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Once last fall and once last spring, we went to the playground when the weather was beautiful. I plan to go again soon-ish. It was a really nice change of pace. We went with their cousins (who live next door and also homeschool) and they got to take playground breaks between subjects. I wouldn't do it all the time, but it was fun!

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Funny you should mention Tim's, I was just thinking to myself I need to drive to town to get a Tim's coffee before I start school, hmm maybe we will just take school there.


In the winter we do not generally do school anywhere but home, but in the late spring or warmer days of fall we like to go to the trout pond in the provincial park in the next town over. Until last fall the outbuilding there was free to use for everyone, but now they charge $60 for the day to rent it due to so much vanalism last summer. So not sure this year how often we will school away from home. We always got way more done at the trout pond than at home on those warm days

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We homeschool all over the house, outside, in the car, at restaurants, and just about anywhere we end up. We even took the violin to Disney World and ds practiced every morning before we went to the parks. My mom's house is the place where it is difficult to get anything done. lol


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Funny you should mention Tim's, I was just thinking to myself I need to drive to town to get a Tim's coffee before I start school, hmm maybe we will just take school there.




I'll meet you there.


Seriously though, anyone with Tim's available knows there isn't much else available in the winter. And, yes, I know yesterday was the first day of spring. We got 17 inches of snow. It will be July before park days since it rains all of June.

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McDonalds, it is very quiet in the daytime and free wifi if we need to check anything. Starbucks when it is not crowded. The library as well, some of the libraries we go to have eating areas so we can pack food for a long day there. We don't do school outdoors as my allergies are terrible.

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I'll meet you there.


Seriously though, anyone with Tim's available knows there isn't much else available in the winter. And, yes, I know yesterday was the first day of spring. We got 17 inches of snow. It will be July before park days since it rains all of June.


We got snow yesterday but not that much. We did have winds blowing hard enough I was having trouble staying in my lane on the road. the wind and cold is still bad enough they cancelled kids church tonight.


And yup you are right there is just no where else to go besides the library in the wintertime that isn't going to cost you and we don't really get anything done in the library.

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We do some, usually for convenience. For example, my dd has gymnastics Monday mornings. I take ds's schoolwork and he does it there. I plan Mondays a bit lighter, so he usually gets it all done during her class and is free the rest of the day (he doesn't realize, yet, we do more work on Tuesdays to make this work, but he's fine with it). Some days I'll end up with appointments and odd chunks of time between. On those days we'll grab drinks at starbucks and work on schoolwork there. We don't usually pack up and go somewhere to "do school" as a plan, but we do when it makes the day work better due to other obligations outside of the house.

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Tim's must be the 'it' place these days! We have done school there several times this year when I had medical appointments in the a.m. My kids were dazzled by the novelty. We did get some work done, but not near what we would at home, so it must remain a rare treat.

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And yup you are right there is just no where else to go besides the library in the wintertime that isn't going to cost you and we don't really get anything done in the library.



I thought about the library. We could walk there and do some work. Maybe we can try that. For books the place is kind of useless. If we bring our own that might work.

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I tried it at the library once, but it was too distracting to the kids.


I can't even sit outside on the porch with the kids without them being totally distracted.



Sadly we only have about a week at one end and anther at the back end of the school year to sit on the porch. The bugs are horrible or it is just too cold.

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We sometimes go to the state park, but those days are usually highly distracted and we throw in a walk anyway. Like Wendy said, sitting on the porch gets us distracted. I wish it wasn't so, I think next year we'll head to the park or coffee shop on some days. Historically, anytime we leave the house before school is done, our days is less productive.

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I tried to do history at the library to kill some time once. When I asked why everyone was having so much trouble concentrating, "You like history!" My son rolled his eyes, gave a huge sweep of his arms and said, "Mom, the books!" I think they were all whispering to him.

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It sounds good in theory, but honestly nothing would get done. I also don't like the idea of lugging books somewhere and trying to "do" school and keep tabs on a 2 year old at the same time. Outside in our own backyard and occasionally at my in-laws house is at much as I could handle that.

