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Used up my snark at the park today (dog poop rant)


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I was at the park this morning with my friend and our three preschool boys. A 40ish woman walked up from the affluent neighborhood bordering the park with her two poodles. As she made her way around the park, her dogs peed on a bunch of things. Our boys smiled and called out, "Doggies!" Then she walked around the sidewalk behind us and I stopped paying attention. My friend, however, saw the dogs poop in the grass right next to the sidewalk that runs through the grassy area right next to the playground. The woman kept walking. My friend turned to me and sighed, "Nice. She didn't clean up after them."


Blame the pregnancy hormones or maybe I was just feeling particularly bold today, but I called after her, "Really? You're just going to leave it there?" The woman turned and looked at me. "The dog poop? You're going to leave it?" She played dumb and said, "Huh?" I repeated, "You're really going to leave dog poop right there where kids play?" She turned and walked quickly away. Then came the snark, "Thanks for the mess for our kids to run through!"


I'm sick of stumbling across dog poop at our local playground. Seriously ADULTS, clean up after your pet. Bring a bag, or if you forget them somehow, maybe you could be creative and use some of the myriad sticks and large leaves all around you to transfer it to the trash can! You could even ask the moms with a large box of tissues and wipes sitting on the table next to them if you're really desperate.


Rant over!

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Yuck. We are seriously considering adopting a golden retriever, which will be our first family dog. (Dh and I both had dogs in our families as kids, but we've never had our own.) One of the things I have looked into is how to clean up after him/her on walks. I have OCD, and I was originally thinking of carrying one of those claw-type things that scoops up the poop. But then I saw some bags that are extra thick at the bottom; you sort of stick your hand in, pick up the poop, then turn it inside out and close it. Might not be too horrible. Dh was teasing me that I'll wear surgical gloves and use three bags at a time! But I wanted to know what we'd have to do. I'm trying to be prepared. :-)

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I used up my scathing glares on a dog owner today as well. :glare: :glare: :glare: :glare: :glare:


When I go for my morning walk it is not OK to extend your dog lead to allow your dog to go round and round my legs and try and trip me up, then after I hop off the path and say you go on ahead, it does not mean to then unclip the and let the dog run around and around me yapping. while you walk ahead to enjoy the blissful morning. If you weren't watching me so closely I would have given your 'precious doggy" a swift kick. If I wanted to go waking with a dog I would have brought my own. I did point out the dog on lead sign, and remind the person that that part of the beach walk has signs up for dog bait for foxes.

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I SO understand.


We have a nice lot in the middle of town. We pay a metric ton of taxes, perhaps the highest or second highest for a residential in this town. Wanna know how many people walk their dog here and let them poop in my yard?


Yes, they are too good to clean up after their dog doo, and so therefore, with all these taxes we pay, it is MY husband's job to not only clean up after our dog, but theirs, too.


I have yelled out my door, and called them on it right there. I have put up signs that were more than snarky. One ignoramous would let his dog OFF leash (illegal) early in the morning when no one could see and let his dog run all over our yards and never clean it up. I totally called him on it.


I don't think that's being snarky, that's saying something to an ignorant person who thinks they are entitled to let their dog mess public spaces.

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My brother had a problem with a neighbor constantly letting his dog go in his front yard and not picking up after it. After telling the man several times to pick it up with no success, he bagged it and walked it to his house, rang the bell and handed him the bag saying, "You left this in my yard. I'm bringing it back to you very nicely. Next time I will throw it against your door."

The neighbor avoided my brother's yard forever more. :)

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I used up my scathing glares on a dog owner today as well. :glare: :glare: :glare: :glare: :glare:


When I go for my morning walk it is not OK to extend your dog lead to allow your dog to go round and round my legs and try and trip me up, then after I hop off the path and say you go on ahead, it does not mean to then unclip the and let the dog run around and around me yapping. while you walk ahead to enjoy the blissful morning. If you weren't watching me so closely I would have given your 'precious doggy" a swift kick. If I wanted to go waking with a dog I would have brought my own. I did point out the dog on lead sign, and remind the person that that part of the beach walk has signs up for dog bait for foxes.


still would've. Once a dog when I was a teen got out, some fluffy little ankle biter thing, and ran into the garage and attempted to corner me. The owners were leisurely strolling down the street. I kicked the dog. Not hard enough that it went flying but enough that it knew I wasn't an "easy mark." The owners got pissed. I didn't care. I told them to follow the da*n law and leash their dog.

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Good for you! Maybe she was a jerk this time, but next time she might just remember to stuff one of those little doggie-doo bags in her pocket on the way out the door.


A friend and I meet regularly with the kids at a local park, and the kids are constantly having to dodge dog-piles if they want to play in the grass. We started bringing empty plastic bags in our park bags. We've each chased down a dog owner or two, saying "Excuse me! Excuse me, sir! Looks like you forgot your bag. Here's one so that you can go pick up after your dog." Each time the owner has had the grace to look embarrassed and go back to clean up. (One guy had his dogs off leash, and had no clue--or pretended he hadn't, anyway--that the dog had pooped next to the slide, so I had to show it to him. Uuuuuuggghhh.) Then whoever chased after the dog owner gets a "You go, girl!" from the other. :p


So here you go: You GO, girl!



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I was at the park this morning with my friend and our three preschool boys. A 40ish woman walked up from the affluent neighborhood bordering the park with her two poodles. As she made her way around the park, her dogs peed on a bunch of things. Our boys smiled and called out, "Doggies!" Then she walked around the sidewalk behind us and I stopped paying attention. My friend, however, saw the dogs poop in the grass right next to the sidewalk that runs through the grassy area right next to the playground. The woman kept walking. My friend turned to me and sighed, "Nice. She didn't clean up after them."


