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S/O Being Happy: What do you LOVE about your life?

Heather in Neverland

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This week we had our annual staff retreat before starting second semester. The theme of this year's retreat was GRATITUDE. There was a lot said that really made me think such as:


We tend to think of "gratitude" in terms of big moments in life. There are events in life that draw out our gratitude... Like when my dh recovered from the paralysis caused by breaking his neck in a motorcycle accident. I was SO grateful. But do we feel gratitude for all the small things in life?


Song lyric: "It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got." Getting what you want is great but the thrill wears off and then you want more and more. Being grateful for what you have is key. Are you content with what you have?


Sometimes gratitude is about what you DON'T have. Like I don't have a fatal illness or children dying from starvation or a constant fear I will be killed just because of where I live. Gratitude shifts your focus from what you are lacking to what you have.


So we journaled for a bit and made a list of all the things we have in our lives that we love. I realized through making that list that I really, really LOVE my life. Yes, there are things I wish were different but they aren't. So instead of spending time and energy focused on that, I am making a concerted effort to focus on what I LOVE about my life, the big things and the small things.


A big thing: I love that I had the opportunity to adopt...Twice. It has been the most amazing blessing in our lives.


A small thing: I love my new red patent leather purse. It makes me feel a little giddy when I carry it! :)


What do you LOVE about your life?

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I love? My boys. I love the men they are growing into. They are exceeding a lot of expectations but not mine.


I love that my brother is coming into his own after all these years.


I love that spring is coming and we're getting a taste of it here. I love living here.


I love my crazy kittens - their mannerisms, the arrogant yet elegant way they waltz around the house like queens.


I love that I have facebook to keep in touch with the side of my family I was separated from for years due to my parent's circumstances. They have been there for me the past couple of years.

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I love that I married such a kind, sensitive, intelligent man.


I love that I have so much freedom in my life to do pretty much what I want when I want.


I love having been able to spend so much time with DS11 when he was homeschooled, and still being able to spend lots of quality time with DS8 and DS5.


I love that my older two boys have such a wonderful school to go to, only 10 mins walk from home.


I love my home and the pretty, friendly town it's in.

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I love my husband...he has a heart of gold and does such a great job taking care of our family.

I love my kids...they're such a joy to be around and being a Nana...bliss I tell you.

I love our home...it's lovely and peaceful.

I love my neighborhood....caring and thoughtful people who make us feel right at home here.

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I haven't read other replies.....


I am thankful for being a mom. Ds wasn't born until I was almost 35 and I was so scared I wouldn't get the chance to have a child. Thankful every day for him.


Thankful for clean, hot, running water. I once watched a documentary on a tent city full of refugees....each day they could fill a container up with water for 50 seconds. That had to provide water for drinking, cleaning, cooking, bathing. I never take a hot shower now without being thankful.

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Big thing: I am continually amazed at the life God has given me. I have more than I ever imagined I would have. A good husband, four healthy, normal kids, 42 acres of paradise.


Small thing: Hubby brought home a baby holstein calf Saturday. She's a doll. We're raising her to be a milk cow.

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Thankful for clean, hot, running water. I once watched a documentary on a tent city full of refugees....each day they could fill a container up with water for 50 seconds. That had to provide water for drinking, cleaning, cooking, bathing. I never take a hot shower now without being thankful.



Thank you for mentioning this. Water is super cheap here and I think we waste too much of it because we know it is cheap. This is really convicting for me.

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wow. everything really. my husband is awesome. he's a hottie. he's amazingly sweet. he adores me. he's a great dad. my kids drive me nuts sometimes, but they're all mine and i can't believe how lucky i am to be their mom. my dogs smell, but they bring me so much joy and they snuggle me and think i'm great even when i smell too :001_smile: . my house is a mobile home right now, which is the least favorable home we've ever lived in or owned. but guess what? we actually don't mind it! we are renovating it & making it "trailer shabby chic", lol. we are buying the land it sits on and will have NO mortgage (or ANY debt - woot!) in only 4 years!! then we can build another home or stay on wheels if we wanted too. my body ain't what it used to be, but thank god i'm still healthy enough to make it what i want (note to self - the elliptical isn't for decor). i have parents and sisters that love me (and wow, i love them too!). god has blessed me with great friends here in FL & we have cool technology that keeps me connected to my amazing old friends. we have money to pay the bills, savings in the bank, food to eat, things to entertain us, and the ability to change it all on a whim if necessary.


yep. no complaints. my life is great.

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When I really think about my life, I do feel content. Talking about changes I can make, I'm really happy with how things are going and there is nothing I'd like to change. My biggest challenge is my mental health but it's how I am and not something I've done. Therefore, I am happy that the challenges aren't beyond my capability to adapt. I feel especially blessed by my relationship with my DH. Having been married before, I believe I'm truly appreciating what marriage can and should be like in my life. I love being a mother and cannot adequately explain what it means to me.

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I love having the chance to live in a foreign country. We're leaving within a year and I can't believe how much we've been able to do and see just by living. I started making a video, and while it's not finished (I left room for this year) it says exactly why I love my life - http://www.onetruemedia.com/shared?p=11dca77da04c3dc1e30d9fb&skin_id=0&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=text_url

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Right now I am grateful for my husband, who took a shift late last night with our wide awake but not crabby 18 month old, even though dh had to leave for work very early this morning. I am also grateful for caffeine, because after last night I will need a little kick in the posterior to get things going! I have always been very grateful for my sight and for all the beauty that I have been able to see. I am grateful for growing older but hopefully wiser. I love all the goofy things my munchkins do and say; we got a late start at marriage and parenthood, and there was a time when I wondered if I ever would be a wife or mother. I am thankful that I can read, and that there is such a variety of books available.

