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I just got my lab results.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Did they say the cause of the hyperthyroid? Regular hyperthyroid only rarely causes miscarriages from what I understand, but hyperthyroid as a result of Grave's Disease has a high rate of miscarriage as it's an auto-immune.


Fortunately both are fairly easily treatable.

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As I mentioned in your last thread (where you said that you'd miscarried again,) I really think you should consider seeing a high risk pregnancy specialist. Five miscarriages in a row is definitely an indicator that you may need some special care -- and I am as annoyed now as I was in my post yesterday that your doctor and midwife waited until you'd lost 5 babies before it dawned on them that there might be a physical cause.


You deserved better than that. It is nothing short of cruel to allow a woman to miscarry that many times without having attempted to discover the reason or trying to find a way to prevent it from happening again.


Sure, sometimes miscarriages are going to happen no matter what, but I can't even imagine how awful it has been for you to have had to go through five of them without knowing the reason for them. :grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Did they say the cause of the hyperthyroid? Regular hyperthyroid only rarely causes miscarriages from what I understand, but hyperthyroid as a result of Grave's Disease has a high rate of miscarriage as it's an auto-immune.


Fortunately both are fairly easily treatable.


:iagree: Thyroid problems are relatively easy to treat compared to many things. My mom just got her thyroid under control and feels fabulous. I also have 2 close friends that have had ongoing thyroid problems and a SIL who actually had thyroid cancer (highly curable). All are doing really well! :grouphug:

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My miscarriages have not been in a row. I had 3 before Miss Bossy,one before Miss Happy and this recent one.


I can't blame anyone else, because I am the worst patient in the world. I refuse follow up appointments. I hate doctors, I don't want to take medicine. Really, I'm a nightmare.


We had infertility treatments before we had our oldest. I was lucky that they checked my Progesterone as soon as I got pregnant, because it was only 3. Suppliments were able to save the pregnancy.


We moved when 7 days post partum. I had a different doctor for Mr. Clever. I had a different doctor for Miss Beautiful. I never even went to my 6 week check ups. I sure never went for yearly exams.


I went to a different doctor when I had the 3 miscarriages, and changed to my birthing center for my last two children who were completely uncomplicated.


The midwife who found the hyperthyroid is in their practice, but I've never seen her before this week.


I was saying that this miscarriage must have been a genetic problem. She is the one who said, no way, it has to be a chronic issue. Let's do some testing.


They think that my thyroid problems happened when my last baby was born. I had a horrible crash, and have really never recovered. The midwife who came to my house 2 days postpartum could tell something was wrong, but I never showed up for my next appointment.


So you see, really, no one could have helped me.


I talked to my sister who said that her hyperthyroid was cured by accupunture and Chinese medicine. She also told me that our mother has a tumor on her thyroid, so there is certainly a family pattern.


I am going to see the specialist, but I'm already declaring that I won't have surgery or take radiated iodine. See what a bad patient I am?


We will just have to see what happens.

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The idocrinologist I'm supposed to see is also an OB. This is her specialty. I'm not sure if I will try to get pregnant again.


My hormones are so out of control that it seems like a good idea, on the other hand, the thread about having more children did make me question if I really need more.


My sister did say that when I get this resolved, I will feel fantastic.


That would be good.

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Fwiw hyperthyroidism is related to Celiac's. It could explain a lot why you feel so much better grain free/dairy free. Undiagnosed Celiac's also have a higher rate of miscarriage. A lot of times a stress, like pregnancy, can bring on the manifestation of Celiac's Disease, as not everyone with the genes displays symptoms. I've seen a lot on the paleo boards and celiac's boards that people who had chronic miscarriages no longer do after going gluten free. Not that it "fixes" everyone but just throwing that out there. Good luck with your appt, hopefully they are able to help you.

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I did radioactive iodine.... and knowing what I do know, would never have done it. If you are interested, somewhere in my 1000+ emails a doctor said what I could have done. My thyroid went haywire after my last pregnancy too.


