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How much are you spending on curriculum?


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If it makes you feel any better, think of this. When my kids were in public school, I was required to spend at least $300 per child per year. That included the mandatory beginning of the year school supplies (a certain number of glue sticks, tissue boxes, wet wipes, crayons, pencils, spiral notebooks, folders, etc.), contribution to the class fund for parties (around $25), class picture, "send in a white t-shirt for field day" types of requests from the teacher, Christmas present for the teacher and aide, end of the year present for teacher and aide, birthday presents for teacher and aide, teacher appreciation week present for teacher and aide, buying an item with my child's hand-made art picture printed on it (what excuse can you use with your child to say no to that?), school spirit wear t-shirt, contribution to the class basket for the school fundraiser auction, tickets to attend the school fundraiser, buying raffle tickets at the school fundraiser, etc. Those are just the things that come to mind off the top of my head. I estimated that I spent about $300 per child, though perhaps I actually spent more, I was being really cheap and frugal, trying to spend as little as possible. So I ended up spending about $1,000 for three kids in public school per year. In addition, think about private school. This cheapest, church-subsidized private school in my area costs about $6,000 per year per child. Therefore, homeschooling is actually not a lot more expensive than public school, and it is far cheaper than private school. Maybe that will make you feel better about your homeschool budget!

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If it makes you feel any better, think of this. When my kids were in public school, I was required to spend at least $300 per child per year. That included the mandatory beginning of the year school supplies (a certain number of glue sticks, tissue boxes, wet wipes, crayons, pencils, spiral notebooks, folders, etc.), contribution to the class fund for parties (around $25), class picture, "send in a white t-shirt for field day" types of requests from the teacher, Christmas present for the teacher and aide, end of the year present for teacher and aide, birthday presents for teacher and aide, teacher appreciation week present for teacher and aide, buying an item with my child's hand-made art picture printed on it (what excuse can you use with your child to say no to that?), school spirit wear t-shirt, contribution to the class basket for the school fundraiser auction, tickets to attend the school fundraiser, buying raffle tickets at the school fundraiser, etc. Those are just the things that come to mind off the top of my head. I estimated that I spent about $300 per child, though perhaps I actually spent more, I was being really cheap and frugal, trying to spend as little as possible. So I ended up spending about $1,000 for three kids in public school per year. In addition, think about private school. This cheapest, church-subsidized private school in my area costs about $6,000 per year per child. Therefore, homeschooling is actually not a lot more expensive than public school, and it is far cheaper than private school. Maybe that will make you feel better about your homeschool budget!


Lol. This is what I do! Whenever I start to cringe at the cost I'm running up with co-op classes and curricula, I remember that the local Catholic schools we used to have our eldest in, ran about 5K a year (kinder through grade 8), plus uniform fees, book fees, building fees, etc.

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I'm spending about $400 total for next year. That is curriculum for a 2nd grader and Kindergartner. It also includes a weekly co-op for all 3 kids.


I'm fairly frugal - I use a lot of free online resources. I buy used almost all the time. We have a great public library, so we use that as well.

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My oldest was in private school prior to homeschooling, and that was about $5k/year, so anything I spend will be WAAAAAAY less than that, though we try to save that same amount each year, and whatever I don't spend for homeschool gets put in savings for future educational needs (college or private school as necessary).


Anyway, my spending is all over the place. I think the first couple years, I spent about $300. This year, I added a child, though HE wasn't very expensive. I did get some highish dollar items that were helpful for me as a teacher, and I ended up spending about $1000 for the two kids total. That includes buying all the books for history (mostly used, some new), and generally building up my home library. This next year, I'm just over $500 for the two kids (actually, 3 kids, as I bought K level math and a handwriting book for my soon-to-be 4 year old who likes to "do school"). I'm borrowing some books from a friend instead of buying them all, so that helps keep cost down quite a bit. I didn't have to buy math for oldest, since I'd already built up several options over the last couple years. :D


I always keep a running spreadsheet of what I plan to use the following year and how much it will cost. I edit it throughout the year, making adjustments as I change my mind (which is often). But I always have roughly some idea of how much the next year will run me if I get everything new. Then I may buy new or I may buy used, depending on what it is. Obviously, if I couldn't afford new, I'd by used. Sometimes I buy new just to support the curriculum provider, since I am capable of it.


