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It's also good with red bell pepper slices. It makes a nice sandwich spread with tomato, cucumber, and sprouts. Yummm.


Yes! Yum, yum, yum! I used to go to a healthy restaurant in my old town that served hummus, cucumber, tomato, red onion, and sprout sandwiches on the most wonderful seedy bread. It was called The Garden Patch sandwich. Sooo good!


I do like mine best with pepper strips and cucumber chips. The kids like a piece of seedy bread with hummus. They eat it like a piece of pizza.

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In addition to the other suggestions, I like to put mine on pita pizzas. Pita bread for the "crust", hummus for the "sauce", then top with shredded Monteray Jack cheese, broccoli, and sliced red bell pepper, then bake for about 8-10 minutes until the cheese is melted. Super yum!

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I'm enjoying everyone's suggestions so much that I made hummus for lunch.


A different way to have the hummus sandwich/pizza is to use pita for the crust and put hummus, tomato, sprouts, etc on it but don't heat it and eat it like pizza.


And I agree it's good with pita chips, especially Stacy's pita chips. Nice crunchy/creamy contrast.

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We had hummus with our dinner last night.


I served falafel, hummus, curry-flavored couscous, diced celery, raw baby carrots, apple slices and pita chips. Folks here like to make up their plates in a variety of ways. Both my husband and son do kind of a mediterranean nachos thing, making a bed of the couscous and topping it with a dollop of hummus, chunks of falafel and a sprinkling of the celery. They then scoop up bites on the pita chips and nosh away.

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It's also good with red bell pepper slices. It makes a nice sandwich spread with tomato, cucumber, and sprouts. Yummm.

Love it with red bell peppers! Sometimes I make it for our lunch and we just scoop it up with tortilla chips. I use the recipe in the Vitamix book. Super yummy.

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I was just eating my afternoon snack of carrot sticks and hummus when I saw this thread! I love hummus.


I also love falafel,but I've never made it. Now I need to go find a recipe.

I tried to make falafel once. I'm a colossal falafel failure. I have no future in falafel fixing.

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Commercial hummus varies widely in taste and quality. If you are purchasing it, choose one with fresh ingredients.


Just wanted to agree with this. Some store brought brands are not great. Restaurant made is best. My mom's homemade is pretty good lol. I LOVE my local place's hummus with their fresh from the fire pita bread.

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Commercial hummus varies widely in taste and quality. If you are purchasing it, choose one with fresh ingredients.


Takes only five minutes to make hummus fresh at home. Garbanzos, tahini (roasted is better than raw, but both work), lemon juice, fresh garlic, cumin, salt (if the tahini is salt-free), parsley (fresh or dried), water (as needed, to thin). You don't even need a recipe. Just use whatever quantity of garbanzos and tahini appeals to you. Olive oil is an optional garnish, if you place the prepared hummus in a serving bowl and want to drizzle some olive oil and paprika on top for colour.

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It is so easy to make your own! Usually I cook my own garbanzo beans in the crock pot. A couple pounds of them covered with water, in crock pot on high for about four hours. Easy peasy. I blend them in my blender with fresh minced garlic, lemon juice, salt, a little olive oil, and a scoop of tahini. And freshly ground black pepper.

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