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Tell me I bought enough gifts


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We're doing a modest Christmas this year. We did promise a trip to Harry Potterland but the kids know they are not getting a ton of gifts this year. Unlike previous years. Anyway, I am just now wrapping the gifts, and looking at their little piles...sigh. There just isnt the WOW factor. I know, I am being silly. And I have to admit, their stocking stuffers are AWESOME this year-thinking putty, head scratchers, fake rattlesnake eggs, gag nail through finger, headphones for ipod, candy ,electric toothbrushes. So I know they will be thrilled with their stockings.


But for their main gifts...older got an NHL Wii Game and a mini slaphockey game. Younger got a lava lamp and Just Dance 4 for Wii. As a joint present we got them Epic Mickey 2.


My mom is getting them each a great gift, as is my father. So that's good.


Tell me to not run out and get them a little something else LOL.


ETA I also told them this year we were focusing on helping people who didnt have as much, and we spent the morning organizing toiletry bags as gifts.

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We are doing the same thing this year, so you know where I'm coming from. :)


You got them enough!


We only did one gift this year, for all four kids to share...and, I'm feeling a little anxious about that right now. I hope they like it. LOL!


Enjoy your Christmas and remember, it really is more fun to give. Kids seem to catch on to that easier than adults do.

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I do my best to prepare my kids. I don't want them to expect more and be disappointed. They've seen the wrapped gifts (4 each and, yes, they are small). I think/hope they will be pleasantly surprised on Christmas day. This is very different from my experiences growing up--my parents went all out for Christmas--but we just can't do that kind of giving. It's hard for me honestly.

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It's plenty! We did the same this year and have a similar amount of presents for the kids from us, plus some clothes that they needed anyway.


ETA: One of my questions is always whether or not there's something to play with on Christmas afternoon and they clearly have enough in that department, so I wouldn't fret at all.

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It is plenty. I just went through the same panic an hour ago. Because DS is getting a bigger gift this year, there are fewer... he only has three things under the tree, DH and I each have one. All the packages are small too, so that doesn't help. I had to talk myself out of hitting the store for just a couple more things. :grouphug:

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I'm with you. This year most of our christmas budget went to sending gifts to orphans in the Congo.... I feel really good about it, but I am still a little disappointed when I see the small gifts my kids got. They don't need much, and I know we did the right thing. But, Sigh.


I think my kids understand .I mean, we talk at church all the time about a group of homeless people who gather at a bridge near church, and we make food and things for them. I think my kids, certainly my older one, is old enough to understand that others have more need for "gifts" than they do. My older didn't even ask for very much, either. I grew up having a ridiculously extravagant christmas (no focus on others, however) and I think I just need to recognize we do things differently. That's okay.

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I do my best to prepare my kids. I don't want them to expect more and be disappointed. They've seen the wrapped gifts (4 each and, yes, they are small). I think/hope they will be pleasantly surprised on Christmas day. This is very different from my experiences growing up--my parents went all out for Christmas--but we just can't do that kind of giving. It's hard for me honestly.

Yes, my parents did too. I mean, ridiculous numbers of gifts. It wasn''t even that they were particularly valuable or wanted gifts; my mom just liked to have an overflowing tree, kwim? We definitely don't do that kind of giving, and my kids know that. We are working towards a simpleeer, less cluttered life, and to go out and buy tons of unneccesary doodads would defeat that.


Right? Right? LOL. Trying to convince myself here.

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We did not do a lot for the kids this year. DD is getting a sewing machine and some crafting stuff. The boys just wanted clothing and running shoes for wrestling. Everything is just so expensive that there is no longer the huge pile under the tree that there used to be when they were small and we are ok with that.


DD and I had a great day on Friday going to buy and deliver presents for a needy family, with baby #4 due any day now, I work with so all those little ones would have a Christmas. It was better than anything I could have done for my own kids.

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My kids don't get a lot either, we only do 3 gifts each. I did get them nice thngs, BUT I used cc points and B&N coupons for most of it.

Dd1-instamax camera paid w/points, duct tap kit paid w/points. Snap circuts are the only thing I paid for. I would have been able to get these for 40% off had MIL told me she didn't get these.

Ds- 2 lego kits and Hobbit figure set bought at 30-40% off with coupons.

Dd2- ikea doll bed, Leap Pad for $50, and a ukele.

I spent under $100 for each kid. This is not usually the case. Oh i did buy a game (w/coupon) and the magic schoolbus vds to share.

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We went from overflowing to realistic this year as well. My mom did the all out thing too. But it just makes no sense to me now. So much got tossed or not cared about within just a month. My oldest couldn't even write a list because there was just nothing she really wanted.

