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How do I do this? - Preparing for baby


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The baby to-do list is haunting me again. I go for a few weeks feeling fine.....like I have plenty of time, and then it hits me - I have only 13.5 weeks to go, and so much swimming in my head that needs to be done.


So, that being said, my dilemma of the week is clothing. We have some (pretty minimal really, but...) basics (sleepers and receiving blankets) in both boy and girl prints in our storage room. They will need to be washed. We don't know what we're having. Do I just wash it all? Then what do I do with it? This is really a whole other issue. We will need a dresser for baby & will probably buy used off Craigsist after the baby is born. Baby will be sharing a room with either DS or DD6. DS's furniture is all cherry wood, DD's is white. We'll buy to match whichever is appropriate. Where do I put the clothes until we find the right dresser?


Better yet.....why is this all so hard for me? I feel like I just can't figure this out. I swear I'm normally more "with it" than this.

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Guest inoubliable

Wash it all now. Fold it up and put it into an empty tote? Even a cardboard box? Just to keep it folded and neat and out of the way until baby gets there.


Make a list of things you still need to do and try to do something each week? It's hard to tell without knowing all that you need to do.


As for why it's all so hard for you? Pregnancy hormones, ya know? =P


I wish I could help! I LOVE organizing and getting stuff ready!

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Wash it all now. Fold it up and put it into an empty tote? Even a cardboard box? Just to keep it folded and neat and out of the way until baby gets there.


Make a list of things you still need to do and try to do something each week? It's hard to tell without knowing all that you need to do.


As for why it's all so hard for you? Pregnancy hormones, ya know? =P


I wish I could help! I LOVE organizing and getting stuff ready!



Haha!! You read my mind! That was going to be my next question - when do I start washing?!? lol


What do I have to do?? Oy.


1. I still need a swing - I'm a cheapskate and can't find what I want for the price I want. I've been watching since I found out I was pregnant. Sigh. I realize this isn't a make it or break it deal, but we really use our baby swing. (Why did I sell mine again?)


2. I have a list that seems a mile long of things to buy - some of it is just boring stuff that's pretty easy (diapers, lanolin, baby wash, etc).....a lot of it is stuff I can't make my mind up about (which bottles do I buy? pacifiers? diaper bag?, etc). Cash flow is a big issue here too.


3. I still need to figure out exactly what we have for clothes/blankets....and then, of course, wash them.


4. I need to clean out the corner of my bedroom where the bassinet will go and make sure it fits (I bought a different one used a month or two ago).


5. We will need to move car seats around in the van.


And, of course, all the things that I don't even know/remember that I need to do still. Sigh.


Anyone is welcome to just come on over and do it all for me. That'd be great.

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Guest inoubliable

Haha!! You read my mind! That was going to be my next question - when do I start washing?!? lol


What do I have to do?? Oy.


1. I still need a swing - I'm a cheapskate and can't find what I want for the price I want. I've been watching since I found out I was pregnant. Sigh. I realize this isn't a make it or break it deal, but we really use our baby swing. (Why did I sell mine again?) Well....if it were me, I wouldn't stress overly much on this one until baby was home. If you find it before then, fantastic, but I'd move this down towards the bottom of your list. I'm betting that you'll have a few days after giving birth before you'll be using the swing anyway. By then, kind lovely people may have gifted you with what you want. Or give yourself the 14 weeks left to save up for the price the particular swing is going for.


2. I have a list that seems a mile long of things to buy - some of it is just boring stuff that's pretty easy (diapers, lanolin, baby wash, etc).....a lot of it is stuff I can't make my mind up about (which bottles do I buy? pacifiers? diaper bag?, etc). Cash flow is a big issue here too... I hear ya! DH and I are having some...interesting conversations tonight about this stuff. No easy advice here, except that if you're a Target-shopping-sorta-gal that you might want to pick up a little something every time you go. May help to make the financial impact not so fearsome. Unless you've reason to suspect your new baby is going to have some allergies, I wouldn't stress over getting the neatest thing since sliced cheese, either. Generic should be just fine.


3. I still need to figure out exactly what we have for clothes/blankets....and then, of course, wash them. Well, there you go, mamma! You've got a few days left in this week. Make washing and folding itty bitty things your goal for this week. :)


4. I need to clean out the corner of my bedroom where the bassinet will go and make sure it fits (I bought a different one used a month or two ago). Can your DH help you with this over the weekend?


