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Early chapter books for girls???

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So I searched and couldn't find any thread similar...

My DD6 is getting ready for early chapter books (beyond those level 2 & 3 early readers). I have tons that interested DS8 but are not her taste. We have magic tree house, magic school bus.. she's not interested in either.


I looked at Junie Jones and ...um..NO. boyfriend/girlfriend??? :confused:

Not at 6..

I also prefer to avoid bad attitudes, disrespect to parents and lying..:lol:


She liked amelia bedlia (sp?)..anything fairy, unicorns, ponies

She wants a main girl character..

I saw some early chapter nancy drew books, anyone try those??


These are for independent reading, not read alouds..any recommendations?

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My 6 year old seems to like Alexander McCall Smith's Cake Mystery (it was originally published in Scots, so you want the English version). All the Anna Hibiscus books by Atinuke are sweet; oneof them is mostly about going to visit her grandma in Canada over Christmas. (It's not "religious" though. The early books don't get into that at all.) I got some Flotsam and Jetsam books from the UK. They're cute. Milly Molly Mandy is also pretty sweet.


I second Cynthia Rylant's Lighthouse books.

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Boxcar Children series (at least the first few)

Mandy by Julie Andrews (a favorite here)

American Girl Doll books (very quick reading)


In a few years:

Narnia series

Redwall series

Series of unfortunate events series


It's a wonderful problem to have an early, eager reader.

I would also look at the Sonlight read-alouds.

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We do have some cam jensen... have to pull those out.

Looks like we'll be adding some Cobblestreet Cousin books... DD loved the look of those.

Also some milly-molly-mandy...and Mandy...

We are reading Little house books now.. will have to check out some of the chapter books..

We have MOST of the boxcar books.

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Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa series for very short, easy chapter books about a girl and her horse (about the level of Nate the Great, Cam Jansen, etc.)


Pony Pals series for more challenging pony stories (level of Boxcar Children), I think they are out of print, but your library may have them

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There a TON of horse, fairy, and magic beginner chapter books at our library. Rainbow Fairies, My Secret Unicorn, Pony Pals, and on and on and on. There are tons and I just can't remember them. There was even a horse detective series--Harriet... something. Drat. I can't remember. Do you have a good library nearby? Have you browsed the beginner chapter book section?

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My dd loved the Rainbow Fairy books. They're very formulaic and certainly not what I would call great literature, but they did get my dd to read...and read....and read some more.


:iagree:Ugh, these books are so boring, but DD LOVED them and there are tons so you can just keep going and going with them.

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Cam Jansen


A plus on the Cam Jansen books is that there is also a Young Cam Jansen series that is a bit easier with more pictures. This was a great bridge for DD. She didn't feel as intimidated moving into the next level since she was already familiar with the characters.

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Thanks I will have to look for some young cam jensen.

Unfortunately my library is, well, lacking...early reader section is small and when I asked about some books, I was scoffed at ..(they were not "literature enough") Yeap I am looking for a new library.

This is the same library that charges $1 per hold and $5 for a ILL.


I did get a rainbow fairy book, which she would love, but I'm looking for books a bit "smaller" & "easier". She likes to read "chapter books" like big brother, but gets frustrated if it's tooo long.

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