If you feel fine, and it is only your TSH that is low, you might be able to leave things alone. Hormones and stress do affect your thyroid, also you just miscarried. I would be tempted to let things settle down and test the thyroid again when things are more calm. In fact, one of my doctors refused to do thyroid labs when I was stressed, he said it affected them greatly.

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As I mentioned in your last thread (where you said that you'd miscarried again,) I really think you should consider seeing a high risk pregnancy specialist. Five miscarriages in a row is definitely an indicator that you may need some special care -- and I am as annoyed now as I was in my post yesterday that your doctor and midwife waited until you'd lost 5 babies before it dawned on them that there might be a physical cause.


You deserved better than that. It is nothing short of cruel to allow a woman to miscarry that many times without having attempted to discover the reason or trying to find a way to prevent it from happening again.


Sure, sometimes miscarriages are going to happen no matter what, but I can't even imagine how awful it has been for you to have had to go through five of them without knowing the reason for them. :grouphug:



This really burns me up! It took a second trimester miscarriage and my placenta torn from my uterine wall for my doctor to really look and see what was going on with me. It turned out I have auto-immune hashimoto's disease....my sister has Graves and had heart failure from it in her late 20's....


I am so sorry you have had so much loss Amy. :grouphug: and prayers for some answers.

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I really don't feel fine. I haven't felt fine in 2.5 years.


We do have tested and diagnosed celiacs in the family, so Ido believe that is a contributing factor.


Auto-immune thyroid disease ( hashimoto's and graves) both go hand in hand with Celiac's. I must stay gluten free....or I get really sick, vitamin depleted ( d & b12) and end up in horrible pain.


Insulin resistance/pcos can also throw all your hormones into a mess. You do not have to be infertile or overweight to have pcos....and it does raise the rate of m/c. :grouphug: and some more prayers.

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I had three miscarriages in 7 years with the last one being caused by Graves disease. I was diagnosed in 1997 and with proper treatment was able to have our son in 1998. I had radio active iodine treatment for mine and now I'm pretty much hypo-thyroid w/ auto immune disease. I'm in the middle of a huge medicine change and doctor change. I'm so sorry you are going through this. :grouphug: and prayers coming your way!

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I am going to see the specialist, but I'm already declaring that I won't have surgery or take radiated iodine. See what a bad patient I am?


We will just have to see what happens.


My husband was the same. He refused both options. He took meds for about 8 years and then had a spontaneous remission. He's been fine for 15 years.

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You really will feel better when you get your thyroid issues under control. Please let them do the testing. I started out with a diagnosis of hyperthyroid which I argued. Really felt my symptoms were more hypothyroid. This was about 27 years ago-- the multiple blood tests were just starting. Anyway the specialists worked with me and I was right. When my synthroid levels are right I feel great.

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Amy, I'm so sorry about your miscarriages. I've been there, so I know how much it hurts. (I was only able to have one child.) I hope you get answers and are feeling better soon.


I did radioactive iodine.... and knowing what I do know, would never have done it.

This is how my sister feels as well. She is now having issues with her pituitary (it has shrunk), and her doctor thinks it was caused by the RAI.


Auto-immune thyroid disease ( hashimoto's and graves) both go hand in hand with Celiac's. I must stay gluten free....or I get really sick, vitamin depleted ( d & b12) and end up in horrible pain.


Insulin resistance/pcos can also throw all your hormones into a mess. You do not have to be infertile or overweight to have pcos....and it does raise the rate of m/c. :grouphug: and some more prayers.

I totally agree about staying gluten-free. I never felt well on thyroid meds. In fact, I was allergic to some of the ingredients, so it's no wonder. Regardless, after a decade of being on meds (and having problems for at least a decade before starting on meds), my thyroid levels are now normal. I changed my diet (I went gluten-free, soy-free, and yeast-free), and I avoid synthetic chemicals as much as possible. Based on my own experience and that of the many people in my family with autoimmune thyroid disease (both Hashimoto's and Graves'), as well as a number of friends, I think that the meds themselves do further damage to the body. I wish I had known all that I know now many years ago when I still had a chance of having another baby. (I was on thyroid meds when I had my miscarriages.)

Edited by JudyJudyJudy
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