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SOCIAL GROUP: Atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers, non-believers

Guest inoubliable

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Kleine, :grouphug: I'm sorry you got sick. And I'm more sorry that you feel defective. I have anxiety issues. Sometimes I'll be fine for weeks. Then, I'll start freaking out for no reason. And when I do, I hate going in the car because it makes me panic. Then I make him look for bathrooms wherever we are travelling. I know he gets frustrated with me. *I* get frustrated with me . My dh always says that there are things about him that I have to "deal" with. That helps. But, I still feel stupid and broken. I have learned some coping mechanisms over the years and I do feel like I control it better, but it's not good enough for me.


KK, mortgage people suck. I'm sorry you're having to start over.

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So there. It's depressing. And it doesn't help that I'm still under the crappy effects of having gotten gluten somehow. It also drives me crazy NOT knowing how I got gluten.

Ok, i dont know about you, but when I get glutened, i get really anxious and depressed. The first few years i was gluten free, I could tell if I'd been glutened because I'd start muttering "I hate my life" under my breath, even when nothing was really wrong. So try to remind yourself that part of why you are feeling insecure in your marriage right now is because the gluten is also messing with your mind!


I assume you have told dh how much you appreciated the tickets and the idea of the bakery. i hope you will call the bakery and let them know how sick you got - there have been people caught selling things labeled as gluten free which really are not gluten free at all, apparently. and sometimes one of their suppliers messes up.


I dont ever eat out but i have other allergy issues. I'm so sorry your wonderful night was ruined! You guys will get better at learning what sets off your stomach - but seriously, BLAME THE BAKERY!! YOU did not ruin this night. That bakery did!!

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That article is so sad. Look at these quotes from her conversion:


"With tremors, I whispered, "J, what if it is true? What if Jesus is a real and risen Lord? What if we are all in trouble?"


"The image that came in like waves, of me and everyone I loved suffering in hell, vomited into my consciousness and gripped me in its teeth."


So this guy and his wife disguise themselves as friends and try to convert her for 2 years. An entire church was praying for her for 2 years. Don't churches have more pressing needs then wasting 2 years trying to convert 1 person from her heathen lesbian ways?


Makes me feel like vomiting when I read the part you quoted. Don't think I'll read the article. Rather reminds me of my bil who passed away from cancer. He wrote a brief note that was printed on the memorial they hand out at funerals. It said something about how excited and happy he was to be joining his lord and savior in heaven but there was one thing that held him from total joy: the sorrow he felt at the knowledge that so many people he loved would not be with him. Then, at his request, they asked everyone in the church who hadn't been saved to please accept christ as this was bil's dying wish. They actually came around with clipboards and were taking names down of people. I felt like I was being held hostage. Go to a funeral and when they've got you in the church, pull that stunt. I truly liked my bil and was grieving over his death, and I ended leaving his funeral totally offended and mad. After I got over being made, I just felt sorry for him. What a comforting belief! No than you.

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i guess i assumed a deity is a separate being . . .


So, i guess #2 includes what I said. i didnt really realize that was part of the definition. i also dont really believe its 'real' like science, i just think its an analogy that brings me comfort sometimes.


note - the paste totally messed up formatting


I certainly don't think about it like a separate being. It's part of humanity and nature in my mind - the passion, emotions, love, convictions. I guess it's my answer when somebody asks if I'm an atheist or I get accused of being a non-believer. Honestly, I feel I'm a humanist, but that sure can get people riled up.

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Ds is not baptized. Dh's mom never mentioned it at all. Dh's dad only ever started pushing it when he remarried after dh's mom passed. he married a woman, who at one point, was almost a nun (a Novitiate?). Then she left to marry her first husband (who died shortly before dh's mom).


Anyway, dh has said that there'll be none of that. If his mom had ever requested it, I think we would have done it. I'd have done anything for that sweet, wonderful woman.

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Makes me feel like vomiting when I read the part you quoted. Don't think I'll read the article. Rather reminds me of my bil who passed away from cancer. He wrote a brief note that was printed on the memorial they hand out at funerals. It said something about how excited and happy he was to be joining his lord and savior in heaven but there was one thing that held him from total joy: the sorrow he felt at the knowledge that so many people he loved would not be with him. Then, at his request, they asked everyone in the church who hadn't been saved to please accept christ as this was bil's dying wish. They actually came around with clipboards and were taking names down of people. I felt like I was being held hostage. Go to a funeral and when they've got you in the church, pull that stunt. I truly liked my bil and was grieving over his death, and I ended leaving his funeral totally offended and mad. After I got over being made, I just felt sorry for him. What a comforting belief! No than you.


