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Different way of looking at Sandy...

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First, I hope and pray that Sandy does not wreak all the havoc that is expected and that everyone stays safe.


BUT, I am actually looking forward to the cancellation of lessons and activities, errands, visiting, etc this week. Part of me is looking forward to being locked in at home, not having anyone expect me to go anywhere, and being able to actually get something done at home. I'm hoping I'll be able to tackle some of the de-cluttering inspired by the other thread.


That is, of course, provided the storm is not that serious and we are not having to go without water and electricity for a week or more.


Anyone else having similar thoughts? If only I could get the governor to declare a state of emergency just b/c of the state of my house. Then I could stay home and get things under control and no one would get hurt. But, then, why should the entire state suffer for my lack of organization?

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I hear ya.

I just want the time to BE. I want to play some board games (or card games, as I really don't like board games :D), read, hang out, etc. I want to be with my hubby and dd.


I did a lot of cleaning (ok, some cleaning) this weekend, because it's harder to do in the dark...:D Most of the laundry is done, tho, the dishes are in and will be done before the power goes out, and things are in good shape.


I'm not afraid, I'm excited!


And so glad that, even if I don't completely get out of working tomorrow, I don't have to get up at 6am for two whole days!

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We almost never lose power and the grocery store is a quick walk away. Once the storm is over, if everything is canceled for a couple more days, I can't say I'd mind. But if Halloween goes down, the kids will be pretty sad.


Our township has already put out a notice that Halloween is re-scheduled for November 3! My kids do not care one way or the other; wonder if candy will still go on sale half price on Nov 1...

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We had a couple of appointments scheduled in downtown Philadelphia tomorrow and one on Tuesday - 2 doctor appointments for my son and the orthodontist for my daughter. I'm getting ready for a kidney stone blast on Wednesday and was just not up for all these appointments. They are necessary, but not life-threatening if they have to be rescheduled. I found out this evening that the Monday appointments are cancelled, so we can stay home tomorrow and maybe Tuesday too!


But I hope to have a "regular" school day because in our house lately those are few and far between. But that does include a couple of interesting read-alouds so it should be good all the way around.

Edited by marbel
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Our township has already put out a notice that Halloween is re-scheduled for November 3! My kids do not care one way or the other; wonder if candy will still go on sale half price on Nov 1...


I can't imagine that my city could get people together on something that massive. Maybe some of the little neighborhood parties where the streets are closed will have specific rescheduling things if needed.

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Why? :confused:


To avoid hearing about who's to blame for the hurricane. Severe weather is always God's Vengeance on someone.


This link is semi-political. If you skim over the political stuff, you can see a review of Robertson and major storms: http://www.au.org/blogs/wall-of-separation/stormy-weather-why-is-pat-robertson-refusing-to-use-his-hurricane

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Yep, honestly I have been thinking the exact same way. The school where I work in the early mornings has already closed for today and tomorrow as has karate and swimming and I'm BEYOND thrilled. I just want to stay home with my kid and BE for a week. I don't want to lose electricity, but I'm kind of hoping that the school where I work does so I won't have to go in again until next week. :tongue_smilie:

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I like the idea of not having to go anywhere for a couple days but I always like that when I am snowed in with a really good, deep snow.


Watching all the flooding at the Jersey shore already, though, is sad. We are right in the path of the hurricane but should be fine as we live on high land and have supplies on hand plus a generator. I pray for those who are in harm's way.

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The real nice thing is I convinced my family to clean up our yard....get all the cr@p put away or tossed....and even if we do not get hit by the storm, we are ready for winter!!! Out hatches are battened and I am ready to retackle inside....and start some new Projects! Yeah!


Please keep my sisters and birthmom in prayer....they are in MD and DE and already without power and cell service.....sigh....


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One good thing from this is the boost in the economy. The hardware stores, grocery stores, and even convenience stores have all seen a bit of a bump in sales. ;) They'll need to restock which should send a ripple effect to other places too.


I guess on the losing end will be insurance companies - and just the frustration for the people having to clean.


I imagine it all smooths out in the end, but for right now, some places have had an economic boom they haven't seen in a while.

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There's no way I could declutter in the middle of a storm! Especially with family members around "claiming" items I intend to do away with!


I bought plenty of food in preparation for this storm -- I'll be making black bean dip, black-eyed pea salad, pan-fried chicken, spinach and mushroom casserole, and other goodies today. It must be maternal instinct that makes me want to cook when there's a threat of power loss.


(Things aren't looking that bad here. Just lots of rain. There's not even much wind -- my husband mowed yesterday, which took all the fallen leaves away, and there are hardly any new leaves on the grass today.)

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The real nice thing is I convinced my family to clean up our yard....get all the cr@p put away or tossed....and even if we do not get hit by the storm, we are ready for winter!!! Out hatches are battened and I am ready to retackle inside....and start some new Projects! Yeah!


Please keep my sisters and birthmom in prayer....they are in MD and DE and already without power and cell service.....sigh....



Oh my goodness, Faithe! We're just a couple of miles on the MD side of the line, and are just having regular eastern shore rain right now. (With power and cell service... In fact, our antenna tv is still picking up) I hope they're all safe and can get in touch soon!

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*I* was all prepared by 6:30 am saturday. I vowed to not go near the nut house that is walmart until the storm passes. My house is nice and tidy. The porch chairs are locked to the porch railing. Bikes are in the shed. Laundry is done.


Do i get to cancel today's annoying appt? Nope. Not a chance. I drive a friend to visit someone on mondays. Of course this monday she also needs to "run into walmart for a few things" (quoted because this run in normally takes over an hour). Since school is canceled, her 5 yo will be with us, and will have to wait in the car with ds and i. I'm not fond of her whiny ways and expecting every little in life to be equal. I have changed some of the things i do with ds after spending too much time watching this mom give in to every little poor-me plea from the 5 yo.


Knowing we'll be without power and that she has a small child is why i agreed to take her. It will not be fun.


I did impose a good limit on walmart time. I said that we will go at x time before the visit so she has a time to stick to. After the visit would have it too open for unproductive browsing.


Yes this all may sound mean, but if i did not have a car, most of my "friends" would not talk to me nearly as often as they do.


All of to say that i was really looking forward to being locked in the house hanging in pajamas allllllll day for a few days, and it never happens. :(

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The real nice thing is I convinced my family to clean up our yard....get all the cr@p put away or tossed....and even if we do not get hit by the storm, we are ready for winter!!! Out hatches are battened and I am ready to retackle inside....and start some new Projects! Yeah!


Please keep my sisters and birthmom in prayer....they are in MD and DE and already without power and cell service.....sigh....



Faithe, I am so glad to see your post as I was worried about you. May you and all of your family stay safe and out of harm's way.:grouphug:

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I'm just hoping Pat Robertson has laryngitis :D



:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: This!


OP, I understand. I actually look forward to the first blizzard of each winter. With any luck, there are power outages and we spark up the generator and the oil lamps. Dh doesn't work, the kids get the day off, we play board games, I read aloud, we fix food on the camp stove or in our wood boiler (marvelous barbecued chicken breast and roast fresh veggies), and no one goes anywhere nor can they ask me to go.


Sometimes it is good to just hunker down at home.



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I'm just hoping Pat Robertson has laryngitis :D



This. Exactly. :lol:


We are luckier up here. No hurricanes or tornadoes often but we do get snowed in once or twice a year. All of us happen to love it. The entire world seems to get quiet and we focus on fun family stuff more. We have a generator so we plug in the furnace and live with candles and camp stoves. :)

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