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No/Low Spend January Week 2 (1/7-1/13)


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Week One:

Total so far cash: $228.62

Total spent so far credit card(paid off monthly): $159

Amount transferred to savings: $50

No Spend Days: 0/5

Nothing outside of budget so far.


Week Two:

1/7: $0

1/8: $50 cell phone bill on cc

1/9: should be $0






Week Two Totals: $0 cash, $50 cc.

Amount Transferred to Savings: $0

No Spend Days: 1/5

Nothing outside budget so far.



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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I did a SAMs/Costco run on Sunday, which kind of blew my no spend (outside of budget). I spent an extra $100. :( But, it should last us for a while, maybe until next month. I have enough meat and pantry items for the rest of the month, I should only need milk/cream and produce. I average $20-$25 at the farmers market on Saturdays, and milk/cream is about $5 a week. This week, I need to pick up allergy med for my dd and my med from the pharmacy, should be about $10. We do have two birthday parties this weekend, so I'll have to buy gifts...I'm thinking about $40 between both? Sigh.

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Week 1 - Did OK in that all the expenses were planned ones, but we still spent too much. Hoping week 2 is better!

1/1 - $0

1/2 - planned eating out, still unnecessary, though. $35 for my RX, $24 for a new crock pot (mine is defective) Neither of those necessary I guess, but I really need the RX and the crockpot will help me eat at home instead of out, I shopped for the one with the best ratings and the lowest cost I could find.

1/3 - um, this was REALLY BAD. We ended up buying a new car. We had been discussing it and it was in the plan, I just hadn't planned on it being now! We ate lunch out after we got the car, because we spent all freaking day at the dealership and I was done.

1/4 - $0

1/5 - Planned outing today $30, Dinner out (also, planned, but still not a great idea) $45

1/6 - Lunch Out, bought used coffee table $10, maple tree $4, sold $25 worth of clutter in my house :), and groceries $74 (stocked up on chicken breast that was on sale, our groceries are normally $50ish a week)

1/7 - $0

1/8 - $0

1/9 - $0

1/10 -

1/11 -

1/12 -

1/13 -

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Tell me I am not the only one feeling deprived. This is HARD. I need a new sports bra, and Target has them on sale this week. I need a new bible cover, and have been resisting pressing the Buy button. I want to stop for froyo with the boys today, but have resisted so far. It's the little things that get me......

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I think I'm skewing the results with my style here. I spent non-budgeted money today (TOTALLY justified as it was a local homeschool store that's going out of business; 60% off of everything!!),but I used some of my weekly cash for it. So technically, it was "allowed" because I had the money on hand to pay for it. BUT, I still haven't bought those pesky groceries for this week yet. Ah, who needs to eat anyway???

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Tell me I am not the only one feeling deprived. This is HARD. I need a new sports bra, and Target has them on sale this week. I need a new bible cover, and have been resisting pressing the Buy button. I want to stop for froyo with the boys today, but have resisted so far. It's the little things that get me......


It IS hard! I know what you mean. But, it feels so good to have a goal and meet it. Just try to tackle today and reward yourself (with something that's free...ha ha) if you make it! Have you thought about selling anything around the house to make a little "fun" money? Then you could buy that bra and Bible cover. I've been selling some things on a local buy/sell facebook page...it's pretty fun to have a little bit of extra, unexpected money!

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1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $85 hair cut and color (already budgeted, but it seems kind of frivolous!), $10 Panera (lunch out by myself after hair appt, couldn't resist), $10 Walgreens (face cream), $0 Victoria's Secret!! Used an expired coupon for free panties (P.S. their coupons don't really expire! and a $10 voucher they sent me for my birthday)

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0 (the library is a wonderful source of free entertainment when you just need to get out of the house!)

1/8 $0 (Used a gift card at Starbucks....so, what happens when my gift card runs out??? :nopity: That will be a sad day.)

1/9 $0 so far...but I have to go out this afternoon...I'm going to want to stop for coffee or something....somebody talk me down!



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Total non-budgeted spending: $163.28

Total no Spend Days: 5


1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 27.74 new toaster






My toaster has been slowly dying for a few months now, today it totally conked out. We use it almost everyday so I had to replace it. I went grocery shopping today with a budget of $125 for the week and only spent $110.68 so I still have a bit leftover in case I run out of milk during the week.