What a terrible experience!!


We went to a funeral several years ago for a young man who had died by gunshot. It was unclear (as in the police had not made a ruling) whether he intended to kill himself or it was an accident. He was very troubled, but a wonderful, kind kid.

At the funeral, they had this wackadoo of a minister from an evangelical church his dad attended. He went on and on and on about how sad it was that this man was going to burn in hell's fire for the rest of eternity because he took his own life. Again, this had yet to be determined. Then he went on with a similar speech as you went through, Ishki. Dh and I got up and left the packed room. We waited outside until the man had finished his rant. We weren't the only ones sitting outside. I was so angry for his family and his fiance! After talking to them, they were so grief stricken that none of the minister's words registered. Thank goodness! If I had been close to the family (this was dh's coworker) I would have kicked the man off the stage. And I do mean kick. It was awful.

It was later determined that he did indeed intend to kill himself. He was severely addicted to oxycodone. But, I don't believe this man would go to hell. Then again, it's hard to go somewhere in which I don't believe. :)

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Ok, i dont know about you, but when I get glutened, i get really anxious and depressed. The first few years i was gluten free, I could tell if I'd been glutened because I'd start muttering "I hate my life" under my breath, even when nothing was really wrong. So try to remind yourself that part of why you are feeling insecure in your marriage right now is because the gluten is also messing with your mind!


I assume you have told dh how much you appreciated the tickets and the idea of the bakery. i hope you will call the bakery and let them know how sick you got - there have been people caught selling things labeled as gluten free which really are not gluten free at all, apparently. and sometimes one of their suppliers messes up.


I dont ever eat out but i have other allergy issues. I'm so sorry your wonderful night was ruined! You guys will get better at learning what sets off your stomach - but seriously, BLAME THE BAKERY!! YOU did not ruin this night. That bakery did!!


Yes, anxiety and depression are very much symptoms when I get gluten. I will have full out panic attacks. I knew I was in trouble when I was sitting there and all of a sudden I got that electric buzzing (I don't know how else to describe it) in my head. I turned and glanced at the young woman sitting next to me and thought, "Oh my god! Dh is going to hook up with her and leave me a single mother." That's when I *knew* it was gluten and I had to go home.


I called my friend (also a celiac) and told her what happened. That's when she said, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to tell you that I've eaten from that bakery twice and both times I was deathly ill. I will never eat there again, and I meant to warn you."


So, at least I know that it's not just me and I'm not some super-hyper-sensitive-to-gluten freak. I will be calling that bakery tomorrow.

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Guest inoubliable

I've not had to go to too many funerals. I wonder about that "saving" thing that goes on at some funerals. How prevalent is that? Is it only with certain denominations? I'm reminded of a funeral that someone once told me about. It was when they were in high school. A classmate had died in a car accident about a month or so before graduation, IIRC. Alcohol was a factor. It was a small high school and everyone knew the kid. He was well liked, on sports teams, involved in the community, all that. My friend said that most of the school turned out for his funeral. It was a lovely service until the pastor started talking specifically to the teenagers present. The pastor went on and on about how this dead classmate had broken some sort of promise to Jesus when he drank alcohol and got behind the wheel of a car. He said some pretty graphic things pertaining to the kids' injuries and how he died and how it was basically the kids' fault - because he'd broken this promise. And my friend said that everyone kept whispering to each other "well of COURSE it was his fault - he chose to drink and drive! What promise is he talking about??" and when they looked over at the adults in the room, the adults were all nodding their heads like it made perfect sense! It was supposed to be some mini-sermon on "your body is a temple". My friend said it was extremely weird and uncomfortable.

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Guest inoubliable

I will be calling that bakery tomorrow.


Good on you! I would definitely call them!


Are you feeling better yet? :grouphug:

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Kleine, I'm not exactly *glad* that your friend has suffered from this bakery too but now at least it makes sense. I think a letter (anonymous even if you want) is in order to this bakery.


It won't shock any of you here but my kids are not baptized and they never will be under my watch. It upsets my parents but tough cookies basically. I would never foist something like that on my kids, my Aspie son in particular due to his, "I don't believe in Santa. Why would I believe in Jesus?" mentality. I'm not messing with that. :)


I do not know how anyone could suffer through the idiotic funerals so many of you have had to suffer through. You have got to be kidding me. Blech.

