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LDS social group...how was your Sunday?


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Social groups aren't back yet, are they?


Anyway, needed to vent. We switched from 9am church to 1pm church so the kids were bonkers during Sacrament meeting. DS put his entire water cup in his mouth and then tried to spit it back into the tray. This was the first week for DD to go to Sunbeams and she did not like singing/sharing time. The primary sang the hello song to the new sunbeams and she shouted "I don't like this song!" DS also had a talk today so she was upset about that as well. She did enjoy her class, thank goodness. We have an AMAZING Sunbeam teacher.


So how was your Sunday?

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I was going to post about this. Ours was awful. We switched from 1 to 11 am church, so that is better, but DD4 moved up to a new class and because of her intense hatred of change, she had a really rough time of it, requiring my presence. Oh, and I had to give the opening prayer in Sacrament meeting, which meant that DD4 had to be taken out in the hall screaming because she has a really rough time if we participate in the meeting. Nursery (my calling) was amazing, though. At least the part I was there for, because all the older kids are now in Sunbeams and we had a much smaller group than usual. Although with all that, DD4 was actually better than I expected ( I was able to leave after about 20 minutes) and way better than last year, when she screamed in the hall for all of Primary for one and a half months.

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Ha ha ha, well this week has been interesting to say the least. Suffice it to say that after everyone in the house battled croup or the flu or something, Chuck started to get better. Then last night just started crying for no reason and would not be consoled. Cried the whole night, poor dear. Our car died (part of the interesting week) so my brother and SIL took us to the urgent care. Luckily/not luckily she does have an ear infection. Luckily because our $100 visit was not in vain. Not luckily because it cost $100 and ear infections are M.I.S.E.R.A.B.L.E. Anyway, got her going on some abx. Hopefully she'll sleep tonight. If not, I took a nap from 530-630pm just in case.


Needless to say, we didn't make it to church. I am so sad. It was Digby's first day in Sunbeams. I'm sure he'll be one of those crazy little kids who runs around, but we'll see. He missed it all :(

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We went from 9 AM to 1:30. At least it wasn't 11 since that's my least favorite time.


Anyway, we left home at 12:30 and my husband dropped us off at the church at 12:45 so he could make the 45-minute round trip to pick up another family in a different part of the ward. He made it back by the opening hymn for the first time in months. Waiting for an extra 45 minutes for church to start isn't much fun, but it's much better at 1 PM than 8:30 AM.


Primary was great for my youngest and he's excited about his new teacher. She came over to talk to him while we were waiting before church which made a difference. My two older boys went to SS and YM together since everything is combined for them.


I skipped SS to talk to various people about my calling and watch the RS President dress up as a superhero for Primary. It was probably the highlight of the day to see the bishop's face when he saw her the first time.


Then we played Jeopardy in RS. Funnest RS in a long time.


After church we had to round up an extra car seat and find someone to take my two older boys home since there isn't room in the car for our family and the other family. We barely succeeded which saved us from waiting at the church for another 45 minutes. We finally made it back home at 5:45.


So we were gone for more than 5 hours, but I had lasagne in the crockpot so we wouldn't starve from fasting before I could make dinner. It's so much harder to fast with afternoon church since we always time things so we can eat when we get home from church. But it was lovely to sleep in this morning.


But both my middle son and I were asked to speak in sacrament meeting later this month with fairly vague topics. That's okay with me though, because then I can talk about what I want.


And I just have to say that church is so much easier now that my older boys are both in YM and my youngest is a flexible and cheery little soul.

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I had a great day! Of course, my kiddos are older, so I'm no longer fighting those battles. I'm now the YW president, and I was teaching a combined YW lesson with our new youth curriculum, "Come Follow Me". It is amazing! I can see how the kids will really learn, as these lessons require active participation on their part. They were a little hesitant at first, but they're eager, so it went well.


We also had a special introduction for Girls' Camp with a video (your mission, should you choose to accept it...) Mission Possible. The girls were all excited about it, and I am, too. We're going to the big church camp in Heber! Woo hoo! Cabins, real bathrooms, showers, swimming, horseback riding, etc., etc. I could not be happier about that.


