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"You're pregnant!"

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This is what I heard my 15yos declare to me before he went to bed tonight. This was my reaction: :001_huh:.


I've never had this happen before. My dc have demanded to know when another baby is coming and informed me last week that I need to "get going on that one, Mom!" Yet none of them have ever said I am expecting.


Here's the crazy thing...tonight we had family pix done and as we were driving away I thought how fun it would be to find out there were actually 12 dc there, not 11.


I really didn't want to think about getting pg right now - not that I wouldn't welcome another little one in a heartbeat but with my nephew coming to stay with us, things would be a bit crazy!


Then again, it would be the first time I would be pg and have a baby in one insurance year which would sure be nice financially, especially considering we've already met our deductible/OOP with our son's hospital stay. I could announce #12 on 12/12/12. I'm done with co-ops and all that until January so the timing is great...drat and darn, I wish he had not said anything!!!


I have a week to wait and see if he is right...it's going to be a long week!


Anyone had something like this happen and your dc was not correct?

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Nope, I haven't, but man you have a lot of little blessings!! I"m saying that in all kindness, really! I have 4 and was 'so done', but I keep finding myself wanting ONE MORE. How do you do it? I just want to know how you grow patience to go through toddlerhood and potty training and sleepless nights even more.

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DS1 started asking for a baby because DS2 had (apparently) been upgraded from "baby" to "brother (aka big enough to play with me)" in his mind. He asked multiple times, every day for almost two weeks and then just stopped. Nine days later I got a positive on a pregnancy test and I'll hit 25 weeks tomorrow.


Now that I *look* pregnant DS1 insists that I sit down every day so that he can lay with his head in my lap for a while (usually about 10 or 15 minutes) and talk to the baby. If I try to join the conversation DS1 tells me "Shhh, mama. David and baby are talking!" :lol::001_wub:

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I've never had my children tell me I was pregnant but I have had my husband. For some reason he picks up on it before I do. Also we never tell our children till much later (like 16-20 weeks since I'm still not showing at that point), but this time around my 4 year old was telling people I was going to have another baby from about 9 weeks. We have no idea why she thought/said that but she was right even though we hadn't shared it with her.

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It's never happened to me, but it does freak me out every time my 5yo asks if he's going to have any more baby brothers. For the record, some days he sounds hopeful, and some days he sounds like he needs some confirmation that he won't! ;)

Me, I do my best to swallow my "bite your tongue" response, lol.

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WHat *really* freaked me out is that after I was married to my DH, my oldest son's *father* would tell me when I was pregnant. He said he could just see the change in my face.


Granted, I had known, but it was so early I never told people. That one used to freak me out.


So, maybe the kids can just tell?

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Our family really never talked much about "another baby." When we had a nearly-7, just-turned-5, and not-quite-3 year old, the 5 yo (a girl) told us in the van one day, "Last night I said a prayer." That's all she said, so I asked, "And what did you pray about?" "I asked God to give us a new baby girl."


I thought, slim chance. We were NOT trying to add to the family. More accurately, we were trying to NOT add to the family. And, she said this at the end of what had been a quite non-romantic month. First, oldest dd had pneumonia badly enough to be on oxygen. Then, as she recovered, dh, who is never sick, got pneumonia and was in bed (sleeping and coughing...) for a good week or so. I think I sipped tea just once between these illnesses, and I sipped it very carefully.


About three weeks after dd told us that she said this prayer, I was reading the girls a quiet time book and suddenly felt very green and thought, "I need a bite of that leftover pizza in the frig."


And I knew...


And, yes, we welcomed a new daughter to our family early the next year.

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My youngest two prayed and prayed for about 18 months for a baby. Well, she's now 17 months old!


I used to help in sunday school with the 2-3 yr. olds. One day, one of the little girls comes in and says, "My mommy is going to have a baby!" The SS teacher and I just looked at each-other. When the mother of said girl came to pick her up, the teacher mentioned what was said and the mom said, "I really doubt that!" Her dh had a vascectomy about a year beforehand. Well, lo and behold months after this episiode, this mother came up pregnant!

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I got a phone call in the second week of Jan, from DS's BD. He said, "I had the strangest dream last night" I got ready for one of his no-topic ramblings, and then I heard "I had a dream where you were pregnant." He said, "It felt so real. Are you pregnant?"


I said, "I have no idea, I don't think so.......:confused:"


I got a + HPT within the next week.


(And this was with my DD (*NOT* his child-my son!!!) :tongue_smilie:

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No, but when I was pregnant with my second blessing I miscarried his twin. We never told anyone, so on the day I gave birth my daughter came in (age 3.5) and we told her she has a little brother. Her words were, "Where is the girl." I said, honey, we had a baby boy not a bably girl. She said, "I know, but where is the girl." Hmmm, somehow she knew "someone" was missing.

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My 2yo dd kept insisting that I was pregnant with 3 babies.

My then-8yo said to me the last pregnancy, "Mama, I hope you have "eightlets"!" :svengo:


My eldest is always talking about how he wishes we had 100 kids in our family.
Same dd as above asked one evening what the record was for the most children born to one woman. With some hesitation I told her; she was quiet for a moment then said, "Wow, mama, you'd better have a lot more babies soon if we want to beat her record!" :eek: I love that my dc want more siblings...love, love, love it. ♥


7dpo today...tick tick tick

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