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SOCIAL GROUP: Atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers, non-believers

Guest inoubliable

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Bill, my guys are the same age and are playing up this year. Our region has changed over to grade designations, so my 12 year old was on the U15 roster (she's playing both with her U13 team and the U15s because their roster was slim), and the boys moved up with their coach from the past two years.


It's funny, our club is only going into its fifth year (my kids have played three), even though lax is huge in the mid-Atlantic. I played in high school, and it was well established then (in the 80s). On the other hand, my husband is from the DC metro area and they weren't playing lax, either... So maybe it was a pocket interest.


Hope you guys have fun with it, we certainly do! (I type as I get ready to walk out the door to begin day 1 of 5 on the field. :) )

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Guest inoubliable

I just watched it, based on a comment in this thread. I also the comparative religion segment. The insistence that the stories of the Bible are absolutely unique and unquestionably true always makes me sort of giggle. I'm sure there's an apologetic answer for that.... Prophetic writers? God/Satan planted the BCE works? Does anyone know?



Bolded - the thought of the mental gymnastics required.. eesh.

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I haven't watched DT - I read one of Fellowes' novels. Not a pleasant experience: snobbery and bad writing had each other in a death grip.





Oh good grief :D


Bill (who will admit that snobbery and bad writing together in a death grip pretty well describes DT. But it is so much fun)

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Have there been any recent updates regarding the "real" social groups? I'm not a fan of these public threads (which result in people in other threads praying for the lost souls of my children). At the moment I'm mostly sticking to "liking" posts rather than posting.




Are there people in other threads praying for us? That's thoughtful of them.



I know nothing about Lacrosse or Cricket. I do know a bit about Quidditch.

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I so want to discuss this, but I can't without getting political.


Contentious political or just politics because, well, he's a politician? Was a politician. I mean... What does this mean for Venezuela?

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Are there people in other threads praying for us? That's thoughtful of them.




Oh goodness! Have you not been PM'ed by the soul patrol yet?


My snarkiest reply to date has been: that's nice you are praying for my poor heathen son's soul, but alas! I am afraid your time will be eternally wasted. I already signed the little tyke's soul over to Satan at his birth and the poor kid can't play the fiddle to save his life... let alone his soul.


And, that one was just a couple of weeks ago. :glare:


While there are many perfectly respectable religious folks on this forum, there are enough that are a complete nuisance that I regularly contemplate turning off the PM function ... again. :001_rolleyes:

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Contentious political or just politics because, well, he's a politician? Was a politician. I mean... What does this mean for Venezuela?



For this forum? Incredibly contentious.

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Oh goodness! Have you not been PM'ed by the soul patrol yet?


My snarkiest reply to date has been: that's nice you are praying for my poor heathen son's soul, but alas! I am afraid your time will be eternally wasted. I already signed the little tyke's soul over to Satan at his birth and the poor kid can't play the fiddle to save his life... let alone his soul.


And, that one was just a couple of weeks ago. :glare:


While there are many perfectly respectable religious folks on this forum, there are enough that are a complete nuisance that I regularly contemplate turning off the PM function ... again. :001_rolleyes:


Uh... I have not had the honor, either. I'm not sure how to feel about that, actually.

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Can I just say this thread moves FAST?!


KK, I'm happy your sis is doing better. That must have been so scary!


Dot, lots of PVJ&T for you. :D


No soul patrol PMs here either. I don't know if my feelings should be hurt or I should be relieved? Perhaps my prayer warriors are praying on the down low. Maybe there is some sort of an "adopt an athiest" ministry much like the "adopt a cardinal" ministry".





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Hmm, and environmentalism and Christianity. In more conservative branches, it's been posed as sort of a dichotomy between "earth worshipping" and "Jesus worshipping".


People can't affect the environment because God made it, and he's so big and powerful, and to worry that we may be damaging it irreparably is to imply God didn't create a big, good enough earth if his creatures can irrevocably hurt it.


Also, there's the concept of environmentalist as "earth worshipper" who elevates spending time and energy taking care of our environment (imagine such a thing!) above the concept of spending time and energy worshipping a deity.


In these cases environmentalism is viewed as sort of an idolatry.


This definitely seems to be a divide between conservative and liberal Christians, though.




Exactly this. God made the earth so he will sustain it. Period.