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I'm actually not feeling deprived. It is hard. It's a mindset change for me. I usually just buy whatever I want and I need to stop. I wouldn't cave on something unless it's one of a kind or just too good to pass up. How much off is the bra? Can you last till next month? I just keep wishlisting so I can think about it longer and buy it later if I still really want it.


I have to return a dress tomorrow at the mall. I will have to try to get in and get out. Then I'm off to Aldi's where I will have to resist their chocolate.


This thread is REALLY helping me!!


The sports bra is 12 and it usually is 17. I will resist for now, I guess. Thanks. This thread is helping me a lot too!

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Tell me I am not the only one feeling deprived. This is HARD. I need a new sports bra, and Target has them on sale this week. I need a new bible cover, and have been resisting pressing the Buy button. I want to stop for froyo with the boys today, but have resisted so far. It's the little things that get me......



It's more difficult than I thought it would be. I budget more than we need for groceries, gas, etc., so when I want to splurge, I can. But this month I'm being more mindful of how I spend our money and whether it's necessary. So while I have surplus funds in grocery, eating out, and misc. budget accounts, it didn't feel right to stop at Starbucks Monday night. So I passed on it. I thought about it like 5 times before I let it go...weird.


Today was a girls' day out with a friend and our routine is whoever drives gets treated to lunch. I drove happily- I had plenty of gas and knew where we were going. When we started talking about lunch, I started feeling uncomfortable about letting my lunch be bought. My brain goes on overload-- Wait! That's eating out unnecessarily! But I'm not spending money. But someone else buying me lunch still seems to break the no spend rule. But if my friend drove I would have insisted on buying her lunch. But...but...but.


Funny thing- my friend doesn't know I'm trying this challenge and at the end of our time together, neither of us had bought anything (except she bought lunch). Usually when we're together, we shop and buy whatever we want. I had a GREAT time today and didn't come home wishing I had bought anything. She got out of my car and seemed shocked when she realized she had no bags to gather. Hmm...wonder if we feed off each other's habits.


But most times it's harder than I thought it would be because there is TOO MUCH wiggle room in my budget categories. I need to get serious about my budget.

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Tell me I am not the only one feeling deprived. This is HARD. I need a new sports bra, and Target has them on sale this week. I need a new bible cover, and have been resisting pressing the Buy button. I want to stop for froyo with the boys today, but have resisted so far. It's the little things that get me......




LOL. That's funny.... a sports bra is actually the one thing I'm needing, too. (I actually thought about digging out the top of an old tankini swimsuit and trying that. I don't have much to support and it might do the trick.) I'm trying to be more faithful about exercising this month, and I told myself that if I stick to my plan for the whole month then I will get a new sports bra as a reward at the beginning of February. Maybe your Bible cover and sports bra could be your reward for a month of no/low spend? Whatever keeps us motivated!

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week 1 January total: $58ish, no spend days week 1: 3


1/7: $4 at Mardel's for laminating dd's busy bags materials, $15 beyond my Christmas money at Buy, Buy Baby--my discretionary purchase there was for a cloth diaper, $1 for a soda at Costco after I picked up groceries

1/8: $0

1/9 $143--used pre-algebra and science books and a birthday present from amazon....made the mistake of looking at my wishlist and saw really low prices on a bunch of the books I had wanted for a while for school--not counting this as discretionary, as it was needed...

1/10: $0

1/11: $11 for lunch at Wendy's and about $3ish in discretionary gas for driving.....+ $6 for icecream for wait in drivethru pharmacy + $21 supper

1/12: $0

1/13 $0


not counting groceries...goal of 15 no spend days


total for week: $61 in discretionary for the week--4 no spend days

= $119; 7 no spend days

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Tell me I am not the only one feeling deprived. This is HARD. I need a new sports bra, and Target has them on sale this week. I need a new bible cover, and have been resisting pressing the Buy button. I want to stop for froyo with the boys today, but have resisted so far. It's the little things that get me......
The sports bra is 12 and it usually is 17. I will resist for now, I guess. Thanks. This thread is helping me a lot too!


Having been married to a nonspender, I've swung a bit too far the other way. Our mattress cover is literally shredded, and has been for probably a year now, yet I haven't replaced it yet. DH once had to make me buy a bra when I was trying to sew my one bra (a nursing one at that) back together for the fifth time. But if it is food related, I don't think twice. I have no problem driving through a fast food place or buying candy for myself and any kid who happens to be with me on that trip.


