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Lots of caffeine?


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Which energy drink has loads of caffeine but not too much other junk?


This is not a long term solution, AT ALL.


I want to give dd something with a lot of stimulant to see if it helps her focus on school work. If it does help, i was going to look into natural ways to work with ADD. I don't think she has ADD, or at least real ADD. I think this is a mix of asperger's and hormones.


Any ideas? I'll probably try something for about 3-4 days so i can rule out a fluke good day.

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She doesn't like coffee, but i thought it didn't have *that* much caffeine.


I'll have to look up bulletproof coffee.


If she doesn't like coffee, she probably won't like it. BP Coffee is simply coffee blended with MCT (or coconut oil) and grass-fed butter. The extra fats always give me a jumpstart and make the effect of the caffeine a little more intense.It keeps me going for hours.


Regardless, 5 Hour Energy's ingredients are pretty good, and has a good amount of caffeine.

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What about tea? That caffeine hypes me up more than coffee. As for energy drinks...they are controversial but Red Bull does come in a sugar free version. Also the ice tea one from Monster tastes really good. Having said that-they are potent and I would split a can of monster into 3 servings and never give her a whole can.

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She doesn't like coffee, but i thought it didn't have *that* much caffeine.


I'll have to look up bulletproof coffee.


It has enough for me. :) Children don't metabolize caffeine as quickly as do adults, so I'd be wary of giving large amounts.

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If the energy drink is split into 2-3 servings, are the dangers really that bad?


I wasn't planning to go get her a case of super sized monster drinks and let her go to town or anything.



I personally would not take the risk. These two articles mention other ingredients that could be harmful as well.






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Another thought, then I will leave you alone. :p


Thinking long term, this might be a good opportunity to teach good study skills and habits, and to learn strategies that help her focus. That could have a lifelong positive effect for her versus a temporary solution using a drug. You may have to do some research online or consult with some type of counselor, but I would try that before giving my kids any kind of dietary supplement (other than a change of her regular food diet). Especially when she hasn't been officially diagnosed with ADD.


There was a thread on here recently about adults with possible ADHD, perhaps there are helpful tips there. :001_smile:

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Internationl Coffee makes a coffee drink. It should be located in the dairy section of your supermarket. My ds likes it. You should be able to google it. I think it is International Coffee iced coffee.



Yes, they make a mocha flavored one that's pretty good and I hate coffee.

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Guest submarines

Please, please, please do not use the high energy drinks. Google the dangers. Teens have died from these; it's just too much caffiene.


I hope you find something that works! My SIL uses a can of diet soda for her kids in the am.



I agree with avoiding energy drinks. But diet soda, which mostly contains aspartame, is even worse than regular soda, in my opinion.

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Guest submarines

Today will be just straight Coke.


I know that stimulants do not always work, but it seems like an easy thing to test. If i see some improvement, I'll figure out what to do with the info.



You are confounding caffeine with sugar (massive amounts) and artificial coloring. :confused1:

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Guest submarines

Coffee with sugar would probably be healthier than soda. Get heavy cream for it and put it on ice. My kids would chug coffee made that way if I let them. Then if the sugar bothers you, you could wean her off of it over the course of a couple of weeks.



This does sound healthier than any soda drink, especially the "diet" ones.


What about blending ice cubes, heavy cream, some sugar (maple syrup would be better) and coffee?

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I think i made a connection! I love and hate when this happens. Lol.


For a while dd was having tea daily with miralax. And she has allergies.


In the last several weeks she's stopped drinking her tea and a few days ago we ran out of meds (i always forget how much they're helping until they're gone!).


She had some coke today, but I'll go back to giving her the tea, and i got her meds this morning.


Hopefully this is just a mix of the lack of everything lately plus not having any sunshine for months!

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Does she get something with Vitamin D? And have they ever checked her Vitamin D levels?


DS17 runs low all the time in the winter due to darkness. I give him 2000IU Vitamin D3 daily. We have noticed a big difference in his attitude and focus during the winter months. Summers are bright here and he doesn't need anything extra.


Sounds like you have a winner with the tea and meds again. Hope everything improves!

