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iphone 4s or Samsung Galaxy S 3

Blessed with seven

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Okay..being new to technology, I am getting an ipad 3, looking at my first smartphones. I thought I had decided on an iphone 4s, then a few people suggested the Samsung. I like the bigger screen but...I want a phone that is easy to use, I would never appreciate a ton of stuff on it, at least not right now, I want clear calls etc....


Suggestions? I need to decide today and be done..ha!



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If you're getting an iPad also, I agree with Ali above. Doing things the same way on both devices will be easier, plus you can often share apps and sync info between the two devices. I don't know if you can do that with the iPad and the Samsung, but it is a definite plus on the side of 2 Apple devices.

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That's a hard one. Since you are getting the iPad, you will probably be better off with the iPhone. But the S3 is ahead technology wise. The 4s is already old. I always hate getting old tech, since tech progresses so quickly. But you can share your apps between the iPad and iPhone. If you are going to want to do that, go with the iPhone.

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I had iPhones for years as well as an iPad. My boys talked me into getting the Samsung Galaxy S 2 when it came out and my iPhone was getting quirky. I love my Samsung! I still use my iPad for surfing the web but when I'm out and about, I love to use the Samsung - the larger screen is great for my aging eyes and I find it more user friendly but that might be because of my learning style. I didn't have trouble going from the iPhone to the Samsung. I love NOT being tied to iTunes - that's probably one of the biggest advantages. My dh, though, loves his iPhone and gets frustrated with my phone. My boys now have the Samsung Notes 2 (3?) and really like them. I will be upgrading soon and will get a Galaxy S3 or a Note.

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If you are getting an iPad, I don't think you need a large screen on your phone (my opinion anyway). There is an ease-of-use factor to sticking with Apple for your phone--you will do things the same way on your two devices. I vote for iPhone.


I agree. My dh has a Galaxy and I have an iPhone4. They are both great phones. I also have an ipad 2 and it is great that my phone and ipad work together. I can type a note or a calendar event on my ipad and it is poofed to my phone. If I wasn't using an ipad a lot, I'm not sure it would matter which phone I got.


Incidentally, my dd is up for a new phone soon. She can get an iPhone 4 for free. My dh wanted to give her his galaxy to upgrade to the insanely big new galaxy. She is really wanting the iPhone though because of the extended battery case I have on mine. She loves that the battery never dies. I'm not sure if galaxy has an extended battery case. My dh loves his galaxy because he watches movies on it when it is slow at work. Thus he wants the even bigger galaxy! I just think that is a huge phone.

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I agree with the other posters on utilizing the "apple environment" together....we do that. We also have an Apple TV hookup - LOVE IT! Basically, it's a projector for whatever is on your phone/ipad. You can also use Netflix, ITunes (of course) and a few other channels (no Amazon Instant Video....bummer).


If I had it to do over again, I'd skip the ipad and just go with the iphone and apple tv. Reason: my son plays *way* more "educational" games than using *better* educational websites on the ipad than I'd intended because (this is important) ipad doesn't work with Flash animation. BrainPop and many other educational websites use Flash animation. The only thing that's working for us educationally on the ipad are just a couple of "educational apps". Not what I had in mind. Lots of apps for "littles", not very impressed with what's available for my 4th grader. Would sell my ipad if my sons and husbands could ever forgive me for it!!!!

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We have iPads, iPods, Macs, Apple TV, Shuffles......but I still prefer the Galaxy phone (I have the Note 2). It's a better phone right now. Doesn't mean Apple won't come out with a superior phone, and then so will Samsung, and then back to Apple...... ;-)


FWIW, my dh spends quite a bit of time at Apple Corporate in CA, and the high-level execs love his Galaxy and always want to see it and play with it. The resolution is far superior, but that may not be important to you.


If you are not "into" all the things a smartphone can do, I'd stick with Apple, since you'll already be familiar with it through your iPad.

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I love having my ipad and iphone linked. I just upgraded my 4 to a 5, giving DD the old 4 as an ipod touch. The 5 is a smidgen bigger than the 4, if that helps. I looooove my iphone :p If I could afford to go all apple, I so would. I want to get everyone a MacBook to replace their laptops, but it is $$$.

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I just replaced my Evil Blackberry Storm2 last week (Yippeee! Hated that phone!)


I got the iPhone4s specifically because I love my iPad and I love that the phone and the iPad work together. I did not get the iPhone 5 because I don't want to mess with a different plug from what my iPad uses - 1 cord to charge them all is my motto.


I really like the Galaxy S3 (DS19 has one), but the benefits of having my two go-to devices work in harmony tipped the scale.