No spending yet this week except for dr. visit and perscription copays for my poor baby with RSV. I don't anticipate spending anything until grocery shopping this weekend.


I'm sorry to hear about your sick baby. I pray for a quick recovery. My third child spent eight days in the hospital on oxygen with RSV when he was little.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas


Groceries: $178/$600

Eating Out: $17/$125

No Spend Days: 2/10


I listed something on ebay today, and it took everything I had not to shop while I was there. I have someone stopping by tomorrow to look at something I listed on craigslist. It will be nice to see money coming in instead of going out!

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I'm sorry to hear about your sick baby. I pray for a quick recovery. My third child spent eight days in the hospital on oxygen with RSV when he was little.


Thank you for the prayers. He seems to be on the mend, though I am sure it will take time. Sunday/Monday/Tuesday were pretty rough and I debated multiple times taking him to the ER. We've been checking in regularly with our family doctor and monitoring his progress, trying to get him through with home treatment. Today he has been awake and interested in his surroundings much more than the last few days. He is still wheezing but not as severely and the nebulizer treatments are helping.

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When I was at the library last week getting GTD to read, I picked up another book that has been great info in my No Spend January challenge. It is called "The $21 Challenge" by Fiona Lippey & Jackie Gower. It is published in Australia, but the info is applicable anywhere IMHO. If I was doing the $21 Challenge, I would have succeeded easily last week as we only spent $8 total on food. This week I've only spent $12 on food, but most likely I'll need to get milk one more time, so the total will be $18, still within the $21 allowed to succeed.


As we have not put anything on Visa or EFTPOS, it will be interesting to see how much we are paying each month by autopay. We haven't had a budget for years. When dh was laid off over 2 years ago, I just put my head in the sand regarding our income & our outgoings. This was not good :001_unsure: , but it was my way of dealing with the uncertainity. I've decided in 2013 we need to face what has become our new normal & make plans to survive as best we can. The No Spend January challenge & the accountability of this board, has given me hope that we can not simply survive, but thrive, IF we are willing to make some changes to our spending habits. There is hope for success in 2013.

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Thank you for the prayers. He seems to be on the mend, though I am sure it will take time. Sunday/Monday/Tuesday were pretty rough and I debated multiple times taking him to the ER. We've been checking in regularly with our family doctor and monitoring his progress, trying to get him through with home treatment. Today he has been awake and interested in his surroundings much more than the last few days. He is still wheezing but not as severely and the nebulizer treatments are helping.


Sounds like you are doing well. I hope he doesn't have any long-lasting side effects.

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Edited: decided i needed to "see" what has happened over the whole month in one place. Looks like most of my spending takes place the first week...


Jan 1: $57 for Lively Latin Book 2 on sale.

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle book (fun money)

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp for project life (fun money), cc: $19.99 monthly nytimes sub on kindle, cc: $75 ymca monthly family membership,cc: $52 next week's afterschool care fees

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 for shipping of free Project Life stuff from a friend, vet: $143.50. $1.99 on cc for kindle book (budgeted in fun money)

Jan 5: $7.65 for 120 photo prints on snapfish, $2.00 for Project Life Photos at walgreens

Jan 6: $2.00 acid free pen for Project Life.(fun money) Resisted massive sale at Michael's and just bought this. Go me! $130 Groceries $40 gas


Week One:

Total so far cash: $230.62

Total spent so far credit card(paid off monthly): $329

Amount transferred to savings: $50

No Spend Days: 0/5

Nothing outside of budget so far.


Week Two:

1/7: $0

1/8: $50 cell phone bill on cc

1/9: $0

1/10: $0





Week Two Totals: $0 cash, $50 cc.

Amount Transferred to Savings: $0

No Spend Days: 3/5

Nothing outside budget so far.



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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1/9 $0 so far...but I have to go out this afternoon...I'm going to want to stop for coffee or something....somebody talk me down!




Ended up scrounging up some change and getting coffee at McDonald's during my afternoon errands....it's the little things (again).


Don't have a firm plan for this afternoon, but I know I need to go to Target (one of my biggest weaknesses!). I need to come up with a plan for how to get in and out quickly without finding something on sale that I must have. Of course, I don't have to get anything besides undies for my little one who's potty training.




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Tell me I am not the only one feeling deprived. This is HARD. I need a new sports bra, and Target has them on sale this week. I need a new bible cover, and have been resisting pressing the Buy button. I want to stop for froyo with the boys today, but have resisted so far. It's the little things that get me......