We also have a progressive dinner for our activity this week, and the girls are happy about that, too. So as a new YW president...I'm thrilled. Not as thrilled about my 7:30 AM Ward Council and PPI meetings, however. But still happy that our 1 PM schedule is a thing of the past. 9 AM is my favorite time.

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I had a great day! Of course, my kiddos are older, so I'm no longer fighting those battles. I'm now the YW president, and I was teaching a combined YW lesson with our new youth curriculum, "Come Follow Me". It is amazing! I can see how the kids will really learn, as these lessons require active participation on their part. They were a little hesitant at first, but they're eager, so it went well.


We also had a special introduction for Girls' Camp with a video (your mission, should you choose to accept it...) Mission Possible. The girls were all excited about it, and I am, too. We're going to the big church camp in Heber! Woo hoo! Cabins, real bathrooms, showers, swimming, horseback riding, etc., etc. I could not be happier about that.


We also have a progressive dinner for our activity this week, and the girls are happy about that, too. So as a new YW president...I'm thrilled. Not as thrilled about my 7:30 AM Ward Council and PPI meetings, however. But still happy that our 1 PM schedule is a thing of the past. 9 AM is my favorite time.




Oh Diane, I want to be like you when I grow up. You're always so happy and chipper. I want to be chipper, gosh darnit!

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We have afternoon church this year....but we are all staying home as we have a preemie we have to shelter and the flu season is going strong here. I was released as yw president when i went onto hospital bedrest a couple of months ago...should've been sustained into a new calling today.


I didnt realize how much of our social life revolved

around the church calendar until we've been forced to sit out winter at home.

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Our ward didn't change times--we still have 11:00, which is not a great time for my little kids, but not the worst one, either. DH had to take the baby home because he wouldn't stop screaming.


I'm in the Primary presidency and we planned to combine junior and senior Primary for Sharing Time/Singing Time this year, since our Senior Primary is so small. It was kind of a disaster today. :tongue_smilie: The little kids weren't super wiggly and the big kids were zoned out. If I were just judging by today, I'd vote for going back to dividing Junior and Senior.


Someday we will be able to enjoy church like we did before kids. :)

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Our wards split and we changed times from 9 to 11. It is still strange and new, but I think it will be a good change. For now I am footloose and fancy free as I was released from the primary presidency. I know it won't last. As much as I love my primary kiddos, I reaaaaaaally loved going to relief society today. It was so quiet! My dh was called as the financial clerk so I missed coming right home with him.

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Needless to say, we didn't make it to church. I am so sad. It was Digby's first day in Sunbeams. I'm sure he'll be one of those crazy little kids who runs around, but we'll see. He missed it all :(


You'll have to tell us next week how he likes Sunbeams. It will make me feel better if he's crazy because DD is the wild child in her class now. Everyone else just sat in their chairs like they'd been doing it for years.

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We switched from 9am to 1pm church. This was my youngest's first Sunday in Primary, and our family's first Sunday back after a two-week visit to CA, and DH is in NV at a new job, and we'll be following him there in February if all goes well with our house sale. I can't wait, because juggling three kids by myself in Sacrament meeting has been rough. Today I almost had a mutiny on my hands because the daughter of the family we shared a pew with was playing games on her mom's iPhone and my kids wanted to sit by her and watch. I had to say no MANY times and practically drag them away. The mom saw and I don't know why she didn't ask her daughter to just put away the phone. :p


Primary was just as... interesting. Like I said, I'd been gone the past two Sundays, and this was my first week back AND we had just found out that the Stake Primary Presidency wanted us to prepare a special arrangement of "I Am a Child of God" for the Primary to perform when they came for their visit during Ward Conference. We found out about it the week before I left, and just found out *this week* that whoops! Our ward conference is NEXT WEEK! So this was my one and only week to prepare the kids for it. I kept it very very simple though, and we planned to have the Primary sing the first verse, the YM/YW to sing the second verse (they could come to Primary in between their SS and YM/YW classes), the teachers sing the third verse, and then I taught them all the 4th verse that was sung in General Conference a few years ago for them to all sing together.