5. We will need to move car seats around in the van. Um. What's with this "we" crap? LOL. I'd say that is also a job for your DH.


And, of course, all the things that I don't even know/remember that I need to do still. Sigh.


Anyone is welcome to just come on over and do it all for me. That'd be great. I truly wish that I could!


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LOL, I know the feeling and I'm only 19w along. I did keep my word that I would not worry about anything baby until after Christmas. We are having a boy and my youngest boy is going to be 7 tomorrow. I'm looking at all the girl boxes in my closet from Lily and thinking, "What do I do with those, now?" I know what to do with them, I just can't wrap my head around it all. LOL

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Guest inoubliable

Just a thought, have you looked at any baby registries? I have enough of a gap between all of my kids that I went to baby registries to get an idea of what I'd need. I almost never kept stuff from previous kids, so I didn't have a lot to hand down from my own stash. Baby registries can be helpful in figuring out what you have and what you still need and what you'd like to have.

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LOL, I know the feeling and I'm only 19w along. I did keep my word that I would not worry about anything baby until after Christmas. We are having a boy and my youngest boy is going to be 7 tomorrow. I'm looking at all the girl boxes in my closet from Lily and thinking, "What do I do with those, now?" I know what to do with them, I just can't wrap my head around it all. LOL


Getting rid of baby things is so, SO hard....for me anyway. I think that's the only reason that I have a few things lingering. I got rid of 90% of my stuff, but hung on to a few boy and a few girl items "just in case". Otherwise, I'd have nothing.


Just a thought, have you looked at any baby registries? I have enough of a gap between all of my kids that I went to baby registries to get an idea of what I'd need. I almost never kept stuff from previous kids, so I didn't have a lot to hand down from my own stash. Baby registries can be helpful in figuring out what you have and what you still need and what you'd like to have.


LOL! Yep. I've had an Amazon registry since I found out basically. It's my reminder/this is cool/think about it list. Their suggestions were GREAT for general items....aka I will need a few bottles, some diapers, etc. It, however, didn't help me in the slightest when it comes to deciding WHICH bottles, WHICH diaper bag.....do I want disposable or washable nursing pads, etc...... AHH! The choices are overwhelming.


With regard to the swing....that's probably what I'll do. I'll just keep watching and waiting. And, if it comes down to it, I just won't be so picky when we get closer. DH can't really do my corner....it's all my junk. Really, I haven't done it, because it means sorting through my closet. A job I really don't want to tackle. Sigh.


I've been debating on the best way to handle the stuff...and the $$ issue. I just don't know. So, I just keep putting it off, lol.


DH has class until 10pm tonight & seems to be getting the cold we've all had, but maybe tomorrow night when he's home (he works on Saturday and Sunday is DD's bday), I can get him to pull down the totes of baby stuff for me so I can wash/sort. At least then I'd feel like I was doing something.


I probably will let DH do the car seats. He won't want to do it until we're closer though, which is fine.


I would gladly let you do it!!! I get overwhelmed REALLY easily in case you hadn't noticed, lol.

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Guest inoubliable

I get overwhelmed REALLY easily in case you hadn't noticed, lol.



I did. :grouphug:


I say to stick with your goal of washing and folding itty bitty stuff this week. Do you have a theme for baby stuff? I know that the new baby could be sharing a room with either sibling but maybe having a gender neutral theme could help with picking stuff out? We did this with DS5. We didn't find out what we were having (we never do) and so we picked a theme of giraffes and green and yellow. We bought little things in those colors and a few giraffe themed items in clothes, artwork, and stuffed animals.


Bottles? We always used Avent. If I am pregnant (come on 7 am!!!), we'll most likely do the same this time around. In other words, use what worked in the past. Disposable vs washable? To be honest, I did a mix of both in the early days. Who has the time/energy to wash one more thing?? After my kids got into schedules and I started to regain some sanity, I stuck with washable to save money.

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On finding a swing and other things to buy- is there baby/children's consignment stores near you? We have three around here. They seem to have really great prices on everything and everything is so nice. We have one that offers a certain percent discount on certain colored tags everyday, plus off season clothes goes on sale for $.25 to $1.00, and they have a punch card. It seems like the local ones have better deals. I just found them by searching on Google. But, here is a chain one:




I have found tons of great stuff there for my three boys and it has saved us so much money. Hopefully there are some near you!