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When my oldest was doing concurrent courses at a nearby college, I would pack the other boys' school and work at a study table in one of the buildings. It was a beautiful environment complete with a huge salt water aquarium. We'd get something to eat and drink and do school there. It was fun for all of us. A change of setting always improved our moods. And we got a lot of work done because there were fewer distractions (drinks, bathroom, pets, phone, etc.). When they were all young we would often go to the park or work outside on the porch (we have a large wrap around veranda so everyone had their spot). I sorta miss those days. :)

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I would love to do this once a week, but it just never works well for us. I'm hoping that when the 4yo is a little older we will be able to. I have a good friend who homeschools one ds and they do it often...I think maybe there is a limit to how many kids you can do this with and it be effective. She even took his math with them to the pool one time and told him that as soon as he got his math pages done (correctly) he could get in the pool. She said he's never been so focused! :lol:

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My DC would also be very distracted (and I'd be chasing around the 3yo)! The only place we do school outside our home is in the car. :lol: When we have appointments, I pack a small bag and my e-reader. We stick to our read aloud subjects (history, science, literature, etc.).

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Take them somewhere else for hsing? That's an option?!! Why didn't I ever think of that before? I need to try that next week on our science/history day. It would be fun for the kids to spend the whole day at the library for a change! That playground out back will be great for "recess" at the library too.

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I have friends in town with an extra house. They had intended it as a rental house, but it eventually became their homeschooling house. The mom liked it because she could control the kids' distractions. Currently, a relative is staying here, so they are back to homeschooling at home.




Younger dd is currently 2yo. Once she turns 3 (Thanksgiving) and is potty trained (nearly there), she can go to preschool. (We may wait until the following fall to send her, so she will not be so young.


The preschool is held in a church, and only meets MWF 9 - 11:30am. I plan to pack up older daughter with a backpack of math and phonics, and use the lounge at the church rather than running back and forth for just a couple of hours.


We live in a college town, and the janitor has made it clear that the lounge is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. I've been there miscellaneous mornings, and no one else is there. (The students are all in class). They have great big tables, fabulous lighting, comfy couches, and a view of the campus.



I've also considered using a study room at the public library when the girls are older.


When I was in college in Boston, there were several universities that shared an agreement that we could all use each others' libraries. Some libraries locked their study rooms, and one needed a student I.D. (of that university) to check out a room. Other did not, so I would find an unoccupied room. If someone showed up saying, "We have the room," I would cheerfully vacate it. So check out university study rooms, too.

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During the winter I don't have a vehicle during the day unless I plan ahead for it and get up early to drive dh in to work, so we don't leave the house much. During the fall and spring we like to do school at McDonalds, Tims, and the library because they are all indoors and it tends to be cool outside. We school all year, so once the nicer weather comes along we often do school at local parks, the lake, and at the picnic tables along the local bike trail. I do plan ahead what we'll take with us in terms of schoolwork. On the days that we do school elsewhere we take our kindles (wifi is nice, but we have stuff on them that doesn't use wifi also), and I look over what else is on our schedule and decide what else to take. We don't use too many physical texts which makes it easier. A kindle and a notebook work pretty well for most things.


I've been told that there is a community center at the local college that would be a good place to go during the winter, but I haven't gotten a native to show me where this would be.


I think as part of our 'be visible in the community' campaign I'll have the kids doing school in the park in the middle of town across from the courthouse on a regular basis once it warms up. Maybe with a big sign "Homeschoolers at work". Maybe we'll attract a few more as well.


As for the kids getting distracted, I just tell them that if they can't pay attention and get stuff done that we will NOT be leaving the house again. They know I mean it since there have been years in which we did NOT leave the house for months during the nice weather because they acted like idiots. These days that isn't a problem anymore. Even the six year old knows better. ETA: This works for me because I am a b*tch. It may not work for others. :)

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We try and do some school out and about once a week or so IF we have a slow week. We usually hit Chick-fil-a in the mornings for Bible, history, and math (easy to take what we need) and the kids get a little something to tide them over, which is a fun treat. They know us now at our local Chick-fil-a and the employees often stop by and see what the kids are learning, how they're doing, and ask about school. :) They are the NICEST employees!


We've also done Starbuck, the library (we use a study room with one big table so they aren't so distracted), Starbucks, Zaxbys, McDonalds, the pond in our neighborhood, the state park nearby. We can't do this every day, but the novelty is still there so they usually do a good job getting through their work wherever we go.


The key for us is individual white boards we got from a school supply store. The kids know they need to always pack their books, a pencil, a white board, a dry erase marker, and I take the eraser. That way we aren't stuck lugging tons of paper, etc. And I usually do whatever subjects need the least amount of "stuff" hauled around for that day.

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