What's "too much" will depend on your own family budget. If you're having trouble putting food on the table every week, $1000 in a year would obviously be too much. If you're buying a new Mercedes every 2 years, $1000 for the year is probably a drop in the bucket. And just because someone else does it cheaper doesn't mean you have to. I buy things to make my teaching easier. I don't always want to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes it's worth it to me to pay someone else to do the leg work. Sometimes I buy things to help teach ME - teacher training. For example, I'm a mathy engineer that never felt comfortable with literary analysis. I need all the help I can get when my kids start literary analysis. :tongue_smilie: People with really good libraries can spend less than people who don't have access to a library at all. There are just so many variables, and it really is all about what YOU need and what YOU can afford.

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If it makes you feel any better, think of this. When my kids were in public school, I was required to spend at least $300 per child per year. That included the mandatory beginning of the year school supplies (a certain number of glue sticks, tissue boxes, wet wipes, crayons, pencils, spiral notebooks, folders, etc.), contribution to the class fund for parties (around $25), class picture, "send in a white t-shirt for field day" types of requests from the teacher, Christmas present for the teacher and aide, end of the year present for teacher and aide, birthday presents for teacher and aide, teacher appreciation week present for teacher and aide, buying an item with my child's hand-made art picture printed on it (what excuse can you use with your child to say no to that?), school spirit wear t-shirt, contribution to the class basket for the school fundraiser auction, tickets to attend the school fundraiser, buying raffle tickets at the school fundraiser, etc. Those are just the things that come to mind off the top of my head. I estimated that I spent about $300 per child, though perhaps I actually spent more, I was being really cheap and frugal, trying to spend as little as possible. So I ended up spending about $1,000 for three kids in public school per year. In addition, think about private school. This cheapest, church-subsidized private school in my area costs about $6,000 per year per child. Therefore, homeschooling is actually not a lot more expensive than public school, and it is far cheaper than private school. Maybe that will make you feel better about your homeschool budget!



I was JUST talking about this about an hour ago!


I think Dds curriculum will come to about 600 and a little extra for science experiment supplies, etc.. I don't feel bad anymore. A lot of this curriculum is nonconsumable as I stated before, and I know my mom used to spend that much just on my "back to school clothes." Not to mention school fees, extra stuff throughout the year, fundraisers, school pictures, blah blah.


So I am totally at peace with my 600 total. I started ordering this morning (about 75 dollars on Amazon). As for the rest, RR had the best prices (of course) so our big order will happen next paycheck.


I think I've pretty much finalized my list.. so here is what Im buying... (off the top of my head)


WWE Text & Workbook Level 1


Zaner Bloser Handwriting 1st

SWO A and B


SOTW Vol. 1 Instructor guide, Activity Book, and Tests

Kingfisher History Encyclopedia <--- Still undecided

Usborne IL Encyclopedia of World History

Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World


Telling Gods Story Year 1 Activity Book and TG


Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book 1 (+Supplies)

Dover Art Postcards


Color The Classics: Godly Composers

Bastien Piano Primer A


Saxon Math 1 Home Study Kit (already have the manipulatives, Chyess!)


R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey- Life

Green Thumbs

Handbook of Nature Study

Grow-A-Frog Kit

Birds of Ohio

Kingfisher 1st Encyclopedia of Animals

Live Butterfly Garden

Owl Pellet Dissection Kit




Whew.... That looks like a lot :crying:


There are a lot of references and kits/experiments though, also the curric. is reusable.


P.S. If you see anything you would like to comment on, go right ahead. Example: "We bought those references for SOTW and never used them." :laugh:

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This year I spent more on furniture at IKEA than on books (i think), but what i spent on them has lowered my blood pressure, gave us a perfect project spot (i'm not calling it a school table - it is a project table as far as we are concerned), and just has made my life run smoother. But of course, now I have a spot to put all the books I already own - and have discovered stuff I forgot about!!! :D


So in my case, the Ikea stuff was a stretch financially, but mentally - it was an investment worth every penny.