And I did all that while my new little Sunbeam was clinging to my skirt and refusing to sit in his chair. I managed to get him to sit on my lap during the Sharing Time lesson, but that was it. He was either pulling on my skirt while I lead the music or laying on the floor or both. I was nervous sending him off with his teacher for third hour (more for her sake than for his), but he ended up zonking out (again on the floor) a few minutes into class, so he had a nice nap. He was pretty upset when I woke him up and took him out to the car to go home though because he didn't get to "go to church", which for him means the Nursery room. Poor kid missed out on all the toys.


I DO generally prefer afternoon church, but I guess this year is going to take more adjusting to than years past. My two oldest made smooth transitions into Primary, so this is new territory for me.


Oh, but one very bright spot! They announced a Primary activity planned for this Friday, 5:30-8pm. A movie/pizza night. I can send ALL 3 of my kids and have 2 and a half hours all to myself! :thumbup:

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My dh was called as the financial clerk so I missed coming right home with him.

Get used to it. :p They don't release those guys often. It took my DH moving to a whole new state to finally get him released from that calling after being in it for over 9 years. My kids thought DH was skipping out on his "Church work" the first time he came home with us after he was released. He'd been doing it since before they were born. :lol:

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Get used to it. :p They don't release those guys often. It took my DH moving to a whole new state to finally get him released from that calling after being in it for over 9 years. My kids thought DH was skipping out on his "Church work" the first time he came home with us after he was released. He'd been doing it since before they were born. :lol:


He's super stoked as this is a good fit for his personality. I am glad for that!

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My DH has been a financial clerk for approx 13 of the 15 yrs we've been married and living in three different areas :D. I have to say I can't complain. Yeah, he has to stay after church, but it's usually not long and I'd much rather take the kids home by myself than get them ready for church by myself! Other than the occasional stake training, audit, and tithing settlement it's a Sunday-only calling.

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Today we switched to 1pm church. The problem was the fact that when I booked my eldest's return flight to BYU I didn't realize we'd be changing times so I made her flight right in the middle of church. She was able to take the Sacrament and had to leave right after, so we all trooped out to the foyer to say our teary goodbyes and then I took everyone back into to chapel so we could snivel our way through the rest of the meeting. Hopefully everyone though we were just so moved by the testimonies that we were all crying. Dh took her to the airport, so I was on my own teaching today. I teach 10 & 11yos and it went like this:


Me: Ok, who can give me a quick recap of the First Vision?




Me: Um, who can tell me who had the First Vision?




Me: I'll give you a hint.....His initials are J.S.


Kids: John? Jacob? Joshua? Is it Joseph?


So I passed out their new notebooks and we stick figured our way through the First Vision.


Should be an interesting year.


Amber in SJ

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Hi, if it's okay to join in...We moved to 11:30 from 9:00 today. My kids are 5 and up, so thankfully naps aren't an issue now. Overal today was good, if sad. My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.


Sorry, this is heavier than I wanted it to be. I can't talk to anyone here b/c they know me and it's too hard. Thanks.

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Hi, if it's okay to join in...We moved to 11:30 from 9:00 today. My kids are 5 and up, so thankfully naps aren't an issue now. Overal today was good, if sad. My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.


Sorry, this is heavier than I wanted it to be. I can't talk to anyone here b/c they know me and it's too hard. Thanks.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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It was my first week teaching the new SS curriculum to my new class of 14 year olds. I was nervous about how it would go, but figure not only is this method 'new' to the kids, it's also new to the teachers...so I don't need to have mastered it all on my first Sunday, right? Things actually went pretty well...the kids shared a lot more than I thought they would. And a few of the kids really surprised me with their comments. I do have a few boys who are super quiet...and it is going to be a challenge to get them to open up and share their testimonies. Anybody want to share teaching strategies for this?


We switched from 11 to 1 pm...and the great news is my husband came home at 5...and it didn't feel like he was away from us as long as it has been feeling since he was called as bishop. Okay...he left the house at 7 am for meetings, but it didn't seem as long because we didn't have this hugely long eternally challenging afternoon to keep the kids busy and happy with 'appropriate' Sabbath activities during a time when all I really want to do is take a nap...


