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14yo's make me want to cry.

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Yep, I totally know what you mean! DD1 was a great toddler, and really, she is a great 12 yr old, but she sometimes brings up "remember when..." and it is something not so flattering. Do they not remember the good times? Are we doomed to be the evil mother in their memories?


I take heart in seeing so many people post on FB that they have new regard for their mothers and they love and respect them more now that they have kids.

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I take heart in seeing so many people post on FB that they have new regard for their mothers and they love and respect them more now that they have kids.

I guess I DO really appreciate my mom, so much, but what makes it worse is that I was a compliant, easy-going kid. Even my dad talks about that. My dh.....let's just say that I am paying for his raising. SO TOTALLY UNFAIR!


I called him at work one day and told him to call his mother and apologise right now for being such a snot as a teen.

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With a 14 yo, it's like you are spinning a big wheel each day. Will it land on "responsible and mature," "sullen and rude," "loving and sweet," or "childish and petty"? You just never know what you are going to get. And it's hard to plan your day wondering how much correcting and discussing you will have to do. Some days are exhausting, some days are normal.


My 16 yo came out of it alive, so it does get better. I'm doing it for the second time, and it is no more fun. :glare: My girls are overall good kids, but 14 is a very dark time. Ick, ick, ick....

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I agree—the 14 yo girl thing is tiresome! It does get better... :grouphug:


I would just shut myself in my room with a cup of tea and some good chocolate, or a glass of wine, and enjoy the solitude at least once a day if possible. And pray for perspective and good humor. :D

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I declare, no one can make me feel like a failure quicker than my oldest daughter.




Daughter's year 14 and 15 were the worst of my life, and that's saying something (two siblings and both parents dead, teen boyfriend committed suicide, ...blah blah....).


I hope she gets over it quickly but believe me, you have my sincere sympathy. Pray a lot. You'll make it.


The sun is peeping through the clouds this year....

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