Um. I am miserable! Lol. I want that project life stuff so bad. I also want a couple of things for the kids, we are building a cardboard coffee shop, and we need some felt for play food. I'm also resisting ordering fabric, and yarn right now.


So now that you all know what a shopaholic I am, carry on.



This thread is helping me a ton. I may have to keep doing this for a few months until my habits change!

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Amber, I really really want to get certain scrapbook kits along with a sketch book....I wont even link them here because I dont want to enable you. But right now they are 13% off if you pre order them....but still, they are 53 dollars....i really want them. And I kinda need them....LOL...I mean, to the extent one "needs" one's hobby stuff...



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Amber, I really really want to get certain scrapbook kits along with a sketch book....I wont even link them here because I dont want to enable you. But right now they are 13% off if you pre order them....but still, they are 53 dollars....i really want them. And I kinda need them....LOL...I mean, to the extent one "needs" one's hobby stuff...





Oh, thank you for not linking them! Lol

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Week 1 - Did OK in that all the expenses were planned ones, but we still spent too much. Hoping week 2 is better!

1/1 - $0

1/2 - planned eating out, still unnecessary, though. $35 for my RX, $24 for a new crock pot (mine is defective) Neither of those necessary I guess, but I really need the RX and the crockpot will help me eat at home instead of out, I shopped for the one with the best ratings and the lowest cost I could find.

1/3 - um, this was REALLY BAD. We ended up buying a new car. We had been discussing it and it was in the plan, I just hadn't planned on it being now! We ate lunch out after we got the car, because we spent all freaking day at the dealership and I was done.

1/4 - $0

1/5 - Planned outing today $30, Dinner out (also, planned, but still not a great idea) $45

1/6 - Lunch Out, bought used coffee table $10, maple tree $4, sold $25 worth of clutter in my house :), and groceries $74 (stocked up on chicken breast that was on sale, our groceries are normally $50ish a week)

1/7 - $0

1/8 - $0

1/9 - $0

1/10 - $13 - we all went to the zoo, rode the train, and I bought snacks, too.

1/11 -

1/12 -

1/13 -

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Total non-budgeted spending: $163.28

Total no Spend Days: 5


1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 27.74 new toaster

1/10 2.16





I was just about to come and say I had another no spend day and then I remembered I hadn't checked the Kindle Daily Deals yet and I'm now the owner of another Kindle book :crying:

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Week 1 - Did OK in that all the expenses were planned ones, but we still spent too much. Hoping week 2 is better!

1/1 - $0

1/2 - planned eating out, still unnecessary, though. $35 for my RX, $24 for a new crock pot (mine is defective) Neither of those necessary I guess, but I really need the RX and the crockpot will help me eat at home instead of out, I shopped for the one with the best ratings and the lowest cost I could find.

1/3 - um, this was REALLY BAD. We ended up buying a new car. We had been discussing it and it was in the plan, I just hadn't planned on it being now! We ate lunch out after we got the car, because we spent all freaking day at the dealership and I was done.

1/4 - $0

1/5 - Planned outing today $30, Dinner out (also, planned, but still not a great idea) $45

1/6 - Lunch Out, bought used coffee table $10, maple tree $4, sold $25 worth of clutter in my house :), and groceries $74 (stocked up on chicken breast that was on sale, our groceries are normally $50ish a week)

1/7 - $0

1/8 - $0

1/9 - $0

1/10 - $13 - we all went to the zoo, rode the train, and I bought snacks, too.

1/11 -

1/12 -

1/13 -



Seems like everyone is spending less is week 2. Wonder what that's about. Pattern?

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Total non-budgeted spending: $163.28

Total no Spend Days: 5


1/7 0

1/8 0

1/9 27.74 new toaster

1/10 2.16





I was just about to come and say I had another no spend day and then I remembered I hadn't checked the Kindle Daily Deals yet and I'm now the owner of another Kindle book :crying:



well 2.16 is a good price! I have a subscription to a newsletter that sends me links to Kindle free boooks, but it's for books that are usually $$, so they are often pretty good books that are free for a day for a promo or something. you might look into that!