The other good news is that my older kids now have Sunday School teachers who are going todo more than play games and watch videos!

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we're on the 12:30 reverse block this year. It was a miserable day. feel free to skip.


dudeling (aspie) refused to go to the "meet your teacher" breakfast yesterday. I tried, even told him just five minutes to meet your teacher and see where your new classroom.


today - didn't want to go to class (really hard when it's the FIRST thing he has no opportunity to transition). He normally is in the hall with a primary worker during the second hour - now, it's crowded with people from the other ward. they've divided the primary so it will only ever be jr OR sr primary. and it's a small primary. He had meltdowns about even peeking inside. I ended up sitting in the car with him in his carseat, then he wanted to snuggle, and was ready to go back. a member of the presidency was able to get him to peek (it was just a peek in the room) if any of the sunbeams were sleeping. I think he figured out he'd been had as he had another meltdown.


I was in the family history room, so he came in with me, while he was melting down. 1ds came looking for him as sacrament meeting started. we ended up in the foyer because I wanted to partake of the sacrament. we took him home as soon as we had finished. the meltdowns continued until I made banana bread and he ate some.


It took him an hour and a half to go to sleep -- and that was with a full 3mg of melatonin and *after* reading to him for 30 minutes. He'd been down to where 3/4 of a mg was too much.


we've been cheating with gluten over the holidays. I've also noticed he's much more sensitive to noise of late. I guess gf is doing more than I realized.

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Hi, if it's okay to join in...We moved to 11:30 from 9:00 today. My kids are 5 and up, so thankfully naps aren't an issue now. Overal today was good, if sad. My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.


Sorry, this is heavier than I wanted it to be. I can't talk to anyone here b/c they know me and it's too hard. Thanks.


we have a sister in our ward in a simiar situation. she respected her dh, and kept

at it. Her son's were eventually baptized, and eventually ordained - even though it was years after they were "of age". It's a fine line.

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Mine was the usual drag. DS is a new sunbeam but since he is the only one they aren't bothering to call a teacher and want to keep him in nursery - which is ok with me but they don't have a nursery teacher either because that was me and they just released me. So I sat in the nursery room with him and one other mother who has a 20 month old and let him play my IPad as the nursery has old baby toys - nothing really for him to play with. Then I took him to primary where he sat up the back with me and kept calling out -This is boring can I play on your IPad mum.


I really hate small branches - my kids have never been in a proper primary. Here they have one junior class and one senior class. In the junior class there are 3 kids and two of them are mine.


It's no wonder I have to drag them to church every Sunday. I am not inspired to go either. My ds will not go to class without me which is the reason they called me to be the nursery leader in the first place.

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Hi, if it's okay to join in...We moved to 11:30 from 9:00 today. My kids are 5 and up, so thankfully naps aren't an issue now. Overal today was good, if sad. My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.


Sorry, this is heavier than I wanted it to be. I can't talk to anyone here b/c they know me and it's too hard. Thanks.


Has your son talked to your husband about how he feels? I hope you can work out something that works for all of you.

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we're on the 12:30 reverse block this year. It was a miserable day. feel free to skip.


dudeling (aspie) refused to go to the "meet your teacher" breakfast yesterday. I tried, even told him just five minutes to meet your teacher and see where your new classroom.


today - didn't want to go to class (really hard when it's the FIRST thing he has no opportunity to transition). He normally is in the hall with a primary worker during the second hour - now, it's crowded with people from the other ward. they've divided the primary so it will only ever be jr OR sr primary. and it's a small primary. He had meltdowns about even peeking inside. I ended up sitting in the car with him in his carseat, then he wanted to snuggle, and was ready to go back. a member of the presidency was able to get him to peek (it was just a peek in the room) if any of the sunbeams were sleeping. I think he figured out he'd been had as he had another meltdown.


I was in the family history room, so he came in with me, while he was melting down. 1ds came looking for him as sacrament meeting started. we ended up in the foyer because I wanted to partake of the sacrament. we took him home as soon as we had finished. the meltdowns continued until I made banana bread and he ate some.


