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I know political posts are not allowed, but . . .

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I'm trying to decide between her and Pedro. Mrs. Mungo has mad literary skills, but Pedro has that killer stache. Decisions, decisions.


Seriously, you'd choose someone just for their looks?



































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Doesn't someone post this about every 4 years? I thought we already determined we would vote for her. Someone convince her to run already!


:iagree: Tibbie could be her VP. I would kill to see any politician try to debate either Mrs. Mungo or Tibbie. Those ladies would mop the floor with any politician out there.

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While I am inclined to vote for Mrs. Mungo there are some issues I need to know her stance on first.


1) cupcakes

2) crockpots

3) kilts vs tunics

4) Halle-boo-yah vs Holy Ghost Weenie Roast


Also, I know she is anti-kitten killing, but does she have a plan to stop it?

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1) cupcakes: Yes, homemade or otherwise. Especially margarita cupcakes.


2) crockpots: Yes *or* cooks for all homeschooling moms. It's cheaper than paying to school those kids.


3) kilts vs tunics: Yes, please.


4) Halle-boo-yah vs Holy Ghost Weenie Roast: I have to go with Holy Ghost Weenie Roast because then I don't have to cook dinner.


Also, I know she is anti-kitten killing, but does she have a plan to stop it? Oh, yes. I already carry a red sharpie in my purse. Graffiti would be legal *IF* you were correcting a sign. THEN, the teens would learn grammar just so they can legally graffiti.

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1) cupcakes: Yes, homemade or otherwise. Especially margarita cupcakes.


2) crockpots: Yes *or* cooks for all homeschooling moms. It's cheaper than paying to school those kids.


3) kilts vs tunics: Yes, please.


4) Halle-boo-yah vs Holy Ghost Weenie Roast: I have to go with Holy Ghost Weenie Roast because then I don't have to cook dinner.


Also, I know she is anti-kitten killing, but does she have a plan to stop it? Oh, yes. I already carry a red sharpie in my purse. Graffiti would be legal *IF* you were correcting a sign. THEN, the teens would learn grammar just so they can legally graffiti.


Wow, I wasn't going to vote but now I think I might have to get off the couch and stop eating bon-bons long enough to vote :D!


And can I just add I LOVED the way that you dodged an actual answer for the kilts vs tunics debate, Washington won't know what hit them!

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:iagree: Tibbie could be her VP. I would kill to see any politician try to debate either Mrs. Mungo or Tibbie. Those ladies would mop the floor with any politician out there.


1) cupcakes: Yes, homemade or otherwise. Especially margarita cupcakes.


2) crockpots: Yes *or* cooks for all homeschooling moms. It's cheaper than paying to school those kids.


3) kilts vs tunics: Yes, please.


4) Halle-boo-yah vs Holy Ghost Weenie Roast: I have to go with Holy Ghost Weenie Roast because then I don't have to cook dinner.


Also, I know she is anti-kitten killing, but does she have a plan to stop it? Oh, yes. I already carry a red sharpie in my purse. Graffiti would be legal *IF* you were correcting a sign. THEN, the teens would learn grammar just so they can legally graffiti.


I have not been officially asked by the candidate, but if she asks me I will indeed be happy to serve as Vice President. I was unsure about the time commitment, the cost to my family, and the potential detriment to my own career, but all of these concerns are nothing, NOTHING, when I consider the awesomeness with which Mrs Mungo will lead our nation. I know I must do my part, as a patriotic American homeschooler, to help her advance her vision for our future.


I have to say I've always admired Mrs Mungo, but the cause she has taken up most recently is the cause that inspires me to join her. Yes, I am, unequivocally and unashamedly, in favor of changing the calendar title of the holiday-which-shall-not-be-named to The Holy Ghost Weenie Roast. I think such an action, such a course of action, I should say, will turn our nation around. It's just what we all need.


You all know we need to end this pitiful navel-gazing that has become so popular. Where are our convictions? We need to end this insecure criticism of our neighbors and love each other in spite of our differences. As a nation we've become a little soft, losing sight of what really matters:


Spirituality and Processed Meat Cooked Over an Open Flame.


Yes, I stand with Mrs Mungo and the party of the Holy Ghost Weenie Roast. I stand ready to improve our nation's joy, tolerance, conviction, and grammar. If I am called upon to serve, I humbly pledge to do my part.

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Mungo & Dunbar 2012 :cheers2:


:hurray: Hip Hip, Hooray! Hip Hip, Hooray!


(Ticker tape, streamers, little mini-flags waving and campaign interns dressed in yellow & black, tartan, plaid kilts, yellow sweaters with black angora scarves draped elegantly around their necks, and holding recycleable yellow and black, hand quilted book bags that contain candy to be thrown to children knowing that this is perfectly acceptable because this is not "the holiday which must not be named", but a parade to save our nation.)



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:hurray: Hip Hip, Hooray! Hip Hip, Hooray!


