you can post asking for specific help. it can be overwhelming, though.


Character meals can be pricey but are a good way to cut down on time spent waiting in lines to meet them. You can also check to see if they have special packages for any of their shows - for example, we paid for a package that included lunch at Coral Reef in EPCOT, guaranteed seating for the Candlelight Processional, and a reserved area to watch Illuminations (not reserved seats, just a special area for people with the package). It was about $50 per person, and well worth it to us b/c we wanted to see the processional but did not want to wait 2+ hours in line to get a seat, and we would have spent *something* on lunch.

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Do it! We went during the last week of July once (just as busy) and never waited in line longer than 15 minutes. And went on everything. Seriously. I used this program called Ridemax. It is around $14 and you use it to plan your trip. It was created by a family that studies the flow of crowds at Disneyland and developed a way to predict wait times based on crowd flow. We created schedules for all four of our days. It was a very pleasant trip and am definitely not one to be patient in big crowds.


We waited 5 minutes to get on Pirates of the Caribbean during their recommended time then walked by an hour later and the line was 45 minutes. The only thing we would have had to wait for is character meet and greets, but we decided to skip those unless we happened upon a character in the park with no waits (we found lots like this). If you have any questions pm me. I kind of sound like a commercial but I don't work for them, I promise! Just a very happy customer!

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Oh, and I would not go unless you are willing and able to be at the parks each day before rope drop! You cannot do crowded Disney AND sleep in, lol.



Definitely! Then you should be able to get a few rides in before the super crazy starts. :)


Our last extended trip to WDW, my husband went through all four parks online and planned our days. He picked which rides to Fast Pass and which rides to do while waiting for our Fast Pass time. It worked out quite well. This was during the off season though.

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There seems to be a consensus. :lol: This isn't our one-and-only chance to go to Disneyland (my oldest two have already been twice), so that isn't a consideration. Our main impetus was that we have family now living in the area for the summer (internship); and with DH's work current work schedule, if we wanted to go in 2013 this would likely be our only chance. So, no hotel costs + stars-aligning with DH's work schedule and vacation time, it got us considering a trip to Disneyland. But it sounds like it would be more of a headache than a vacation.

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Notes Mon, July 1, 2013 9 out of 10 8.6 8.3 SL SC Tue, July 2, 2013 10 out of 10 9.6 9.1 SL SC Wed, July 3, 2013 10 out of 10 9.6 9.2 SL SC Thu, July 4, 2013 9 out of 10 9.4 8.3 SL SC DX Independence Day Fri, July 5, 2013 10 out of 10 9.3 9.1 SL SC DX Sat, July 6, 2013 10 out of 10 9.5 8.7 SL SC DX Sun, July 7, 2013 9 out of 10 8.7 8.2 SL SC Mon, July 8, 2013 9 out of 10 8.7 8.2 SL SC Tue, July 9, 2013 9 out of 10 8.4 8.1 SL SC


This didn't format correctly, sorry, but this is copied from touringplans.com (the people who put out the Unofficial Guide to Disneyland) and is the predicted crowd calendar for the first part of July. A 1 out of 10 would be least crowded, and 10 out of 10 is most crowded. The number in the next column is the estimate of crowds for Disneyland, and the next column is for California Adventure. The SL and SC are the blockout dates for annual passholders.


Anyway, it will be very very crowded. I would not go, personally, at this time of year, but if you are set on it, make sure you get the Unofficial Guide and follow their touring plans.

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Sorry to pile on, but yes - crazy. We were in Anaheim last year on the 4th for Fencing Nationals. Now bear in mind, I am a crazy Disney lady who was staying less than a mile from my beloved Disneyland...and I refused to set foot in the parks! It is one of the few days a year (so I understand) that they will actually stop letting in people mid-day, or the fire marshall will have a fit. If you must go - get there as early as possible, and accept that you will not get to see or do much in the parks during this visit.


Good luck!

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There seems to be a consensus. :lol: This isn't our one-and-only chance to go to Disneyland (my oldest two have already been twice), so that isn't a consideration. Our main impetus was that we have family now living in the area for the summer (internship); and with DH's work current work schedule, if we wanted to go in 2013 this would likely be our only chance. So, no hotel costs + stars-aligning with DH's work schedule and vacation time, it got us considering a trip to Disneyland. But it sounds like it would be more of a headache than a vacation.



this is how you do it:


Get to the park before it opens. When the rope drops, take a left at the end of Main Street and head over to Indiana Jones, followed by Pirates, followed by the Haunted House. Hang out, maybe try Splash Mountain or Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. When California Adventure opens, go over there and go to...oh, doggonit, the new car ride. Try to see the Aladan show. When you're finished with those, either hang out at there (maybe have lunch) or go back to Disneyland. Hang out until the crowds make you crazy, then go home.


The next time, be at the park before it opens, and as soon as the rope drops, go over to the Materhorn, maybe (if you have dc young enough) Toon Town. Then hang out until California Adventure opens, and go see Soaring Over California.