It took him an hour and a half to go to sleep -- and that was with a full 3mg of melatonin and *after* reading to him for 30 minutes. He'd been down to where 3/4 of a mg was too much.


we've been cheating with gluten over the holidays. I've also noticed he's much more sensitive to noise of late. I guess gf is doing more than I realized.


What a rough day. I hope things get easier soon for him on Sundays.


And can I say I really don't like having Sacrament Meeting last.

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We switched times back to 9 AM from 1 PM. I love the earlier time but my younger two were obnoxious. I'm blaming it on fasting. Then when we got home they whined about being hungry. I ended up serving dinner at 3:30.


My new group of Sunbeams is just too cute. They were so bored in sharing time though. I was able to get through my lesson with them before I let them jump around our room. :party: It's 4 boys, 1 girl. and me.

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My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.

I'm sorry. :grouphug: I think it's good that you respect your husband's wishes and don't want to steamroll him, but OTOH I would think that 12 is old enough to decide for himself what he wants to do. Can you talk with your husband about letting your son make his own decision?




Our ward shares the building with the singles ward, which wants to sleep in, so we never switch times. Church has been at 9am forever, and apparently always will be. My sleepy teenager complains about this. :glare:


12yo was happy because she's finally completely out of Primary, and gets to have SS with the 13yos too, which means she gets another good friend in class. Also the teacher treats them like grownups, which she likes.


9yo likes her new teacher and seems happy.


We have a new SS teacher who I think will be very good.


I was so tired--or something--afterwards that I pretty much took the afternoon off. Weird. I'm not a good faster at the best of times but it was weird. Two of my brothers are here in town with their families--one lives on the other side of the country--so the kids went and hung out with cousins and I went over around 4.30 and we had a birthday party.

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Hi, if it's okay to join in...We moved to 11:30 from 9:00 today. My kids are 5 and up, so thankfully naps aren't an issue now. Overal today was good, if sad. My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.


Sorry, this is heavier than I wanted it to be. I can't talk to anyone here b/c they know me and it's too hard. Thanks.

I'm so sorry. Maybe you could revisit the issue with your dh and explain how your son feels. If your dh no longer believes, then the ordination shouldn't mean anything to him. I have a new deacon (as of November), and I know how much passing the Sacrament is a part of their quorum...not to mention, it's very special to them. Maybe your dh would listen to your concerns.

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Hi, if it's okay to join in...We moved to 11:30 from 9:00 today. My kids are 5 and up, so thankfully naps aren't an issue now. Overal today was good, if sad. My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.


Sorry, this is heavier than I wanted it to be. I can't talk to anyone here b/c they know me and it's too hard. Thanks.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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We switched to 1 pm....which means dd (who at 5 still needs a daily nap) took a 30 min in the car but was AWFUL during sacrament...had to be removed in which she started attacking me in the foyer so ended up in the car. Not excited for 1pm church with her :(. DS thought is a new Sunbeam and LOVED it! and we only had 4 kids in Nursery which made it really quiet (used to have 17). It was funny because all our nursery kids were super active trying not to fall asleep so we may start instituting nursery naptime lol.

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Hi, if it's okay to join in...We moved to 11:30 from 9:00 today. My kids are 5 and up, so thankfully naps aren't an issue now. Overal today was good, if sad. My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.


Sorry, this is heavier than I wanted it to be. I can't talk to anyone here b/c they know me and it's too hard. Thanks.



I'd sit down with both DH and DS and ask DS if he wants the priesthood? If he does and can truly express why, can DH accept that and let him get sustained? Then let DS have some time to pray and respond. Days, weeks, months, whatever. But he has to be firm in his reasons and everyone else is doing it isn't a good one. It would help DS with his testimony and maybe your DH as well.

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I'm so glad we live in a small ward and don't have to change times. :D I just spent all of church being a hall mom to the baby. I get released from primary and still can't attend classes.


And to all the moms, relax. The transition from nursery is always horrid. Every parent of a new sunbeam was in primary yesterday. I thought it was hilarious. I won't next year when I'm doing it, of course.


