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Hunger Games author lives in Newtown, CT


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I think the Hunger Games is as relevant to this tragedy as Hansel and Gretel. Ever read King Lear? Now there is a dark tale!


And Hamlet! And I had a sample bite of a day old Danish at the coffee shop this morning... duh.. duh... duh!



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I wasn't expecting humor/kilts, etc.


Really, the fact that a very celebrated author writes about young people killing young people for our reading pleasure, and then this horrible mass murder of mostly children happens in her own hometown and no one thinks there's anything worth discussing?


I'm sorry, but driving through CT once isn't exactly the same to me as someone writing books about kids killing other kids.







Have you read the books?

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A few years ago, I was in the same room as Stephen Baldwin. (And Maria Ho, but she's only known among poker geeks).



I had to look up which Baldwin he is. He's the other one. :p

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Ok, well here is a fun six degrees of separation.....


I once worked with a guy who worked for Bobby Flay. So it's like I worked with Bobby Flay!!


(I'm a little bored.)


I have no idea who that is. And I don't like bacon. :leaving:


But I have a picture of me and Al Roker! (back when he was still on tv.) I went to Hollywood and that was the only famous person I saw. It was also the last time I saw gas at $0.95/gallon.

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I wonder where Stephen King lives.


There are plenty of horror writers and have been for a very long time.



I recently discovered that I live in the same town as a popular YA writer. I only found out accidentally. The author keeps a low profile and I wouldn't be surprised if the same is true for suzanne collins (had wrong author).

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What is "dlrow" suppose to mean? (world backwards.) Or is a gullible test?


Nope, not a guillibilty thing at all.


It is part of a cognitive test for neurological issues.


My DD has epilepsy and docs usually ask something like this to see how her thinking is after seizures (post-ictally). Another one they ask if for her to count backwards from 100 by sevens.



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Nope, not a guillibilty thing at all. It is part of a cognitive test for neurological issues. My DD has epilepsy and docs usually ask something like this to see how her thinking is after seizures (post-ictally). Another one they ask if for her to count backwards from 100 by sevens. HTH


Yikes, I couldn't count down from 100 by 7s! Hmmm....okay, maybe I can, but it'd be really slow...

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My sister went to the same college as Stephen King. She was a freshman his senior year. But she did not turn into an axe murderer or anything. So never mind.


My college welcomed Clyde Edgerton when he was kicked out of a Baptist University for writing and publishing Raney.


He became my creative writing Professor for a semester.


He lost my folder of work. (this was before computers and saved documents).

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Nope, not a guillibilty thing at all.


It is part of a cognitive test for neurological issues.


My DD has epilepsy and docs usually ask something like this to see how her thinking is after seizures (post-ictally). Another one they ask if for her to count backwards from 100 by sevens.




I must have neurological issues because I think I would struggle counting FORWARD to 100 by 7s even without seizures, going backwards, I would be like "100, 93...um, uh...this is stupid I quit"

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I must have neurological issues because I think I would struggle counting FORWARD to 100 by 7s even without seizures, going backwards, I would be like "100, 93...um, uh...this is stupid I quit"


I used to have to do this at my specialist and I always wondered if healthy people would be able to. I thought it was dumb.

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Yikes, I couldn't count down from 100 by 7s! Hmmm....okay, maybe I can, but it'd be really slow...


Spelling world backwards ain't that easy either! LOL


Once in 2011 in the ER, they asked who who the president was about 5 times. She said Obama but in such a monotone way I knew it meant nothing to her and that she was probably going to seize again.


So I said ask her something different. They asked, "Who's the governor?"


She said, "Pataki." He was Gov. 1995-2006.


I said she's not doing good. They said most kids her age don't know the Gov.


She started seizing again about 15 minutes later. I KNEW she wasn't doing good!

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I think this entire thread is extremely mean-spirited. You all sound like a pack of snotty junior high girls.


Just quit it.


nah, I have a snotty junior high girl in the house. She sounds more like a deranged chipmunk. (she has a bad head cold right now that has made her "snotty" and attacked her vocal cords, hense the chipmunk voice, combine that with the raging hormones of a 13 yr old girl and you get deranged chipmunk). I have spent as much time pampering her for the cold as laughing at her for the voice. Try as she might she can not have a proper hissy fit with that voice, it has no effect other than to induce laughter from all around her.


what was my point???




Oh yeah, I don't hear any deranged chipmunks in this thread, so no snotty junior high girls here.

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I used to have to do this at my specialist and I always wondered if healthy people would be able to. I thought it was dumb.


My thought is that "normal" people(as if they really exist) are the ones that say shut up, I won't do it, and this is stupid lol Because anyone else williing to take the time to figure it out must be crazy. Therefore I am very "normal" and mentally sound. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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I wonder where Stephen King lives. There are plenty of horror writers and have been for a very long time. ETA: I recently discovered that I live in the same town as a popular YA writer. I only found out accidentally. The author keeps a low profile and I wouldn't be surprised if the same is true for suzanne collins (had wrong author).


He lives an hour or so from me.

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I wasn't expecting humor/kilts, etc.


Really, the fact that a very celebrated author writes about young people killing young people for our reading pleasure, and then this horrible mass murder of mostly children happens in her own hometown and no one thinks there's anything worth discussing?


I'm sorry, but driving through CT once isn't exactly the same to me as someone writing books about kids killing other kids.


Clearly you haven't read the books. No, there is nothing worth delving into with that bit of information.

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The topic made me nervous so I decided to attempt to turn it into humor. That doesn't make me snotty.


There's nothing funny about bacon, young lady.

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This website will tell you how many degrees away from Kevin Bacon any actor is if you search for their name. We spent several hours one Christmas break with my dad trying to see if we could beat it. The Oracle of Bacon


I went to school with a kid that was in a movie. I put his name in, his Bacon number is 2, which I guess makes my Bacon number 3. Neato!

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Has this already been brought up here in any of the discussions about the horrible murders at the school?


I haven't heard this in any of the news reports that I've seen either but it seems like something that should be seriously discussed.





I'm in the "there are no silly questions" camp.


I hope I didn't hurt your feelings but participating in this thread.

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Did you actually read the book?






I've been thinking a similar thought when people try and link Mass Effect to it. Have these people actually played Mass Effect? Even if it was Grand Theft Auto and actually played by the killer and not his innocent brother, I still wouldn't link it.


Thanks to everyone who killed any attempt at seriousness in this thread. Please, more bacon, kilts and cupcakes. In that order. I don't like cupcakes.

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I've been thinking a similar thought when people try and link Mass Effect to it. Have these people actually played Mass Effect? Even if it was Grand Theft Auto and actually played by the killer and not his innocent brother, I still wouldn't link it.



I know nothing of Mass Effect, but a brief exposure to Grand Theft Auto leads me to believe it is violent pornography with no redeeming social value. The publishers of this "game" should be ashamed of themselves IMO.


In contrast the Hunger Games (mostly) affirmed positive moral values in very difficult and complicated circumstances. It don't see any equivalence between this book (which deals with serious issues) and the video game (which is absolute trash).



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