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I did. :grouphug: I say to stick with your goal of washing and folding itty bitty stuff this week. Do you have a theme for baby stuff? I know that the new baby could be sharing a room with either sibling but maybe having a gender neutral theme could help with picking stuff out? We did this with DS5. We didn't find out what we were having (we never do) and so we picked a theme of giraffes and green and yellow. We bought little things in those colors and a few giraffe themed items in clothes, artwork, and stuffed animals. Bottles? We always used Avent. If I am pregnant (come on 7 am!!!), we'll most likely do the same this time around. In other words, use what worked in the past. Disposable vs washable? To be honest, I did a mix of both in the early days. Who has the time/energy to wash one more thing?? After my kids got into schedules and I started to regain some sanity, I stuck with washable to save money.


We don't have a theme at all yet. I've put that off too. I figure I'll have picked out one in both boy and girl that coordinates with either DS's or DD's bedding at some point. I think if I have it all picked out, bought and ready to go, MIL will take care of the room swapping (if necessary - DS's room is the only one big enough to share, so if it's a girl, we'll need to switch bedrooms and paint - DD's walls are pink) for me. She's good at it, and enjoys doing it. I just want SOME control over it, so I'll need to have the bedding/theme stuff picked out ahead of time.


Bottles....I haven't used them since DD12 was little. I exclusively pumped with her. DD5 and DS wouldn't take a bottle. It is my goal this time to offer a bottle of pumped milk a few times a week after the nursing relationship is established in hopes that this baby will take one. I have NO CLUE what I want/need. SIL has always used Avent too....and I see them a LOT, so I was thinking of going that route, but they aren't cheap, so I 2nd guess.


I've never used washable nursing pads, but I go through those disposable ones pretty fast, especially in the early days, so I considered washable this time, but again....I just don't know.


Diaper bags, pacifiers, travel changing pads, monitors.....so many choices, I'm lost.


Hey! Up there was my 1000th post! Whoo!



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On finding a swing and other things to buy- is there baby/children's consignment stores near you? We have three around here. They seem to have really great prices on everything and everything is so nice. We have one that offers a certain percent discount on certain colored tags everyday, plus off season clothes goes on sale for $.25 to $1.00, and they have a punch card. It seems like the local ones have better deals. I just found them by searching on Google. But, here is a chain one:




I have found tons of great stuff there for my three boys and it has saved us so much money. Hopefully there are some near you!


Yeah, we have one - and I, generally, love it!! With the swing, though, I probably just have unrealistic expectations/hopes. I want a neutral and soft toned (not the Rainforest or other brighter prints) Fisher Price Cradle swing for $50 or less. I don't care if it's the older (Papasan, etc) or newer (Snug-a-bunny, etc) model. I can't seem to find them for less than $75, which is a good deal, but just more than I want/can pay. Like I said, if I have to, I'll give up on it and just get a different style.....I suppose.

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Guest inoubliable

Oooh. I found a swing you might consider. (I'm trying really hard to wait until 7 am to take that second test. This may mean that I spend all night researching your options for you. :laugh: )




$56 at Target.


(I should probably not be looking at all of this stuff.... If I get a big fat nope tomorrow, I'm going to need to find someone's newborn to hold for a few mins so I can recover.)

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Oooh. I found a swing you might consider. (I'm trying really hard to wait until 7 am to take that second test. This may mean that I spend all night researching your options for you. :laugh: )




$56 at Target.


(I should probably not be looking at all of this stuff.... If I get a big fat nope tomorrow, I'm going to need to find someone's newborn to hold for a few mins so I can recover.)



Research away!


That one is only the bouncy seat though :( Not a swing.

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http://www.target.co...Slot=medium_1_5 ?


I liked the lamb thing better. :(


I now know that I need to win the lottery and know many many women who are pregnant. I could spend all day just buying up cute baby stuff and shipping it around the world.


Yeah, I don't want the travel/portable one, because it doesn't change direction. The full size cradle swings can swing front to back or side to side. Both of my DD's were fine with front to back swinging.....DS, however, preferred the side to side motion.


I love to shop for baby stuff too......and I would probably be totally cool with even doing it now if I had unlimited funds and could just buy what I like, lol.

