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Park Idiot


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Well those details make a difference. :) From the OP, it wasn't clear that he was RIGHT there. Fwiw, I am a severe asthmatic, so I get what you are saying.


I hadn't realized that he was right next to the OP's kids, either, but I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. Personally, if it bothered me and it was someone I knew, i would have simply asked him not to smoke right next to my child, but if I didn't know him and his smoking really bugged me, I would have taken my child elsewhere to play. If my child had health issues, I would have mentioned to the guy that my kid wanted to play on the swings, but could get sick from breathing the cigarette smoke. Unless he was a real jerk, he would probably put out his cigarette immediately -- I mean, really, who would want to make a kid sick? But if he refused to put out the cigarette, I wouldn't have started a battle about it; I would have simply taken my child elsewhere in the park to play.


I am not a smoker, but think it's a bit unreasonable to expect the guy not to smoke outside in a park where smoking is allowed. If he was breaking a rule, it would be different.

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I am not a smoker, but think it's a bit unreasonable to expect the guy not to smoke outside in a park where smoking is allowed. If he was breaking a rule, it would be different.

This. I hate the smell, but it is a legal activity. I really hate it but I also dislike that we keep shoving smokers into ever-tinier areas in which to engage in their perfectly legal activity. Even though I benefit. I am conflicted about this, can you tell? :D

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This. I hate the smell, but it is a legal activity. I really hate it but I also dislike that we keep shoving smokers into ever-tinier areas in which to engage in their perfectly legal activity. Even though I benefit. I am conflicted about this, can you tell? :D


I feel exactly the same way.

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This. I hate the smell, but it is a legal activity. I really hate it but I also dislike that we keep shoving smokers into ever-tinier areas in which to engage in their perfectly legal activity. Even though I benefit. I am conflicted about this, can you tell? :D


I understand the mixed feelings, but I really don't like most smokers. My dd has asthma and allergies and smoke bothers her the most. Last weekend we went out to eat and we were seated at a table right next to the door (the only table available). The door is left open because it is downtown near the water. A man kept getting up to smoke right outside the door and dd kept having to get out of her chair and walk away while he was smoking. I told him she gets sick from smoke and he just ignored us. It happens often if we want to go downtown and walk or eat. I kind of get why smokers keep getting pushed into tinier corners. If allowed, many will smoke right outside a door and don't care if it bothers anyone. If he would have taken just a few steps away, we could have all enjoyed our time downtown together. I personally know many smokers who are aware and considerate of those it bothers, but it's the ones I don't know and encounter while out and about that make me want to regulate them all even more.

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I hadn't realized that he was right next to the OP's kids, either, but I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. Personally, if it bothered me and it was someone I knew, i would have simply asked him not to smoke right next to my child, but if I didn't know him and his smoking really bugged me, I would have taken my child elsewhere to play. If my child had health issues, I would have mentioned to the guy that my kid wanted to play on the swings, but could get sick from breathing the cigarette smoke. Unless he was a real jerk, he would probably put out his cigarette immediately -- I mean, really, who would want to make a kid sick? But if he refused to put out the cigarette, I wouldn't have started a battle about it; I would have simply taken my child elsewhere in the park to play.


I am not a smoker, but think it's a bit unreasonable to expect the guy not to smoke outside in a park where smoking is allowed. If he was breaking a rule, it would be different.




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Who says parks are just for kids?

They aren't. But the average person would probably consider the playground/swingset for kids. And many parks have signs saying something like, "This equipment is intended for kids age 5-12." I think it is reasonable to expect your kid to be able to play on the playground equipment without inhaling smoke.


We have a park in town that attracts smokers. It has benches around the perimeter of the playground, and smokers sit there and make a ring of nastiness for the rest of us to walk through. Then many of them toss their butts in the sand for our babies to mouth. However, it is illegal to smoke within X feet of the playground (I can't remember the exact number at the moment) so I've asked people to move before. None of the 5 people I talked to nicely about it were nice in return, though they did move.

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There are lots of legal activities that many people consider gross, rude, or impolite for an adult to do in public.


picking your nose

scratching your netherregions

running around in circles singing something repetitive or yelling (but not too many decibels)

telling random vomit/poop stories aloud to passing strangers

talking about your s*x life in the hearing of uninterested parties

peppering your speech with curses (esp. around kids)

not covering a cough/sneeze

blowing your nose at the table in a restaurant

not washing your hands after using the restroom

using a cell phone loudly in a restaurant

not clearing your own table at a fast food place

and many more


I put smoking near non-smokers in this category, with the added issue that it is more than annoying--it is really unpleasant, painful, or even dangerous for some bystanders. I fall into the "painful" category because it constricts my breathing, gives me a massive headache, and makes me woozy. I feel the affects for hours after I am free of the smoke. IMO, even people who don't feel the affects shouldn't have to be subjected to it.


