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Hulu or Netflix?


Hulu or Netflix?  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you choose?

    • Hulu
    • Netflix
    • Both
    • Obligatory Other (if you choose this, please explain further)

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Which would you choose? We can't get either where we live now b/c we live in the middle of nowhere and have satellite internet and therefore limited download speed and allowance, but we will be able to once we move next week. We had Netflix before we moved here, and I liked it and used it all the time, but Hulu didn't exist back then.


Can you do the same things with Hulu that you can with Netflix? I'm talking like streaming movies, and episodes of tv shows...stuff like that.


Are there any tv shows you have noticed that one or the other doesn't carry?


How current are the tv shows on Netflix?


Also...Hulu or Hulu Plus? What is the difference??


Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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If you can afford it, you can get both. If you can only go w/ one, I would probably go w/ Netflix. I think it has more options. That's not backed by research or anything, just what I've noticed. Difference between Hulu and Hulu+ is Hulu is free, Hulu+ costs $7 or $8/month. Usually TV series will have a few episodes on regular Hulu. After a few weeks, they'll be moved to Hulu plus. Once an entire season comes out, Netflix gets it. So if you want to watch shows as they come out, you can watch them on regular Hulu before they move to +. But you have to make sure you stay up on them. We like Netflix to catch up on entire series that we've never seen before, Scrubs, Dr. Who, White Collar, etc. It's tricky timing it though, because we usually can't catch up on the latest season because when we've seen all the Netflix ones, some of the episodes on the latest season on Hulu are on +. You can avoid that if you get both. We like Netflix for kids shows, Dora, Backyardigans, Garfield, Dinosaur Train. I think Netflix has a good kid selection. I haven't even checked Hulu's to see what it's like. I can't remember if Hulu + has commercials. If they do, that's another thing to consider. Netflix has no ads. Hulu's ads are sometimes things I don't want my kids to see.

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We prefer hulu plus but it does have a lot of ads (even though we're paying for it). Some TV shows, it will offer the entire series, others it only keeps the latest few episodes. There are also movies but no new releases (which is about the same as Netflix streaming and Amazon Prime if I recall).


Hulu plus is all we have, other than regular free TV (no cable package) and we're happy. Oh and Amazon Prime, but everything I want to watch on it always costs money so I"m not sure that counts.

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Netflix rocks, even though I do wish they had more stuff from time to time. There are YEARS worth of documentaries & things like Mythbusters to entertain us.


Hulu is for tv episodes, but none of the shows we like (but to be fair, we like almost nothing on tv- not snobs, just not hip).


We had a free month of Hulu+ through our apple tv and never really found anything worth watching.

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I'd get both if you can. I like Netflix for movies/documentaries and Hulu Plus for current TV shows. But the Hulu offerings are slim compared to Netflix and the commercials can be inappropriate, so if I could only do one, I'd go with Netflix.


Also, some networks now let you watch shows 1 or more days after they've aired, like PBS is doing with Downton Abbey, so that helps with current offerings.

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I have been liking Amazon a lot. there is not as much for my kids on it (they' 've been watching Quack Pack on YouTube lately) . I also can not get Amazon prime on my Wii, but since I don' t watch on the WiI it hasn't been a problem for us, but it would be if that was what you were streaming through. there is a lot of preschool shows on Amazon, but my kids are older.

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We have had Netflix (streamed through our Wii) for a long time. We just tried a week free of Hulu Plus because we needed to see a couple specific episodes of the TV show Castle. I have to admit that I was quite disappointed with Hulu Plus. The streaming would stop and start and there was frequent errors. I am not sure if these problems were because of streaming through the Wii or because of our Verizon DSL or because of Hulu plus. We never have a problem with Netflix streaming or Amazon Prime streaming.

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Prime actually will stream through the Wii now. It's a new feature. Hulu is nice if you've got a device that will play it rather than watching on computer. We've got a permanent HDMI cable that connects ours to the TV. For recent shows, that would be more than adequate.


Of the three, I'd choose Netflix. Prime streaming is a perk, but Amazon Prime is primarily a shipping program. If you're not ordering from Amazon much, I wouldn't get it just for streaming.

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We have Netflix & Amazon Prime (lots of great BBC series)...We tried Hulu & Hulu Plus but didn't feel it compared to Netflix, especially now since Netflix has signed deal with Disney/ABC Family and has LOTS of Disney movies/Shows (except stuff in the vaults) For example my DD was excited to note that all the Disney Fairies Movies were now on Netflix, and we like how Netflix has a *kids* section separate from adult movie listings.

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  • 1 year later...

We have both right now, because we are watching two different series, one on each.  If I had to choose, I pick Netflix because it has no commercials.  HuluPlus does, which is annoying after watching Netflix.


We stopped Netflix for awhile because we were watching a series on HuluPlus.  I greatly appreciated that they made it very low stress.  I unsubscribed online, and I was sent a very nice auto-email that said I could come back whenever I wanted.  They sent me an email about once a month, very low key, just saying, hey, we're here.


When I re-subscribed, it was just as low key, no big to-do, just a "welcome back" email and things went on like before. 


So much of marketing now is IN YOUR FACE (like checking out on amazon if you're not a Prime member), it was nice just to be left alone to do what I wanted.

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