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I dunno I think Neil Gaiman's episode have a little magic that is something missing in some of the others.


Oh sure, END OF THE WORLD!! and explosions abound, the most AMAZING and SPECIAL PERSON EVER is always the companion and there is that frenzied feel to some of it.


I just love that line, "I wanted to see the universe so I stole a Time Lord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough."


According to that article Peter Jackson wants to do it...and I don't care much for the idea. He really misses subtleties and rather important but tiny details. It really bugs me. If Peter Jackson was doing it I might not even watch it.


I just don't want all madness without a little magic. I think it would be taken in a more unique direction if Gaiman had involvement.

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I was plesantly surprised at Matt Smith in his first episode, it went downhill for me from there.I enjoyed him to some extent, never warmed up to Clara, and Steven Moffat is no Russell Davies. The whole 7th season was a bust for me in large part. I miss David, I always will.

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I dunno I think Neil Gaiman's episode have a little magic that is something missing in some of the others.


Oh sure, END OF THE WORLD!! and explosions abound, the most AMAZING and SPECIAL PERSON EVER is always the companion and there is that frenzied feel to some of it.


I just love that line, "I wanted to see the universe so I stole a Time Lord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough."


That is such a beautiful line, and I don't think Moffat gets why some fans are a little butt-hurt by the finale, because it sort of throws that line away and rewrites the story of how the Doctor ended up in *that* TARDIS. No, Clara, there's nothing wrong with the navigation, she just gets him to where he needs to be, even if it's not where he wants to be. That's the magic of the show right there!


I don't think Gaiman could pull a long run at the helm, but it would be fascinating to watch him shape a whole season rather than just a couple of episodes here and there. Interim showrunner, maybe.


I think some people see Mark Gatiss as the logical choice to follow Moffat and I really hope not. He's even more overextended than Moffat at this point. I never got too excited for Chris Chibnall's episodes, but he did a great job with Broadchurch and I could see him getting on the short list. Maybe he'd be a better showrunner than an individual episode writer.

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I have seen rumors that this will be the last season of Sherlock, so maybe if he does stay on with Doctor Who long term he will be able to focus on it more. I also think they should have saved the Trenzalore plot and had the doctor go out on that. As it is it feels like a fake out. I completely agree with it feeling like 90 minute episodes with too much mystery/master plot were being crammed in to 45 minutes.


Where did you hear that this is the last season of Sherlock??

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IMHO, having a female doctor would be jumping the shark. Doctor Donna was plenty for me.


I agree. Unless it was Helena Bonham Carter. She's crazy enough that she'd be great at it. Mostly, though, I think the Doctor should stay male.

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Where did you hear that this is the last season of Sherlock??


I had read that somewhere, too. I think the context was that the hint words for season 3 were rat, wedding, bow; bow was probably referring to His Last Bow.


But I've also read that there will be a season 4.


And I also read that the villain in the new Star Trek most definitely was not Khan. :rolleyes: It's a good thing none of this really matters, or it would be annoying.

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I am ok with him leaving, not like David Tennant,


One of Neil Gaiman's episodes, The Doctor's Wife is one of my favorites.


I agree.


I'm so-so with Matt smith.


I'm torn on having John Hurt for the dr. No heart throb appeal going there that's for sure. And what promise does he break but not in the drs name?


I'm sad that river song is dead. Tho not surprised.


Clara isn't doing much for me. I'm ready for her to go.

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The clues are what I was referring to with Sherlock. I just wish Moffat would at least pick one or the other, he obviously can't handle both and both shows suffer for it I think.


Moffat has written some of my favorite individual episodes (The Girl In the Fireplace, Blink) and I have liked most of his episodes ok but I have noticed that he seems to recycle the same themes and stories. I think he is an excellent episode writer, just not a great show runner. I think maybe he has stayed on because they don't have a good candidate to replace him.

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According to that article Peter Jackson wants to do it...and I don't care much for the idea. He really misses subtleties and rather important but tiny details. It really bugs me. If Peter Jackson was doing it I might not even watch it.



Completely agree!

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Just saw this on FB :)






Now that would be very distracting but I have never seen him in anything where he acted even slightly silly.


And I don't necessarily love seasons where the companion is in love with The Doctor. A companion not falling in love with Richard Armitage is almost unrealistic.


"That's interesting about the aliens Doctor but could you take your shirt off?


"Doctor could you stand by this window and brood a bit?"


"Oh no Doctor, I will run behind you, I insist."


"Doctor, would you mind trying on this cravat?"

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I like the idea of Hugh Laurie as the Doctor. Just saw a story that suggested James McAvoy or Gary Oldman. So many possibilities. In all likelihood, it'll end up being someone I've never heard of.


Oh! I'd like to see Ben Whishaw in the role.

