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Is there a 2nd grade plans thread?


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Sure, I'll share. This is for dd7.


History: SOTW1

Geography: Country study continued from previous year


Reading: level-appropriate readers tied to history study

Spelling: Natural Speller

Writing: WWE-based writing pulled from literature, science, and history

Grammar: Growing with Grammar with some FLL


Math: Math Mammoth

Science: Biology using Usborne Science Encyclopedia, First Human Body Encyclopedia, and First Animal Encyclopedia. Every year, I purchase a curriculum and end up using my own books instead. I'm determined not to fall into the same trap this year.


Probably some Spanish and typing because she wants to do everything her brother does.

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Here is one. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/455115-second-grade-plans/page__hl__%2Bsecond+%2Bgrade+%2Bplans


Most of my choices for my second grader are just the next step from what we did this year. We do all content work together, with reading and output expectations adjusted for capability and maturity.


Math: Singapore, Life of Fred


Logic: Lollipop Logic 3


Language: WWE2 with cross-curricular selections, IEW (also cross-curricular, and I scribe for him a lot), ViE 2 (only because he requested it), Spelling Power, good books; continuing poetry memorization


Spanish: continuing with Rosetta Stone & conversational Spanish


History: SOTW 3, lots of good (age-appropriate) historical fiction and lit, handicraft projects to correlate


Science: continue inquiry science and tinkering, living books


Nature Study: continuing Desert Southwest Family Field Guide Project


Art: continue integrating with history using A Child’s History of Art and Art in Story; applied art with whatever lesson plans DD comes up with


Swim Team


Drum lessons (Heaven help us all!)


I think we will also do a summer geography unit.

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I think I'm in the other thread, but who doesn't love to post plans again? (My sweet 7yo, upcoming 2nd grader got 6 stitches in his head this afternoon. He was a good trooper!)


Bible - Golden Children's Bible

Math - CLE 200/300

LA - CLE 100/200

Reading - various (Middle Ages picture books, Classic Starts, other readers, etc.)

History - CC Cycle 2 w/ various spines and AO year 2 selections

Science - CC Cycle 2 w/ Everything You Need to Know..., various LRAFO books, etc.

Maybe CC Prescripts - Cursive letters and coloring

Memory Work, Oral Presentations, Drawing, Music Theory, Art w/ artist study, Composer study, science experiments/demonstrations, etc. - CC Foundations


Chess, hopefully piano and basketball

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I thought I responded (maybe even started?) a thread somewhere but I will post as well.


Bible: Bible studies from our church, daily readings, and Bible Quizzing through our church


History: Sonlight Core C


Geography: some with Sonlight and Evan-Moor


Math: Horizons


Phonics: OPGTR (we may finish OPG before 2nd grade, then we will just be doing SL LA and AAS)


Writing/Phonics/ETC/Copywork/Narration/Dictation: all done with Sonlight LA


Spelling: AAS


Handwriting: HWT


Logic: Lollipop Logic when we get to it


Art: Atelier, Abeka Art, drawing books


Music: Piano with dad


I am considering attempting a foreign language of some sort. Dd is really interested in spanish, so I may try Song School. I already own SS Latin so that is an option as well. May not get to it until January with ds's wedding, baby due, possible move (dh graduates from college this summer and right now there are no jobs in this area). It's definitely on the back burner!

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I think I'm in the other thread, but who doesn't love to post plans again?



I think there's been a new plan every month for the past 5 months, LOL (or longer!).....

....But seeing as how my plans continue to change, I'll chime in again -- with our most updated, revised plans. :)


Math: BJU + Math Logic & Word Problems (Creative Teachers Press)

Phonics: Dancing Bears

Spelling: Apples & Pears

Writing: Just Write

Handwriting: Steps4Kids Modern

History/Geography: continents/habitats, then brief American History

Science: Magic School Bus dvd series

Bible: Notgrass Life of Jesus

Music: Story of the Orchestra


Homeschool PE @ the YMCA

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Here is what my 2nd grade dd is using. She started this a couple weeks ago but will continue next year for her official 2nd grade year.

HOD Bigger

R&S grammar 2

R&S spelling 2

SM 2a/2b





Also composer study, artist study, catechism, nature stories, Spanish with all kids.

Apologia science with dh.