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My best friend the first two years of college, who i had also been friends with in high school, killed himself when we were 21. He was barricaded in his room and shot himself and was air-flighted out and died at the hospital. His mother insisted it was a hunting accident. She was catholic and i was seething at his funeral - he had denounced his religion, but the priest went on and on about what a good catholic he was. I felt l like the entire thing was a desecration of his memory and spirit. uggg.

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Guest inoubliable

My best friend the first two years of college, who i had also been friends with in high school, killed himself when we were 21. He was barricaded in his room and shot himself and was air-flighted out and died at the hospital. His mother insisted it was a hunting accident. She was catholic and i was seething at his funeral - he had denounced his religion, but the priest went on and on about what a good catholic he was. I felt l like the entire thing was a desecration of his memory and spirit. uggg.



I wonder if your friend's mother did that so he could be buried in the RCC. Sad. :grouphug: I'm sorry you lost your friend.


It's for this reason that DH and I have our final wishes very clearly outlined. When we die, there will be kick ass parties. I want people trying to outdo each other in spinning the wildest, most fantastical story about what a fantastic pirate I was while alive. There shall be prizes awarded and plenty of hooch. Our children are down with this. My mother is appalled. She is free to hold whatever she wants in whatever church she wants - without my body, without any of my friends or my children.

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Oh! I have a GOOD funeral story.... my dad's. My parents were both great lovers of pranks. My dad was also an excellent storyteller. At his funeral, there was no boo-hoo or fire-and brimstone crap at all. My dad "got saved" when he was really ill and close to dying. I was a bit surprised, but actually kind of glad that he found some comfort in that when he was dying (I just can't begrudge anyone that).


Anyway, at his funeral, the pastor talked about how Dad had "fought the good fight" referring to his less-than-privileged upbringing, his military service, the loss of my mom and then his own illness. Truly, my dad was a fighter. But, then the pastor talked about my dad's sense of humour and it was neat to hear that from someone I didn't really know, but who obviously did know my dad. Then, he asked if anyone wanted to say anything about Dad.


His cousin stood up and told us how Dad's sense of humour was come by honestly and that he was always the mischief ringleader of his cousins and siblings, but how no one would ever really blame him because when he flashed you that innocent, brilliant smile it just slightly outshone the mischievious twinkle in his eye. And then she started telling this story about when they were kids and had taken bb guns to go play "wild west outlaws." In all the ruckus, Dad's cousin shot one of Dad's brothers in the face leaving an angry mark on his cheek. Well, they had been told a million times that they were never to aim at any people and they knew they'd catch hell for that. So, Dad devised an elaborate, but completely convincing story about how his brother fell. They all swore to stick to the story and to never, ever tell another soul as long as they lived. She was only telling it now because Dad and the culprit cousin were now both passed and the story could be told at last. Through the whole thing, his siblings and cousins laughed. We all laughed. It was definitely Dad's style. Then following that, several other people told stories about Dad -- all full of mischief, and a lot of fun.


Afterward, we went to the cemetary and did the usual morbid stuff of putting him in the ground. Once back at the church for lunch, there wasn't a single person who didn't have a good story to share with me and my brother about our dad. It was a good day... or as good a day as a funeral could be.

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Audrey, I love it!


See, my dad had a great memorial, too. We told funny stories. One I had never heard from my aunt.


He was a youth pastor for the last 20 years. The church was full. There were people standing. And there were his youth, some in their 40's now. Some stood up and told wonderful stories about how my dad was the only one that loved them, helped them. Some of these kids I had never met, never even knew. The pastor gave a wonderful speech much along the same lines as Audrey's. He struggled his entire life and was a good man. But, he also said my dad was stubborn and disillusioned (which was true). It was nice to hear some honesty.


At the end of the service, and this was my idea, all the youth present came up to the front to say the youth benediction that was said at the end of every meeting. There were 50 kids up there all saying this thing from heart as if it we were all teenagers wanting to get out of there for the night. ;)


May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you,

May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


It was perhaps the only time since becoming an atheist that I mourned my lack of religion. It would have been nice to take comfort in a faith.


It was great to see old friends. It was amazing that so many people turned out. We had a reception afterwards and I got to hear wonderful stories from people half my age. That is what a memorial/funeral should be like.

