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I found a drawing in DD's math book.

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It was inside the back cover. It was a face with mean eyebrows and a big mouth with jagged teeth.


There was a conversation bubble with the words "blah, blah, blah" inside.


And under the picture was one simple word to title this masterpiece: Mom



Well, at least you now know that she thinks of you as a teacher. ;)


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It was inside the back cover. It was a face with mean eyebrows and a big mouth with jagged teeth.


There was a conversation bubble with the words "blah, blah, blah" inside.


And under the picture was one simple word to title this masterpiece: Mom




You plucked your eyebrows and made an appointment with your dentist?





Nice that you're being such a good sport about it. We do have to laugh at ourselves, don't we!?

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Btdt! One time we were having a bad day and dd6 drew a picture of her and I holding hands...sounds sweet, huh? Well, it had me with a mean face and her with huge tears falling down her face! That made me feel real special that day!!


I've heard that mean moms are the best moms!!!

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It was inside the back cover. It was a face with mean eyebrows and a big mouth with jagged teeth.


There was a conversation bubble with the words "blah, blah, blah" inside.


And under the picture was one simple word to title this masterpiece: Mom



:lol::lol: I have similar little artists at my home as well!



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She and my dd could get along. We often find drawings of various family members that indicate how dd felt about them at the particular moment of drawing. The Daddy drawings are almost always positive, her brother drawings are rarely so, and the Mommy drawings range wildly! ;)

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One time my kids tooks one of my pictures and drew in extra-bushy eyebrows, a goatee, and extra large glasses!


I've also found notes that my kids have passed on to each other.


My middle daughter wrote once in her Latin notebook:




More Latin


Loads of Latin


Tons of Latin


Worlds of Latin


A Universe of Latin


That was a keeper! :D

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It was inside the back cover. It was a face with mean eyebrows and a big mouth with jagged teeth.


There was a conversation bubble with the words "blah, blah, blah" inside.


And under the picture was one simple word to title this masterpiece: Mom



Yeah-there's a big "I HATE MATH" drawn on the bottom of my dd's desk. :glare:


My ds found it and ratted her out.:)


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It was inside the back cover. It was a face with mean eyebrows and a big mouth with jagged teeth.


There was a conversation bubble with the words "blah, blah, blah" inside.


And under the picture was one simple word to title this masterpiece: Mom



Oh.my.goodness. This whole thread has me rolling. That is so funny!

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a rather unflattering caricature my oldest son had drawn of his Sunday School teacher. As he showed it to me and dh, he very sincerely said, "If you need any help in dealing with this, just let one of us know."


I was really confused because I just wasn't very upset about it. We did have a talk with ds about respect for authority. But ds is a very talented artist, and it really was a good drawing ..... if only he hadn't left it where someone could find it.

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My oldest once made a little book when he was about 4. Each page had a sentence and a little picture of the action

Page one: Daddy cooks. Page two: Daddy works. Page three Daddy "vacooms." Page four Momma is sick.

Complete with a little stick me in bed with a big belly.


I was very pregnant at the time and that is my excuse. And honestly, I didn't spend that much time in bed nor did DH do much cooking and cleaning. I still have that little book.

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I've come across a number of less-than-enthusiastic cartoons in my boys' notebooks. Ahem. And the other day during church I was happily eyeing my 5 year old taking notes. "What bright fellow! How well he writes already!" His note read: I hat (sic) church day. Apparently venting his frustration because we wouldn't let him sit next to his friend during the service.:001_rolleyes:

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Page one: Daddy cooks. Page two: Daddy works. Page three Daddy "vacooms." Page four Momma is sick.

Complete with a little stick me in bed with a big belly.



I thought this was so funny I tried to rep you. "It" wouldn't let me. I must have repped you in the middle of the night, because I don't remember. Oh well.

Very funny!

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When my oldest child (14) wrote a nasty little rant about me in her notebook and I found it, I tore it out and hung it up on the refrigerator with a special sign that said "[Child's] Creative Writing." I made sure to point it out to all our guests. After a few days, she said something to me about it and we talked about why I had labeled it "creative writing." I said that it was an example of her indulging in a "poor me" fantasy about how awful I was that had little truth to it. I told her she certainly has a right to her feelings but that wallowing in fabricated misery is a waste of time and energy. I also reminded her that if she wants her writing kept private (she accused me of snooping), she shouldn't leave her notebook open on top of her laundry pile.



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