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1/1 $0

1/2 $0

1/3 $0

1/4 $85 hair cut and color (already budgeted, but it seems kind of frivolous!), $10 Panera (lunch out by myself after hair appt, couldn't resist), $10 Walgreens (face cream), $0 Victoria's Secret!! Used an expired coupon for free panties (P.S. their coupons don't really expire! and a $10 voucher they sent me for my birthday)

1/5 $0

1/6 $14 over budget on groceries

1/7 $0 (the library is a wonderful source of free entertainment when you just need to get out of the house!)

1/8 $0 (Used a gift card at Starbucks....so, what happens when my gift card runs out??? :nopity: That will be a sad day.)

1/9 $1 for coffee (but it doesn't "count" because it was change I found around the house!)

1/10 $5 at a consignment shop.....got new items for my dd's room re-do and used store credit (I sell stuff there, too), so I only needed $5 to make up the difference and and a MAJOR victory was driving past Chick Fil A at dinner time with little one saying "I want to go to ChickILa!!!!" Well, I wanted Chick Fil A for dinner, too....but I just kept driving and we ate at home! Yay!!!



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Almost had to spent extra today. I didn't get dinner in the oven early enough to be done before DH and DS needed to leave for taekwondo. So I took tomorrow's lunch and some ingredients from tomorrow's dinner (leaving enough for dinner still) and made pizza. I have plenty of options for tomorrow's lunch. I think today's doctor's appointment and prescription was enough spending for the day.

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I'm looking for 10 no spend days, as well as groceries under $600 & dining out under $125.


1/1 -- $0 (Yay me!)

1/2 -- Walgreens $9 (various Xmas clearance)

1/3 -- Groceries $83, Children's Place $38 (leggings for under skirts & hat for middle dd)

1/4 -- DH wanted pizza, and I am weak... $17

1/5 -- Groceries $66, Pet Supplies $7, Children's Place $7 (needed to return 1 item from the 3rd and I picked up another pair of leggings)

1/6 -- Groceries $29, Curriculum $5 (had $15 in TRU rewards and bought a CSI kit for $20)




1/7 -- this was supposed to be a no - spend day, but... $75 for a new car battery & $35 for gas, since DH had to take my car to work this morning. Just found out that DH bought $11 worth of toys from the clearance area while waiting for the car. So adding that.

1/8 -- $0

1/9 -- $25 gift for family member, $36 chess tournament entry fee, $40 gas

1/10 -- $11 medicine, $35 dinner


Groceries: $178/$600

Eating Out: $52/$125

No Spend Days: 2/10

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Seems like everyone is spending less is week 2. Wonder what that's about. Pattern?



For mine, we were traveling over Christmas and the New Year. We had to buy gas to get home and then refill the tank. We'd been gone a week, so I had no fresh foods in the house at all. Even the $20 dollars I gave my friend this week was for the gas she used coming to feed and water our dog when we were gone.

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Seems like everyone is spending less is week 2. Wonder what that's about. Pattern?


Not me :glare: If I could keep dh off TradeMe, we'd be doing a lot better. I'm happy with our food/eating out spending, but I can see I will have to go to the shops very soon as we are completely out of all fresh fruit (plenty of canned fruit in the pantry), Raro (like Koolaid), and soon we will only have Weetbix for cereal as even the rolled oats is almost gone. Fresh veggies are limited to what is in the garden + a few potatoes, onions, & kumera.


Any hints to how to get dh to stop buying things that aren't high need?

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Seems like everyone is spending less is week 2. Wonder what that's about. Pattern?



My week will end up being a $200-$300 more than the first week due to a doctor's appointment and prescription that couldn't wait and DD's birthday. It's her 13th. We are skipping the party in favor of taking her for a haircut and consultation, a makeup consultation that will probably include purchases, and clothes shopping. We'll have birthday cake at youth group which includes all of her close friends and happens to be at our house. We've budgeted our previous car payment ($300) for her birthday. No, we don't normally spend that much, but we want to help her find her own style rather than have her friend, who is trying to follow the scene style, develop it for her.

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Guest inoubliable

Today was payday. We had quite a bit from last pay day set aside to make the rent so we spent so far

- $1000 rent (included $50 late fee)

- $30 Urgent Care (DH had a bad tooth infection)

- $9.19 Walgreens (antibiotics for DH)

- $10.79 Walgreens (Sudafed for me)

- $8.38 Walgreens (groceries and a small bag of chips for me since I got dizzy standing around and waiting at Walgreens)

- $9.00 Netflix

- $20.00 petrol for the van


Hoping some stuff on Craigslist sells this weekend. Seems odd living right to the penny yet not stressing over it. Stuff is getting paid and we have food and petrol.

