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Who wants to join me in a November Clean Up and Declutter Month?

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I know the readers of this thread will give me the empathy I seek...


We are tackling part of the garage today.




We park one car in there, the rest is stacked and packed. Starting by the area closest to the door of the house...trash, donations, and things that need a new place to live in our house. It's tough work!



Congratulations!! And I hope it goes easier than you think it will.

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I finished creating my current list per room. Still going to follow the plan starting Monday but have my current to do list too. I worked on my backroom today and was able to check off many things from that list. Fixed the 2 broken pantry shelves (well mostly, I want to buy 2 more brackets for extra support), washed the outside of the dryer and deep freeze, washed the pantry shelving. cleared out all the bins of goodwill stuff I had been saving in there and wiped down the pantry shelves. I still need to organize and purge the cupboards and clean the carpet but it is looking pretty good right now. Going to finish it off tonight. Such a great feeling of accomplishment when a room is 100% done. Which is why I went with a small room to start.

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We are doing the garage today too!!


Dh bought a truck and needs to park our car in the garage since we now have 3 vehicles and HOA restrictions that prevent us from parking more than 2 in the driveway and street. We have made 1 dump run so far and dh is on a Goodwill run. We have minimal work left to do when he gets back and then we can at least get 1 car in the garage. That hasn't happened in years. Hooray!!

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Congratulations!! And I hope it goes easier than you think it will.


thank you to everyone who sent us good thoughts today. We got a LOT done in the garage. The back of the van has stuff to donate to the resale shop, the trash guys on Monday are going to groan at the bags and boxes we have waiting for them. One wall and part of another has been tidied, sorted, swept, and organized.


There is one set of shelves with 'emotional bombs' on it...stuff from a former business I loved, stuff from my kids growing up years....I'll tackle it one day when I'm feeling strong.


It felt SO good to clean and sort and toss today! I hope everyone has as good a day decluttering as we did!!!!

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There is one set of shelves with 'emotional bombs' on it...stuff from a former business I loved, stuff from my kids growing up years....I'll tackle it one day when I'm feeling strong.


It felt SO good to clean and sort and toss today! I hope everyone has as good a day decluttering as we did!!!!



Happy, isn't that emotional stuff funny when you get to working on it? DH and I had a few hard times with stuff in our garage too. I'm so glad you are feeling so good!

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Good. I also just joined FlyLady for the first time. I will try to do her flybabies decluttering too. It might not be as intense as you are planning for November, but baby steps are still steps :)


I will say we have taken a couch and a box of old dishes and several bags of clothing and donated to a garage sale this week. It was so nice to see closet floor space where those bags and box were! And the room the couch was in is that much closer to being a bedroom!!

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I've had a very productive week here. The kids and I did a lot of organizing and decluttering of the basement, which was probably my biggest project. I ended up taking a bunch of things to the secondhand store yesterday and droppped them off. Today DH and the kids and I worked on getting the last of the stuff out of the yard and the back porch and put into the basement.


They are all in the basement right now further organizing while I am sipping a cup of coffee in the kitchen. :D

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Is it too late for me to join? I saw the post earlier, but thought November was going to be too busy for me to commit, but as things have worked out I NEED to declutter heaps just to survive November. Dh leaves tomorrow to help move dd home from uni. She finished her degree last week & will use home as her base for the next 18 months. We are supposed to have finished our renovations by now, but with dh being a carpenter & wanting to do them himself...we are just now getting ready to start :glare: So we will be one kid to many for our house. To solve this dh bought a sleep-out that ds#2 will move into for the next 6 months until his new bedroom is finished. But the sleep-out won't be ready until the end of next week, after dd should be home. she will be moving back into her old room, that ds#2 has used for the past 3 years, but if he's still there... To make a long story short, I need to find room for dd & we no longer have room for our piles of junk that get moved around every 6 months or so (& seem to grow with every move :tongue_smilie:)


My goals:


---Declutter the lounge & get rid of the junk that has inhabited 25% of it for the past 3 years.

---Declutter the library & weed out any books we no longer love. Somewhere in the library is King Chook, our chicken mummy, that we made a decade ago. :001_huh:

---Declutter my wardrobe & only keep what fits me & what I love.

---Demold the bathroom walls in preparation for summer.

---Scrub all the windows inside & out.

---Sort through all our shoes & get rid of what doesn't fit or what we haven't worn in the past year.

---Inventory ds#2's school uniform needs.

---Declutter the freezer & pantry by "shopping" there first before hitting the grocery store.

---Declutter the files on my computer.

---Gather all our stationary items in one place & plan to "shop" there first for ds#2's stationary for 2013.



If I can do all of the above I'll be over the moon with happiness. I started yesterday by attacking the huge pile in our lounge. I had found that dh had 3 small shelf units in the garage. I had him bring them into the lounge & now I had somewhere to put the things I found that I wanted to keep. In the past when I attempted to declutter, I found that I simply moved things around as I had no way of truely organizing. I moved things from one box to another. I was horrified to find that much of the "stuff" we'd been moving around was in reality junk. I burnt three copyboxes full of papers & put another three in the recycling. I threw away heaps & have found 3 checks that should have been banked. Two of them are over ten years old. :glare: With the age of my dc, I guess I really didn't need to keep the fat crayons or pencils. I boxed those up along with the phonics & arithmetic flashcards to give to the local shelter.




How many years back should I keep old bills, etc.? At the moment I'm just putting the old bills into piles, but when I file them in folders how many years back should I keep?

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My house could use some sprucing up, and the garage definitely needs my attention. After readingi through the cleaning thread, I thought others might want to join me in November on a cleaning/decluttering month. I did one of these last year and it was great! Now that we finally own our own home, I am even more motivated.


Anyone interested?


eta: i am going to follow the guidelines of the 30 Day Declutter Challenge, and will post "plans" as soon as I write them up. That way we can all print out the guidelines for the month and be prepared!!! :)


Can I please join in. My house is in dire needs of decluttering, cleaning, etc.


My goals are:


* Sell as much as I can on Ebay.

* Get rid of boxes left from our move.

* Take things to charity which are not saleable.

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How many years back should I keep old bills, etc.? At the moment I'm just putting the old bills into piles, but when I file them in folders how many years back should I keep?


In the US we keep records that pertain to tax stuff for 3-6 years because that is the amount of time the IRS has to audit a tax return. Do you have anything like that in the NZ?


Sounds like you are doing much of what I've been doing. I've sorted through lots of boxes and found things my kids have outgrown years ago!

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I only have half the month, so I'm not waiting until Monday to start. Today I cleaned out the spider webs between the screens and the windows for half of my kitchen windows. (The kitchen is all windows above counter level.)


My ILs are arriving in two weeks, so I'm trying to get to all those little cleaning jobs that I never think to do until company arrives. Somehow, when we have guests, those little messy spots seem magnified. :glare:

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Well today i organized the kids room (cleaned their closet and got a new toybox) and i tacked the bathroom for its basic cleaning.


tomorrow Im thinking ill take on my bedroom- clearing out my closet and the china cabinet and hanging up my clothes....which then means I have to do the living room because i need to move the china cabinet to the living room and I cant if i dont throw away the wardrobe. :lol:

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