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remind me not to make rash decisions in February

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It IS still February, isn't it? I thought i could get out of this month unscathed by the February Bitters, but they have hit, big time. Tell me not to enroll my oldest in public school, tell me to calm the freak down, and assure me that his attitude and MY attitude can only get better.

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La, la, la,la...It's not February anymore! It's Farch the 1st. Shortest month in the year.


I second the physical labor, only sometimes there isn't enough to do or the weather isn't good for outdoor activity. It's hard to split wood or clean the chicken house when it is pouring down rain. But, I do find that I have to have absolute, unchanging consequences for open mutiny that are always enforced. It's less to change the attitude of the crew and more about staying in charge and avoiding losing MY temper. Complaints are listened to, but I charge for my time! :D

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Don't enroll him in public school.


Calm the freak down.


His attitude can only get better.


Your attitude *will* get better.


There, did that help??? I'm repeating it over and over to myself, too. Partly it's February, partly it's 10 yo hormones. I have been trying *so hard* to be patient with dd's moodiness, crankiness & bitchiness with her sister, but I *swear* if she heaves one more giant heavy sigh over her oh-so-onerous math work, I am going to go in there and SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm done. I'm officially not patient any more.


At least not for the rest of February.

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Chrysalis that brought a smile to my face! If my 10 year old says one.more.time.that he"just doesn't know" and"itstoooooo hard" i will jump out the window.just.do.the da@n work.please."


After breaking down on the phone to dh, he said he would work from hone tomorrow and silently"observe" what was going on and try to give pointers.right now, he feels i should just back off on academics a bit (even though we did barely 3.5 hours today........) Sigh.

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Have you considered that he might be burned out? Just as much as homeschooling moms get burned out, kids that are carrying heavy academic loads definitely experience burn-out, especially younger ones. Symptoms of stress in children definitely vary and I may be way off base, but his behaviors that you describe are amg the signs. (if you search burn-out in children or effects of stress in children, you can find plenty of info.)


FWIW, our oldest became burned-out in 5th grade. I was pushing too hard and expecting too much. It was when I definitely learned that just because they can does not mean that they should and most definitely does not mean they need to. I had to learn to step way back and start taking more cues from his attitude than simply his abilities.


Recovering from burn-out and finding your way back to enthusiasm for homeschooling as an adult is incredibly difficult. It is even more amplified in children. It is slow road to recovery and really does require intentional healing.







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I don't really feel that we've had a successful February unless I complete my annual "you're going to PS right now!" rant.


Next year I am working some serious chocolate into my homeschooling budget, just for February. A pound a day ought to be enough.


I never hated this month so much until I started homeschooling!!! People warned me, and I did not get it until I lived through it.

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hmmm...just from looking at your siggy he's ten and doing pre algebra? latin, spanish, geography, ancient history, and somethin g else. maybe he is burned out. maybe he can't really do all that. that seems like an awful lot for a ten yo boy.

have some chocolate or some wine. or both.

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...he feels i should just back off on academics a bit (even though we did barely 3.5 hours today........)


I have no personal experience, but I was reading today a thread about how many hours a day a college-bound high schooler needs to work, and experienced posters said they expect 5.5-6 hours for a 9th/10th grader.

Maybe that'll help you feel better about the 3.5 hours you did today. :-)

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hmmm...just from looking at your siggy he's ten and doing pre algebra? latin, spanish, geography, ancient history, and somethin g else. maybe he is burned out. maybe he can't really do all that. that seems like an awful lot for a ten yo boy.

have some chocolate or some wine. or both.




We don't do everything everyday. Not by a long shot. We're a slow and steady, but keep em challenged, sort of homeschool. Thanks :)

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I don't really feel that we've had a successful February unless I complete my annual "you're going to PS right now!" rant.



Oh my goodness, I am laughing hard because this is SO true here. And every year I smack myself when I finally realize it's that time of year. Every. Year.


Not that it's funny to rant on my kids, at all. I think instead of spring break in March or April, I should institute mid-February break. :D Or wait, not instead of, both! Maybe we'd paradoxically be more productive if I took more time off. I don't even know anymore.

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I think I just took 3 weeks of February off. :huh: That wasn't my plan. It just sort of happened. We'll get back to work next week. And now that I remember it was February I will stop kicking myself about it. :D

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We have been taking a week of vacation every February for the last four years. That makes February go really fast.


This year we also started seeds indoors for a gardening project (the day after we got back from Febrary vacation). Planning a garden makes it feel like spring is right around the corner.


As far as hard physical labor, have the kids do the pre-spring clean up in the yard. Rake up dead leaves, trim back any plants that need trimming, etc. I have a small yard, but there is still a ton of pre-spring clean up to do.

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So today was....better!!! DH stayed home to observe, so the kids were on better behavior....Plus Fridays are usually a shorter day for us to leave time for individual projects in the afternoon. Gosh, if only every day could be so smooth!

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I think I just took 3 weeks of February off. :huh: That wasn't my plan. It just sort of happened. We'll get back to work next week. And now that I remember it was February I will stop kicking myself about it. :D



We had last minute house guests - for TWO weeks. We did 3 different amusement parks, the beach, and shopping. February just flew by! :coolgleamA: We dropped them off at the airport this morning, then headed to science co-op for the day - the kids did school work, I took a two hour nap on my friend's couch.

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