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For my 7 yr old dd:


Reading: move from early chapter books to regular ones

great fantasy read alouds, D'Aulaires myths, some longer poems

keeping a vocabulary notebook


Writing: working on paragraphs now, moving to 3 paragraph essay later in the year

focus on the 6 traits of writing


(I'm a reading teacher by trade, so we forgo any pre-packaged Language Arts curriculum)


Math: LoF, Sunshine Math, Singapore Challenging WP

(DD had moved beyond 2nd grade basic skills, so we're just adding depth for now)


History: SOTW 1 continued, tons of projects, and on-topic read alouds


Science: Life Science, still debating curriculum


Art: more artist studies


Music: open to suggestions!


Latin: Song School Latin


Bible/Religion: Episcopal Children's Curriculum (still trying to get through year one!)


+soccer, soccer, and more soccer, possibly Irish step dance.

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Bible & Christian Studies: Family and personal Bible reading, memorization, hymns, Scripture Biography for the Young, Window on the World, Hero Tales, Trial and Triumph, other biographical stories.

Latin: Latina Christiana

Math: New Franklin Arithmetic

Composition: Classical Writing Aesop, personal writing

History: OT and Ancient Egypt, (maybe) early American

Science: Apologia's Botany, nature study, snap circuits, his own reading and inquiries, whatever DH is getting into (hydroponics, computers, ..)

Literature: Continuing Mother Goose, Aesop and Fairy Tales, adding in some mythology and (maybe) some children's Shakespeare.

Khmer: immersion, various resources

Spanish: Getting Started With Spanish, Salsa, various apps

Geography: mapping and more

Art: Drawing Textbook, (maybe) artist study

Music: composer study, (maybe) tin whistle

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Tentative plan:


Bible--Grapevine Bible OT and Long Story Short Devotional

English--Rod and Staff 2

Spelling--Rod and Staff's Spelling By Sound and Structure

Writing--IEW Bible Heroes

Reading/Lit--VP's More Favorites

History--VP's OTAE Self-Paced Online Course

Math--CLE Math 2

Science--A beka Science 2 with lots of living books

Health--Rod and Staff or A beka (still undecided)


Some enrichment classes offered once a week: Spanish, Piano, Swim and Horseback riding lessons

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I think I answered in the other thread about this but I'll answer again as I've changed my mind AGAIN. :lol:


-History: Story of the World 3 using these plans I've put together: http://themommywriter.blogspot.com/2013/04/free-charlotte-masonliving-bookshands.html

-Math: Math-U-See Beta

-Science: Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space (this will be a co-op class)

-Language Arts: Explode the Code 6-8 for Phonics; Ambleside list for poetry and some read-alouds for year 1; printables from education.com to continue light grammar study along with listening to Grammarland online for free; 20ish minutes/day of free reading; 1 book/chapter a day to read aloud to me.

-Art: Adventures in Art Curriculum year 1

-Music: composer study from AO and SCM


I think that's it for now! :)

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For now, for my rising 2nd grader, dd7


Math: Math Mammoth 2B

Reading: chapter books from library. She's flying through Boxcar Children and taking a bit longer with American Girl

Writing: WWE2

Grammar: FLL3

Spelling: AAS 2 and 3

Science: R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey (finish Life and start Earth/Space)

History: SOTW

Art: Discovering Great Artists



Co-op: SOTW, Art Club, Fun with Food Club


Probably some stuff I'm forgetting too

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Math: Singapore 4A/4B; Beast Academy 4A-4D; LoF Fractions

Literature: Sonlight Readers gr. 4/5; MCT Alice, Peter, Mole

Writing: HWT Cursive; EM Daily Language Review gr. 4; Unjournaling

Grammar: MCT Town; possibly Killgallon

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 3000 bk. 2

History: SOTW vol. 2

Geography: EM Daily Geography gr. 4; Trail Guide to World Geography

Science: Real Science Odyssey - Chemistry

Arabic: private school



weekly - SOTW, Science Club, 4-H, Adventure Club

monthly - Book Club, Zoo Club

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Today, my plan is:


Math: MUS and CLE

History: History Odyessy Middle Ages Level 1 with SoTW 2 and CHOW

Handwriting: HWT

Science: REAL Science Odyessy Earth

Spanish: Song School Spanish

Composition: WWE 2 and IEW Bible Stories

Phonics/Reading: readers, Phonics Pathways

Grammar : Hmm, still considering

Art; HomeArtStudio Grade 3


-Classical Conversations Foundations

-P.E. at the Y

-Piano Lessons


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I think I posted in the other thread but I think my plans have also changed a bit:



Math: Singapore 2B . . . and LOF. Not sure what we'll do after 2B. She loves math and wants to start BA but I'm afraid she'll pass her older brother so we might move to 3A first.