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Guest inoubliable

It's like walking into a whole new... I don't even know what. So much of this stuff wasn't even around when I had my last baby!! Or maybe it was and I was oblivious? What the heck is this Bumbo thing!?


Oh man. If I'm preggo, I might need a little hand-holding, too!

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It's like walking into a whole new... I don't even know what. So much of this stuff wasn't even around when I had my last baby!! Or maybe it was and I was oblivious? What the heck is this Bumbo thing!?


Oh man. If I'm preggo, I might need a little hand-holding, too!


The Bumbo is pretty cool if you have a baby that WANTS to sit up but can't quite do it by themselves yet. I had one.....DD loved it because she wanted to sit up all.the.time! I never really used it with DS. I sold it. I don't plan to buy another one.....I don't think.

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I wish I could come and just do it all for you -- that would be fun!


I like to have the carseat installed by 36 weeks, so it's generally just a matter of deciding what's going where and just telling DH one afternoon, "I need you to do this now, please." Why not set up a little calendar or list and put one or two things per week -- one week, wash and fold clothes, another week, arrange carseats?


I've never found out what I was having, so I just wash all the clothes and have them ready. In your case, I'd either use a cheap set of plastic drawers or a couple of laundry baskets and call it good until the baby is actually here. If you use a laundry basket, maybe wrap the clothes in a clean trash bag or blanket first so they don't get dusty. (The downside to this plan is that at some point, you have to put away the clothes that weren't the right ones, and this last time around, even though I was thrilled with my little boy, it was hard to take down clothes that had been DD's and that weren't going to be reused again.)

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I wish I could come and just do it all for you -- that would be fun!


I like to have the carseat installed by 36 weeks, so it's generally just a matter of deciding what's going where and just telling DH one afternoon, "I need you to do this now, please." Why not set up a little calendar or list and put one or two things per week -- one week, wash and fold clothes, another week, arrange carseats?


I've never found out what I was having, so I just wash all the clothes and have them ready. In your case, I'd either use a cheap set of plastic drawers or a couple of laundry baskets and call it good until the baby is actually here. If you use a laundry basket, maybe wrap the clothes in a clean trash bag or blanket first so they don't get dusty. (The downside to this plan is that at some point, you have to put away the clothes that weren't the right ones, and this last time around, even though I was thrilled with my little boy, it was hard to take down clothes that had been DD's and that weren't going to be reused again.)


Oh how I wish you could too!! Even just somebody to hold my hand and walk me through it all.


Yeah, I was worried about the dust too. I'll probably just use a laundry basket after baby is here and totes until then. I don't want to spend any extra $$ on something I won't need long term. It'll be hard enough to come up with what we need! This is our last....for sure, so I'll just sell whatever is the wrong gender after baby is here. **sniff, sniff**

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Kristen- deep, calming breaths. Let them out slowly. In.......out. All you really need is some clothes, a blanket or two, some diapers, wipes, and a car seat. Really, the rest is just gravy, and can be acquired later if necessary. In......out. In.....out. I'm sorry I'm laughing- but you've managed to do ok w/ the previous three. I think you'll be ok! Start w/ you cleaning the corner, and having dh get the bins down asap. Go from there, and don't stress. :D

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"this is our last...for sure'




Sorry, but that's what Wolf said after Tazzie. And Princess. And Boo...


OMGosh! DH would kill me. He's ready, willing and wondering when he can schedule a snip for himself. I hate the idea of something so final, but alas.....there is NO WAY I could go through those first 18wk again.


Kristen- deep, calming breaths. Let them out slowly. In.......out. All you really need is some clothes, a blanket or two, some diapers, wipes, and a car seat. Really, the rest is just gravy, and can be acquired later if necessary. In......out. In.....out. I'm sorry I'm laughing- but you've managed to do ok w/ the previous three. I think you'll be ok! Start w/ you cleaning the corner, and having dh get the bins down asap. Go from there, and don't stress. :D


I really think I'll feel better when I can start checking things off the list. I think the running list in my head is what's getting me. I don't know where to start or what to do when.....what the best approach is, etc. If I could check some things off, I think I'd feel a little relief. I've never really done this from scratch. I had showers for DD12 and DD5, and saved everything so was all set for DS (except clothes - some friends threw me a mini shower for that purpose). I'm pretty sure that's part of my lost feeling too. It's like having a 1st kid all over again.....having to make all the decisions choosing this or that only with the added stress of how you're going to pay for it all, lol!

