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How should I handle this? update - got my money back


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I wanted to give my dh a flat screen tv for Christmas. The rescue that we adopted our dog from was having an online auction to raise money for their rehab fund, and a tv was one of the items, a donation from Best Buy. I thought it would be great to get that tv and have the money go to the rescue, so I bid and won the auction. It closed 12/11, and I paid through PayPal. The rescue treasurer contacted me that day for my address. I had assumed I would go to my local Best Buy to pick it up, but they said they already had it in their possession, but in a neighboring state. They tried to figure out transport through volunteers but on 12/17 I got an email saying they couldn't arrange transport and would ship it to me. On 12/20, I sent an email asking when it might arrive and offering to help pay shipping. I never got an answer. On 12/24 I sent an email asking for some word on what was happening with it and saying that I had wanted it for Christmas. I got an apology the same day saying she would get the tracking number from the volunteer and that it was shipped UPS. On 12/28 I sent an email asking for word about it, and the treasurer copied me on an email to the volunteer who supposedly sent it. Since then I have had no word. What should I do, keeping in mind that I do not have a confrontational personality? I don't know if it was actually shipped or not. The volunteer may have gone away for the holidays or something. But I am not happy. This was my only Christmas present for my dh and it is way more $ than I have ever spent on a present before.

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Guest inoubliable

I'd call treasurer. Email them, I guess, if you're uncomfortable with making that phone call. Either way, you need to tell them that it's been a month and you need a tracking number today. You may have to call them out publicly. Facebook page post, maybe.

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Pushy how? What should I do?


Multiple phone calls and emails to various people up to the organization president. Explain clearly and politely the situation and state that you do expect a tracking number today so that you can find out where your item is (it should have been insured as well for an item that expensive). If the item was lost, then you email again stating that you will expect a refund asap. Also if you paid for it through paypal, then start a claim if they can't provide you with a tracking number at all.

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I agree with all the advice. Getting assertive simply means not letting go. Keep contacting various people. Every day! By email, snail mail, and telephone. Be pleasant and persistent, persistent, persistent. Politeness, firmness, and persistence go a long ways in getting things resolved.

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No more being polite. YOu call and call and tell them you will show up on their door. Print out all of the e-mails as proof/receipt of the monies you gave.


They are either stupid or fraudulent.


If you don't get an answer today, then start the process with paypal.


They may regret doing the raffle, that it was more than they bargained for, but that is not your problem-do NOT let them spin you around. Keep telling them that that is not your problem, you paid the $, you've been more than patient and either want a refund or your product. Fullstop.


THere have been may times I was on the phone with a manager telling them, "That is not my problem, that is YOUR problem and I want my product."

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I tend to sound witchy when I'm upset, so I've changed my dynamic to apologetic and please can you help me. Not push me over type, but gosh, I'm upset and feel uncomfortable with having to make this call, but... this was going to be my dh's present. I wanted to help your organization. Now I'm feeling like I've wasted my money and I really need to get this resolved today. Can you either give me a valid tracking number, I'm online I can look it up right now, or I'd like to refund. Imagine yourself smiling while saying those words. Good luck, how frustrating.

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Ok, I just wrote this email:


I have also copied the volunteer since I have her email from your previous message. It has been almost a month since I paid for this TV. Because it did not arrive before Christmas, I had no present for my husband. I don't even know if it was shipped or when! I have always thought that ***** was a very well-organized group, but this experience is making me doubt that. I need some resolution before this Friday 12/4, or I will open a dispute with PayPal. Thank you.


How is that?

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I wouldn't give them that long. I would file by end of business day TODAY.


Exactly... the OP is being too nice. It's drawn out long enough. There is a reason my husband has me take care of all customer service issues...I worked CS long enough for large companies. I am well aware of what is and isn't acceptable.

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Exactly... the OP is being too nice. It's drawn out long enough. There is a reason my husband has me take care of all customer service issues...I worked CS long enough for large companies. I am well aware of what is and isn't acceptable.

I wouldn't use the word "nice". no offense to OP, but pushover comes to mind . . . . .

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I wouldn't use the word "nice". no offense to OP, but pushover comes to mind . . . . .


None taken, but I must handle things within the framework of who I am, or I'll be upset about that too. Normally, I would talk to dh about things like this, but he obviously doesn't know anything about this.


Thanks for the help!

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You've done everything right. It is so frustrating when you are dealing with a charitable organization and end up in this kind of position! Keeping my fingers crossed that there have just been some mix-ups and the t.v. shows up at your door today!

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Sent my email...got an almost immediate response that seemed like backtracking and covering to me. Not too happy about that, but she said she would refund my money if I didn't have the tv or a tracking number by Friday.


you know - backtracking is right and I would have absolutely no confidence in either of them happening without further prodding. and even if you do get a tracking number it does NOT mean it has shipped.

