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Is a houseboat vacation and young children doable?


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My parents are renting a houseboat for a few days this summer and have invited my little family to come too. I think it is something we would really enjoy, except I am worried that the stress of having my 3 little guys on a boat would be too much. Oh, and dh will still be in class, so it would just be me with sole responsibility, although my siblings and parents would of course look out for them too. Have any of you taken children the ages of mine (in signature) on a vacation of this sort? What sort of safety measures did you take? Would I basically need to keep them in life jackets non-stop? None of them know how to swim and they have never even been on a boat before. Is this something I just have to pass on in this season of life?

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I've done it with one child, who turned three while we were there.


I was a bit obsessive with the safety issue. I think it took until the second day for my husband to convince me that I didn't have to make my son sleep in the life jacket in the pack-n-play.


I don't think I would have enjoyed myself if I'd had to watch three young kids all by myself. What are your parents and siblings like? Are they the sort to be careful and aware? Or are they the sort to get caught up in their conversation or a book and not notice the kids leaning over the edge?

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Sorry, my iPad submitted my post before I was ready. Keep your kiddos inside and keep the doors locked when you're not on deck. It's basically just a floating RV, so not too hard to keep them inside. Your parents just have to remember to keep the sliding doors closed if they're outside. And don't swim near where the generator exhaust from the boat is discharged...you can get carbon monoxide poisoning and die. It's happened more than once, unfortunately.

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My family would all be helpful. They wouldn't be as obsessively careful as I would, but they'd still give me a hand. My brother and sister each have tiny babies, so there would be other kids too, but mine would be the only mobile ones. There would be 8 or 9 adults (16 years old +) on the boat. As for safety rules, they'd likely follow whatever rules I set down for my girls, even if they thought it was unnecessary. They're pretty good like that. :)

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My family would all be helpful. They wouldn't be as obsessively careful as I would, but they'd still give me a hand. My brother and sister each have tiny babies, so there would be other kids too, but mine would be the only mobile ones. There would be 8 or 9 adults (16 years old +) on the boat. As for safety rules, they'd likely follow whatever rules I set down for my girls, even if they thought it was unnecessary. They're pretty good like that. :)


In this case, I'd go!!! As long as there is a "safe" place for you to go with the kids where they cannot escape to a place where they could fall overboard. You need your sleep!!! Know it will be stressful and maybe not a totally relaxing vacation. But, it'll be a nice break and wonderful family time!

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We are doing Lake Powell this year and my SIL with five kids under the age of eight was actually the one to suggest a houseboat. It's cleaner than camping in the sand. You have to watch kids regardless of where you camp near water. It's nice to have air conditioning and quiet places for naps, too.

There are plenty of families who vacation like this yearly. You just have to learn a new set of rules.

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I think it would be fun - but your kids need to know how to swim. Any chance you can sign them up for some quick private lessons before you go?


ETA: Oops, I misread your siggy and thought your kids were the years they were born! They are little. Life jackets and safety measures. I think it will be fun.


FWIW, my cousins grew up on a sailboat. Literally. They both survived to adulthood. :)

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Guest submarines

It just sounds so stressful. So many people in a small space, infants. Plus the water safety issue. Not my cup of tea at all.

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I'm starting over here. What are the kids going to do all day? Does this house boat move and the adults sit on the deck and watch the world go by or is it stationary and you can get off and have a run about on land? When my dd was little she couldn't tolerate being cooped up on a boat. We're big swimmers. Little kids on boats, all life jackets, all the time and serious supervision.

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I'm starting over here. What are the kids going to do all day? Does this house boat move and the adults sit on the deck and watch the world go by or is it stationary and you can get off and have a run about on land? When my dd was little she couldn't tolerate being cooped up on a boat. We're big swimmers. Little kids on boats, all life jackets, all the time and serious supervision. Also my dd would jump into any water at 1, 2 and 3 years old. We've jumped into a pool after her. I was only a foot away.

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Sorry, my iPad submitted my post before I was ready. Keep your kiddos inside and keep the doors locked when you're not on deck. It's basically just a floating RV, so not too hard to keep them inside. Your parents just have to remember to keep the sliding doors closed if they're outside. And don't swim near where the generator exhaust from the boat is discharged...you can get carbon monoxide poisoning and die. It's happened more than once, unfortunately.



Well that post would really make someone want to go! :lol:


OP- depends on your dc. Mine at that age- no way! They were escape artists who loved the water, and I wasn't exaggerating when I would tell people you had to watch them every second. You literally could not take your eyes off of them!

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I think more details are necessary, like Starr asked. Is the boat going to be moving? Will you be on the boat all day for a few days? Will you have a room to sleep in with the kids where you could fasten the door somehow so they couldn't get out? Safety locks for any sliding doors, etc. so they can't get outside while you're preparing food or going to the bathroom or whatever?


The law here is kids (under 12 I believe) must be wearing life jackets any time they are out on the water. I couldn't imagine my kids agreeing to wear a life jacket all day long. Dh has a boat so my kids have their own life jackets that fit them well and are as comfortable as possible but, they still aren't that comfortable.

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I worry about too many adults looking after the kids. An adult needs to be assigned a kid or they just quietly wander out the door. And your bil finds them walking down to the river at 15 months. Ah, the memories of that vacation.



This is my feeling as well. When at my MIL's (pool & canal), one person is always in charge of a child. We get verbal confirmation when passing the responsibility to someone else. Most of the time when we hear of an incident it is during a party or event and even though there are lots of adults around everyone assumes said child it with someone else.

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My sister and her family invited me and the kids a few summers ago. DH had to work and couldn't go. I would never do it again. My sister "lost" her toddler on the boat more than once. Nerve- wracking, miserable, hot, and buggy. Not fun. I was worried about carbon- monoxide the whole time. I wish I had never gone.

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