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Just for fun... where would you live

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I'd hit the snot out of Australia. Every major city and the Outback. Maybe we'd spend time on some remote Outback station.


To get you started :D




If you are going to dream, dream in detail. :p

You can come wwoof at our place on your way from Melbourne to the Outback.




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To get you started :D




If you are going to dream, dream in detail. :p

You can come wwoof at our place on your way from Melbourne to the Outback.





:lol: If you're going to dream, you may as well dream big. Right?:tongue_smilie:


Rosie, you and I together would likely be cause for some sort of reality show.

Edited by wendilouwho
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:lol: If you're going to dream, you may as well dream big. Right?:tongue_smilie:


Rosie, you and I together would likely be cause for some sort of reality show.


I went to the outback the week before last. :auto:



Wwoofing can be pretty good. My aunt went on a wwoofing holiday up to Queensland for a month and only spent a thousand dollars, which, considering her ute runs on diesel which is horribly expensive, is pretty darn good. Our wwoofers tend not to stay long. For some reason we usually get cute Asian girls in black skinny jeans who freak out a bit at not having an ensuite. We did have an American bloke who spent his whole six weeks in the country here. He'd been in Oz before, so I guess this time he was looking for the personal experience. Come on over some time. You can give my dd reading lessons while I lay about reading novels and eating Tim Tams, your hubby can build my aunt a chook house and the kids can run around getting grotty. It'll be great. :D

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I would leave the UK. I want to live somewhere it doesn't rain heavily 11 months of the year, I am fed up with horrible British weather. Somewhere that has proper seasons but a relatively short winter and beautiful countryside. I don't know where that would be though.


Maybe New Zealand, my neighbours mooved there a few years ago and my dh has relatives out there. Though I don't really know if it would line up with my weather requirements.

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Maine or Montana. I want to live somewhere far less populated, with big wide spaces, and seasons.


Wait a second, really I can't complain. I happen to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world as far as I am concerned and am still centrally located. Close to to the city, close to Big Sur, Monterey, but I live in a moderate size town, so I still get the slow small town feel.

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I would leave the UK. I want to live somewhere it doesn't rain heavily 11 months of the year, I am fed up with horrible British weather.


I guess I know where I am NOT going to live...I already have that here.


But I am on board with not staying in one place too long and house hopping around the world.

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We would travel all over the country in an RV with a home base in the mountains of North Carolina. I love the Blowing Rock/Boone/Linville, North Carolina area.

And if we really want to complete my fantasy we would have a small home somewhere in the Lakes District in England that we stayed at for a few months each year.

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I would leave the UK. I want to live somewhere it doesn't rain heavily 11 months of the year, I am fed up with horrible British weather. Somewhere that has proper seasons but a relatively short winter and beautiful countryside. I don't know where that would be though.


Maybe New Zealand, my neighbours mooved there a few years ago and my dh has relatives out there. Though I don't really know if it would line up with my weather requirements.


We have short winters! And seasons: summer, summer, wildfire season, summer, summer, cedar allergy season, spring floods, back to summer.


The rain is very much like the UK's, except eleven months' worth all comes down in a few days. And if you're lucky, freak hailstorms and tornados! Not dull.


ETA: We think the Central Texas Hill Country is quite beautiful, but then we're comparing it to West Texas.

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I would leave the UK. I want to live somewhere it doesn't rain heavily 11 months of the year, I am fed up with horrible British weather.


I think it's funny that so many people are saying they'd move to the UK! I spent 10 years in a little hamlet on the Norfolk/Suffolk border, with a river in front of the house and miles of farmland behind it. That probably sounds idyllic — and it did to me for, oh, the first 2 months we were there. We moved there in the summer; by midwinter, when it seemed to rain for 2 months straight, and even a "sunny" day was equivalent to about 6 hours of dusk, I was ready to throw myself in the river. After 10 looooong years, when we finally turned over the keys to the new victims... oops, I mean owners, I opened a bottle of champagne!


We also had a 220 yo stone farmhouse in the Dordogne, SW France, and I would go back there in a heartbeat. That was by far my favorite place I've ever lived, even though it had virtually no heat, crazy dangerous wiring, and tempermental plumbing. It was on top of a hill, overlooking 30 acres of rolling meadow and woodland, and I cried for weeks when we sold it. Sometimes I dream about going back there after the kids are grown and gone. :crying:



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Summers in upper peninsula Michigan.


Winters . . . not sure.


Really, though, it's more like I would want to travel EVERYWHERE. I would want to try a new spot every couple years and see the whole world.


WE love the UP of MI!!!


Honestly? I'd summer in my current location. I love it. We're on a lake. We have access to parks with pools and clubs with dining and all.


In the future, dh and I will winter in a warm location. Mexico? Central America? Maybe? FL? I don't know. But, somewhere warm with water nearby!!!

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If money were no object and it was allowed I'd keep our apartment here and buy a private jet to tour the world, keeping this as our home base. The US, France, England, Scotland, Italy, Russia, Australia, everywhere. But I'd always want to come back here.

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DH and I always joke that we're either going to buy an old missile silo in Kansas or buy a decommissioned submarine and sink it in the ground somewhere in Kansas,Nebraska, Oklahoma, or Texas.



ETA: I've never wanted to live in another country, nor have I ever visited one or wanted to visit one.

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Bend, Oregon area in Central Oregon

Over 300 days of sunshine

Great Hospital

Lots of outdoor activities

Portland is a few hours away for anything you can't do in Bend

Day trip to the Ocean

Allergens would be lower because it's higher up in the Mountains.


ETA: I posted on the wrong thread. I meant to post this for the person asking for a great place to live. :) But, I wouldn't mind living there again! I love Central Oregon.

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We have short winters! And seasons: summer, summer, wildfire season, summer, summer, cedar allergy season, spring floods, back to summer.


The rain is very much like the UK's, except eleven months' worth all comes down in a few days. And if you're lucky, freak hailstorms and tornados! Not dull.


ETA: We think the Central Texas Hill Country is quite beautiful, but then we're comparing it to West Texas.


And don't you have that new 85 mph highway? I know a few young men who would like to spend a little time there :D

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U.S.: Park City, Utah in the summer. Beautiful, cultured, in the mountains, close to Salt Lake City and our families. Florida or similar for the winter, because I HATE cold.


Foreign: Rural Italy or France. But I would need the money to fly to Utah at least yearly, because I get really homesick even now, and I only live in Virginia (which is actually quite lovely, but if we could live ANYWHERE...)

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I would live in the same state, but out a bit on a bunch of acres with a helicopter and someone to fly me everywhere because I hate driving or sitting for long periods. And I would have a giant pool with a water slide. And my bathroom would be special. You shut the door, it seals, and it becomes a giant car wash. See? NEver have to clean a bathroom again.


And I would have a huge farm and garden with people to take care of it for me. And a robotic dog to chase away yucky critters because I'm afraid of dogs AND critters.


Don't think I have not thought about this extensively :lol:

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I get road ragey in too much traffic.


*I need a bag-on-head smilie.


So does everyone else who lives here. You'd fit right in. ;):lol:


I think I might want to live with a view of Banff National Park for a while. I'm also in love...really in love...with the Rockies. So, close to Rocky Mountain National Park would do as well.:D

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