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Re: Ann Coulter, I think talking about political commenters is kind of, um, political?


Anyhow, if I weren't so in favour of free speech, I'd be strongly in favour of a law that prevented any reality TV show cast member from commenting on anything. ANYTHING. Except Honey Boo Boo; She's cute.

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Read an article today in regards to Ann Coulter written by a Special Olympian.

An Open Letter to Ann Coulter


I suppose it would be too political to remind people who said what himself about the Special Olympics a few years ago. So I won't.

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Not when one is as utterly wrong and offensive as Ann Coulter. I don't know anyone that can stand her, Democrat or Republican.


Hey, nice to meet you. Now you have! Since her books sell speedily, I do think that there are probably some people that you're not meeting.

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Not when one is as utterly wrong and offensive as Ann Coulter. I don't know anyone that can stand her, Democrat or Republican.



Yup. In an attention seeking spew of strangeness, she advocated that women shouldn't vote because then we'd never have anymore Democratic presidents if only men voted. When she was later asked to clarify if it was a joke, she insisted it was not. Because she can't ever admit when her rhetoric goes too far. I don't know any Republicans or Democrats or Armadillos or Parakeets etc who share that view. No other place I have seen that absurd idea...well, except from a smattering of crazies no party would want to claim.


I am sure Mitt Romney would just as soon Trump shut up as the next person. He certainly isn't helping.

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Yup. In an attention seeking spew of strangeness, she advocated that women shouldn't vote because then we'd never have anymore Democratic presidents if only men voted. When she was later asked to clarify if it was a joke, she insisted it was not. Because she can't ever admit when her rhetoric goes too far. I don't know any Republicans or Democrats or Armadillos or Parakeets etc who share that view. No other place I have seen that absurd idea...well, except from a smattering of crazies no party would want to claim.


The (female) head of the Central Mississippi Tea Party said "Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voing" this month.



Bears a lot of resemblance to something Rush Limbaugh said in July: "“When women got the right to vote is when it all went down hill."

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The (female) head of the Central Mississippi Tea Party said "Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voing" this month.



Bears a lot of resemblance to something Rush Limbaugh said in July: "“When women got the right to vote is when it all went down hill."


But why do women (many of them) seem so easy to manipulate over issues that don't matter in the grand scheme of running a country? I occasionally check out a popular mom site that does allow politics, and it embarrasses me every time to see the type of stuff they grasp onto as if that's all women can think about. Today one of the bloggers said women cared more about Mrs. O's dress than the substance of the debates. Women are our own worst enemies in many ways.

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But why do women (many of them) seem so easy to manipulate over issues that don't matter in the grand scheme of running a country? I occasionally check out a popular mom site that does allow politics, and it embarrasses me every time to see the type of stuff they grasp onto as if that's all women can think about. Today one of the bloggers said women cared more about Mrs. O's dress than the substance of the debates. Women are our own worst enemies in many ways.


Not touching with a 10 foot pole. Most women I know, even if I disagree with them, do not match the stereotype you have laid out here.

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The (female) head of the Central Mississippi Tea Party said "Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voing" this month.



Bears a lot of resemblance to something Rush Limbaugh said in July: "“When women got the right to vote is when it all went down hill."


Well, that just makes me glad I live where I do and don't listen to talk radio. :lol: Please excuse me while I step back into my "people are people and deserve a vote" bubble.

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I suppose it would be too political to remind people who said what himself about the Special Olympics a few years ago. So I won't.


I didn't care for that remark either. Nothing political about it. It's poor taste no matter whose mouth the reference comes from. My objection to what she said has nothing to do with politics at all. I have been known to ask people on facebook to not use that word as slang because I find it horribly offensive.


I also dislike references to the 'short bus' and 'Special Olympics' in a demeaning type of remark. Nothing political about that for me either.


I'm a content of their character person myself. Often what people say and do reveals it.

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Not touching with a 10 foot pole. Most women I know, even if I disagree with them, do not match the stereotype you have laid out here.


Hmm, why do all the candidates do manly things like hunt or show up at race car events, in pursuit of the white male "Bubba" vote? Why do they go around eating chili dogs? There's plenty of effort put into wooing men in general.


I can tell you, both candidates' campaign workers have come to my house in search of my husband, and he receives lots of political mailings about the presidential campaign. I get tons of mailings about the local candidates and issues, up to Congress, but NOTHING --zip-- from either presidential candidate!

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The women's vote always goes Democratic, and the men's vote always goes Republican (possibly excepting landslides). That's why people joke about wanting only men (or women) to vote. No one has any serious intention of repealing women's suffrage.

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The women's vote always goes Democratic, and the men's vote always goes Republican (possibly excepting landslides). That's why people joke about wanting only men (or women) to vote. No one has any serious intention of repealing women's suffrage.


Ann Coulter strongly, and for years, denies she is joking. That said, I agree that no one who matters really wants to see it repealed.