Otherwise we had a good Sunday. It was DH's birthday and I ruined the first batch if frosting but the second turned out good enough that I could forget about it.

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Thanks ladies. This has been one of the hardest things I've had to deal with. I thought sitting in the pews with four wiggly little kids was bad until my oldest got close to 12. My dh is not willing to think about him being ordained right now. It's actually the only thing we argue about. If I have Harry (12yo) bring it up to him, my dh just says he's been brainwashed. I'm hoping and praying that his heart will be softened over time. By August would be good--that's when our 7yo dd turns 8. The boys were baptized, but dh has gotten more strident in his objections and doesn't want the girls baptized.


Honestly, it really does seem a lot easier for everyone if we just stopped going. I cry through most of my meetings and all tension in the house is around church things. I've been going alone for almost 10 years now and I'm just tired.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry, Felicity. Situations like this can be so rough for everyone. It seems to me that you've respected his choices, so he ought to respect yours. And the kids should be able to make their choices too. Sounds simple, but isn't...I'm sorry I don't know what to say to help, but my all means vent here.

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Thanks ladies. This has been one of the hardest things I've had to deal with. I thought sitting in the pews with four wiggly little kids was bad until my oldest got close to 12. My dh is not willing to think about him being ordained right now. It's actually the only thing we argue about. If I have Harry (12yo) bring it up to him, my dh just says he's been brainwashed. I'm hoping and praying that his heart will be softened over time. By August would be good--that's when our 7yo dd turns 8. The boys were baptized, but dh has gotten more strident in his objections and doesn't want the girls baptized.


Honestly, it really does seem a lot easier for everyone if we just stopped going. I cry through most of my meetings and all tension in the house is around church things. I've been going alone for almost 10 years now and I'm just tired.


:grouphug: I'm sorry, Felicity. It really does get harder as your kids get older.


I don't know if you want any more suggestions, and it's find if you don't, but I'd talk to my son's YM president/teacher/bishop about thinking of other ways to make him feel like an valuable part of the group. It seems like your son could still do things like holding the microphone for blessings and confirmations, closing and opening the doors for the sacrament, or bringing the bread for the sacrament, or other things. If people were willing to be creative, there might be other worthwhile ways he could participate.

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I don't know if you want any more suggestions, and it's find if you don't, but I'd talk to my son's YM president/teacher/bishop about thinking of other ways to make him feel like an valuable part of the group. It seems like your son could still do things like holding the microphone for blessings and confirmations, closing and opening the doors for the sacrament, or bringing the bread for the sacrament, or other things. If people were willing to be creative, there might be other worthwhile ways he could participate.



Those are good, tangible ideas. I will talk to them about him bringing the bread. If he can't pass the sacrament, at least he can help with it. I actually had the bishop talk to the boys and tell them that Harry has no choice in it and please don't ever bring it up with him. But I'll ask the bishop if he can think of anything else Harry can do. Thank you.

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Well, we're all sick, so it was mostly a stay-home Sunday. I went to Sacrament Meeting with the two kids who were feeling OK, then came home and let dh go to Priesthood. Firefly was fussy all night and by this morning was wheezing, so I took him to the dr. --turns out he has RSV and an ear infection. Now I wish we had stayed home from church entirely and really, really hope we didn't share with anyone. Firefly wasn't at church but I'm sure the runny nose and cough making the family rounds is all the same virus, and there's a good chance we're all contagious. Now I'm thinking the kids will have to miss choir on Wednesday because I don't want to spread this to other families.

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Felicity, hugs!


And hugs to everyone else too! Our Sunday went ok since dh was there to help me. We switched from 9 to 11 and we have Sacrament meeting last. I'm in the rs presidency and I often have littlest dd with me since dh's calling often conflicts. I was really worried about how she would do before when we started at 9, but the angels must have been hard at work since she did fine. But now starting at 11 she will be tired and I'm worried I'll have to be in the hallway with her during rs. Dh had her yesterday and she did ok with him so I'm crossing my fingers!