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i must say that I am super impressed that you are worrying about all this with over 13 weeks to go! You've got plenty of time! We never start panicking until right at the 38 week mark!


Haha!! I'm a researcher and planner. I always have to research my decisions and make sure I'm making the best decision (reviews, etc) and getting the best price (check for discounts, coupons, etc). All that takes time, so I always start early. I'm TOTALLY gun-shy though.....and often wait until the last minute....or even until it's too late to actually pull the trigger and DO something. DH is much more spontaneous. I often wish I could be more that way, but it's just not in my nature. I swear I could have $XX budgeted for something, have been planning to spend that $$ on that item for months, but when it comes time to actually press the "buy" button.....can't do it.

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Will it make you feel better to know that I am 34 weeks and haven't done anything? We didn't move anything other than a double stroller and some slings so I have absolutely nothing. Need to order diapers, get some clothes, find a swing and somewhere for her to sleep if she is not in bed with us. The carseat is our major purchase and I still need to do that too.


Wow, I usualky deliver between 36 and 37 weeks so now realizing how far behind I am. Carp!

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Last week I decided maybe I needed to start thinking about getting ready (I was 37 weeks), DH has been pushing for me to pack a bag for a while but I was too tired to think about it. I tried last week but I'm honestly not able to even think of what we need. He did take me to the store to buy diapers and then I realized I could use things like baby shampoo, lotion and diaper ointment. I haven't bought wipes yet because they are cheaper at SAM's Club but I haven't made it over there. I have some sleepers around that I washed and just stuck in a tote on the changing table, that will be his dresser for the next 6 months at least. I usually don't bother with actual clothes for at least month and will worry about figuring that out after he is born. I'm sure I'm missing tons of things i think I "need" but I'm really brain dead trying to come up with what (it doesn't help that I'm getting sick) But the other thing I've learned is that 95% of things I was told were necessary with the first baby really weren't and that a new baby really does need very little. Bottles (assuming you are starting out nursing), pacifiers etc can all be purchased after baby arrives with no long term effects.

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Yeah, we have one - and I, generally, love it!! With the swing, though, I probably just have unrealistic expectations/hopes. I want a neutral and soft toned (not the Rainforest or other brighter prints) Fisher Price Cradle swing for $50 or less. I don't care if it's the older (Papasan, etc) or newer (Snug-a-bunny, etc) model. I can't seem to find them for less than $75, which is a good deal, but just more than I want/can pay. Like I said, if I have to, I'll give up on it and just get a different style.....I suppose.


around here, $50 is the lowest I've seen that type of swing go for :( And they are usually missing a piece (the plug for the wall, a battery cover, etc.)

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Haha!! I'm a researcher and planner. I always have to research my decisions and make sure I'm making the best decision (reviews, etc) and getting the best price (check for discounts, coupons, etc). All that takes time, so I always start early. I'm TOTALLY gun-shy though.....and often wait until the last minute....or even until it's too late to actually pull the trigger and DO something. DH is much more spontaneous. I often wish I could be more that way, but it's just not in my nature. I swear I could have $XX budgeted for something, have been planning to spend that $$ on that item for months, but when it comes time to actually press the "buy" button.....can't do it.



I resemble that remark.

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If it's any consolation, I had very little ready for baby when I delivered her prematurely a couple of months ago. It all worked out. Really. I had no idea it could as I am such a compulsive planner.


Get bottles that hook onto your pump. They are lovely. I went with Dr. Brown's and since they are narrow neck, they fit on the Medela pump. I bought only a three pack, so less impact on the budget and I'm forced to wash (which is a good thing).


Do you have friends locally you can borrow from? Most of mine are done babymaking, so we've all been able to swap baby stuff around since so much of it is used for such a short period of time.


Wash up what you have and keep it in a laundry basket or two. As you fold you can count things and make a checklist of what you need to buy.


***Enjoy this!***

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One of my girlfriends recently had a baby boy, which was her second child. I went to our local Salvation Army thrift store, and was able to get her TEN pieces of clothing for five bucks.


Now, this is a good friend; the sort who wouldn't want me to overspend on a gift for her, you know? The kind of friend who was ENCOURAGED by the fact that she got ten pieces of baby clothes for $5. She would want to know how I got such cute stuff for so cheap! That sort of friend.