The next time, be at the park before it opens, and as soon as the rope drops, go straight back to Fantasy Land and do Peter Pan, then any other rides you want to do there. There's a new one, too, right before you get to the Castle, which will probably still be crowded, but it might not be so bad first thing. Then hang out a little, and go over to California Adventure when it opens, and go to the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. See Alladan again.


See, the key is to open the park. Oh, and if you have an early entry day, do Finding Nemo.


I'd go for it, but then Mr. Ellie and I love, love, love Disneyland. We wouldn't stay past dark, though. Crazy packed by then, even for us.

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One thing to know is that if the park reaches capacity they will not let people in, even if you already went in that day and have a valid ticket. So if you go that week, plan on going to the park and staying until you are done. If you leave for a mid-day break, you may not be able to return.

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I am an annual pass holder, and the crowds at Disney seem to always be bad and some times are truly dreadful. The only times we managed to get on the Radiator Springs Racers ride (which is our favorite) was when we were able to get in the park an hour before opening. The fast passes for that ride can be gone within an hour of the park opening, and there have been days (not holidays) when the wait for the ride was 2.5 hours. If you can get a fast pass, the line can be over 45 minutes to get the fast pass. I know more than one annual pass holder that won't be renewing their passes because the crowds have become too great. I think there are many wonderful things to do in Southern California besides Disney that won't be as crowded and will cost less money. Have a fabulous time whatever you decide to do!

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Yes, you'd be crazy to do it. :) If someone bought my tickets, food, lodging, etc I still would never, ever go the week of July

the 4th. Matter fact, I wouldn't go any of the month of July or August for the same deal. It's so miserable to me during either

of those months (June too for that matter) that all the wonderful fun of Disney is missing.


Clearly thousands and thousands of people go during that time though so, apparently some people like it. (or maybe they

just don't have any other choice)

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The problem that we ran into the last time we went, and you would have this problem too, is that if you are not staying on-site, you will have a really hard time getting to the park early enough to beat the crowds. Even though we got there extra early each morning, the only day that it actually worked was our Magic Morning day...the other days, the on-site resort people are allowed early admission, and even if you arrive at the park early, the parking lots don't open early enough for you to park, take the shuttle, get through the admissions line, and get to the rope drop. Believe me, we tried. If you are interested in any other dates, I can check the crowd calendar for you. There is just a night-and-day difference between crowded vs. relatively uncrowded days.

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The problem that we ran into the last time we went, and you would have this problem too, is that if you are not staying on-site, you will have a really hard time getting to the park early enough to beat the crowds. Even though we got there extra early each morning, the only day that it actually worked was our Magic Morning day...the other days, the on-site resort people are allowed early admission, and even if you arrive at the park early, the parking lots don't open early enough for you to park, take the shuttle, get through the admissions line, and get to the rope drop. Believe me, we tried. If you are interested in any other dates, I can check the crowd calendar for you. There is just a night-and-day difference between crowded vs. relatively uncrowded days.



That might be true unless you stay within walking distance. We stayed at the Howard Johnson (highly recommended) and walked in each morning to be at rope drop. We were at the gate within 10 minutes and only paid about $65 night for our hotel including tax.

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That might be true unless you stay within walking distance. We stayed at the Howard Johnson (highly recommended) and walked in each morning to be at rope drop. We were at the gate within 10 minutes and only paid about $65 night for our hotel including tax.



Yes, there are so many hotels near Disneyland (so different than WDW!), this is what we did most times when we went. It's been a few years since we've been to DL, but the 2-3 times we just did a day trip, we didn't get there in time for the rope drop, but when we were staying a couple of days or so, we got a local hotel and walked over.


I lived in FL for most of my life. I grew up with WDW. When I joined the Navy in 2003 and came to CA, I was excited to get to visit DL. It was such a shocker though, how it was set up. WDW owns so much property and you have to drive a decent amount on the property just to get to a park. And Disneyland is right there, amidst the rest of the city. It was also a shocker to walk down Main Street and see the much shorter Sleeping Beauty castle. I love both parks and WDW holds a special place in my heart, but Disneyland still has Mr Toad's Wild Ride....

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I don't know about Disneyland. However, we did Disney World once when we were engaged...his mom had discount passes and it was July. UGH! The crowds were huge. I think that is a very popular family vacation month. Long, long lines and all while standing in blazing heat and scorching sun. It was hard to stay hydrated or at least it felt that way.


If I were to plan a vacation like that, I would be inclined to do it in early autumn after the kids have gone back to school.



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I agree about staying at a hotel nearby, but Xuzi said they would be staying with relatives...unless the relatives drive them and drop them off early - that could work, and save the hassle of parking and shuttle. I've done both, stayed at nearby hotels and walked, which was very convenient, and stayed with relatives and drove in - less convenient but saves money. Unfortunately, for Xuzi, this time of year, she's going to be battling crowds that make it imperative for her to be there as early as possible, so the staying with relatives may not be the best option.

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