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EEEEKKKK! Ok, so, if I decide I want the Galaxy s 3 (still not sure..it is a toss up), can I put the photo's and videos on my ipad? I would like the bigger screen just because I think it would be nice but..... I will not use it for a ton of stuff, still in the stone ages technologically so....this would be a beginning phone, as a matter of fact I just got my ipad today.

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EEEEKKKK! Ok, so, if I decide I want the Galaxy s 3 (still not sure..it is a toss up), can I put the photo's and videos on my ipad? I would like the bigger screen just because I think it would be nice but..... I will not use it for a ton of stuff, still in the stone ages technologically so....this would be a beginning phone, as a matter of fact I just got my ipad today.

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You can do ALMOST ANYTHING with a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 so not the exact same thing as you're considering. But I LOVE mine. Actually, love might not be a big enough word. This thing is amazing, the screen is amazing, and I use it for everything from photos/videos to organizational tasks, to playing music and navigating in the car.


If only it could clean my house.....

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I agree with the other posters on utilizing the "apple environment" together....we do that. We also have an Apple TV hookup - LOVE IT! Basically, it's a projector for whatever is on your phone/ipad. You can also use Netflix, ITunes (of course) and a few other channels (no Amazon Instant Video....bummer).


If I had it to do over again, I'd skip the ipad and just go with the iphone and apple tv. Reason: my son plays *way* more "educational" games than using *better* educational websites on the ipad than I'd intended because (this is important) ipad doesn't work with Flash animation. BrainPop and many other educational websites use Flash animation. The only thing that's working for us educationally on the ipad are just a couple of "educational apps". Not what I had in mind. Lots of apps for "littles", not very impressed with what's available for my 4th grader. Would sell my ipad if my sons and husbands could ever forgive me for it!!!!


BrainPop has an iPad app. My kids do BrainPop on the iPad all the time.


ETA: a lot of flash-driven educational sites have iOS apps to use instead.

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I'm admittedly not very tech savvy, so this may have changed, but when we got the iPad 2 and my iPhone 5 I remember learning that there are more educational apps available for the iPhone/iPad than android. Is this still true? If so, it may be something to consider. I love paying once for apps that go on both the iPhone and iPad, and I like having more apps to choose from (at least, I'd did then. I haven't searched lately though).

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Oh my goodness, just when I decide someone else mentions something....boo hoo hoo! I just remember hating itunes and I heard that itunes does stuff to your phone automatically....


OK, is there a "child" app or security on either phone, which one would be better in that regard, child lock or security lock? If I ask questions and you all are going "what is she talking about", keep in mind I am not tech savvy at all!!!!!!!

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I love my s3, though I'm not so crazy about most of Samsung's added apps and have disabled most of them. The native Google apps are superior across the board. Google Now is much better than s-voice and the Google keyboard is far better than Samsung's (and SwiftKey is better still). But that's the beauty of Android: if you don't like the keyboard, or the SMS program, or the calendar, you can use another.

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one thing most people never consider when getting a phone - what happens if it gets wet. Mine fell out of my pocket and it rained heavily before I noticed. I found it the next day, but the phone was wet. I did lot of research online on what to do with a wet phone. I repeatedly read how the iphones can't be taken apart to be dried out, and many iphone users were angry. (apple is paying out on a class-action lawsuit on this issue). My Samsung galaxy nexus was able to be dismantled, dried out, put back together and charged. it works fine. I bought mine from Costco - saved about $100 because it wasn't preloaded with TONS of apps I'd never used. It does come with some, but I'd rather chose what I have.

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Okay..one more thing. I can get google maps and things on an iphone 4s? What about itunes? I found an amazon instant video app for my ipad, not sure how well it works yet but...I use AMAZON a LOT!!! For buying, instant video, prime kids shows etc....


Also...when I used to use itunes a long time ago, it was a pain, when I went back in a few years later, I couldn't transfer my music ..can't remember what happened. I love that I can get weather channel and weight watchers apps on the ipad, is all of that able to be put on a galaxy s3? Geesh, I have got to decide and be done!

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If you weren't getting an iPad I'd say it doesn't matter just close your eyes and pick one. Since you're going to have an Apple device it makes sense to get another one, unless you don't mind buying double apps for most things. With an iPad and an iPhone you'd be able to use the same apps.

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Also, the thing I don't like about the apple producs is they don't use Flash. The. Samsung does. Plus a ton of the apps are free!