(and yes, I will share pictures one day if I can finally get the kids to help finish up the rest of the clean-up... and I have a wall left to paint and deal with!)

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Kingfisher History Encyclopedia <--- Still undecided


You just have the current 6 year old? I would say skip this for now unless you want it for you.


And you checked the homeschool-buyers co-op for art stuff right??? (i'm out of money, so I can't look to see what they have on sale this month! LOL!)

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You just have the current 6 year old? I would say skip this for now unless you want it for you.


And you checked the homeschool-buyers co-op for art stuff right??? (i'm out of money, so I can't look to see what they have on sale this month! LOL!)



I was only thinking of buying because WTM says you will need it later, also there are the memorization lists in the back. I know they say the reading is a bit heavy for younger ages... but Im paranoid I will decide not to buy it, she won't memorize the lists, and then her entire education will be ruined.


I kid--but yeah, I'm a "just in case" kind of gal!


I have NOT checked this buyers co-op you speak of... but you bet I am now! Thanks!

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We are going to try something totally new and different so our costs are going to be in the neighborhood of $2500 (books and DVDs) for 2 grade levels plus consumable books for the extra 2 kids (4 kids--2 in each level).


I have no idea what to do for my DD.




Have you looked at Peak with Books? I think it's awesome and I have a semi schedule for it. Rainbow Resources carries it. I think if you got all the books it would be Under $300. LOL if you wanted to spend that much more.

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Lol. This is what I do! Whenever I start to cringe at the cost I'm running up with co-op classes and curricula, I remember that the local Catholic schools we used to have our eldest in, ran about 5K a year (kinder through grade 8), plus uniform fees, book fees, building fees, etc.




LOL this is me too dd was in a private school for 3 years 900$ per month. I only pay a fraction of that now!

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Love these

WWE Text & Workbook Level 1



SWO A and B What is this? curiosity is going to kill my budget!


SOTW Vol. 1 Instructor guide, Activity Book, and Tests (Love these but I don't think you need the tests at this age..)

Kingfisher History Encyclopedia <--- Still undecided My dd is 8 she actually likes the Usborne World History book the best (not the internet linked. I have all three as I am also one of those Just in Case Moms!

Usborne IL Encyclopedia of World History

Kingfisher Atlas of the Ancient World This is Awesome! There is one for each era and there is one that contains all 4.



Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book 1 (+Supplies) LoVe


Bastien Piano Primer A does this program work if you yourself do not know how to play?




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I was only thinking of buying because WTM says you will need it later, also there are the memorization lists in the back. I know they say the reading is a bit heavy for younger ages... but Im paranoid I will decide not to buy it, she won't memorize the lists, and then her entire education will be ruined.


I kid--but yeah, I'm a "just in case" kind of gal!


I have NOT checked this buyers co-op you speak of... but you bet I am now! Thanks!


Well, let me ease your mind - for this year!


My almost 9 year old has no interest in the book at the moment, it is basically all reading and she prefers the great pictures of the Usborne.


My Special Needs 13 yo, that reads at a 5th grade level - it is still to much over her head to hand it to her, but this year I might have her do some reading from it (memorizing will be reserved for math and spelling rules!!).


Trust me, you can survive this year without it :D

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I would only get ONE encyclopedia to go with SOTW. UILE is great for that age. Kingfisher Is good for middle school, though I think most people prefer an older version (the white one).


I didn't have my first grader memorize any lists. He remembers quite a bit of history without doing that.


I also didn't get the tests. A first grader doesn't need tests for history.

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To Jennifer:


SWO A & B is Spelling Workout as suggested by my (older) version of WTM.. not sure about the newer ones? Or maybe I just got the abbreviation wrong, lol.