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My grandmother attended a full fledged hellfire and brimstone church. Several years ago, when she passed away, her preacher was doing her funeral.


He wanted to share with everyone a conversation he had with her at some point before she died that had comforted her. He said she had been concerned because Revelations had said she would have to come back with Jesus to kill all the unbelievers after the tribulation. She was concerned because she had some people she cared about that were, or might be, unbelievers. He assured her Jesus would make sure she didn't recognize them and not to worry.


This was the story he shared AT HER FUNERAL!! Not to mention how absurd the exchange is but at her funeral???


I was already in my "deconversion" but that was definitely a final nail. I absolutely literally felt like a jolt of electricity ran through my body. My head was pounding and my whole body was buzzing because I was SO MAD. It was truly horrible.


I knew I wanted to get theoretically miles away from any belief that even smelled like that.




(Written quickly on my phone. Don't string me up for errors I might miss. :) )

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Guest inoubliable



The Catholics' Pope is resigning.




Mine - good. He managed to turn back the clock on women's rights, sex education, and child abuse. Vatileaks, dead pregnant woman in Ireland, sex abuse scandals the world over, weaseling out of paying taxes everywhere. Stories broken of babies stolen by nuns in the 60s and 70s from unmarried mothers from Spain to Australia to be given/sold to "good Catholic families" to raise. Just off the top of my head. Normally, truly, religion is a non-issue for me. I don't think on it. Until things like abuse and abortion and stolen babies get in the news, kwim? And those things are the first things that came to mind when I heard that the pope was resigning. That, and "but what about his Twitter account??".


So now I'm good and angry about the RCC and I'm not willing to hear the one thing that comes out of every Catholic's mouth when confronted with these facts - "But that was just ONE Catholic. He/she was a BAD Catholic. That's not what being a Catholic is." I should probably just stay off the internet today and turn off my phone. But I'm anxious to see what happens next. A girl can dream that the RCC is crumbling in her lifetime, right?

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Oh please the conservative contingent is already wadding up their knickers about the "seriousness" of the whole situation. Didn't Joe Paterno get railed for doing the same thing the Pope did? Covering up pedophilia. I don't care who the heck did it-they are guilty and should be in jail. How in the WORLD people can herald the words of a corrupt man who is so deep into it is beyond me. Add in the money laundering......I'd say he should be called the godfather.

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I haven't had time to post here but hi! :thumbup1:


I need to my kiddo in some kind of physical activity, but he is soooo not athletic and martial arts was a big flop. I found a Gym class in town, that meets once a week and is cheap. But the class that works for us meets at a Church of Christ, they meet at several churches around town so I don't think they are COC, it is still making me itchy.


I don't believe there is a statement of faith involved or anything, but ugh.

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The Catholics' Pope is resigning.




Mine - good. He managed to turn back the clock on women's rights, sex education, and child abuse. Vatileaks, dead pregnant woman in Ireland, sex abuse scandals the world over, weaseling out of paying taxes everywhere. Stories broken of babies stolen by nuns in the 60s and 70s from unmarried mothers from Spain to Australia to be given/sold to "good Catholic families" to raise. Just off the top of my head. Normally, truly, religion is a non-issue for me. I don't think on it. Until things like abuse and abortion and stolen babies get in the news, kwim?




I'm glad he's resigning too, but don't hold out hope for the next one to be any better. While he didn't cause most of the things that came to light during his time as Pope, he did nothing to move forward. The whole hiding pedophiles thing is enough to make me loathe him. Everything else makes him even worse.


If you have no aversions to the F word, google Tim Minchin's pope song.

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The Catholics' Pope is resigning.




Mine - good. He managed to turn back the clock on women's rights, sex education, and child abuse. Vatileaks, dead pregnant woman in Ireland, sex abuse scandals the world over, weaseling out of paying taxes everywhere. Stories broken of babies stolen by nuns in the 60s and 70s from unmarried mothers from Spain to Australia to be given/sold to "good Catholic families" to raise. Just off the top of my head. Normally, truly, religion is a non-issue for me. I don't think on it. Until things like abuse and abortion and stolen babies get in the news, kwim? And those things are the first things that came to mind when I heard that the pope was resigning. That, and "but what about his Twitter account??".


