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Should my daughter see a therapist?

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I think you should take her in. Please do not think medications are the evil that everyone makes it out to be. Medications are there for a reason. This is not some ADHD situation or anything like that. This is pure anxiety issues especially if there is a family history. Sometimes our brain chemistries are not completely normal and there is nothing wrong with that. My mother has issues, I have issues, and my daughter has issues. There is a genetic component.


Just because you need professional mental help for your daughter does not make you a bad parent. Ignoring the problem makes you a bad parent. Please do not feel guilty about it at all. Just because she has good days, you have no idea what is really going on in the inside esp. if she is crumbling if anything bad happens.


Please make arrangements today.

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Agreeing about medications. Don't write them off yet. We used to be anti-meds, but we have a son with anxiety issues and he started therapy a few months ago. Eventually he'll try some meds. If it will help him be able to step back and take a breath, and handle situations with less stress/anxiety, to not be so wound up all the time, then I'm willing to say I was wrong about the meds and give him that rest. I know different kids who have gone on some medications for different issues and from what their parents have told me, they are different people when it comes to their anxiety/issues.


I'm sorry your daughter had the experience she did in preschool. That really sucks. I hope you can help her find peace. :grouphug:

Edited by milovaný
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I think she should and so should you (you can talk to the therapist to figure out whether that should be with the same or different therapist).


IF something happened to her, you want to know so that she can start dealing with it.


If NOTHING happened to her, then she obviously doesn't deal with regular anxiety very well and a therapist can help her learn coping skills.


For yourself, a therapist can help you help her.


Seeing a therapist doesn't automatically mean medication. And medication doesn't necessarily mean medication forever.


Nor does seeing a therapist mean you will be seeing one forever. The best therapists want to help you help yourself, so that you don't need them anymore.



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I'm sorry she is going through this. Yes, she needs to be seen. If you don't know who you want to take her to, as your pediatrician for a reference to a child psychologist, preferably female. I would suggest interviewing the psychologist on the phone ahead of time and trying to find out if they have experience working with kids who have trauma (not quoting, but the specific type mentioned in your post). While that may not be the central issue, you want her with someone who can understand that it may be playing a factor in her anxiety.

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I think you should take her in. Please do not think medications are the evil that everyone makes it out to be. Medications are there for a reason. This is not some ADHD situation or anything like that. This is pure anxiety issues especially if there is a family history. Sometimes our brain chemistries are not completely normal and there is nothing wrong with that. My mother has issues, I have issues, and my daughter has issues. There is a genetic component.


Just because you need professional mental help for your daughter does not make you a bad parent. Ignoring the problem makes you a bad parent. Please do not feel guilty about it at all. Just because she has good days, you have no idea what is really going on in the inside esp. if she is crumbling if anything bad happens.


Please make arrangements today.


:iagree: I took my dd to a psychiatrist last year and she was dx with generalized anxiety disorder. I held out on meds for a few months and finally decided to give it a try. It was a shocking improvement literally within a week. I know anxiety runs in our family on both sides and I really was holding her back by expecting her to deal with her problems without treating the medical side of it. Obviously meds aren't the answer all the time, but don't automatically rule them out.

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:iagree: I took my dd to a psychiatrist last year and she was dx with generalized anxiety disorder. I held out on meds for a few months and finally decided to give it a try. It was a shocking improvement literally within a week. I know anxiety runs in our family on both sides and I really was holding her back by expecting her to deal with her problems without treating the medical side of it. Obviously meds aren't the answer all the time, but don't automatically rule them out.


My whole family has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. My daughter took medications for a while but is now off of them even though I think it might do her some good. Hope your daughter is doing well.

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Yes. I have a daughter who did both meds(psychiatrist) and counseling(psychologist). Even though I like the psychiatrist, I'm glad we don't use her for both meds and counseling. The psychologist (cognitive behavioral therapy) has been a much better fit for therapy overall.

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My general default for this kind of question is no, but after I read all the details I'm firmly in the yes camp. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I've got no doubt that you love your daughter very much and I can't imagine why someone would flame you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Yes. I have a daughter who did both meds(psychiatrist) and counseling(psychologist). Even though I like the psychiatrist, I'm glad we don't use her for both meds and counseling. The psychologist (cognitive behavioral therapy) has been a much better fit for therapy overall.


:iagree: again. We used the same dr. for both, but dd did the cognitive behavioral therapy also. Before she started the meds it seemed like it was just one more thing for her to stress about. Once she started zoloft it was like her brain calmed down enough to actually apply what she was learning. It was amazing to watch her stop and actually think about how she was going to respond instead of instantly melting down. The dr. has recommended she stay on meds for at least a year. We will be moving right at the year mark so I plan on keeping her on them until we are moved and settled then try to get her off of them.


All that to say, the combination of therapy and meds made a gigantic difference in her ability to deal with life in general.

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FTR, I have anxiety and I find it to be quite debilitating sometimes. People think anxiety is just worrying over nothing but that's very wrong. Anxiety is also a medical issue and it helps tremendously to seek counseling. It needs to be a counselor that will include you though. You're with your child all of the time and you need to know how to help your dd handle her anxiety. Sorry to worry you, but it's really not as easy as some people think. I really hate the "suck it up buttercup" attitude, especially towards children. I don't know why people don't think children can suffer from anxiety and even panic attacks.

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If something has happened, you want to know that you did everything you knew to do. I think the downside of not having her seen greatly outweighs the downside of having her seen. I would ask a pastor or trusted pediatrician for a recommended play therapist. That's a very nonthreatening way to have a child evaluated.


I'll pray for her.



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Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm not opposed to medication, we use it for our oldest and I'm currently on anti-anxiety medication. It just makes me sad to see my youngest possibly needing it.


I contacted our pediatrician's office. The first consult visit he has is in early November, so it will be a while, but it's scheduled.

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm not opposed to medication, we use it for our oldest and I'm currently on anti-anxiety medication. It just makes me sad to see my youngest possibly needing it.


I contacted our pediatrician's office. The first consult visit he has is in early November, so it will be a while, but it's scheduled.


Good for you :grouphug::grouphug:. Best wishes for your family.

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I contacted our pediatrician's office. The first consult visit he has is in early November, so it will be a while, but it's scheduled.

I would be fairly persistent about getting in sooner. Misery in a child should not wait that long. Perhaps call and explain the situation more fully? I can't imagine our ped asking us to wait that long with those circumstances. -Or maybe they can put you on a cancellation list?


I also would strongly suggest that you do not take the word of a predator, regardless of whether they were a "friend". :grouphug::grouphug:

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I would be fairly persistent about getting in sooner. Misery in a child should not wait that long. Perhaps call and explain the situation more fully? I can't imagine our ped asking us to wait that long with those circumstances. -Or maybe they can put you on a cancellation list?


I also would strongly suggest that you do not take the word of a predator, regardless of whether they were a "friend". :grouphug::grouphug:


I didn't tell them why I wanted a consult and wouldn't talk to a nurse. I can call and ask about being on their cancellation list.


I am not taking the word of our former friend. I have had nothing to do with him since we found out. However, law enforcement can find no evidence that a crime occurred so the general assumption is that nothing happened with our family. (He has confessed to what he is charged with so there's no doubting his guilt). Sorry if I gave the impression that I'm not worried about that, because I am. It's kept me awake many a night. :grouphug:

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