Could we do this for you? I mean, Here at the Hive, there's lots of frugal mamas, right? Is there some way I can organize a "Frugal Kristin Online Babyshower"?

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I could have written your post. I have exactly the same amount of time left as you do. I have no idea what I'm doing. :willy_nilly:


Yesterday, I went on a mad hunt for all of my son's newborn clothes (we're having another boy, so that's convenient). I finally found the tote and started going through it, thinking I was doing something productive. Eventually I had a pile of stuff I needed to throw away, some I wanted to donate, and the stuff I wanted to keep. I didn't realize when I opened the tote just how much stuff it was (what DOES one do with, like, 534,693 onesies?). Then I was overwhelmed. So I decided to wash it all...several loads and several hours later, I did have all of the keep pile folded and stored back in the tote. So I *think* my afternoon was sucessful. I still don't know. :blink: I feel like I should really be more with it, since I've done this before and all, but I feel totally clueless. I spent more time this morning just digging stuff up and putting it back. We'll see if I actually remember what I have and where it is when the time comes...


Bonus addition to my very random wandering in circles is my sudden frenzy to prepare has freaked my husband right out. I had a cloth diaper website up on the computer last night (oh, I dug that tote out, too. Went through it. Did nothing with it) and he almost started crying. It seems it just hit him that there is another BABY on the way in just over 3 months!! I told him I was too clueless right now for him to lose it, too! :lol:

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I've never used washable nursing pads, but I go through those disposable ones pretty fast, especially in the early days, so I considered washable this time, but again....I just don't know.


Diaper bags, pacifiers, travel changing pads, monitors.....so many choices, I'm lost.






I would have to use 2-3 of the washable ones to equal a single disposable nursing pad. Then I looked odd with all that padding poking out of my bra. So if you tend to leak alot or have a big supply, I'd stick to disposable.


(I'm fairly small up top, so there was no camouflaging the round padded circles showing through my shirt.)


Bottles....every single one of my babies preferred a different type. Even the fourth didn't like ANY of the six different styles that I had stashed away. I had to buy new.


I might check out the clearance bins at Walmart and pick up one or two, but there is no way that I'd get a huge stash of any one kind.

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I resemble that remark.


LOL! Glad I'm not the only one. I make myself crazy sometimes.


One of my girlfriends recently had a baby boy, which was her second child. I went to our local Salvation Army thrift store, and was able to get her TEN pieces of clothing for five bucks. Now, this is a good friend; the sort who wouldn't want me to overspend on a gift for her, you know? The kind of friend who was ENCOURAGED by the fact that she got ten pieces of baby clothes for $5. She would want to know how I got such cute stuff for so cheap! That sort of friend. Could we do this for you? I mean, Here at the Hive, there's lots of frugal mamas, right? Is there some way I can organize a "Frugal Kristin Online Babyshower"?


There is nothing quite like the rush from getting that awesome deal.....I LOVE nothing more than thrift and clearance shopping :)


I could have written your post. I have exactly the same amount of time left as you do. I have no idea what I'm doing. :willy_nilly: Yesterday, I went on a mad hunt for all of my son's newborn clothes (we're having another boy, so that's convenient). I finally found the tote and started going through it, thinking I was doing something productive. Eventually I had a pile of stuff I needed to throw away, some I wanted to donate, and the stuff I wanted to keep. I didn't realize when I opened the tote just how much stuff it was (what DOES one do with, like, 534,693 onesies?). Then I was overwhelmed. So I decided to wash it all...several loads and several hours later, I did have all of the keep pile folded and stored back in the tote. So I *think* my afternoon was sucessful. I still don't know. :blink: I feel like I should really be more with it, since I've done this before and all, but I feel totally clueless. I spent more time this morning just digging stuff up and putting it back. We'll see if I actually remember what I have and where it is when the time comes... Bonus addition to my very random wandering in circles is my sudden frenzy to prepare has freaked my husband right out. I had a cloth diaper website up on the computer last night (oh, I dug that tote out, too. Went through it. Did nothing with it) and he almost started crying. It seems it just hit him that there is another BABY on the way in just over 3 months!! I told him I was too clueless right now for him to lose it, too! :lol:


Thankfully, my DH is pretty laid back about it all, although he does understand my "need" to get going on some of it. He told me to just start picking things up here there and spread it out. Fine.....but again, involves decision making and I'm SOOOOO indecisive.