So now I'm good and angry about the RCC and I'm not willing to hear the one thing that comes out of every Catholic's mouth when confronted with these facts - "But that was just ONE Catholic. He/she was a BAD Catholic. That's not what being a Catholic is." I should probably just stay off the internet today and turn off my phone. But I'm anxious to see what happens next. A girl can dream that the RCC is crumbling in her lifetime, right?




I really believe the RCC is one of the greatest perpetrators of evil throughout history. Part of it is because of their great power. This organization, and by extension it's representatives have power over people's eternity, and unless you toe the line, you're doomed for torment and torture forever. That's a darn lot of power. That's a lot of fear.


I love this debate. Christopher Hitchens takes out the Catholic Church




Even before my family knew that my husband's 13-year-old brother commit suicide after being abused by their parish priest, I had no illusions about the pervasiveness of abuse in the church. The SYSTEMATIC abuse and cover-up. The brother commit suicide one morning before mass, hanging himself in the backyard. His mother found him. The oldest brother told me just weeks ago, "I have no doubt my brother just couldn't bear the thought of going into that building and serving silently before that evil man anymore."


The priest. . . ? Oh, he got shuttled off to Panama City, Florida. How many children did he abuse there?


Yeah, there's all sorts of hand-wringing now. But, it's shame at being caught. Because no one was doing anything to expose this abuse while it was happening. . . and lots of people knew.


The Catholic Church can't disappear soon enough for me.

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Whew, can never keep up with this thread!


Just checking in since the pope is resigning... Wanted to hear some thoughts. :)


On the funeral note... My mom's plan is very cool, so I thought I'd share. She will be cremated - and we are to take any funds we'd have used for a funeral and fly to a great vacation spot to scatter ashes. Her choice is Tahiti. She wants to be sure we have fun. Love her!


Oh, and this is probably old news but did any of you see the comments re: the power outage at the Super Bowl? That it was "God's disapproval"???? I will try to find that link, if you haven't seen it, though it won't help anyone's blood pressure. I found it accidentally, Super Bowl night. Not that I was watching the Super Bowl, not a football girl here, but I was interested in what was up with the power.

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I'm glad he's resigning too, but don't hold out hope for the next one to be any better. While he didn't cause most of the things that came to light during his time as Pope, he did nothing to move forward. The whole hiding pedophiles thing is enough to make me loathe him. Everything else makes him even worse.


If you have no aversions to the F word, google Tim Minchin's pope song.



Minchin came to our city, and the Pope song was a glorious sing-along!

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Guest inoubliable


If you have no aversions to the F word, google Tim Minchin's pope song.



We love that song. LOL. And I don't mind admitting that my children know it, and can sing along. That man is just disgusting.

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As a "cultural Catholic", I agree with your assessment, KK. I was appalled when he was elected to replace John Paul II. Appalled.


I think this quote from the NYTimes article on his resignation illustrates how far in denial he is:

In 2006, less than two years into his papacy, Benedict stirred ire across the Muslim world, referring in a long, scholarly address to a conversation on the truths of Christianity and Islam that took place between a 14th-century Byzantine Christian emperor, Manuel II Paleologus, and a Persian scholar.


Ă¢â‚¬Å“The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war,Ă¢â‚¬ the pope said. Ă¢â‚¬Å“He said, I quote, Ă¢â‚¬ËœShow me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.Ă¢â‚¬â„¢ Ă¢â‚¬


While making clear that he was quoting someone else, Benedict did not say whether he agreed. He also briefly discussed the Islamic concept of jihad, which he defined as Ă¢â‚¬Å“holy war,Ă¢â‚¬ and said that violence in the name of religion was contrary to GodĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s nature and to reason.

Really? What an ironic thing to say without even acknowledging the Church's role in killing and pillaging over the millennia. Crusades, anyone?

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Guest inoubliable



Not sure if anyone here appreciates a good punk band, but Meatmen was big when I was in high school. A friend went to a show and brought me back a CD autographed by Tesco Vee. Listening to a certain song on their 1995 album as part of my celebrations today. I'll let you google it, if interested.

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I find the whole thing very sad, I am not catholic but went to catholic schools from k-12 and always found a lot of the things that seemed to be missing from the protestant churches to be more available (for lack of a better word) in the Catholic beliefs. I was also lucky to have a couple of amazing Benedictine Brothers as teachers in high school. One whom taught us about the mysteries of the church, and to meditate, and about how that relates to the mystical experience in other religious beliefs.