As for SOTW I told myself I wouldn't need the tests!! Ahhhh! I'm so paranoid that something I remove from my cart could be so valuable that it just makes all the information *click* and dd understands it all perfectly.. without it our school year will be a disaster.


I. Need. To. Quit. Im deleting them from my cart and saving 10 bucks! I'm also fairly sure I will be removing the Kingfisher as well.


As for the piano primer... WTM suggested the Usborne piano book, but this one was way cheaper.. its 5.50 at RR and I found it on Amazon for like 4.50(?) So I went for it. It sounds very basic and simple so even if you don't know how to play piano yourself, I am sure it would be easy for you to still instruct.

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And just when I got my total down to an amount that doesn't make me hyperventilate..... ;)


But hey, we saved you $$ on the tests and the kingfisher :p


It is hard - trust me know I know it is hard.... even know as a single mom living on a shoestring (thread?), I still can buy stuff and kill the budget. At least it is better to kill it buying Math Mammoth that is being used than say, going out and having a social life right???? :o


(note, I do have a social life - but my boyfriend travels extensively for work, so I don't go out that often unless he is home! :) )

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To Jennifer:


SWO A & B is Spelling Workout as suggested by my (older) version of WTM.. not sure about the newer ones? Or maybe I just got the abbreviation wrong, lol. I have heard of it I have just never seen it abbreviated :)


As for SOTW I told myself I wouldn't need the tests!! Ahhhh! I'm so paranoid that something I remove from my cart could be so valuable that it just makes all the information *click* and dd understands it all perfectly.. without it our school year will be a disaster. Some people stress over how do you keep track of how well kids are doing if they don't take tests. That is why she made those. IMO (and many others) you don't need to worry about it at this age.


I. Need. To. Quit. Im deleting them from my cart and saving 10 bucks! I'm also fairly sure I will be removing the Kingfisher as well.


As for the piano primer... WTM suggested the Usborne piano book, but this one was way cheaper.. its 5.50 at RR and I found it on Amazon for like 4.50(?) So I went for it. It sounds very basic and simple so even if you don't know how to play piano yourself, I am sure it would be easy for you to still instruct. Okay. I am not sure what is in the Usborne one but I will say that Usborne books are a great thing for homeschoolers. They are GREAT books. I would look up reviews on the piano primer. I am not 100% for sure but I think they are recommended for people who have taught piano or have an understanding of it. Please do not take my word for it.



Since you have not purchased yet let me suggest this... google some reviews of what you want to use with dd. I love WTM and most of my homeschooling is based on it but some things work and some don't. If you can find samples print them and have you dc try them and see what she likes.


This lady is amazing she makes awesome curriculum guides for supplements. Take your time putting stuff together. I def don't think you need the kingfisher yet. :) http://butterfliesandbarefootlasses.blogspot.com/search/label/Early%20Elementary%20Ancient%20History


Also if you haven't already check out the "try before you buy" on pandia press' website for the RSO Life and check out the list of suggested reading material & Spine she has listed... you may want to try and find the Natural world one on amazon that was the only place I could find it. That was the only major one that is used for almost all units after the human body study.

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Thanks for the advice Jennifer! I have checked out reviews anywhere I can find them.. I actually had problems with my vision last night from staring at the computer all day... oops. lol.


Ive checked out the try it before you buy it, also!


I am pretty excited about our 1st grade year. I feel like our Science is going to be very hands on. Dd does really well with Saxon. Of course we have already covered some of what is in Saxon 1 but not enough to skip to Saxon 2nd grade... Which means we will probably finish our math book in January again. :)


Okay enough of my rambling. I have three packages on the way and we will be making our RR purchase soon. I just can't wait to get my hands on this curriculum. I'll be planning all summer, lol.


Sadly, that is my idea of fun. No wonder I have no social life!

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I've just spent $1250 total, I think for two kids. This is buying most of it used at a good price, and buying all literature/reading and some additional resources just in case plan A doesn't work. We live overseas so I have to buy my backup right away. Hopefully I don't need them, but just in case. We'll see.

