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What are you using with your second grader?


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I just started Logic of English very slowly.


First Language Lessons 2 with audio


SOTW 2 and activity pages


Grammar Songs


Prima Latina dvd


Saxon Math 2 and Pattern Blocks, skip counting


Read aloud books and audio books


Lots of construction paper and craft items are available but I just ordered a book binder/laminator and cutter to make the Scholastic books we have on PDF and a Book to write: ONE LINE A DAY


Tuesday Tea with poetry


I am reading The Writer's Jungle and listening to Julie Bogart's podcasts which are very inspiring to me.

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Here's my list for my second grader:


CLE Language Arts level 200 (this includes grammar, spelling, handwriting/cursive, writing)

Singapore Math 2B

Piano Lessons

Pathway Readers

NOEO Physics Level 1 occasionally

Lots and lots and lots of free play time

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History: SOTW 2 (2-3x/week)

Writing and Grammar: Essentials in Writing 2nd Grade (3-4x/week)

Spelling: AAS 3 (3x/week)

Handwriting: HWOT Cursive (4x/week)

Math: Singapore Standards 2a/2b (4x/week)

Literature: Random books he reads and we discuss. Some history linked, others not. (varies)

Science: Currently Elemental Science Lapbooking through Chemistry. Earlier this year we did the first part (zoology) of Elemental Science Biology for the Grammar Stage (2x/week)

Music: Children's symphonies and piano lessons (lessons weekly, practice 4-5x/week, symphonies approximately bimonthly)

Art: Took an art class at local children's museum (5 weeks)

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Sequential Spelling 1 (just started)

Singapore Primary Math 2B 4 days, CLE 2 math facts daily & review 1 day

Veritas Press OT/Ancient Egypt cards & any corresponding SOTW1 chapters & occasional activities

Science units: human body, biomes, rocks & minerals, currently light & color

Song School Latin (almost finished)

Song School Spanish (just started)


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Most of my choices for my second grader are just the next step from what we did this year. We do all content work together, with reading and output expectations adjusted for capability and maturity.


Math: Singapore, Life of Fred


Logic: Lollipop Logic 3


Language: WWE2, IEW (I scribe), ViE 2 (only because he requested it), Zaner-Bloser handwriting, Spelling Power, good books; continuing poetry memorization


Spanish: continuing with Rosetta Stone & conversational Spanish


History: SOTW 3, lots of good (age-appropriate) historical fiction and lit, handicraft projects to correlate


Science: continue inquiry science and tinkering, living books


Nature Study: continuing Desert Southwest Family Field Guide Project


Art: continue integrating with history using A Child’s History of Art, Art in Story, and Simply Charlotte Mason Picture Study Portfolios; applied art with whatever lesson plans DD comes up with


Swim Team


Drum lessons (Heaven help us all!)


I think we will also do a summer geography unit.

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For my 2nd grader in the fall:


Classical Conversations (with siblings)

Golden Children's Bible (w/ siblings)

CLE LA - 100/200

CLE Math 200/300

Various readers - Elson?, Classic Starts? Picture books re to Middle Ages, etc.

AO year 2 - history and read alouds (w/ siblings)

Science - LRAFO, etc. following CC's topics

Chess, and hopefully piano lessons


ETC: Right now we're doing something similar and it takes an hour of group time to do our combined subjects and then another hour for him to read to me, do CLE LA and the teaching part of CLE Math.

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My second grade DD uses: vocabulary workshop, AAS, Growing with Grammar, IEW AFF in a co-op (with me teaching it), singapore math (just started on 3A), history oddyssey modern, RSO chemistry and other interest led science mixed in, a geography workbook, and lots of self choosen novels and non-fiction for reading along with multiple educational magazine articles.

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My second grader (1/4 into our school year) is using:

Life of Fred

Beast Academy


Targeting Handwriting

Ambleside 1/2

Self directed science (mostly reading - this child could read about science ALL day)



I need to gather some more resources for history as she wants to study the Tudors and Stuarts (has read the relevant Horrible History books already). I need to find her some more regular chess partners as well.

Also violin, piano, choir drama and too many dance classes for her poor long suffering brother.

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My second grader is doing the following:


Math- Saxon 3, Life of Fred, Miquon/EUB


English- WWE 1, AAS, Reading a lot aloud and independently, Winston


Logic- games, Lollypop level 3


Other- handicrafts and HWT


Art, Music (except individual instrument instruction), Science, History, and Nature Study are all group subjects here.

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My current 2nd grader (advanced in LA) is using:


Math: Singapore 2B, supplemented with Zaccaro's Math Challenge, Life of Fred, and Beast Academy

Writing: WWE2

Spelling: AAS

Grammar: MCT Island

Reading: reading good books, talking about them, and narrating if/when she chooses

History: SOTW2

Science: BFSU with add-ons (right now it's a TOPS unit, lots of science books, and BBC documentaries)

Languages: Song School Latin, Greek Alphabet Code Cracker, Le Francais Facile

Bible: Telling God's Story 2

Art: projects from Artistic Pursuits and Discovering Great Artists

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Thank you all. My second grader is doing: Saxon Math, LOE Penmanship, Barton's Reading & Spelling, SOTW, Apologia Science and VP Bible. For fall I have planned the same except adding WWE/FLL, Apologia Who is God and we will be using BP/MOH instead of SOTW. It just doesn't feel like enough even though this is what my other second graders have done?