I also really enjoy mass, until they start talking about god and faith and all that. I wish I could find a place with same sort of ritualistic meditative feel without the whole faith aspect.


But even when wishing to join some sort of church for the social and community aspects, I just couldn't conceive of having my son in that building, much less taking part in any of the activities.


The whole women not being allowed to be priests is a whole other can of worms for me too.

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Guest inoubliable

I think this quote from the NYTimes article on his resignation illustrates how far in denial he is:


Really? What an ironic thing to say without even acknowledging the Church's role in killing and pillaging over the millennia. Crusades, anyone?



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Guest inoubliable

Okay, you have to watch Tim Minchin's clip on "Americans & Evolution" I was laughing out loud.



LOL. "The might just float...."

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Seriously, what have you guys done?! I've now discovered Tim Minchin and I cannot stop watching. I'm supposed to be doing lessons.


I blame this thread for the demise of my children's education. Perhaps the rumors about atheists being evil are true. :p




"The Good Book" Oh, I can't stop laughing. I love this guy.

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Guest inoubliable

Seriously, what have you guys done?! I've now discovered Tim Minchin and I cannot stop watching. I'm supposed to be doing lessons.


I blame this thread for the demise of my children's education. Perhaps the rumors about atheists being evil are true. :p



LOL. We are HUGE Minchin fans here. Want to hear a song about Christmas that'll make a heartless atheist tear up?




We listen to this during the holiday season every year. Beautiful song.

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Guest inoubliable



That was funny!




Hey, I can see your avatar! Was there always a pic there?? I could have sworn it was blank before. I'm assuming that's the grandson? Such a cutie!

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Not sure if anyone here appreciates a good punk band, but Meatmen was big when I was in high school. A friend went to a show and brought me back a CD autographed by Tesco Vee. Listening to a certain song on their 1995 album as part of my celebrations today. I'll let you google it, if interested.

Awesome. My punk days sooooooo predated that.


I was tickled that I had to sign in to YouTube and verify my age. Snort. That wasn't even close to being as questionable as some of the stuff my husband and I decided was probably age-inappropriate for the kids a few years ago.


Now that I think about it, the youngsters would probably think Dead Kennedys et al are age-inappropriate for US! :lol:

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Guest inoubliable

Awesome. My punk days sooooooo predated that.


I was tickled that I had to sign in to YouTube and verify my age. Snort. That wasn't even close to being as questionable as some of the stuff my husband and I decided was probably age-inappropriate for the kids a few years ago.


Now that I think about it, the youngsters would probably think Dead Kennedys et al are age-inappropriate for US! :lol:



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Hey, I can see your avatar! Was there always a pic there?? I could have sworn it was blank before. I'm assuming that's the grandson? Such a cutie!



You're right, it was blank. I had a 3 year old photo as my avatar (me as mother of the groom) and wanted to update it for some time. I had trouble uploading a new one because even when I resized it, it would tell me it was too big. I gave up and tried to just put my old avatar back, but that didn't work either!


Parrothead (Chucki) posted a photo resizer link in the thread about people changing avatars and changing personalities. I finally got around to using it.


And yes, that's my grandson. He'll be a year old this month and is trying to walk. He is too adorable. :)

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I was just chuckling about it with my husband and he asked if it was the Black Sabbath song. I said no, Meatmen, and the boys were confused so I clarified they were a 90s punk band. And got

"Niiiiiiiiiiiineties... Whoa! That was a LONG way back!" from one of them.


(Soup is good fooooooood <We don't need you anymore> You make a good meeeeeeeeal.... I feel an iTunes purchase coming on)

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Guest inoubliable



And yes, that's my grandson. He'll be a year old this month and is trying to walk. He is too adorable. :)



He really is! Oh, I'll bet he keeps you going around and around!

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Guest inoubliable

I was just chuckling about it with my husband and he asked if it was the Black Sabbath song. I said no, Meatmen, and the boys were confused so I clarified they were a 90s punk band. And got

"Niiiiiiiiiiiineties... Whoa! That was a LONG way back!" from one of them.



LOL. My kids found a yearbook from my senior year in high school. (1997) So they're thumbing through it and in the back was a section on all the fads/trends/news of that school year. 1996 was the year Tickle Me Elmo came out. DS5 sees it and says, "I didn't know you had Elmo that long ago!".