:grouphug: I recall once during a pg standing at the baby store agonizing over which diaper stacker to buy. I stood there for an absurdly long time. Nothing is wrong with you. :grouphug:


LOL!! That would totally be me!


I wouldn't bother washing things at this point as you still have over 3 mos left and those things will just get dusty in that time and need rewashed, for a newborn baby anyway. I would sort the items that you have into a boy box and a girl box and neutral box. That way when you have the baby, your dh can wash the box of apprpopriate stuff for you. I would wash the neutral stuff a week before you're due. As far as bottles, if you are planning on using the bottles to supplement, then you only need one or two. The more you have, the more work it is to keep up with! I remember being able to order free sample ones, even four years ago with my youngest. I think Advent was one of the companies that offered a free sample. The hospital will probably give you a pacifer before you leave. If your baby takes that one, then you're all set there! For a diaper bag, you probably have a bag or two in your house already that will work and you can save spending money on that for the time being. Moving the carseats around doesn't need to be done until you're about due, or if you dh is good with this, then even after your baby has been born. Guess that pretty much leaves you with cleaning up a space for the bassinet. You're on your own with that one! Oh yeah, I didn't have a dresser for youngest, so I used a bookshelf with baskets to keep her clothes in. I used the top of the bookshelf as her diaper changing station. Worked out well! Honestly, if you are planning on nursing at the beginning, the only thing that you really need when the baby comes home are diapers, wipes, carseat, and some clothes. You don't need much else!


They are already sorted by gender and generally by size. Most of that was already done when I got rid of everything. There is nothing neutral as we knew what we were having with both of the last 2.


Yes, the bottles will be to supplement, and I know I don't need more than a few.....but it's still the idea that I have to choose a style/brand. I'm very concerned about "ruining" the nursing relationship with the use of a bottle, so I feel especially compelled to pick the "right" one. My oldest had a lot of issues after I had to give her a bottle for a week or so. I don't want to do that again.


Our hospital will not give you a pacifier if you're nursing, because the LC's don't recommend using them in the first weeks, so no help there.


Diaper bag....haha....anybody remember that thread of mine? Oy. I've hated every one I've owned due to being too narrow. I'm a big, open bag type person (even with purses). I found a pricey one that I think I would like, but.....I'm just not sure....it's crazy expensive. I don't know what I'm going to do yet.


As far as clothing/blanket storage. I don't have any extra furniture anywhere, so nothing I can utilize until we find what we're looking for (after baby is here). I refuse to spend $$ on something to get us by until we do. I'll probably just do the laundry basket thing, but then again I'll still have to find a place to put them, lol. It's a matter of logistics. I don't want stuff laying around everywhere.....I need a plan of where stuff will go in the interim. I know that nobody can help with that, but figuring it out is occupying space in my brain right now, lol.


I know I don't need much in the beginning, but I also know that we have a TON of stuff going on when baby gets here. We'll be in the heart of softball season and little DD will be competing (gymnastics), plus it will be DD's 13th bday the week I'm due. I don't want to be scrambling for stuff. It's mostly small and/or consumable stuff (lanolin, nursing pads, baby wash, diapers, wipes, nail clippers, socks, burp cloths, milk storage bags, bottle rack, etc), but it all adds up....and again, is taking up space in my brain.


I would have to use 2-3 of the washable ones to equal a single disposable nursing pad. Then I looked odd with all that padding poking out of my bra. So if you tend to leak alot or have a big supply, I'd stick to disposable. (I'm fairly small up top, so there was no camouflaging the round padded circles showing through my shirt.) Bottles....every single one of my babies preferred a different type. Even the fourth didn't like ANY of the six different styles that I had stashed away. I had to buy new. I might check out the clearance bins at Walmart and pick up one or two, but there is no way that I'd get a huge stash of any one kind.


I'm fairly small too, but I only use the nursing bras with the formed cups, so you don't see the pads so much. I leak quite a bit in the early days, but not so much after the first few weeks. Hmm.....


I have no inention of owning more than 3ish bottles, but again, still the fact that a decision has to be made.

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I don't know if you have a Target near by, but they will be clearancing out a lot of baby items over the next few weeks to make room for the new models. A few things are at 30 percent off at my store right now. Baby markdowns are usually done on Mondays. Markdowns in the baby section go 70 percent off around the end of January/beginning of February.