So under the tree were 4 gifts each. And 2 more each from relatives. Not a big deal. Tomorrow is what I'm worried about. They know it won't be as much, but if they really get that, I don't know. Their combined gift is, no lie, a yard of dirt. A pile. Some good shovels, and good buckets. They will use the fire out of them even if it doesn't look like a gift. But there are bows on all of it. Then inside they will find a Lego set and pajamas and a cozy pillow. And board games. 1 each.

I'm thrilled with the final outcome... No wasting money just to look impressive. But I admit it's a tough transition.

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I'm with you! I told my children we were getting one family gift this year. We surprised them last week with guinea pigs and they've said "This is the best gift ever!" in the last few days. Will they still think so on Christmas morning when there's nothing to unwrap?


We don't give them gifts because they have 3 sets of grandparents that go overboard. They'll be fine.

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As the kids get older, I feel sad that there aren't piles under the tree. Each kid got 6 gifts, 3 of which were books. And I just realized their stockings are woefully lacking. Ugh. Nothing I can do about it now, I guess.

It's enough.

The kids are going to get a scavenger hunt each leading to an ipad my mom got for them. It's way, way over the top. But she's missing my dad (we all are!) and this makes her feel a bit better.

I also realized that my little man only got one thing on his Santa list and he still believes.

I feel so scatterbrained these days. What was I thinking?! (I know what I was thinking. All I've been thinking is that I miss my dad. *sigh*)

So, I'm telling myself it'll be okay. It'll be okay. It'll be okay.

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We usually do about what you did this year, and they are fine. We also don't have grandparents that go overboard. My parents give them $10 each, and dh's parents put $20 in an account for them for college.


This year, however, we had some extra money and they are getting an excellent Christmas :). It's what I always wanted growing up.


My siblings and I usually got 1 or 2 presents and no stocking and no extended family giving us anything. I remember one year my mom wrapped a pattern for a dress with a promise to make it and my sister gave me a pastel yellow sweatshirt. I hate pastel and wearing dresses.

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We're doing a modest Christmas this year. We did promise a trip to Harry Potterland but the kids know they are not getting a ton of gifts this year. Unlike previous years. Anyway, I am just now wrapping the gifts, and looking at their little piles...sigh. There just isnt the WOW factor. I know, I am being silly. And I have to admit, their stocking stuffers are AWESOME this year-thinking putty, head scratchers, fake rattlesnake eggs, gag nail through finger, headphones for ipod, candy ,electric toothbrushes. So I know they will be thrilled with their stockings.

But for their main gifts...older got an NHL Wii Game and a mini slaphockey game. Younger got a lava lamp and Just Dance 4 for Wii. As a joint present we got them Epic Mickey 2.

My mom is getting them each a great gift, as is my father. So that's good.

Tell me to not run out and get them a little something else LOL.

ETA I also told them this year we were focusing on helping people who didnt have as much, and we spent the morning organizing toiletry bags as gifts.



Do the poor dears have empty bedrooms because they just don't have enough stuff? ;-)


I'd much rather do a trip and just get them a few token gifts. My kids are finally old enough to go for it, so maybe next year.

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Reporting back (hope others do too)...

It went fine. We played the board games together, built one of the Lego sets together. Truthfully, that's what oldest dd craves is time doing something (somehow living and school isn't the same) together. It soothes her. Their stockings were great. Mostly because 90% of them are traditions. Chapstick, always a slinky, toothbrush, toothpaste, Kleenex....they thought the toothpaste was missing and hunted it! So that was the big lesson for me so far...traditions matter to them. And since none of them were big, I can keep them going.

The dirt...even though we are having horrible storms....was not a big "ooooo wooow!" but guess where one of them has been most of the morning? On the patio, moving dirt.

Looking at the morning I don't know that there was anything else I wish I could give them. I'm glad we've all played together.

I did start a Christmas list for next year on my phone. Things I wish I would have thought of earlier or would be easier bought earlier.

They didnt have less awe at the drastic pile size difference either.

So all in all...a successful downsize!

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Reporting back (hope others do too)...



We tried for more modest this year, too, and I also think it went well.


Everyone seemed happy with each gift they got. I think, final count, there were six items under the tree for each of the two kids, plus four or five for each of the adults. Two of the packages for each kid were books. One each was a DVD. Each one got a storage tub packed with hobby stuff as the "big gift" and a couple of small, fun things in between.


We've already attacked and played a couple of the card games my son got in his stocking, and he and my husband are into their second hour playing the Wii Lego Lord of the Rings game. The plan is to have dinner at about 6:00 and then watch one of the new movies.


It's been a lovely, unhurried, reasonably low-stress kind of day. I'm hoping we can keep it at this level in succeeding years!

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