I'm so grateful I can just drop the other 2 off at primary and they happily stay. It has taken years and I wish I could have read other people's experiences like I can here. At the time it seemed like I was the only one whose child struggled with going to nursery and primary. In 6 months we start again with little dd.

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we're on the 12:30 reverse block this year. It was a miserable day. feel free to skip.


dudeling (aspie) refused to go to the "meet your teacher" breakfast yesterday. I tried, even told him just five minutes to meet your teacher and see where your new classroom.


today - didn't want to go to class (really hard when it's the FIRST thing he has no opportunity to transition). He normally is in the hall with a primary worker during the second hour - now, it's crowded with people from the other ward. they've divided the primary so it will only ever be jr OR sr primary. and it's a small primary. He had meltdowns about even peeking inside. I ended up sitting in the car with him in his carseat, then he wanted to snuggle, and was ready to go back. a member of the presidency was able to get him to peek (it was just a peek in the room) if any of the sunbeams were sleeping. I think he figured out he'd been had as he had another meltdown.


I was in the family history room, so he came in with me, while he was melting down. 1ds came looking for him as sacrament meeting started. we ended up in the foyer because I wanted to partake of the sacrament. we took him home as soon as we had finished. the meltdowns continued until I made banana bread and he ate some.


It took him an hour and a half to go to sleep -- and that was with a full 3mg of melatonin and *after* reading to him for 30 minutes. He'd been down to where 3/4 of a mg was too much.


we've been cheating with gluten over the holidays. I've also noticed he's much more sensitive to noise of late. I guess gf is doing more than I realized.



I hope next week goes better for you. None of my kids is a diagnosed aspie, but we have very similar issues with anxiety/difficulty with transitions/meltdowns. We spend a lot of time in the lobby or in Primary with a child. A couple of weeks ago I was quietly working in the library when I heard an all-too-familiar wail; I peaked out the door and saw my five year old lying on the floor at the end of the hallway in full meltdown mode with two perplexed primary workers standing over her trying to figure out what to do. She spent the rest of the block in the library with me...

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Hi, if it's okay to join in...We moved to 11:30 from 9:00 today. My kids are 5 and up, so thankfully naps aren't an issue now. Overal today was good, if sad. My newly 12yo ds graduated from Primary but my dh that no longer believes doesn't want him ordained. Since it's something that he can have done later but can't really undo, I grudgingly agreed. Now I'm regretting that. My poor ds realized today that means he can't pass the Sacrament. He was really sad for the first time, so now I'm wondering if I should even bother. It doesn't seem fair to him that he's only "kind of" in YM.


Sorry, this is heavier than I wanted it to be. I can't talk to anyone here b/c they know me and it's too hard. Thanks.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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So, since so many of us in here have Primary-aged kids... how did your kids react to the revamped "Matt and Mandy" in this month's Friend? We always read Matt and Mandy as part of our Morning Devotional (along with more scriptural things), and they were a bit miffed that it was a "to be continued" story. :lol:


I admit to liking the way they're drawn now a bit better though.

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Our ward shares the building with the singles ward, which wants to sleep in, so we never switch times. Church has been at 9am forever, and apparently always will be. My sleepy teenager complains about this. :glare:

has no one told him to be careful of what he wishes for? we used to *always* be a 9am becasue the other ward has a dependent branch. two years ago, someone came up with the "brilliant" idea to have us do a reverse block. (we started it in March of 2011. It never stopped feeling weird.). thanks - I think I'd rather be at 9am forever.


I'm hoping and praying that his heart will be softened over time. By August would be good--that's when our 7yo dd turns 8. The boys were baptized, but dh has gotten more strident in his objections and doesn't want the girls baptized. Honestly, it really does seem a lot easier for everyone if we just stopped going.

dh had a sister in one area where he served his mission whose husband would only allow her to attend *one* meeting. that was before the block. she was just so happy to be a member, even with all of his restrictions. don't stop coming to church, but do rethink the approach with your dh. Taking the long view is the hardest, but sometimes that's what we have to do. hugs.