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You do realize you can use PayPal as an advocate for this transaction? Contact them and get them to mediate. It usually works quickly. Also sounds like there were too many "hands in the soup pot" for volunteers making the raffle prize more complicated. If anything, PayPal can give you your $$ back.


ETA: OP, you need to edit your date in the email sent? You listed it as last month: 12/4. HTH

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The whole thing sounds really fishy somehow. If BestBuy donated the TV, why would a volunteer be shipping it?


I understand being non-confrontational. What is the deadline for contacting PayPal? I would be worried that if the TV arrives after the deadline -- or close to it -- and then, if there is something wrong with it, that you could have a problem getting your money back or even making an exchange at Best Buy. What does your receipt look like -- does it show a charitable contribution or is the receipt for a TV?


In your shoes, I would be trying to stop the whole transaction asap. My main worry would be that the clock runs out on the PayPal transaction.

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According to your op, it was shipped by UPS before 12/24. Why is it going to take them two more days to give you a tracking number?? If it was shipped before Christmas, why can't they immediately give you the tracking number? I wouldn't give them anymore time. I'd file a dispute with paypal today.

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I think you should have filed today too, though I don't know that you can really do that now since you did give them a Friday deadline.


And I'd consider involving Best Buy. Not because Best Buy will likely do anything for you, but they did donate the TV and this organization will likely solicit donations from them in the future. They need to know that their donations are being improperly handled.

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You do realize you can use PayPal as an advocate for this transaction? Contact them and get them to mediate. It usually works quickly. Also sounds like there were too many "hands in the soup pot" for volunteers making the raffle prize more complicated. If anything, PayPal can give you your $$ back.


ETA: OP, you need to edit your date in the email sent? You listed it as last month: 12/4. HTH


Thanks for catching that!

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I think you should have filed today too, though I don't know that you can really do that now since you did give them a Friday deadline.


And I'd consider involving Best Buy. Not because Best Buy will likely do anything for you, but they did donate the TV and this organization will likely solicit donations from them in the future. They need to know that their donations are being improperly handled.


I totally agree...nothing like negative publicity to seriously light a fire under someone's behind to do the right thing.

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I just got an email from the treasurer. She said that the vp is going to the neighboring state this weekend and will get the tv and bring it to me. So it was never shipped, obviously. It sounds to me like it was the volunteer who dropped the ball on this. Thanks for your input!

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You could contact paypal and let them know what the circumstances are. They will honor letting you handle it it until you give them the go ahead. Also, they let me know what was the last possible date I had until I had to offically let them handle it. I had to do this with something on ebay.


I agree. I'm concerned about the amount of runaround you've gotten and how that will impact your ability to file a claim/dispute via paypal.

I would file, and let them know what is going on - and that you are concerned your window to file is going to close.

I am skeptical about sending someone to a neighboring state to pick up something. how does that get it to you? are they going to deliver it to your doorstep? when?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got my money back.


But you all were right. I got the email saying the vice president would pick it up and contact me, and then I never heard from her. I then emailed the one person I've met personally and outlined the story and asked her if she could help. She responded immediately to me, said she was sorry, and had contacted the board and I would be hearing from them. Then, nothing. I knew exactly when the deadline was with PayPal, so I emailed and said I wanted them to refund my money, and I called PayPal at the same time and started the dispute. I never heard back from the rescue but I got my money refunded that day.


I'm sad that it worked out this way - I was trying to do something wonderful for my dh for Christmas and help the rescue at the same time, and instead I've had a month and a half of stress. And I'm left wondering if there ever actually was a TV.


I see now that when I got the email that struck me as backtracking, I should have filed the dispute right then. I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Live and learn I guess.


Tomorrow I'm going to go buy my dh a TV at Sam's Club, and we're going to have a second Christmas.

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I am so glad that your news is good and PayPal gave you the money back. Has the dispute actually been settles in your favor, or do you have any more paperwork? Just asking, because sometimes credit cards companies will refund, but then the merchant can dispute the dispute, so to speak. I don't know how PayPal works.


Thank you for updating. Believe it or not, I have been worried about you. It is awful to have to pursue people the way you did. You did a great job!

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I'm really happy that you were on top of the date you can make a claim by. Just imagine if you hadn't done it in time... I would honestly STILL be calling up the organization (frankly I'd call the VP directly since he was involved in this) to express my anger. If you hadn't filed the dispute that day, you'd be out hundreds of dollars right now. This is beyond a mistake - it sounds like they were deliberately trying to take advantage of people. Otherwise why would they have lied? Oh, it's been shipped. Oh, the VP is bringing it over. Oh, we'll get you a tracking number. They were trying to string you along for as long as possible. I know from your end it's done now, but you need to get mad, they shouldn't get away with this kind of thing.

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