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Calling all "fat" people, those who wear Lands' End, etc.

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Wow. I wouldn't be invited to that tea either!


We had a mom come to our last homeschool get-together in what I assume was a 'trendy' outfit. She seemed nice, though. We'll have to corrupt her into our "But Land's End IS dressed up" mindset.


As though I can afford LE........:lol:


Oh, and any atheists, secular humanists, druids, pagans, Mormons, Islamic or Jewish folk or whatever are all welcome too! Republicans, Democrats, and all other variations welcome, anarchists and monarchists too.


But no narcissists allowed.

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I do love dressing up! However, here in South Texas, Land's End is pretty fancy. Some of those dresses are CUTE and border on casual wedding wear here.


I'm glad that the moms I know around here wouldn't consider me at all when inviting my dc to birthday parties. It's really more about the kids. Though we do enjoy the excuse to socialize and enjoy a bottle of wine. I really enjoy the diversity my dc's friendships has brought to our social circle.

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You sure? Would you be comfortable with an atheist? Cause it's happened to me before when people say they are accepting of all......until the word atheist pops up. Anything is acceptable except atheism. That's where the line is drawn for many many many.


I'm not saying that's you. I'm just saying that atheists are a group in which it is still perfectly acceptable to discriminate against.



I don't mean to interrupt the party. I have gf hotdogs and buns. :)


And we won't make you eat anything you don't want, even if someone SWEARS it's GF.

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I once heard two moms at our gym discussing the private schools they were touring (not unusual; public schools in our state are abysmal unless you get into a charter).


However, I overheard:


Mom: Well, we CANNOT send them to (xyzschool). Their uniforms are just not as nice as the others. How do we teach our daughters that they are better than other people if the school doesn't dress them better than other people?


They were completely serious. :svengo:


I moved to a different section of the gym to complete my workout.

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I once heard two moms at our gym discussing the private schools they were touring (not unusual; public schools in our state are abysmal unless you get into a charter).


However, I overheard:


Mom: Well, we CANNOT send them to (xyzschool). Their uniforms are just not as nice as the others. How do we teach our daughters that they are better than other people if the school doesn't dress them better than other people?


They were completely serious. :svengo:


I moved to a different section of the gym to complete my workout.


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I once heard two moms at our gym discussing the private schools they were touring (not unusual; public schools in our state are abysmal unless you get into a charter).


However, I overheard:


Mom: Well, we CANNOT send them to (xyzschool). Their uniforms are just not as nice as the others. How do we teach our daughters that they are better than other people if the school doesn't dress them better than other people?


They were completely serious. :svengo:


I moved to a different section of the gym to complete my workout.


:lol: I think I went to college with some of those xyzschool graduates.......

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:iagree: I'm guessing my usual Kohl's clothes would have meant no AG tea invite for me, either. And I'm fine with that. Shallow women irritate me.


You mean Kohl's clothes aren't the trendy ones! :crying: That's where I go to get my "cool" clothes!


I'll be at the party and I will be wearing clothes! Thanks for the invite!

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:001_huh: Well... that's not much of a "friend."


FWIW, I think you can wear clothes from any store and look good, or look like a frumpy-dump. If someone has to wear a certain label, well... okey-dokey.


What a b-word.

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I'm appalled by the response she got. Completely blown away. On the other hand though, you probably don't want your daughter associating with kids who have moms that set that kind of example of poor social skills.


I second the invitation to wear whatever and party. *cheers*

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Um, well... :blush: In the inclusive spirit of this thread, I will say, "No, I am technically not against nudists, but the only one I want to actually see is my husband." :D


Are you telling us your husband is a nudist? :D



Also, I will have to come in my Goodwill clothes too! Y'all will be very thankful that I'm not coming in the nude tho! :lol:

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Speaking of fat people and Land's End, here is a blog I found last night that I'm really enjoying: http://brittanyherself.com/


Here is a post where she tries on a bunch of Land's End chinos. How cute is she?!?!




Holy Cow! Thanks for posting. I have a very similar figure, and I just got some great ideas.:001_smile:

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