Those are good, tangible ideas. I will talk to them about him bringing the bread. If he can't pass the sacrament, at least he can help with it. I actually had the bishop talk to the boys and tell them that Harry has no choice in it and please don't ever bring it up with him. But I'll ask the bishop if he can think of anything else Harry can do. Thank you.
how about holding the mic when they bless the babies? or the mic on fast sundays if you have people who can't come up to the podium?

we have a brother in a wheelchair, and he bears his testimony frequently so requires a mic. He's just so happy to be alive - when anyone asks him how he is, he's "excellent".

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My Sunday was CRAZY. All the changes in Primary and prep for the new year coincide at one time. On top of that, it was Ward Council day. I'm also waiting to have 5 or 6 new Primary workers called, so our primary is a bit short-staffed at times.


My third had her first day as a Sunbeam. She did okay, except for during Sharing Time. It's really rough when Mom's up there teaching and you're expected to just sit in your seat....



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I hope next week goes better for you. None of my kids is a diagnosed aspie, but we have very similar issues with anxiety/difficulty with transitions/meltdowns. We spend a lot of time in the lobby or in Primary with a child.

I realized he's been getting nitrates. He reacts VERY badly to them and they can cause all of the behaviors we've been dealing with so they are banned from his diet. His adult siblings have been cooking for him, and it didn't even occur to me he was getting nitrates until this morning. so, buy more nitrate free meat to have in individual packets for him. and remind the siblings he has pepperoni pizza in the freezer that is both nitrate and gf.


Hopefully, he'll be better in a few days as that's how long it takes to get the nitrates out of his system.

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I'd sit down with both DH and DS and ask DS if he wants the priesthood? If he does and can truly express why, can DH accept that and let him get sustained? Then let DS have some time to pray and respond. Days, weeks, months, whatever. But he has to be firm in his reasons and everyone else is doing it isn't a good one. It would help DS with his testimony and maybe your DH as well.
This might be a good exercise for ds even if dad isn't ready to hear it yet...Help ds prepare for when dad is ready.
Thanks ladies. This has been one of the hardest things I've had to deal with. I thought sitting in the pews with four wiggly little kids was bad until my oldest got close to 12. My dh is not willing to think about him being ordained right now. It's actually the only thing we argue about. If I have Harry (12yo) bring it up to him, my dh just says he's been brainwashed. I'm hoping and praying that his heart will be softened over time. By August would be good--that's when our 7yo dd turns 8. The boys were baptized, but dh has gotten more strident in his objections and doesn't want the girls baptized. Honestly, it really does seem a lot easier for everyone if we just stopped going. I cry through most of my meetings and all tension in the house is around church things. I've been going alone for almost 10 years now and I'm just tired.
My sister is in the same situation. She finally gave up and quit going and her boys (now all adults) want nothing to do with church. I know it's hard, I really do, but I wonder how things would be different if my sis had continued to go even when it was excruciatingly painful and hard. Such a tough situation, there are no easy answers. :grouphug: I'l include your dh and family in my prayers.
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So, since so many of us in here have Primary-aged kids... how did your kids react to the revamped "Matt and Mandy" in this month's Friend? We always read Matt and Mandy as part of our Morning Devotional (along with more scriptural things), and they were a bit miffed that it was a "to be continued" story. :lol:


I admit to liking the way they're drawn now a bit better though.



My kids didn't believe it was Matt and Mandy. I had to convince them that it was still their normal "Friend." And they were weirded out that it was continued. Even the 12yo.

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Well, since my Friend subscription expired a while back my kids haven't noticed Matt and Mandy changing and neither have I. ;- ) DH is now the magazine rep, though, so I guess he'll take care of that for me.


I just want to express sympathy for all the mom's stuck in the hall. My goal for the year is to discipline myself to stay in sacrament meeting. I got really comfortable hanging out in the mother's lounge and chatting it up with my friends last year. My "baby" will be two this month, so that's obviously not necessary. But now she is trained to nurse during sacrament and immediately starts begging to leave as soon as we sit down. So DH is going to be handling her this year. I sat through the entire fast and testimony meeting yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to a more spiritually uplifting year. (After that I head straight to primary to play the piano, so I need all I can get!)

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