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I kind of mentally budget 1,000. It might end up less, but that's what I don't want to go over unless really necessary. That is for 4 kids (5th, 4th, 1st, and K next year). I'm planning to buy Sonlight Core D next year so that is a lot of books that I can use again and makes up a lot of the cost. I might use a cheaper science like CHC's Behold & See. I do want to try Rosetta Stone and that is roughly $150. Then there's math and spelling. I might try SL LA since it comes with the IG now, but I will need to throw in some supplements. At least half of the money I spend, if not more, will be on non-consumables, so that makes me feel better. I also see my kids read their Sonlight books from Cores A & B over and over so that also makes me feel better. LOL (I really sound like I'm rationalizing, don't I?)


Education is priceless! :laugh:

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Dh is giving me $800 total for 2 kids. I'm a little worried, especially considering I'm going out on a limb and purchasing OM3 for dd (which will eat up a big chunk of that and I've never even seen the books in person.) Occasionally we have wonderfully helpful relatives send $50 or an educational item or art supply or something like that, so that helps out a lot. We also have Kindles and an awesome library, so that's another big plus. Oh, and my ps teacher friends always hook me up with book order books and leftover crafty things. :) So, we'll get there!

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Dh is giving me $800 total for 2 kids. I'm a little worried, especially considering I'm going out on a limb and purchasing OM3 for dd (which will eat up a big chunk of that and I've never even seen the books in person.) Occasionally we have wonderfully helpful relatives send $50 or an educational item or art supply or something like that, so that helps out a lot. We also have Kindles and an awesome library, so that's another big plus. Oh, and my ps teacher friends always hook me up with book order books and leftover crafty things. :) So, we'll get there!


As long as you are getting all the materials you think you will need it does not really how much you spend. There are TONS of freebes online you can use if you end up needing to supplement. Just make sure you cover you 4 core subjects for each kid and your good :)

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Because I have a strange fascination to keep up with my costs every year......


1st year- $0 We used a borrowed curriculum (K)

2nd year- $500 A Beka (BLEH!!) for two kids (1st and K5-Year 1 because I was stupid enough to push my 4 y/o into K5 early)

3rd year- $400-ish A Beka for phonics and math but we used MFW Adventures as well (2nd and K5-Year 2)

4th year- $700 (shhhhh... don't tell my husband) Definitely more eclectic this year. (3rd and 1st)


We are still building up our library and compensating for not buying ANYTHING the first year.


This fall........ I'm thinking it's going to be a $700-$800 kind of year and then you throw in a 2-year-old who also needs a school happy or two. My dh is a free spirit with money.....except when it comes to books. He puzzles me exceedingly. I am the frugal one and I try to buy everything used and you can't get that all at once. That is a slow, continuing process that takes time and the total doesn't seem as big to me when it's a lot of little numbers. Dh on the other hand, wants it to be in one or two big purchases (at all once) like a band-aid. Get over the big ouch and it's over. :confused1: Sorry to just unload that on here.

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I'm buying for my first first grader this year as well. My original list was a bit more than what I have since whittled it down to. I'm kinda glad I didn't make my purchases back when I thought I was ready, because I have since made some major changes that are going to save me money (skipping a math curriculum all together, in favor of playing math; change to art, etc). Right now my total is about $230, but I might splurge on Classical Kids (the whole collection) and some other music resources.


This total doesn't include art supplies or "incidentals", which can obviously add up.

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I spend a Tremendous Amount (Dd has been on a Blueberries for Sal kick). Most of what I spend is home library stuff. I buy lots of supplemental materials, games, kits, etc. Actual curriculum is...hmm...I"ve never added it up, but it is much more in line with what many people spend. Wether or not an amount is reasonable is due, as others have said, to many factors. Homeschooling (books, especially) takes up a large part of my discretionary spending. If I didn't have discretionary spending I would make do with much less. As it is, I love beautiful books. I spend evenings reading about educational philosophies while Dh watches sports on tv. It is a hobby of mine,, and hobbies tend to be epensive.