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Hoping all is well today for everyone. KK, how's your sister? Dot - thinking of you! Imp, too. :)




Anyone watch The God Who Wasn't There (on Netflix)? Has this already been discussed? We watched it last night. Interesting.


I just googled it am going to add it to my Netflix queue. How cool that Harris and Dawkins are both in it!

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Exactly this. God made the earth so he will sustain it. Period.


It's hard for me to see how God is responsible for microplastics in our oceans and on our coasts.

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Hi :) So - I've been reading (most) of this thread and I'm still not sure if I am in the right place, lol :) I'm a deist - many times deists self identify as "free-thinkers" having "reason-based belief" in a deity of some kind. "Free-thinkers" is part of the group name here, but I'm thinking ya'll don't mean the kind associated with deism? I know someone mentioned an "alternative spirituality" group on the Chat Board, but I usually have more in common with purely secular/atheist home schoolers than I do with the alternate spirituality types - even though I get along great with anyone from either group. That being said, I can certainly relate to tall the wiccans/witches posting here :) Anyway - would y'all mind if I hang out?


You are certainly welcome here. :) I'm Agnostic, somewhat leaning towards Agnostic who believes there is some sort of higher power. Or maybe the universe is the higher power. I'm content with not knowing all of the details though. Welcome!

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i'd heard that the destruction of the world was a sign of end times and the rapture, so the destruction of the world is a positive sign . . . that they will soon be in a better place ...


Wasn't that part of the controversy over James Watt as Secretary of the Interior?

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i'd heard that the destruction of the world was a sign of end times and the rapture, so the destruction of the world is a positive sign . . . that they will soon be in a better place ...


Brrrrrr. Isn't that destruction supposed to be a rather definitive thing, rather than a slow motion train wreck where humans eventually sport 3 or 4 eyes and have evolved to metabolize petrochemicals?



You are certainly welcome here. :) I'm Agnostic, somewhat leaning towards Agnostic who believes there is some sort of higher power. Or maybe the universe is the higher power. I'm content with not knowing all of the details though. Welcome!


Or, you know, the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Who's to say?


Am I the only one who imagines God as George Burns (complete with spectacles and cigar), shaking his head at us in disgust and kvetching about the mistake in giving us free will, or are others also children of the 70s?

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Guest inoubliable

Uh... I have not had the honor, either. I'm not sure how to feel about that, actually.


You don't know it, but I'm sure we each have a Prayer Warrior assigned.


I honestly don't mind anyone thinking good thoughts for me in a time of crisis. I do roll my eyes at the "I'm praying for you because I don't want you to go to hell and I want you to reconsider the spiritual death of your children" PMs.

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People have been praying for me since high school. Since I don't think it does anything, it doesn't bother me a bit.

That's generally my take. It's a nice gesture and I take it as friends being genuinely concerned with my welfare. That's different than receiving an "I'm trying to (supernaturally) force you to be different because you are painfully lacking" pm. That's rude. And passive aggressive.

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That's generally my take. It's a nice gesture and I take it as friends being genuinely concerned with my welfare. That's different than receiving an "I'm trying to (supernaturally) force you to be different because you are painfully lacking" pm. That's rude. And passive aggressive.



Or just plain old aggressive!

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Contentious political or just politics because, well, he's a politician? Was a politician. I mean... What does this mean for Venezuela?



It means Nicolas Maduro and Diosdado Cabello (whose name roughly translates to Godgiven Hair, seriously, you couldn't make this stuff up) are getting ready to rumble. They've already been jockeying for position since before Christmas when Chavez was in a coma. The election will be in 30 days and one of the Chavistas should win. I sincerely hope they do because it would suck for the opposition to have to devalue and deal with all the inflation that's been repressed for the last couple of years by exchange controls. The Chavistas need to reap what they've sown.


I would imagine there will be another Caracazo when they have to raise the price of gasoline (currently about 20 cents a gallon and, yes, PDVSA loses money on it) and food skyrockets due to devaluation (currently the Bolivar Fuerte is officially 6.50 to the dollar, the parallel market is about 20 BFs/$). Crime is rampant. We won't be going this year because a friend of ours lost his father in a kidnapping gone bad. The victim wasn't well off, not even by Venezuelan standards. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The worst part is that his body hasn't been found. They're sure he's dead because the kidnappers broke off contact, but they don't have any proof.