Language: WWE-style copywork/dictation using McGuffey 1/2. WRTR for spelling. Probably creative writing of some kind because she loves that.


History: She has only just decided she doesn't hate history. We'll probably do SOTW 2 at least in part and have a strong emphasis on (Catholic) church history. She is making her First Communion and it fits well with SOTW 2. Dh handles formal religious instruction.


Science/Geography: I mostly unschool these in the early grades but she is a workbook lover so we'll probably do Evan-Moor Dailies for these subjects probably doing grades 2 and 3 next year.


Music: violin and piano lessons


Language: She's clamoring for a language. My plan was Latin starting in third grade but I may re-evaluate later this summer. She's a very self-directed learner so if I can find something that works, we may dive in.

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I have an almost 2nd grader by age. This is what we're doing now, and will continue into "2nd" grade. (We school year round.)


Math: We're still in SM 1B, and will continue to 2A. Seems like this is my only "sure thing" as far as curriculum goes. ;)


Language: copy work & dictation using our current read aloud; narration in literature & history reading; she loves to write, so she'll continue to write stories, poems, letters; she's beginning cursive now; R&S spelling, grammar as it comes up in our writing; lots of independent reading and reading aloud to her little siblings; poetry & scripture memorization.


History/Geography: still working through SOTW1 along with additional books we find at the library. If she can do some activities independently, we'll add that. Right now we just color and do little things here and there.


Science: I am thinking of getting Outdoor Secrets (from SCM) to do all together... Right now, we just watch magic school bus sometimes, and I "strew" things about, go on nature walks, etc. DH & I are very outdoor people. We're about ready to plant a garden at our new home. She learns tons. She is really into bird watching/identifying right now. :)


Bible: since she was tiny, we've just been rereading the same storybook bible. It works great! She's learning to look up verses now, and has independent studies at church. We've added some TGS studies and activities as we have time.


ETA: forgot some things!

Music: composer study (very informal) & classical music hour during lunch; beginning piano in the fall.

Art: Artistic pursuits book 1


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My big girl is a second grader next fall. Here are our main programs:


Bible: BJU Bible 2, Kid's devotionals


Math: Singapore Primary Math 4b/5a mixed with Horizons 4/5, CWP, maybe LoF something


English: BJU English and Spelling 2, read alouds, chapter books


Science: ?


History/Geography: BJU Heritage Studies 2


Other: PE, art, music, 4-H, assorted other things required by the state

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This is our 2nd grade line up:


Bible: VP (whole timeline and Sunday School pages), memory work from CC (Bible facts and Scripture), AWANA, hymns, manners, Character First, First Catechism, Small Talks on Big Questions, Bible Reading


Math: Saxon 3 and Tables, Squares, and Cubes and flashcards from CC


Writing: PreScripts, IEW Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales, letters, journal writing


Grammar: CC memory work and examples (including punctuation and capitalization rules from Essentials)


Reading: McGuffey Second Eclectic Reader (for expression and fluency), McCall-Crabbs Book A (for reading comprehension)


Spelling: Spelling Plus, Dictation Resource Book, Homophones Book, phonogram quizzes, spelling rules from Essentials, homemade charts on phonograms and spelling rules (3 phonograms and 1 rule per week)


Logic: Building Thinking Skills 1 (first half of the book)


Latin: Latin's Not So Tough 2, CC memory work


Greek: Hey Andrew 2


History: CC timeline and history highlights plus notebooking and living books, SOTW in the summer and maybe A Journey Through Learning lapbooks


Science: CC acts and facts cards and memory work plus notebooking and lab reports and visual presentations, etc. on CC projects and experiments; RS4K textbook reading and A Journey Through Learning lapbooks in summer


Geography: Map tracing from CC and memory work songs; living books


Fine Arts: projects and resources from CC; maybe A Journey Through Learning and Wisdom and Righteousness lapbooks in summer, lots of drawing books, Suzuki violin lessons, maybe art lessons, Drawing with Children, Classical Music for Dummies, Discovering Great Artists, Foundations Guide, living books


Literature: VP and Writing Road to Reading 2nd grade list plus read aloud books from Teaching the Classics and A Thomas Jefferson Education


Rhetoric: IEW Poetry Memorization and presentations at CC

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I'll play. I'll have a slightly younger 2nd grader, she'll still be 6 when we start in the fall. She'll follow along in content stuff with my 3rd & 4th graders.


