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Update on my mom and dad.


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My mom fell fractured her pelvic bone and broke her arm. She had a knee replaced that never was quite right and she has been putting off way to long getting her other knee replaced and has been forcing herself to keep on. Apparently yesterday she completely lost her balance and fell. My dad who has depended on my mom for everything is not taking this well. My sister, niece and greatniece live with my parents so they can help but my mom prides herself on doing things herself and keeping order, it's what she has always done. This dependence on people for everything will not go over well, kwim.


Update: Mom is being moved to rehab for her pelvic fracture and she will have surgery on her shoulder on Tuesday. This is really good because when I talked to mom this morning she was very concerned with going home and how she was going to do anything. My dad has to be reminded to take his meds, inhaler, vitamins. Like I said he depended on mom for everything. I reminded my sister he may not have $5 in his pocket for lunch because he would not even think to go to the bank. kwim. My younger sister has talked to my older sister, her dd and my other niece who live to at the house to make sure they remind dad to take his meds and to eat and for them to clean the house daily as my mom would want it to be. That's all for now. Thank you for caring and praying.

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oh Lynn! I'm so sorry. Are you anywhere nearby? It's a blessing that they have support right there. This happened to my mom 8 weeks ago. She tripped at the top of the steps and fell down the entire flight. She broke her back and leg. She was on complete bed rest for 6 weeks. It was HARD for her. But, people really came out of the woodwork to help. I pray it's the same for your mom.

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