(Ticker tape, streamers, little mini-flags waving and campaign interns dressed in yellow & black, tartan, plaid kilts, yellow sweaters with black angora scarves draped elegantly around their necks, and holding recycleable yellow and black, hand quilted book bags that contain candy to be thrown to children knowing that this is perfectly acceptable because this is not "the holiday which must not be named", but a parade to save our nation.)




Oh yeah!

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1) cupcakes: Yes, homemade or otherwise. Especially margarita cupcakes.


2) crockpots: Yes *or* cooks for all homeschooling moms. It's cheaper than paying to school those kids.


3) kilts vs tunics: Yes, please.


4) Halle-boo-yah vs Holy Ghost Weenie Roast: I have to go with Holy Ghost Weenie Roast because then I don't have to cook dinner.


Also, I know she is anti-kitten killing, but does she have a plan to stop it? Oh, yes. I already carry a red sharpie in my purse. Graffiti would be legal *IF* you were correcting a sign. THEN, the teens would learn grammar just so they can legally graffiti.




Every time I type a word starting with "mu," my phone autocorrects to "Mungo"!


Go Mrs. Mungo!

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:hurray: Hip Hip, Hooray! Hip Hip, Hooray!


(Ticker tape, streamers, little mini-flags waving and campaign interns dressed in yellow & black, tartan, plaid kilts, yellow sweaters with black angora scarves draped elegantly around their necks, and holding recycleable yellow and black, hand quilted book bags that contain candy to be thrown to children knowing that this is perfectly acceptable because this is not "the holiday which must not be named", but a parade to save our nation.)




You forgot the Mike's;).


Tibbie, your beautiful speech brought tears to my eyes. You really get the problems authentic Americans face. I would be proud to attend the first ever Holy Ghost Weenie Roast. Will you be selling Holy Spirit wrapping paper as a fundraiser?

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You forgot the Mike's;).


Tibbie, your beautiful speech brought tears to my eyes. You really get the problems authentic Americans face. I would be proud to attend the first ever Holy Ghost Weenie Roast. Will you be selling Holy Spirit wrapping paper as a fundraiser?


And more importantly, will Ryan Gosling be there?

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1) cupcakes: Yes, homemade or otherwise. Especially margarita cupcakes.


2) crockpots: Yes *or* cooks for all homeschooling moms. It's cheaper than paying to school those kids.


3) kilts vs tunics: Yes, please.


4) Halle-boo-yah vs Holy Ghost Weenie Roast: I have to go with Holy Ghost Weenie Roast because then I don't have to cook dinner.


Also, I know she is anti-kitten killing, but does she have a plan to stop it? Oh, yes. I already carry a red sharpie in my purse. Graffiti would be legal *IF* you were correcting a sign. THEN, the teens would learn grammar just so they can legally graffiti.



I wasn't going to vote, but now!!!! Wow! Great answers.:D

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And more importantly, will Ryan Gosling be there?


Of course he will! So will all the Avengers. In costume. Carrying dictionaries.


Eh, they're powerless against the Kitten Lobby.


Many people don't know this, but the Kitten Lobby practically owns Washington. If you follow the money trail, it almost always leads back to the kitties. They have their paws in almost every piece of legislation. The Mungo/Dunbar platform essentially locks in their election.

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Of course he will! So will all the Avengers. In costume. Carrying dictionaries.



Many people don't know this, but the Kitten Lobby practically owns Washington. If you follow the money trail, it almost always leads back to the kitties. They have their paws in almost every piece of legislation. The Mungo/Dunbar platform essentially locks in their election.


'tis true, 'tis true!

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:w00t: This is my favoritest post on the WTM boards EVER! In all these years, ever, ever, ever, ever! Even better than that one really epic math thread.


:lol: :grouphug: Thanks, Paula!


OMG it's MY favorite post ever and it's not even me LOL.



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I think Tibbie is the perfect running mate.


I do hear there is a need for what might be the official party position on bacon.


Our official position on bacon? MORE bacon!


This thread is making me laugh SO hard. And that is bad. Because I must laugh silently because I am posting this from middle dd's music lesson.

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I think Tibbie is the perfect running mate.




Our official position on bacon? MORE bacon!


1) cupcakes: Yes, homemade or otherwise. Especially margarita cupcakes.


2) crockpots: Yes *or* cooks for all homeschooling moms. It's cheaper than paying to school those kids.


3) kilts vs tunics: Yes, please.


4) Halle-boo-yah vs Holy Ghost Weenie Roast: I have to go with Holy Ghost Weenie Roast because then I don't have to cook dinner.


Also, I know she is anti-kitten killing, but does she have a plan to stop it? Oh, yes. I already carry a red sharpie in my purse. Graffiti would be legal *IF* you were correcting a sign. THEN, the teens would learn grammar just so they can legally graffiti.


Considering this information there is only one thing I can say...........
















Mungo and Dunbar in 2012!

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