Math - Singapore 2 & Miquon Green & Blue


Reading - ETC 5-7?, finish HOP, WWE 2, AAS 2


Science - McQ's Life Science


History - History Odyssey Middle Ages 1


She'll also continue violin lessons and swimming.

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Ds will be in second grade next year.


Language Arts: finish OPGTR

continue reading books on his level


handwriting (HWT or CHC??)

copywork and narration


Math: continue RightStart and Singapore combo


Religion: reading through a book about the life of Jesus


saint stories

a few other books I have hanging around

First Communion prep


Finish MFW Adventures, then study:


World Geography: not sure if I'll buy something or if it will be mom-made, but it will include reading saint stories and folk/fairy tales from the countries we are studying and doing some art, cooking, projects, etc.


Science: unsure, but he'll be combined with 4th grade dd

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Here we go...


history: SOTW2, "Catholicized"

science: BFSU, continued


math: Singapore Math 2b, 3a, + Miquon

reading: McGuffey + buddy reading some of our literature and history books

spelling: not sure, probably will go through phonics pathways

grammar: Grammarland + activity pages

other LA: copywork/dictation exercises, oral narration, hope to be ready for MCT in 3rd


art: picture study, Atelier art dvds


Read-alouds: children's classics + AO poetry anthologies

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I am in planning mode right now, so I dug up this thread. :)



DS will be a young 2nd grader this fall.


Grammar: MCT we will finish up grammar island this summer, not sure what he will do next.

Literature: AO book lists

Latin: Minimus

Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser

History: SoTW 1&2 from Athena's

Science: Evan Moor daily science supplemented with library books and nature study weather permitting.

Math: mathematical reasoning and BA

Art: harmony fine arts


He plays Suzuki double bass, drums, and soccer

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Our tentative plans:


Math: Singapore, maybe Beast Academy

Language Arts: Bravewriter lifestyle, All About Spelling, maybe MCT

Science: BFSU

History: SOTW

Foreign language: Getting Started with Spanish and Song School Latin

Art: Artistic Pursuits

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I have a rising second grader. IYH we're moving up a level in curriculum in . . . July? End of June, thereabouts. We're doing Singapore Math, AAS (if she hasn't finished it yet), Elson Readers, McGuffey Readers (level 4 in all of those). Patching together something for Hebrew when she finishes Sefer Alef Bais. Attempting to get BFSU underway. Um . . . oh yes, Easy Grammar 2. Maybe Writing Strands. I'm pretty sure that we'll stick with all of the 4th stuff, because we've been with that stuff since primer or level 1 and it seems to be working fine. Easy Grammar I tried this year, but it didn't take. I am trying again next year, and if it doesn't take again, I will have to find some other way to do grammar I guess.

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  • 1 month later...

I will have a 2nd and 3rd grader, and this will be our first year homeschooling. And honestly, as I don't know the depth of what they know, we are going to start with review over the summer in reading, grammer and writing, just to make sure they have it and so I can discover any holes in their knowledge. Pretty much my 3rd grader too, except she'll be doing FLL3


Bible: Book of John to start with and basic apologetics once a week

Grammer: FLL 2

Reading: Review through OPGR though she's an awesome reader combined with tons of book

Writing: WWE 1

History: SOTW 1

Latin: Latin for Children ??still undecided for sure

Math: Saxon 2 (her school actual used Saxon, so it'll be an easy transition)

Science: My own mix of AIG books

Art: Artistic Pursuits

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Well, my dd will technically be a second grader, although she wants to be in third (and my dh wants her to be, too). We'll be doing:


Math: Math Mammoth 3

Language Arts: Rod and Staff Grammar 3, Spelling Workout E, WTM style writing from literature and history, Prima Latina (second half)

Science:Elemental Science Chemistry, some unit studies per request (plants, light)

Literature: keep on with Greek Myths and Stories from Shakespeare, lots of early modern books, AO year 3 literature

History: SOTW 3; Complete Book of United States History; Maps, Charts and Graphs C; History Pockets (Explorers, Colonial America, Revolutionary War)

Other: Art projects from Art Lab for Kids; Learn to Draw in 30 Days (Kistler); Classical Kids

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Holy cannoli, it looks like I'm going to be teaching a 2nd grader next year! Dd7, who has been in ps for K-1, really wants to come home, and though I'm nervous as heck about it, we're taking the plunge. Given her personality, I expect that I will plan everything, then realize it all needs to change once we actually get started! :lol: But here's the plan, anyway.