I think it is lame that cities and states should even have to pass laws prohibiting smoke near playgrounds. It sure seems like common-sense-I'm-an-adult-behavior to give at least little kids some space! And yet, "smokers have rights" so they get a free pass from many. I bet fewer people would defend a public nose-picker.

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I personally find it rude and icky when an adult smokes in a place designed for children.



:iagree: The city park here is huge, with beaches, giant grassy areas, and one playground area. And inevitably, the smokers all go to the playground area to smoke. Why? Because it has the most benches. Never mind the giant "No Smoking" sign facing the benches. The !@#$% smokers just don't care. It's too much work for them to go over into the giant, open area, where they could smoke to their hearts content. No, they do it three feet away from everyone's kids. :cursing:


I can't stand smokers at this point. Every. Single. One. I meet is a complete jerk. Nothing like having a complete stranger scream f-bombs at you in front of your child because you politely asked him to stop smoking in the non-smoking area.

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Was this the playground area of the park? That's the only part of the park where I would raise my eyebrows if I saw somebody smoking. I know lots of smokers (too many foreign friends) and I don't know a single one who would smoke on the playground. The rest of the park? Sure. They can smoke.

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Smoking may be a "perfectly legal activity", but when it infringes on my health, I have issues with it. I shouldn't have to leave a public area because someone else chooses to taint my oxygen with damaging smoke....especially somewhere like a kids playground. I really have no tolerance for smokers who choose to smoke around other people. We've had to stop attending our city's Christmas boat parade because so many people choose to light up I a crowd that's packed line sardines. I'm allergic to cigarette smoke as well as wood burning smoke. And even if I wasn't, I don't care to have the harmful smoke forced on myself or my kids.

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WHY do adults feel like its okay to smoke at a park?! And this particular idiot is complaining about the pollution the Air Force's jets make as he lights his third cigarette in two minutes. :glare:


depends where they are. around the children's play area or where masses of people congregate - no way. but it's the same mentality that smokers use when they stand in doorways and smoke. (what part of "no smoking within 25 ft of doorways" written in the law don't they understand?)

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depends where they are. around the children's play area or where masses of people congregate - no way. but it's the same mentality that smokers use when they stand in doorways and smoke. (what part of "no smoking within 25 ft of doorways" written in the law don't they understand?)



Heh. My usage of the word park is apparently throwing a few off. Park = playground area. At my house, the park IS the playground. ;)

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Heh. My usage of the word park is apparently throwing a few off. Park = playground area. At my house, the park IS the playground. ;)



Thanks for clarifying -- I was picturing a big park with walking trails, sports fields, maybe a picnic area or a gazebo or something, plus a kids' playground area, so I didn't think the smoking was too big a deal. If the entire park consists of the playground area, I think it's pretty tacky for people to smoke there when they will be right next to the kids the entire time. I'm surprised there aren't any No Smoking signs there!

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Thanks for clarifying -- I was picturing a big park with walking trails, sports fields, maybe a picnic area or a gazebo or something, plus a kids' playground area, so I didn't think the smoking was too big a deal. If the entire park consists of the playground area, I think it's pretty tacky for people to smoke there when they will be right next to the kids the entire time. I'm surprised there aren't any No Smoking signs there!


Most of our parks are large. They have playgrounds, ball fields, open spaces, concerts in the park, etc.

There is no smoking in the entire park areas, including the parking lots.

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Around here it's illegal to smoke anywhere that children play. In other words ball parks, playgrounds, outdoor pools and so on. There is even a limit to how close people are allowed to be to those places when they light up. It's a fairly new by- law though.

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Yes, it's totally gross and it's very different than any other gross habit because it is harmful to those around them, especially children. There's no "kind of ok" in this for me.

We had very good friends who smoked and they managed NEVER to do it around my kids. But the fact that he was smoking while pushing his own kid on the swing is probably an indicator that he's not too concerned about kids inhaling his smoke.


I don't care what is PC. It's gross and you shouldn't do it around other people.

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Thanks for clarifying -- I was picturing a big park with walking trails, sports fields, maybe a picnic area or a gazebo or something, plus a kids' playground area, so I didn't think the smoking was too big a deal. If the entire park consists of the playground area, I think it's pretty tacky for people to smoke there when they will be right next to the kids the entire time. I'm surprised there aren't any No Smoking signs there!

This is what I was thinking. Playground areas usually have a "no smoking on the playground" policy, but you may step away from the play area, still in view of it, and smoke. Parks to me always include a walking trail and communal grassy area at minimum.

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