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Dh is giving me $800 total for 2 kids. I'm a little worried, especially considering I'm going out on a limb and purchasing OM3 for dd (which will eat up a big chunk of that and I've never even seen the books in person.) Occasionally we have wonderfully helpful relatives send $50 or an educational item or art supply or something like that, so that helps out a lot. We also have Kindles and an awesome library, so that's another big plus. Oh, and my ps teacher friends always hook me up with book order books and leftover crafty things. :) So, we'll get there!

Just remember that, should OM not work out, it has a GREAT resale value!!!

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I budgeted $1000 to use for the upcoming school year. That is for my 7yo dd. We buy new from SL for Cores, LA, and Science. Much of this will be reusable with the youngers so I don't see that total rising astronomically over the next few years. I have so much stuff I saved from my olders, manipulatives and the like. I know I will spend more as we get into the higher cores, but since so much of SL's stuff is reusable, the intial investment in the largest. I am building an awesome library with this stuff and hope to be able to pass it down to my kids someday.

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I have about $400 in my cart right now for K and 3rd. Math Mammoth is already bought. Already have Kers stuff like OPGTR, phonics, math, and writing.



Prima Latina



Spelling Workout C

D'Nealian 3



D'Nealian K

Explode the Code 1 and 1 1/2 plus TG

Snap Circuits

Robotics books



God's Design for Heaven and Earth Science 3 book set

SOTW 2 with activity guide

Home Art Studio DVD 3rd grade


I've drooled over more expensive curriculum, but honestly these choices work for us and get done. Plus we use the library a lot.


It's the extras like dance, music, and sports that take all my money.


ETA My total keeps rising!

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I have about $350 in my cart right now for K and 3rd. Math Mammoth is already bought. Already have Kers stuff like OPGTR, phonics, math, and writing.



Prima Latina



Spelling Workout C

A Reason for Handwriting C



Explode the Code 1 and 1 1/2 plus TG

Snap Circuits

Robotics books



God's Design for Heaven and Earth Science 3 book set

SOTW 2 with activity guide

Home Art Studio DVD 3rd grade


I've drooled over more expensive curriculum, but honestly these choices work for us and get done. Plus we use the library a lot.


It's the extras like dance, music, and sports that take all my money.



Did you use the previous levels of these bolded curriculums? If so, Im assuming you like them, lol. Just wondering because Ive been reading quite a few reviews on Spelling Workout that were... pretty unhappy.

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Well, I don't buy till around Sept, so no idea. I have a budget, but it includes any big purchases, like re-filling the Atelier, buckets of glue, sparkles, office supplies, paper, books, pens, pencils, science kits, games, books. So, I don't wanna go there lol.


If we are talking about "just" curricula, I'm sort of moving to a place where I won't use much, and costs will be mostly supplies.


We're using/plan to be using, things like NEE, BFSU, Science Experiment Books, Sound Foundations, Rightstart, KONOS.


So if we continue down that road, in September it would be new books from Sound Foundations for each of their levels (Phonics), Rightstart TM & workbook/sheets/, Anti-coloring books and more Maryann Kohl stuff. The rest would be supplies or fun extras like science kits, to go on the kit shelf.


Long-term would be purchasing the next BFSU book, adding Apples & Pears, purchasing the next KONOS book (if I don't purchase them all from the beginning), and getting parts of MCT, Beast Academy, and Cozy Grammar, and some more Tin Man Press stuff. I already have most of Bravewriters stuff, plus certain other things needed.


So "curriculum" in Sept could be around $250 for the 3 kids for the following year. And it would only be that much because each SF book is $40. But we'll end up spending a lot more on supplies for arts & crafts, school supplies, new lit books, games, puzzles, and science kits, and the end total of that is something I am not talking about :laugh:

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Did you use the previous levels of these bolded curriculums? If so, Im assuming you like them, lol. Just wondering because Ive been reading quite a few reviews on Spelling Workout that were... pretty unhappy.


Yes. We switched to AAS, which was good, but it just didn't get done consistently for us. So we recently picked SW B up again. I like the independent student aspect of it. I just needed a subject that didn't require me as much.