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Kum and Go has their own brand of 5 hour energy which works really well. Every other type of energy drink I have tried leaves me feeling jittery, but that stuff just keeps me awake. They hsve better flavors and tsste than the actual 5 hour energy. The cherry lime actually tastes like cherry lime, not like yak pee. LOL When we moved from MO to NE, we did the drive overnight after being awake loading the truck all day. Those things kept me wide awake even though by the time we got to our new place we had been awake for 24 hours.

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Guest submarines


No. Caffeine actually does help people with ADHD.



"No" as in "she is not confounding?" :confused1: I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with.


Caffeine does help people with ADHD. Sugar and artificial coloring can contribute to hyperactivity and have a bunch of issues of their own, especially in the amounts found in colas. What kind of results can one expect from an "experiment" like this?

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"No" as in "she is not confounding?" :confused1: I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with.


Caffeine does help people with ADHD. Sugar and artificial coloring can contribute to hyperactivity and have a bunch of issues of their own, especially in the amounts found in colas. What kind of results can one expect from an "experiment" like this?


I'm disagreeing that sugar and artificial coloring cause hyperactivity. I also thought you were saying caffeine wouldn't help, so I apologize for that misunderstanding.




The research on food dyes and other additives is incomplete, but at best it is likely they exaggerate behavioral symptoms, not cause them.


In spite of the sugar and additives, drinks with caffeine can help people with ADHD to focus properly, though it's nowhere near as effective as ADHD meds.


OP, giving dd her meds probably is the best way to go because they don't have the massive amounts of sugar or hfcs. Despite my defense of using caffeine drinks, I do agree with genscharm that all the extras in the drinks aren't the best option. I'm glad you found the connection and got her meds again. I know firsthand how difficult it is to find the right treatment for a kid with ADHD.

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I would do coffee with liquid stevia, rather than sugar, any artificial sweeteners, honey, etc. Liquid stevia seems to be the sweetener with the least side effects.


If I really wanted to try out this effect, that's what I would do. I agree with the other posters who said that the sugar, artificial colors, etc. in soda may make the experiment unreliable.

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I completely agree about the medical horrors that can happen to children when they are given those 5-hour energy drinks. In this case, Google will be your friend like the others suggested.


Sadly, I see parents giving their children those energy drinks during swim meets "to help them swim faster" and the parents are clueless about the damage it could be doing to their children's hearts. We actually watched a swimmer collapse after a race and was rushed to the hospital because of an erratic heartbeat.

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I'm disagreeing that sugar and artificial coloring cause hyperactivity. I also thought you were saying caffeine wouldn't help, so I apologize for that misunderstanding.




The research on food dyes and other additives is incomplete, but at best it is likely they exaggerate behavioral symptoms, not cause them.


In spite of the sugar and additives, drinks with caffeine can help people with ADHD to focus properly, though it's nowhere near as effective as ADHD meds.


OP, giving dd her meds probably is the best way to go because they don't have the massive amounts of sugar or hfcs. Despite my defense of using caffeine drinks, I do agree with genscharm that all the extras in the drinks aren't the best option. I'm glad you found the connection and got her meds again. I know firsthand how difficult it is to find the right treatment for a kid with ADHD.

I have to say that I am strongly against food coloring, especially Red 40. It makes my son NUTS and he literally cannot read a sentence. Since I took it out of his diet things are good. Aggression was a HUGE issue as well.

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I have to say that I am strongly against food coloring, especially Red 40. It makes my son NUTS and he literally cannot read a sentence. Since I took it out of his diet things are good. Aggression was a HUGE issue as well.



I used to think people were reaching when they said their kid had behavior problems related to food coloring. That was back when i only had dd.


Ds ABSOLUTELY has behavior issues with food coloring. I don't care what colors, we just avoid all numbers. Avoiding it has not cured him, but there is an absolute difference when he's had something.

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Coffee? I drink Bulletproof coffee, but that may be too much for her.



This. I really like the idea of trying BP coffee, because the fats are supposed to be good for the brain, in particular the grass-fed butter. I use regular coffee - nothing special - blended with grass-fed butter and a bit of coconut oil. For a kid, I'd definitely add sugar to make it yummier - it will look like a latte. I'd try 1/4 to 1/2 cup - that should be plenty of caffeine.


Alternatively, I'd just do coffee with heavy cream and sugar.


(I would be too scared to have my kid try the energy drink.)

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