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I don't know if you have a Target near by, but they will be clearancing out a lot of baby items over the next few weeks to make room for the new models. A few things are at 30 percent off at my store right now. Baby markdowns are usually done on Mondays. Markdowns in the baby section go 70 percent off around the end of January/beginning of February.


Oooh!! This is good to know, thank you! End of Jan would give me some time to try to sell some more stuff and make a little $$, so I have something to spend :)

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I have 9 weeks to go and haven't bought anything yet. My cousin talked me in to a shower so I guess I'll wait to buy everything but the car seat after the shower. I might buy the pack n play/cradle that we will have in our room for two months from Amazon. I haven't been able to focus on getting my act together yet. First it was the holidays, now it is travel. We visited friends 3 hours away for new years from dec 30 - Jan 2nd, left on the 4th a business meeting 5 hours away and got back home on the 6th, I'm on an airplane right now on my way to Atlanta and we be there until Monday and then we have to leave Tuesday for a other business meeting 5 hours away. After that I have a break until feb 1st when I'll be flying for my last allowed trip before the doctor shuts down travel. On top of that dd and dh have both been sick off and on for 2 weeks.


Needless to say, I think we've switched our schooling method from pretty rigorous classical studies to unschooling for the last 30 days or so. I'm at the point where we do memory work, math and one other thing a day and she mostly does it on her own. I am hoping to get us back on some sort of schedule in February even if I have to do school from the recliner with my feet up :).



I did make myself feel a little better about the lack off planning by making a few to-do lists this week. Hopefully I will get some stuff done between the 17th and Feb. 1st!


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I have 9 weeks to go and haven't bought anything yet. My cousin talked me in to a shower so I guess I'll wait to buy everything but the car seat after the shower. I might buy the pack n play/cradle that we will have in our room for two months from Amazon. I haven't been able to focus on getting my act together yet. First it was the holidays, now it is travel. We visited friends 3 hours away for new years from dec 30 - Jan 2nd, left on the 4th a business meeting 5 hours away and got back home on the 6th, I'm on an airplane right now on my way to Atlanta and we be there until Monday and then we have to leave Tuesday for a other business meeting 5 hours away. After that I have a break until feb 1st when I'll be flying for my last allowed trip before the doctor shuts down travel. On top of that dd and dh have both been sick off and on for 2 weeks.


Needless to say, I think we've switched our schooling method from pretty rigorous classical studies to unschooling for the last 30 days or so. I'm at the point where we do memory work, math and one other thing a day and she mostly does it on her own. I am hoping to get us back on some sort of schedule in February even if I have to do school from the recliner with my feet up :).



I did make myself feel a little better about the lack off planning by making a few to-do lists this week. Hopefully I will get some stuff done between the 17th and Feb. 1st!



I hear ya!!! Things have been a bit crazy here too. I'm glad your cousin talked you into a shower!! I love baby showers :)

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I'm right there with you! We have 10 weeks until due date but both of my girls came before due date- one 3 weeks before! EEEKKK!!!! I've done next to nothing- I'm so tired and just not motivated! To top it off, Dr. just put me on modified bedrest! Right now the crib is set up in the room and everything is just dumped in there!


Some wonderful friends of mine are blessing me with a baby shower since this is my first boy and we thought we were done (God sure does have a sense of humor) so we didn't keep any baby stuff either! I keep telling myself that I will worry about the rest of the details after the shower! Hopefully I have enough time!

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Making decisions and doing the prep was so much harder for me with baby three than the others. Since I didn't know what we were having or which room baby would land in, I took the low road. I bought a plastic bin with four drawers for clothes and washed up everything. I decided to park all things baby--including the bin and a makeshift changing area--in the family room off the kitchen because it's where we spent most of our time. I made sure that I had a basket set up with burp rags and things I'd need for nursing next to my recliner. I bought new nursing bras and pads.


And that's it. It was low key and managable.

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Okay....good news is I found the baby clothes today - they're all washed, dried, folded and put into 3 totes (boy, girl, unisex).


Bad news? Well....the kids' toy room is a DISASTER from pulling everything out of the storage room trying to FIND the clothes.


I have a weird, random assortment of things......and of course have been plagued by the magically appearing yellow stains. That being said, I, at least, feel like I know what I have now.....even if it is random.

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