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Please, thoughts and prayers for me

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I'm trying so hard to hold myself together, but I'm shaking as I type right now. Someone close to me (not dh) is bi-polar and is manic right now. Last year, at this exact time, he was in the hospital. He is saying incredibly cruel and hurtful things to me and while I know it is a disease, my heart is hurting and it's bringing up old hurts.


Please, think of me and think of him. He needs help again and he obviously will not hear of anything until he crashes. Thank you.

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Thanks, everyone :grouphug:. I have to say, the strangest thing just happened. I must be wearing the pain on my face, because someone just came up to me at our business and asked if they could pray for me. I'm agnostic, so I'll take any thoughts and prayers I can get. It was a comfort.

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Thanks, everyone :grouphug:. I have to say, the strangest thing just happened. I must be wearing the pain on my face, because someone just came up to me at our business and asked if they could pray for me. I'm agnostic, so I'll take any thoughts and prayers I can get. It was a comfort.


That is sweet! :grouphug:

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Oh, continued thanks :grouphug:. You guys are the best. I am feeling better, but just emotionally exhausted and about to head to bed.


My husband actually talked to him tonight, because he came by our house. Dh may have gotten through to him a *bit*, but also told him he thought it was a good idea for us not to be around each other for a while. His memory of what happened today and what he said to me are completely false. I feel like I need to wear a wire and tape everything :(.


Keep up the prayers and thoughts. I'm sure we're going to need them over the coming weeks.

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