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Here is ours....


MFW as a core to include history, science and read alouds and also music

Math - Singapore 2a and b

Grammar - FLL

Comp/writing - WWE in parts mixed in with MFW

Spelling - R & S

Art - TBD

might add a language...not sure yet, not sure we have time or money for it....

might add some very light handwriting because I feel he might benefit from some more formal instruction

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Here is what I'm planning for my DD7 who'll be in second next year:


Reading/phonics: Finish OPGTTR then move to books

Grammar: FLL2

Writing: WWE2

Spelling: AAS

Handwriting: ARFHW-T (She really wants to try cursive. We'll see how it goes.)

Science: Apologia Zoology (We do this together w/DS10.)

Math: SM 2A/B (We're going to do Life of Fred this summer.)

History: Biblioplan Year 2 with suggested read-alouds (Done together w/DS10.)

Foreign Language: Continue Flip-Flop Spanish (Done together w/DS10.) Not sure what to use after that.

Art: HAS (Another favorite of hers!)

Read-Alouds: Just started the Little House series. Who knows what will be next!

She also takes piano and gymnastics, plays soccer, and is in scouts.

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My dd is currently 1st grade, but here's what we'll be using next year.


Grammar: FLL 2

Writing: WWE 2

Handwriting: ARFH B

Spelling: R&S Spelling by Sound & Structure

Math: CLE Math 2

Science: Elemental Science and BFSU

History: SOTW 2

Geography: EM Daily Geography 2

Bible: BSGFAA Intermediate level

Art/Music: Harmony Fine Arts 2, plus piano/voice lessons (I also may add Artistic Pursuits, as our co-op will not be doing art next year.)


Co-op: PE, Spanish, and Aesop's Fables


She'll also either do soccer or gymnastics (she is undecided still).



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Thank you all. My second grader is doing: Saxon Math, LOE Penmanship, Barton's Reading & Spelling, SOTW, Apologia Science and VP Bible. For fall I have planned the same except adding WWE/FLL, Apologia Who is God and we will be using BP/MOH instead of SOTW. It just doesn't feel like enough even though this is what my other second graders have done?


I do not have nearly the experience that you do but it looks like your 2nd grader is your baby. Is that right? Even with only three kids, I notice that my baby wants/craves more (to be like/keep up with older siblings?) and, no matter what he does, it somehow seems light because it is naturally lighter than what everyone else is doing. The more I wrap him into what my older two are doing and the more I adapt to allow him to fully participate in the bigger projects/subjects (writing workshop with IEW, nature study notebook, coming up with his own science inquiries instead of mostly tagging along, giving him equal turns narrating group read-alouds, etc.), the more engaged he seems to be. We are also working on giving him some things that are all his own (separate/different chores, drum lessons vs guitar/piano, his own personalized reading lists, etc.).


I don't know, just my thoughts on my own youngest. DH worries about our youngest DS feeling forgotten or like a tag-along (although I do not think he is at all). Maybe that is part of what feels lighter? That the baby is doing what everyone else already has, so it feels...ho-hum? Maybe just add a zap, a fun extra.

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I do not have nearly the experience that you do but it looks like your 2nd grader is your baby. Is that right? Even with only three kids, I notice that my baby wants/craves more (to be like/keep up with older siblings?) and, no matter what he does, it somehow seems light because it is naturally lighter than what everyone else is doing. The more I wrap him into what my older two are doing and the more I adapt to allow him to fully participate in the bigger projects/subjects (writing workshop with IEW, nature study notebook, coming up with his own science inquiries instead of mostly tagging along, giving him equal turns narrating group read-alouds, etc.), the more engaged he seems to be. We are also working on giving him some things that are all his own (separate/different chores, drum lessons vs guitar/piano, his own personalized reading lists, etc.).


I don't know, just my thoughts on my own youngest. DH worries about our youngest DS feeling forgotten or like a tag-along (although I do not think he is at all). Maybe that is part of what feels lighter? That the baby is doing what everyone else already has, so it feels...ho-hum? Maybe just add a zap, a fun extra.

Yes, he is my baby and I think you nailed my issue perfectly LOL! Thank you!
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Thank you all. My second grader is doing: Saxon Math, LOE Penmanship, Barton's Reading & Spelling, SOTW, Apologia Science and VP Bible. For fall I have planned the same except adding WWE/FLL, Apologia Who is God and we will be using BP/MOH instead of SOTW. It just doesn't feel like enough even though this is what my other second graders have done?