To be honest, Chavez' death is a bit of an anticlimax since he's been on the brink of death for more than 2 months. It's been a rollercoaster ride, but it's not a surprise. It reminds me of when Yuri Andropov died and it was a big mystery because the politburo needed to get its ducks in a row before they announced it.

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Oh, my, chiguirre. I can't imagine.

whose name roughly translates to Godgiven Hair, seriously, you couldn't make this stuff up

This, I can't do anything but laugh. Seriously? This is not an autocorrect issue? God given HAIR? :smilielol5:

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Oh, my, chiguirre. I can't imagine.


This, I can't do anything but laugh. Seriously? This is not an autocorrect issue? God given HAIR? :smilielol5:


Cabello means hair. It's not that weird of a last name in Spanish, but it does mean hair. His first name is weird in Spanish and provides lots of fodder for jokes, especially since the guy does think he's God's gift to Venezuela.

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dh said my hair was one of the first things he noticed and admired about me. the big boobs, tho, kinda intimidated him. orders of magnitude larger than anything he'd had his hands on - and we were in our mid 30s. I guess you cant tell from this picture . . . .

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dh said my hair was one of the first things he noticed and admired about me. the big boobs, tho, kinda intimidated him. orders of magnitude larger than anything he'd had his hands on - and we were in our mid 30s. I guess you cant tell from this picture . . . .

:lol: yeah, the bigger ones can be hard to steer.

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Man, you guys are busy tonight!


Dh played lacrosse. My boys aren't interested yet. And aside from a British grandmother, I know nothing about cricket (okay, a little from movies like Narnia).


I have never, ever heard of fundies not believing in environmentalism. I'm kinda shocked really. I'm considering wading through the grocery bag thread to see what all the hubbub is about. (I use the plastic ones on account of cleaning houses. I need them for trash liners, etc. Just in case you were wondering.)


And I also cannot believe y'all have had PMs from people who are praying for your heathen hearts. Overstep much?


Oh, and hi, Bill! Nice to see you around again. :)

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Brrrrrr. Isn't that destruction supposed to be a rather definitive thing, rather than a slow motion train wreck where humans eventually sport 3 or 4 eyes and have evolved to metabolize petrochemicals?


Or, you know, the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Who's to say?


Am I the only one who imagines God as George Burns (complete with spectacles and cigar), shaking his head at us in disgust and kvetching about the mistake in giving us free will, or are others also children of the 70s?


I imagine God as George Carlin giving a big fat ol' f**k you to everyone and everything.


Is that close enough? ;)

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This thread moves way too fast. Put me in the no PM's about "saving" me camp.


I had a friend tell me she thinks the reason our area is so overrun with poverty, pedophiles, unemployment etc is because of all the witchcraft going on in our town! I immediately thought of Audrey :seeya: . She was dead serious, it was all I could do to not burst out laughing. I told her I thought it had more to do with lack of good paying jobs, the prison, and generational poverty that anything else!

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maybe we should be sending our own PMs? Share our wisdom and all. Try to convince them to turn away from their beliefs because clearly ours are better? Save them from their destructive paths?


Geez. I haven't gotten any of these PMs, but wow. Just wow. The arrogance!!

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Bill (who will admit that snobbery and bad writing together in a death grip pretty well describes DT. But it is so much fun)



Much easier to cope with on the screen, I think.


I am an avid 'Lewis' fan (Oxford-based detective show). Snobbery galore and - for example - Borges was described as a fantasy writer in the last episode I watched. Somehow I can cope with it on the screen when I couldn't on the page.



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Man, you guys are busy tonight!


Dh played lacrosse. My boys aren't interested yet. And aside from a British grandmother, I know nothing about cricket (okay, a little from movies like Narnia).





The most important thing to know about cricket is that there is a tea break mid way through during which tea, little sandwiches and cake are consumed.

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I was stuck in rural Aberdeenshire one summer during the Ashes and I ended up watching a lot of cricket, learned quite a bit, but I agree with my dad, any sport that takes several days to play and you stop for tea and cucumber sandwiches gets a thumb down from me.


I played lacross the year I was an exchange student in the US, I loved it and was so disappointed that there wasn't a team in my Swedish town so I could continue playing.

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