:glare: Shocker. And then I tell them the story of working at Toys R Us when the Elmo doll came out and how we had to return the first batch because they said something garbled that sounded....racist? sexy? I can't remember now. And I told them about the fist fight between customers over them and how I had to call the local police department. And then DS8 says "There were Toys R Us stores back then??"


To which DS12 then chirps "Whaaat?? There was organized government (police department) then?? I thought you were only 27.... Bwahahahahah!"


"You're grounded."

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Guest inoubliable


There must be another big scandal about to break.



I'm waiting to hear. I think there must be something to it. I call BS on the "bad health" reason.

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There are rumors the pope is suffering from Parkinson's disease. I don't wish ill on him but I am happy that he was only selected as a short term pope. That said, he has appointed a huge number of the Cardinals. His replacement is almost sure to be roughly the same. It is the papacy's views on condoms, gender, homosexuality etc that ultimately sealed the deal for me and led me to be unable to consider myself Catholic any longer.

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I'm waiting to hear. I think there must be something to it. I call BS on the "bad health" reason.


What better defense in court than dementia??? OF COURSE he is going to say it is health. Who still believes him though when he is admittedly dishonest?? I don't get the duplicity of the whole thing. He is good honest and righteous.....but he hid some seriously bad stuff including sex abuse and money laundering....but he's still good. WHAT??? He's a man-that's it. A man who craves power in a political role which is what the Catholic church was founded on. Middle Ages and controlling Europe...Spanish inquisition...Crusades anyone??

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There are rumors the pope is suffering from Parkinson's disease. I don't wish ill on him but I am happy that he was only selected as a short term pope. That said, he has appointed a huge number of the Cardinals. His replacement is almost sure to be roughly the same. It is the papacy's views on condoms, gender, homosexuality etc that ultimately sealed the deal for me and led me to be unable to consider myself Catholic any longer.

There is no "view", only rejection and judgement. Judge not lest ye be judged....unless you are Catholic? Is that how it works?

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I think it really is bad health. I don't think the pope and the church are likely to be so responsive to any scandal, no matter how bad, as to cause the first papal resignation since the 1400s. If popes resigned over church scandals, we would have a new pope every other year or more. The scandal could be truly awful and he would have just done what he did the other times- no apology, no verbal response. Essentially, I don't think this is a man who would give up the office unless he had to and for him, having to would be all about him and not as part of any sort of response or acknowledgment of church malfeasance and crimes.


ETA- by "truly awful" I don't mean to imply that the slate of scandals has contained any non-awful scandals. I just mean that a scandal vastly worst would not faze them.

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Of all the religions Catholics are some if the most amazing. They have gotten away with much worse than even Penn State for many, many decades ( probably much more than that actually) and people still stay with them and excuse them. This Pope manages to be even worse. What would it take for them to say, "Enough!"? It makes me sick.


I went to Rome a few years ago. Several of the group I was with wanted to tour the Vatican. I was amazed at my reaction while I was in it. I felt furious and disgusted. To say its lavish is a gross understatement more than I could possibly stress.


We did some "behind the scenes" tour and the guide showed us a hole in the floor where the Pope drops things like his tissues that go straight to an incinerator. Because, as he said, "Well, you wouldn't exactly put things touched by the Pope in just the regular trash, right?". Huh??

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And I love how I've read people online pointing out he's not resigning for any scandalous reasons because he says its for health reasons in his public statement. Oh good. Since he said that, and everything they've said has been true, we can really count on that.


What other situation would anybody have tolerated such abuse? If nothing else, think of the children that have been abused. :(

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Guest inoubliable



We did some "behind the scenes" tour and the guide showed us a hole in the floor where the Pope drops things like his tissues that go straight to an incinerator. Because, as he said, "Well, you wouldn't exactly put things touched by the Pope in just the regular trash, right?". Huh??


Holy snot, skeptic! I'd never heard of that. How bizarre!

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Holy snot, skeptic! I'd never heard of that. How bizarre!


It was definitely bizarre and very difficult to keep a straight face. It all gave me the creeps. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Seeing the amazing art the Church forced the artists to do was not even worth it.


Touring the big Mormon church in Salt Lake City was very similar.

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It was definitely bizarre and very difficult to keep a straight face. It all gave me the creeps. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Seeing the amazing art the Church forced the artists to do was not even worth it.


Touring the big Mormon church in Salt Lake City was very similar.


I would have a hard time not just laughing in the face of the tour guide who said that. Or was it your friends?

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