Math: MM2 & LOF elementary

LA: LOE, additional copywork/dictation as needed

Reading Practice: She's working through the YC 2nd Reader now, we'll do the 3rd next year as well. She loves to read, and picks a bunch of books from the library to read aloud every week.

Handwriting: We'll practice through copywork, but I think we're going to start on cursive as well, though I don't know quite what we'll use yet

Spanish: GSWS, along with sis

Content subjects: We're going to do an integrated, story-based & interest-based study that will cover history, geography & science. We'll move around the world continent by continent, studying geography, reading stories from the countries/cultures (both contemporary & historical), and studying ecology/habitats/biomes. How's that for a loosy-goosy description? We'll do narrations from the books we read, and assorted activities & projects as well. I'm working up a book list now.


We also do daily read alouds together, a classic children's book plus we're working through a children's Bible as well.


It looks pretty minimalist compared to what most of y'all are planning, but what I've learned from this child is to not get too attached to plans. My main focus is on skill subjects, reading, 'riting & 'rithmetic, everything else is gravy. She'll pick up a lot from tagging along/listening to her sister's lessons & discussions, she has a ridiculously large vocabulary and always makes me smile when she busts out with Caesar's English words she's picked up from listening in!

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The problem with digging up an old(ish) planning thread is that some of us change our plans from month to month (I don't *think* I'm only speaking for myself but maybe I am :lol:) and since we have had new 2nd grade planning threads at least three months in a row, I was really hoping to see a new one now that it's June. :p


Oh well, here is my recently updated plan (copied from up-thread and edited):


Bible & Christian Studies: Family and personal Bible reading, memorization, hymns, Scripture Biography for the Young, Window on the World, Hero Tales, Trial and Triumph, other biographical stories.

Latin: Latina Christiana Latin memory work supplemented with a little Cambridge 1 Lively Latin

Math: New Franklin Arithmetic finish Miquon and then begin Math Mammoth

Writing and Grammar: Classical Writing Aesop, personal writing, Writing With Ease 2, KISS Grammar 2nd g./Level 1

History: A lot of books and documentaries to cover several threads: A narrative through history (going to try Miller/Guerber), ancient Egypt specifically (starting with Payne but we have a number of books on the shelves to get to), English history (he wants to begin Our Island Story all over again!?!), and American.

Science: Apologia's Botany, nature study, snap circuits, his own reading and inquiries (including topics/scientists that come up in his history studies), whatever DH is getting into (hydroponics, computers, ..)

Literature: Continuing Mother Goose, Aesop and Fairy Tales, adding in some mythology, (maybe) some children's Shakespeare, Fifty Famous Stories Retold.

Khmer: immersion, various resources tutor (finally a ray of hope that we will learn this language)

Spanish: Getting Started With Spanish, Salsa, various apps

Geography: mapping and more

Art: Drawing Textbook, (maybe) artist study

Music: (maybe) composer study, (maybe) tin whistle



ETA: I've already been back to edit this. :-/

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The problem with digging up an old(ish) planning thread is that some of us change our plans from month to month (I don't *think* I'm only speaking for myself but maybe I am :lol:) and since we have had new 2nd grade planning threads at least three months in a row, I was really hoping to see a new one now that it's June. :p




Haha, I've edited my above post at least 3-4 times since originally typing it out! :D :D


ETA: Actually I must've been updating a different 2nd grade thread! My above list was way old, hehe. Changed it!

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The problem with digging up an old(ish) planning thread is that some of us change our plans from month to month (I don't *think* I'm only speaking for myself but maybe I am :lol:) and since we have had new 2nd grade planning threads at least three months in a row, I was really hoping to see a new one now that it's June. :p




Haha, I've edited my above post at least 3-4 times since originally typing it out! :D :D

ETA: Actually I must've been updating a different 2nd grade thread! My above list was way old, hehe. Changed it!


LOL, yes. I have been updating. I have probably updated my oldest's plans on the 5th grade threads a half dozen times...

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