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I don't know how I feel about today. I just spent $50 on shoes for my twins. They were marked down from $46 to $19.99. $11 shipping.


In my defense, because I can justify anything, I try to buy one pair of nice shoes for them instead of a bunch of cheap pairs.


But I still feel guilty! They both will need shoes soon, toes are at the tops of their other shoes.


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Joining late, but I think this is a great idea. After the recurring monthly bills, I have about $200 per month left from my tutoring money to use for incidentals. Whatever I don't spend goes into our Christmas/Vacation fund. Here are my expenditures for January:


Jan. 1 - $0

Jan. 2 - $0

Jan. 3 - $0

Jan. 4 - $0

Jan. 5 - $0

Jan. 6 - $0

Jan. 7 - $0

Jan. 8 - $43.53 at Walmart

Jan. 9 - $16.33 for supper for dh & me

Jan. 10 - $0

TOTAL - $59.86


No spend days: 8/10


Unfortunately, $21.65 of the Walmart trip was a splurge: 2 Cozy Spot heating pads EK & I have been wanting and a pair of trouser socks (which I really did need!). But the rest of the items were necessities: toothpaste, cat food, cat litter, and wipes.

The next night (Jan. 9) was mine & dh's weekly date night, and I treated him to wing night at a local restaurant. The $16.33 was for 18 wings, an order of fries, and a tip.

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Week 1 - Did OK in that all the expenses were planned ones, but we still spent too much. Hoping week 2 is better!

1/1 - $0

1/2 - planned eating out, still unnecessary, though. $35 for my RX, $24 for a new crock pot (mine is defective) Neither of those necessary I guess, but I really need the RX and the crockpot will help me eat at home instead of out, I shopped for the one with the best ratings and the lowest cost I could find.

1/3 - um, this was REALLY BAD. We ended up buying a new car. We had been discussing it and it was in the plan, I just hadn't planned on it being now! We ate lunch out after we got the car, because we spent all freaking day at the dealership and I was done.

1/4 - $0

1/5 - Planned outing today $30, Dinner out (also, planned, but still not a great idea) $45

1/6 - Lunch Out, bought used coffee table $10, maple tree $4, sold $25 worth of clutter in my house :), and groceries $74 (stocked up on chicken breast that was on sale, our groceries are normally $50ish a week)

1/7 - $0

1/8 - $0

1/9 - $0

1/10 - $13 - we all went to the zoo, rode the train, and I bought snacks, too.

1/11 - $320.00 car expenditures (planned, but not a necessity), $3.52 dishwashing detergent

1/12 -

1/13 -

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Edited: decided i needed to "see" what has happened over the whole month in one place. Looks like most of my spending takes place the first week...


Jan 1: $57 for Lively Latin Book 2 on sale.

Jan 1 cc: $1.99 kindle book (fun money)

Jan 2 $4.65 date stamp for project life (fun money), cc: $19.99 monthly nytimes sub on kindle, cc: $75 ymca monthly family membership,cc: $52 next week's afterschool care fees

Jan 3: $9.42 toothpaste, water for office and gum.

Jan 4: $12.05 for shipping of free Project Life stuff from a friend, vet: $143.50. $1.99 on cc for kindle book (budgeted in fun money)

Jan 5: $7.65 for 120 photo prints on snapfish, $2.00 for Project Life Photos at walgreens

Jan 6: $2.00 acid free pen for Project Life.(fun money) Resisted massive sale at Michael's and just bought this. Go me! $130 Groceries $40 gas


Week One:

Total so far cash: $230.62

Total spent so far credit card(paid off monthly): $329

Amount transferred to savings: $50

No Spend Days: 0/5

Nothing outside of budget so far.


Week Two:

1/7: $0

1/8: $50 cell phone bill on cc (auto pay)

1/9: $52 cc after school child care. (autopay)

1/10: $0

1/11: $5 menu planning app. Love it.

1/12: $150 grocery, $4 comic for son.



Week Two Totals: $0 cash, $255 cc.

Amount Transferred to Savings: $0

No Spend Days: 2/5

Nothing outside budget so far.



1. To get my spending UNDER a certain pre-set amount each month and contribute the remainder to emergency fund.

2. To start creating sinking funds for car repairs and vet bills.

3. To begin paying off extra on the mortgage.

4. To use food in cupboard for staples.

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