Blame the pregnancy hormones or maybe I was just feeling particularly bold today, but I called after her, "Really? You're just going to leave it there?" The woman turned and looked at me. "The dog poop? You're going to leave it?" She played dumb and said, "Huh?" I repeated, "You're really going to leave dog poop right there where kids play?" She turned and walked quickly away. Then came the snark, "Thanks for the mess for our kids to run through!"


I'm sick of stumbling across dog poop at our local playground. Seriously ADULTS, clean up after your pet. Bring a bag, or if you forget them somehow, maybe you could be creative and use some of the myriad sticks and large leaves all around you to transfer it to the trash can! You could even ask the moms with a large box of tissues and wipes sitting on the table next to them if you're really desperate.


Rant over!


I don't blame you. Really. Take care of your stupid dogs! I want to say it too, though I've never had opportunity, except for the dumb guy letting his enormous dog run loose, right at my kid when she was in a stroller. I screamed at him to call off his horse.


She's afraid of dogs STILL to this day, after than incident.

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Good for you! I hate it when people do that.


But once, I was walking along the road up to the elementary school to pick my sn preschoolers up. My dog stopped to relieve herself on the way. I cleaned it up into a bag and tied it all up. Then I decided I didn't want to take dog poo into a room of sn 3yos. I mean the kids touched everything and tried to put everything in their mouths. So I left the bag under a tree, knowing I'd be back to pick it up in 15 min. Some woman stopped her car in the road and screamed at me for not picking up after my dog. If I'd just left the poo in a pile, she never would have noticed. Sometimes you just can't win.

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I've decided the dog poo my neigbors leave is no longer a big deal. It's the horse poo that I'm having trouble with now. :blink: Seriously. We have a few farms near us and apparently some like to ride their horses through our neighborhood and on our sidewalks. The horses make a mess and the riders keep on going and don't come back to pick it up. It's way more disgusting that the little pile of dog stuff others have left behind.

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We have people walk their dogs INSIDE our church's playground fence. I've found piles of poo right next to the equipment. People just have no idea!


What are people thinking? When I taught jr. high I saw a man pull into our school parking lot and let his dog out to run around our playground and poop in the grass DURING SCHOOL HOURS! Dog poop + random strange guy trespassing was super stupid.


When I was pregnant with DS I subbed for the K class. One of the boys stepped in dog poop on the playground, so guess who got to clean it while trying not to puke? Ugh. It's bad enough when you're not 5 mo. pregnant! At least it was time for music class so I could drop the kids off and spend the next 20 min. trying to dig it out of the tread with a stick. The boy was mortified that I took his shoe into the girls' bathroom. :)

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Good for you! I hate it when people do that.


But once, I was walking along the road up to the elementary school to pick my sn preschoolers up. My dog stopped to relieve herself on the way. I cleaned it up into a bag and tied it all up. Then I decided I didn't want to take dog poo into a room of sn 3yos. I mean the kids touched everything and tried to put everything in their mouths. So I left the bag under a tree, knowing I'd be back to pick it up in 15 min. Some woman stopped her car in the road and screamed at me for not picking up after my dog. If I'd just left the poo in a pile, she never would have noticed. Sometimes you just can't win.


Sorry you got yelled at! If I saw someone leaving a bag after bagging it, I would actually guess they were coming back because it seems like an odd thing to bother bagging it and not take it!

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Yuck. We are seriously considering adopting a golden retriever, which will be our first family dog. (Dh and I both had dogs in our families as kids, but we've never had our own.) One of the things I have looked into is how to clean up after him/her on walks. I have OCD, and I was originally thinking of carrying one of those claw-type things that scoops up the poop. But then I saw some bags that are extra thick at the bottom; you sort of stick your hand in, pick up the poop, then turn it inside out and close it. Might not be too horrible. Dh was teasing me that I'll wear surgical gloves and use three bags at a time! But I wanted to know what we'd have to do. I'm trying to be prepared. :-)


Personally, I think the thick bags are better. The claw thing has to be carried around dirty and cleaned at some point. I really hate poop, but my grandma has the thick bags and they work well and aren't too gross for me.

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I've decided the dog poo my neigbors leave is no longer a big deal. It's the horse poo that I'm having trouble with now. :blink: Seriously. We have a few farms near us and apparently some like to ride their horses through our neighborhood and on our sidewalks. The horses make a mess and the riders keep on going and don't come back to pick it up. It's way more disgusting that the little pile of dog stuff others have left behind.


Oh, ick. I guess we're lucky that our horse-riding neighbors are considerate. They clean up after their animals, and one girl came to my door to apologize that her horse had taken a few steps onto our yard and nabbed a few crabapples. I assured her that he was welcome to as many apples as she would allow him to have, and I do see them out there now and then, having a snack.


The deer, on the other hand, are complete slobs. Haven't figured out a way to make them more accountable for their actions. But I still don't have the heart to kick them out of my woodshed on the coldest days.

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My brother had a problem with a neighbor constantly letting his dog go in his front yard and not picking up after it. After telling the man several times to pick it up with no success, he bagged it and walked it to his house, rang the bell and handed him the bag saying, "You left this in my yard. I'm bringing it back to you very nicely. Next time I will throw it against your door." The neighbor avoided my brother's yard forever more. :)

:hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:

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I've decided the dog poo my neigbors leave is no longer a big deal. It's the horse poo that I'm having trouble with now. :blink: Seriously. We have a few farms near us and apparently some like to ride their horses through our neighborhood and on our sidewalks. The horses make a mess and the riders keep on going and don't come back to pick it up. It's way more disgusting that the little pile of dog stuff others have left behind.




That's terrible. Why are they riding on sidewalks anyway?

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