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I definitely don't like the idea of a female Doctor. I think it would just be a P.C. move. You know? :) The Doctor is male and that's ok.


I also heard a couple of people saying about an American Doctor. No way! That would be ridiculous! :)


I'm glad I'm not the only one who: #1, just doesn't love Matt Smith and #2, just isn't feeling the Clara thing. I don't hate Smith but he

doesn't ever really feel like the Doctor to me. Clara is a similar vague explanation. It just doesn't ever really hit it. I'm not dying to watch

the next Who episode and get caught up like I have always been. :(

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Hugh Laurie would be cool.


I agree on Armitage. I haven't seen him in much, but let's just say he put dwarves in a whole new light in The Hobbit. They need someone who can be goofy and adorable without oozing too much into the drooling sexy category.


I didn't think I'd like Matt Smith, but I find his portrayal adorable. He brought a light to the role that had to be incredibly hard after Tennant.

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Now that would be very distracting but I have never seen him in anything where he acted even slightly silly.


And I don't necessarily love seasons where the companion is in love with The Doctor. A companion not falling in love with Richard Armitage is almost unrealistic.


"That's interesting about the aliens Doctor but could you take your shirt off?


"Doctor could you stand by this window and brood a bit?"


"Oh no Doctor, I will run behind you, I insist."


"Doctor, would you mind trying on this cravat?"


:lol: :lol: :lol:


All valid points.

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I haven't walked the latter half of series 7, but one thing I've noticed, maybe it's just me, maybe it's the fact ds and I watched all the seasons in a few months, is that it looks almost too polished now. We rewatched the season 1 Rose episode the other day and it felt different, like you were watching a documentary almost, not a TV show. Not everyone was sparkly beautiful, maybe it was the costuming (although I love the Doctor's clothes). Maybe it's become too formulaic and not as organic.


We haven't met up with Clara except in the frozen world episode as Souffle girl. I have no opinion on her as companion yet.

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No way I'm getting my hopes up for Tennant to come back. I just don't think it's likely. I'd love to see Benedict Cumberbatch do it but not if that means no more Sherlock. Sadly, that doesn't leave many on the list that work for me. Sigh...

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I don't think I've ever seen this Ben Whishaw act, but looking at pictures, I can really see him as the Doctor. I will have to rent Skyfall for research purposes.


I saw Tony Head on the shortlist, that's sorta intriguing to me. I would say Kit Harington should be considered, but I think that's just my Jon Snow infatuation talking :) . I can't really see him as the Doctor.

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Cumberbatch would remind me of Tom Baker, that's how I think he would play the role, like Baker did. I don't think it should be a woman, really, that just seems wrong. I would like strong companion, not a romantic interest, someone who challanges the Doctor. And he needs to lose the magic wand, I mean Sonic Screw driver, and get back to actually working through the crisis.

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I've given it a lot of thought, and I've had enough of children. Brian Blessed. He had a fantastic guest turn, but that was almost 20 years ago.

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I definitely don't like the idea of a female Doctor. I think it would just be a P.C. move. You know? :) The Doctor is male and that's ok.


I also heard a couple of people saying about an American Doctor. No way! That would be ridiculous! :)


I'm glad I'm not the only one who: #1, just doesn't love Matt Smith and #2, just isn't feeling the Clara thing. I don't hate Smith but he

doesn't ever really feel like the Doctor to me. Clara is a similar vague explanation. It just doesn't ever really hit it. I'm not dying to watch

the next Who episode and get caught up like I have always been. :(


Well, The Doctor doesn't think it would be out of the question to regenerate as a woman. I don't think of it as a PC turn, rather as a fantastic path for the writers to follow. We've had so many different kinds of male Doctors and all kinds of relationships with companions (male, female, and robot) that I think a different gender would provide a lot of new material to work with.


We keep getting told The Doctor can regenerate as 'anything' hence, the leg check, counting fingers, am I a girl? etc. So, can the Doctor sometimes have wings? Slitheen? A woman?


What about race? Why is the Doctor always white? I am pretty sure we were shown different races on Gallifrey in Tennant's last episodes. Weren't we?


It's not a drive to have some sort of 'pc' ness, more a desire for the writers to back up their claims. We keep getting told it can be anyone...well, hire the best actor for the job, period.

Don't tell me, show me! Challenge me to accept something new.


Plus there is the whole 'thirteen's yer lot' issue. Now, some writer (Davies? Moffatt?) made it clear that they are not going to hold to the 13 (or is it 12? I get confused) regeneration limit, but it is so much a part of cannon that it is going to have to be addressed. I think that after the 13th doctor it might be a perfect time to bring in a woman Doctor.


There will be a woman doctor at some point. He's beat the odds far too many times at this point.