As far as FLL we have done 1 and 2. I looked at other options, but have been told things ramp up in 3 and it's been working for us. I'm actually looking forward to diagramming. Lol!


We actually have been back and forth with WWE because up until recently DD has hated writing anything. But we plan to finish up 1 and move to 2 mid year next year. This has been the year DD has gone from hating reading and writing to wanting to excellent in those subjects.

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We've always budgeted $1,000 per child per year for curriculum. It's always ended up costing just about that amount, too. So...adding that up over 18 years (subtracting years where I didn't have three kids at one time) comes to approximately $45,000 on homeschooling for all three of my kiddos. And I don't regret one single penny of it. The college scholarships my two oldest have received are quickly making up for that amount.

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About $700-$1000 for 4 kids, though one is only in pre-K, so she's minimal. I do buy most of my history and science books and this year I'm investing in Rosetta Stone for Spanish. That'll be a big outlay, but it should get all the kids through Spanish.

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We just did this, too. Environment makes a difference. I still need the inside of my house painted, though.

Painting is slow going here.... I have the paint to do the wall i'm facing at the moment, hmmmm, maybe I will do that Thursday. Well, only this part of it. Then I can make plans for the rest of its makeover.


Then the rest of the living room needs paint - but we need to decide what color is going where, and my room has a wall left.... It really is a good thing I like to paint! :D


But yup, overall the environment was making everything a struggle - now there is a spot for the kids with a work spot for an adult. Next up is finishing up the "de-mucking" of the old schoolroom and turning it into the adult office/work from home room. School being out here as part of our living space just works so much better.....

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This was our ninth year of homeschool. During that time, my budget has ranged anywhere from $500 to $2300. It really just depends on what publishers we use and if we buy new. My most expensive years were when I was purchasing new Sonlight cores for both kids.


This year, for both kids including my highschooler, my total came to about $800 for just curriculum. I plan on spending about another $100-$150 on supplementary stuff like a robotics kit for ds, some DVD's etc...


I don't buy a lot used because of my allergies. On occasion I will risk it, but generally it isn't worth the risk in my case.

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Too much, apparently. Fraud protection just flagged my card. I don't understand - I'm only in Turkey and placed orders with Peace Hill Press, Amazon UK, Amazon US, & Book Depository this evening. And Awesome Books and a British company that sells Cuisenaire rods last week. What could be odd about that?! ;)

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WAY too much. Lets just say I've purchased this year alone HOD's LHTH-Preparing among many other things. However, that was an error on my behalf, thinking I would wait until fall to start HOD, then decided I was so fed up with piecing my own program together that I just decided to start now in the next lower guide. Then I found a good deal on Preparing...so I reasoned with myself, A) It'll all be reused, and B) It's more than one year, so in the grand scheme of things it's not bad. We're only currently using 2 guides, and come this fall or maybe in January, we'll be using the next 2 guides for each child, and then repeating LHTH with my youngest.


It's like cloth diapers, large cost up front, but great investment in the long run!


I only have to replace workbooks for future years!

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Too much, apparently. Fraud protection just flagged my card. I don't understand - I'm only in Turkey and placed orders with Peace Hill Press, Amazon UK, Amazon US, & Book Depository this evening. And Awesome Books and a British company that sells Cuisenaire rods last week. What could be odd about that?! ;)

Ha ha. My credit card got shut down the last two times I ordered curriculum. I'll have to remember to space out the orders more next time rather than put them all in at once.

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Too much, apparently. Fraud protection just flagged my card. I don't understand - I'm only in Turkey and placed orders with Peace Hill Press, Amazon UK, Amazon US, & Book Depository this evening. And Awesome Books and a British company that sells Cuisenaire rods last week. What could be odd about that?! ;)


That's pretty funny. In an event completely unrelated to ETA/Cuisenaire/Hand2Mind (my credit card company had a breach) we had to provide a second card number when our card was compromised the last time we bought manipulatives. We had a card flagged when we were moving out of state. I can only imagine what would happen if we placed multiple orders for various countries.

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