Flash is going away, and eventually no devices will support Flash. Adobe is no longer developing it for Android devices. Currently the newest Kindle Fires don't support it either (I'm not sure about the original Fire). However, unlike with an Apple device, you can side load a browser that supports Flash without having to jailbreak the device. I wouldn't recommend making a decision based on Flash.


There are many free apps for the iPhone too. In fact, I have several dozen apps and only paid for a few.


OP, if you want to be able to use the same app on both your phone and iPad, choose the iPhone. If that's not an issue for you and/or you want the bigger screen, choose the Samsung. Anecdotal, yes, but I haven't met anyone who is sorry they got an iPhone or an Android phone. Owners of both that I know IRL seem happy (and I'm happy with my iPhone). It's really just what you like best and what works for you.

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If you weren't getting an iPad I'd say it doesn't matter just close your eyes and pick one. Since you're going to have an Apple device it makes sense to get another one, unless you don't mind buying double apps for most things. With an iPad and an iPhone you'd be able to use the same apps.


I have an original iPad so this might not be relevant to the current conversation, but there are apps I have on my iPhone that do not have an iPad application and vice versa. So while an app may work on my phone (actually my old iphone), it might not work on my iPad.

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I have an original iPad so this might not be relevant to the current conversation, but there are apps I have on my iPhone that do not have an iPad application and vice versa. So while an app may work on my phone (actually my old iphone), it might not work on my iPad.


That's true. Some of the newer apps don't work on older devices, but she said she's getting an iPad 3. We have apps on our phones that don't work on our old 2nd generation iPod Touch. If you check the specs for an app before you get it, you can see which devices it supports. When dh has his iPhone 3GS he didn't always check, then would get frustrated when an app didn't work. And I'd get frustrated with him for not checking first. :)

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I have a Samsung Galaxy and after using it for 6 months, I still found my mother's new iPhone -- which I had never used until last week -- to be easier to use. The iPhone just seemed more user-friendly, and the touch and texting seemed to work more like how I wanted it to work.

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Another idea (yeah, like you needed more to consider I'm sure :p ): The SamsungGalaxy Note (latest version) is a phone as well as a tablet. Your iPad might just become obsolete if you got the Note. My boys each got the Note to replace phones and they NEVER use the iPad anymore. For size, it is about halfway between the Galaxy S3 and the iPad mini. As usually happens, I was getting the Note for myself (on sale for 99 cents) and they both decided that they would like to try it with the caveat that if they didn't like it, I would get it. They convinced me that there was far too much technology at stake for it to be wasted on me :p I consented and I do not see a NOTE in my future until we get another upgrade. They absolutely love the Note. I was worried that they wouldn't like it because it doesn't fit in their pockets as easily, but they make it work...somehow, because they aren't letting go. The combo phone/tablet works well for them.

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My dh wanted to give her his galaxy to upgrade to the insanely big new galaxy. Thus he wants the even bigger galaxy! I just think that is a huge phone.


I have to say I don't get the giant phones. I know they're popular, but I want a phone to fit easily in my pocket. If I want a tablet I'll use a tablet but to me a phone should be light and portable enough that I don't mind carrying it around when I don't have my purse with me.


I have gmail coming to my iphone. I also use Google calendar and it syncs with my iphone calendar.



I have all those, and use Google Maps. I also have Google set as my search engine on Safari when I go to the web (as opposed to using an app) on my phone.


I hate itunes so you couldn't pay me to use an apple product plus.



Ugh! I hate, hate, hate iTunes! Apple has always been known for being user friendly, but iTunes is the exception.

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I have a Samsung Galaxy and after using it for 6 months, I still found my mother's new iPhone -- which I had never used until last week -- to be easier to use. The iPhone just seemed more user-friendly, and the touch and texting seemed to work more like how I wanted it to work.



I use Hand Cent for SMS/MMS, but there are many texting apps available beyond stock. And I use a custom launcher (Nova Prime) because I like the interface better than Samsung's Touch Wiz. I love being able to customize every aspect of my phone.


DH had to jail break his work iPhone to get some basic texting capabilities because Apple won't let you use another app (one of the computer systems at his work texts warnings that each look like they are coming from a separate sender, and there is no way to mass delete such messages.. a big pain if you're on call and get hundreds of them in the course of a few hours when something is wonky).

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Ugh! I hate, hate, hate iTunes! Apple has always been known for being user friendly, but iTunes is the exception.



I hear ya. I'd rather pull my own teeth than ever use iTunes again.


Apple isn't any better with the "cloud". I've had a dot mac account, mobile me, and now iCloud. iCloud only works for mail because Apple chose not to make it compatible with my first generation Intel iMac... funny, but both Google Drive and Drop Box work. Apple services and software just suck.

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