Dh says they should use Rupert Grint. Finally a ginger!


I haven't seen him in much beyond one of the HP movies, but someone once told me that he has been in a couple indy films and was quite good. And I know he is young, plus I think the BBC wants someone who is young and not too expensive. Gint isn't earning the same paycheque as other HP actors. He might be affordable.


No way I'm getting my hopes up for Tennant to come back. I just don't think it's likely. I'd love to see Benedict Cumberbatch do it but not if that means no more Sherlock. Sadly, that doesn't leave many on the list that work for me. Sigh...


It's fun to think of, but I don't put Tennant coming back in the 'probable' category. Heck, they prob can't afford Tennant anymore. I wonder the same about Cumberbatch as well. But, I would love to see him stretch his wings and take on The Doctor. I know he can do brilliant and sulky. Can he do a little bit mad and silly? I'd like to find out. He knows he can work with Moffatt and Gattiss. Let's see if they can write him someone different.


I've given it a lot of thought, and I've had enough of children. Brian Blessed. He had a fantastic guest turn, but that was almost 20 years ago.


Yes, but we'd all go deaf listening to him. He doesn't have an inside voice.

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That Ben dude, wasn't he the new Q in Skyfall? If so, yes, he has the appropriate sweet geek charm. And he has hair. I think great hair should be a given for the new Doctor.


BC? I might hug my TV on that one, but I don't think he's quite right. He's Sherlock, we need more of that awesomeness. He could still visit the palace in a sheet, that'd be okay.

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I looked through the list, some of those people are old (I'm old too). I think the demographic needs it to be a younger guy - like under 35. Anything younger and it feels a tad creepy to have teens wanting to run away with him. I think good hair is essential (perhaps that's just my obsession). I am thinking of the crew, without good hair this woman could be out of a job.



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I looked through the list, some of those people are old (I'm old too). I think the demographic needs it to be a younger guy - like under 35. Anything younger and it feels a tad creepy to have teens wanting to run away with him.



I think you might have a point there. I've just now been able to get the computer back from 13yo dd, who had to check out every single person on the list linked above and assess their Dr-worthiness. Plus we had to watch an interview with BC (13yo's One True Love) during which he was talking about how the part is so much more than the acting -- it's also being on lunchboxes, having action figures made of you, interacting with young fans, going to publicity events.

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I haven't walked the latter half of series 7, but one thing I've noticed, maybe it's just me, maybe it's the fact ds and I watched all the seasons in a few months, is that it looks almost too polished now. We rewatched the season 1 Rose episode the other day and it felt different, like you were watching a documentary almost, not a TV show. Not everyone was sparkly beautiful, maybe it was the costuming (although I love the Doctor's clothes). Maybe it's become too formulaic and not as organic.


We haven't met up with Clara except in the frozen world episode as Souffle girl. I have no opinion on her as companion yet.



YES! Too polished and too self-aware. Too hip. Bows are cool should have been a one show joke that spun into fandom and should not have been referenced again. Where did the normal looking people go. "Raggedy Man"? Ugh. No more feisty, clever and sexy companions for awhile please (Amy and Clara should not have been back to back). And please, ditch the quick paced "clever" dialogue for a while and let peole talk to each like people really talk to each.


Sigh. It all male me long for Donna.

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YES! Too polished and too self-aware. Too hip. Bows are cool should have been a one show joke that spun into fandom and should not have been referenced again. Where did the normal looking people go. "Raggedy Man"? Ugh. No more feisty, clever and sexy companions for awhile please (Amy and Clara should not have been back to back). And please, ditch the quick paced "clever" dialogue for a while and let peole talk to each like people really talk to each.


Sigh. It all male me long for Donna.




Oi! Are you saying Donna isn't feisty, clever and sexy?


Before you answer, let me tell you that on Halloween I can tell people I am Donna and I don't even have to dress up. (my mom says I am much prettier than Catherine Tate...but she is my mom)



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Oi! Are you saying Donna isn't feisty, clever and sexy?


Before you answer, let me tell you that on Halloween I can tell people I am Donna and I don't even have to dress up. (my mom says I am much prettier than Catherine Tate...but she is my mom)





First, let me explain that I'm on my phone in the hopes that it makes my misspellings and such in the previous post excusable.


And yes, Donna is all those. :D But she was allowed to grow into those. She wasn't immediately presented as that type, she was initially just Donna and we loved her because of that. I fell like Clara (and slightly less so, Amy) were there simply to fullfill that type.



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Plus there is the whole 'thirteen's yer lot' issue. Now, some writer (Davies? Moffatt?) made it clear that they are not going to hold to the 13 (or is it 12? I get confused) regeneration limit, but it is so much a part of cannon that it is going to have to be addressed.



You don't think that has been addressed by River handing over her regeneration energy?

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