I do not have nearly the experience that you do but it looks like your 2nd grader is your baby. Is that right? Even with only three kids, I notice that my baby wants/craves more (to be like/keep up with older siblings?) and, no matter what he does, it somehow seems light because it is naturally lighter than what everyone else is doing. The more I wrap him into what my older two are doing and the more I adapt to allow him to fully participate in the bigger projects/subjects (writing workshop with IEW, nature study notebook, coming up with his own science inquiries instead of mostly tagging along, giving him equal turns narrating group read-alouds, etc.), the more engaged he seems to be. We are also working on giving him some things that are all his own (separate/different chores, drum lessons vs guitar/piano, his own personalized reading lists, etc.).


I don't know, just my thoughts on my own youngest. DH worries about our youngest DS feeling forgotten or like a tag-along (although I do not think he is at all). Maybe that is part of what feels lighter? That the baby is doing what everyone else already has, so it feels...ho-hum? Maybe just add a zap, a fun extra.

Yes, he is my baby and I think you nailed my issue perfectly LOL! Thank you!


I'm relieved to read your explanation! I think your materials look great, and I was beginning to wonder how a veteran like you would think it wasn't enough expecially in April with the weather warming up, the birds singing, the bees humming, LOL. It will not be long here before we drop all content subjects and go light for the summer! (TODAY sounds good, LOL!)

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DD'S Second Grade


Writing/Grammer: WriteShop B, then C

Readers 2 and Read alouds: Sonlight core c, I got picking up books here and there (I don't use the IG)

Phonics/Spelling: AAS1 then AAS2

HW: HWWOT 3 Cursive

Math: MUS Alpha then Beta

Science: Burgess Animal Book, farm work, good books, and frogs, butterflys this summer

History: Mix of Sonlight core c and Simply Charlote

Geography: Expediant Earth, and Geography Songs

Latin: Prima Latina

Art: Draw 50 animals crafts and sewing knitting crocheting

Typing practice

Piano: Starts in May

Maybe dance and swimming later on

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I frequently feel that we aren't doing enough either, but then I just write a list like this to remind myself that we do plenty!


Math mammoth w/ life of Fred & right start math games to supplement

Story of the world w/ activities, child written summaries, map work, and lots of extra read-alouds for each chapter 2x per week

Real science odyssey 2x per week with all the labs and extra read-alouds

All about spelling daily

Grammar/English using 2nd grade workbooks and excerpt editing for mistakes 2-3x per week

Nanowrimo writing program a few times per week

Various art projects, weekly art journal, geography lessons

Various unit studies with lap book (deserts right now)

Weekly homeschool co-op (geography & american girl addy)

Weekly swim, chorus and girl scouts

Weekly playmates with homeschool friends

She reads tons on her own silently

Whew!!! Is that all? We usually get everything academic done in under 3 hours per day

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DD will be a second grader next year. This is my plan with her so far:


1. Grammarland audio weekly with free printables to go with it from dailygrammar.com/archive and education.com to match the Grammarland chapter for the week (2 days per week)

2. read-alouds that we will enjoy 4 days a week, like Stuart Little, Trumpet of the Swan, Mr. Popper's Penguins, etc.

3. Phonics using Explode the Code 6, 7, and 8 (4 days a week)

4. Science: Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space (2 times a week)

5. Math: Math-U-See Beta (daily)

6. History: I put this together on my own. We'll work on it 4 days a week. Here's a link to the first term for what we are doing: http://themommywrite...bookshands.html She will listen to the readings each week and do some lapbooking/notebooking to go with it along with the hands-on activities each week.


Hope that helps! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My daughter will be doing second grade next year. I'm not a classical homeschooler though, I'm eclectic. I hang out on these boards since y'all have the best curriculum recommendations!


Math: finish MUS Delta, do all of Epsilon, and start Zeta. To widen the depth, we recently started LoF too, so we'll continue to do all those books too.

Reading: Read Little House on the Prarie books

Language Arts - Michael Clay Thomspon first level

Spelling - Sequential Spelling 1 and start 2, handwriting is worked into that

Science - Haven't decided yet if she'll tag along with her older brother or figure it out as we go

Social Studies - Continue with studies on American Girl History and figure it out as we go

Art/music/PE - Happen as they happen!

Foreign Language - Rosetta Stone Homeschool Spanish - but not starting until half-way through the year likely.


For my state, I have to do Math, Science, SS, Reading, and writing daily.

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My dd just started her 2nd grade curriculum a few weeks ago.

HOD Bigger Hearts

R&S grammar and spelling 2.


ETC 4 and 5

SM 2a/2b

Finishing Phonics pathways and Reading Pathways(will be done soon)

HOD Emerging Readers followed by DITHR level 2 books.

Catechism, Spanish, Artist Study, and Composer Study with other kids.

Apologia Botany with dh.

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My 2nd grade DD is doing:


History - Lots of read alouds/historical fiction/biographies etc.

Science - she takes an outside class and we do a nature study

Math - Miquon and MM2

Art - Atlier

Reading - We just read to each other

Spelling - R&S 2

Music - piano lessons

LA - Growing With Grammar 2, WWE1

Song School Latin


The bulk of our school time seems to be math and read alouds b/c they are her two favorite things.

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