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The women's vote always goes Democratic, and the men's vote always goes Republican (possibly excepting landslides). That's why people joke about wanting only men (or women) to vote. No one has any serious intention of repealing women's suffrage.


The highest the gender gap has ever been (according to exit polls) is 20 points, in 2000. That's still not all women Democrat and all men Republican.



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The women's vote always goes Democratic, and the men's vote always goes Republican (possibly excepting landslides). That's why people joke about wanting only men (or women) to vote. No one has any serious intention of repealing women's suffrage.


That is quite a sweeping generalization. Most of my female FB friends are flaming conservative, while my male FB friends are tree-hugging hippie liberals. In my own house, dh voted democrat and I voted republican. That is no longer the case;). And this is completely off topic.


The point is that Trump is kinda an idiot and Ann Coulter consistently says outlandish and offensive things. Even my flaming conservative women friends are thoroughly ticked at Ann Coulter right now. Not political, just human.

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Ann Coulter strongly, and for years, denies she is joking. That said, I agree that no one who matters really wants to see it repealed.


Ann Coulter's a professional provocateur. Her actual political decisions do not indicate that she is attempting to get women's suffrage repealed -- she was a Mitt Romney supporter (and I think was the last cycle too, but don't quote me on that).

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Hmm, why do all the candidates do manly things like hunt or show up at race car events, in pursuit of the white male "Bubba" vote? Why do they go around eating chili dogs? There's plenty of effort put into wooing men in general.


I can tell you, both candidates' campaign workers have come to my house in search of my husband, and he receives lots of political mailings about the presidential campaign. I get tons of mailings about the local candidates and issues, up to Congress, but NOTHING --zip-- from either presidential candidate!


It's the whole "who'd you rather sit down and have a beer with?" factor. :tongue_smilie:


Personally I'd rather drink a beer with a candidate than evaluate anyone's clothing.


That said on the totally superficial level, I do notice the First Lady's arms in anything sleeveless. But who doesn't? She has admirable arms. :tongue_smilie:

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Ann Coulter's a professional provocateur. Her actual political decisions do not indicate that she is attempting to get women's suffrage repealed




I am quite aware of that. But I personally don't give high opinion to anyone who makes a living out of mouthing off meanly, even when/if I agree with them. Especially one who has no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with her.

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That said on the totally superficial level, I do notice the First Lady's arms in anything sleeveless. But who doesn't? She has admirable arms. :tongue_smilie:


Oh my goodness. I thought we were done hearing about Mrs. O's arms. :001_rolleyes: I had better shut up about this right now!


I have nice® arms, btw, and it makes me wonder if I should run for something . . . . :tongue_smilie:

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Ann Coulter's a professional provocateur.


:iagree:It's a matter of knowing how to take her. Not that I'm often in the mood for her particular style of humor, but at least I know what it is and isn't.


It's not that much different from Whoopie Goldberg or Joy Behar. I mean, who expects either of them to be fair or objective or even attempt to sound rational? Yet they seem to be tolerated by many.

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Goes to show you money can't buy you class, common sense or in the case of some people, brains. Yes, I wish he would just shut up and go away as well. But the Kardashians - were would I get my daily laugh if they go away.

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:iagree:It's a matter of knowing how to take her. Not that I'm often in the mood for her particular style of humor, but at least I know what it is and isn't.


It's not that much different from Whoopie Goldberg or Joy Behar. I mean, who expects either of them to be fair or objective or even attempt to sound rational? Yet they seem to be tolerated by many.


I don't care for them either. I just don't like that type of humor in anyone. Has nothing to do with politics to me.


There are certain words that just are not funny in any context IMO and I don't give anyone a pass for using them. I tune them out because they aren't worth my time.

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I suppose it would be too political to remind people who said what himself about the Special Olympics a few years ago. So I won't.


That was wrong too, and I (and many of his other supporters) found it disappointing. The difference is he realized how insensitive it was and apologized. Ann Coulter did no such thing.

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I am quite aware of that. But I personally don't give high opinion to anyone who makes a living out of mouthing off meanly, even when/if I agree with them. Especially one who has no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with her.


Totally not political - I never understood why people thought Don Rickles was funny. He was quite popular in his day, yet his whole act was based on being mean.

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he receives lots of political mailings about the presidential campaign. I get tons of mailings about the local candidates and issues, up to Congress, but NOTHING --zip-- from either presidential candidate!


You can have mine. I'm a registered Independent and my mailbox is full of stuff every day now. From both sides, from the local candidates to the presidential race. My recycle bin is overflowing.


IMO -- Donald Trump is the kind of guy you just snort and roll your eyes at. Dumb and narcissistic but rather harmless. Ann Coulter is mean and nasty and vile. The thing they have in common is that as far as I can tell the only reason either of them speaks is to bring attention to themselves.

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