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Things I'm grateful for (big things):

Indoor plumbing, refrigeration, heat and air conditioning.

That I have no personal experience with many horrendous evils in the world (rape, torture, war) and that I've never had to battle against the negative emotional pain that would leave me with.

I've never had to chose whether to feed myself or my kids because we have enough money for both.

I've never been prevented from doing what I want because I'm a woman or because of my skin color.

Modern medicine.

For every second I live without feeling pain or nausea.

Progress (which to me equates to hope). Individual and societal.


Things I love about my life (little things):

Being able to sit with my kids at the park on a week day and not having to work.


Books and being able to read.

Soft clean sheets on the bed.

My iPod.

The cozy couch in my living room, a most perfect spot for all of us to sit.

And of course, my lovely, wonderful, incredible family.

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Big thing: I'm thankful for three healthy, happy, beautiful children. I don't deserve them, but they make every day worth getting out of bed with a smile on my face. Being able to home educate them is just icing on an already delicious cake.


Thoughtful Thing: I'm grateful for having a washing machine to wash our clothes. When dh was in India, he asked his translator what he was saving up to buy. His reply, "A washing machine. I've always wanted one. It would be so nice to have." Dh told me that the washing machine he's talking about isn't even close to the size of ours, but more the size of a five gallon bucket. I think of that every time I complain about having to do laundry.


Little Thing: My red kitten heels with a peep toe make me happy. I wear them with jeans, skirts, dresses, whatever, but when I have them on there is little bit of extra sass in my swagger!

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While taking my little inside pooch outside for an evening potty time last night, I looked up at the stars and thought, "I am so privileged to live out here in the country where I can see so many more stars than those living in the city can see." So when I get irritated that my pooch likes me to walk around outside with her (girls never go to the bathroom alone lol) I realize it allows me the time to see and reflect on the beauty of this world.


And I truly love having all boys...and I now love being a mother in law to a wonderful daughter in law. Really, life with these fellas is great :)

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Thankful for clean, hot, running water. I once watched a documentary on a tent city full of refugees....each day they could fill a container up with water for 50 seconds. That had to provide water for drinking, cleaning, cooking, bathing. I never take a hot shower now without being thankful.



This is me, too. And it's really a blessing to be able to be thankful for the "little" things (by US standards).

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I'm thankful that:

  • My life is never dull. Always a new challenge coming up!
  • I am pretty good at bouncing back without too many bruises.
  • I am really good at sleeping.
  • I don't need to take any medicines or have any medical interventions (so far).
  • My kids are healthy and able to learn.
  • My kids love each other.
  • My entire big family and lots of other people love my kids.
  • I don't have money worries to speak of.
  • I have access to information and the right to vote.
  • The world is so dang beautiful.
  • People are capable of so much love and laughter.


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I am thankful for just about everything that I have been through and that God has given me, and try to remember that often!


I am thankful that He saved my life when I almost died and has given me going on 7 children when I was told I would not be able to have children.


I am thankful for a husband who truly cares about me, lets me nap, cooks dinner most of the time, and takes such good care of me.


I am SO thankful for our health.


I love being a mom, being pregnant, having little ones around, watch them grow. It's the best thing I've ever done and it brings me so much happiness!


I'm thankful for people who are willing to pray when we are going through a hard time.


I'm thankful for photography and scrapbooking that I enjoy so much.


I am thankful for modern technology and modern conveniences.


I am thankful to be able to eat out several times a month.


I am thankful to be able to pay all of our bills and have a bit extra.


I am thankful that we have lived away from our family for many years, I think that has been good for us.


I am thankful for every moment of happiness, laughter, cuteness, sweetness that my kids show.


I am thankful to get to be with my kids all day each day.


So many things!

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Big things I'm grateful for:

  • Two wonderful kids
  • Amazing DH
  • Healthy family
  • Great friends
  • Financial security
  • Freedom

Small things I'm grateful for:

  • Good coffee
  • Hot showers
  • Good books (and a library card!)
  • Cute kittens and a sweet dog
  • Fresh, crisp morning air
  • Colorado skies and a gorgeous view of Pikes Peak

Life is good. There's a lot more I could list, but that's good for now. Thanks for the exercise in gratitude! :)

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I love my children and I love homeschooling them.


I love that I have access to lots of healthy food at all times.


I love making scrapbooks of our family's memories.


I love dancing.


I love my husband, even though he didn't give me a kiss when he came home from work last night, but instead went straight down to his man cave and stayed there all night because I had made lasagna with roasted garlic sauce. :001_rolleyes:


I love taking walks on a fresh, spring day.


I love sitting on a beach and looking at the ocean.


I love having friends in many places that I can visit.


I love reading books and getting lost in a new world.


I love seeing my kids have fun.

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I love that I have been able to stay home with my kids their entire lives so far.

I have great kids.

Dh who does 90% of the food shopping lol

My dh who is the absolutely perfect dad for our special son


I love the part of NJ where I live, even when we move, it will be only about 10 min. away and also in an area that I love.

All the trees here, I grew up in a part of Texas that had NO trees at all.

Being able to go to the beach and boardwalk every day if I want to.


My kitty cats


Dh's sisters, their adult children and their dc, also most of the cousins lol.



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